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In light of the strict legal scrutiny surrounding DNA typing at this time, it has become necessary to systematically address the issue of PCR contamination. To precisely define the parameters affecting PCR contamination under casework analysis conditions, PCR amplification reactions were intentionally compromised by employing sub-standard laboratory technique and by introducing secondary sources of DNA. The PCR parameters considered for potential sources of contamination include amplification set-up, amplification product handling, aerosol DNA and storage. In addition, analyst technique was evaluated by modifying or eliminating standard safeguards. Under the circumstances normally encountered during casework analysis, PCR contamination was never noted. Significantly, using the dot blot detection method, contamination was never observed when nanogram quantities of genomic DNA were mishandled or aerosolized. Contamination occurred only when amplification product was carelessly manipulated or purposefully sprayed near or directly into open tubes containing water or genomic DNA. Although standard precautions should be employed during PCR-based DNA typing, our data indicates that contamination during amplification procedures is not prevalent when detected by dot blot analysis.  相似文献   

Poisoning by ingestion of oxalate-containing plants, such as raw rhubarb, is infrequent, and such deaths are rare. We present a review of the most important clinical and pathological aspects of oxalate poisoning and recommend that the public be educated about the dangers of eating unknown plants with potentially adverse effects.  相似文献   

Recent work on incidental findings, concentrating on the difficult problems posed by the ambiguous results often generated by high-tech medicine, has proceeded largely independently from recent work on medical researchers' ancillary-care obligations, the obligations that researchers have to deal with diseases or conditions besides the one(s) under study. This paper contends that the two topics are morally linked, and specifically that a sound understanding of ancillary-care obligations will center them on incidental findings. The paper sets out and defends an understanding of ancillary-care obligations, which is based on the idea that when participants signed up for a study they may -- independently of their beliefs and expectations and of those of the researchers -- be taken to have partially entrusted certain aspects of their health into the researchers' hands. This partial entrustment model of ancillary-care obligations, in turn, has substantive implications for how to deal ethically with incidental findings; for instance, it suggests that researchers have no moral obligation to hunt for incidental findings.  相似文献   

The Human Genome Project showed that there is significant genetic variation within the population. Current research is accumulating large databases that may reveal genetic variations associated with disease or health risks, even if not intended as part of the study design. These incidental findings create legal, ethical, and financial challenges for researchers. Current federal and international guidelines are not adequate. Plans for dealing with incidental findings need to be established in the study design and reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board.  相似文献   

Pouring millions into R&;D with insufficient innovation and paltry returns? One solution: Revamp the process of bringing a product to market by integrating the efforts of technology and marketing personnel.  相似文献   

The Journal of Technology Transfer - Over the past 15 years, accelerators emerged as a popular and distinct new form of intermediary organization, playing a key role in supporting...  相似文献   

The Nature letter by R. van Oorschot and M. Jones (1) addressed two topics: the primary transfer of DNA from person to person or to various objects, and the secondary transfer of DNA through an intermediary. Forensic scientists have described the primary transfer of DNA and other biological evidence for many years. However, the authors also reported detecting secondary transfer of DNA from an object to a person's hands, which could adversely affect DNA typing in the forensic context. The prospect of secondary transfer raises questions of interest to both the legal and forensic communities. Therefore, we sought to evaluate parameters potentially leading to secondary DNA transfer. Our data do not support the conclusion that secondary transfer will compromise DNA typing results under typical forensic conditions.  相似文献   

Acts of terror are conceptualized in a three-part franework. This framework interrelates primary factors in an act of terror: target selection, motivation, and intent. Target selection differentiates between selected and random types. Motivation deals with emotional on instrumental drive underlying the event. Intent distinguishes among those acts which are actually political in nature and those that are criminal or that derive from mental allness. The interaction of these factors leads to conclusions about the ultimate desired outcome of the act of terror. It is argued that understanding the complex, factor interaction can lead to more reasonable and effective decision malang early in an event.  相似文献   

Reference material was synthesised for 21 substances that are frequently present as synthetic impurities, i.e. by-products, in illicitly produced amphetamine. Each of these substances is a typical by-product for at least one of the three approaches most often used to synthesise amphetamine, namely, the Leuckart, the reductive amination of benzyl methyl ketone, and the nitrostyrene routes. A large body of data on the substances was recorded, including the following: mass spectra, ultraviolet spectra, Fourier transform infrared spectra, infrared spectra in gas phase, and 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra.  相似文献   

The general toxicology unknown often presents challenges and interests to toxicologists. A systematic analytical approach to search for drugs or poisons is presented here. The preliminary screening analyses were as follows: alcohol by gas chromatography (GC), ethchlorvynol colorimetric analysis, enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT), basic drug screening by GC, and neutral and weakly acidic drug screening by GC. Other additional analyses were performed depending on the special circumstance of each individual case and the results of these preliminary analyses. Positive findings were confirmed by computerized gas chromatography/mass spectrometry when practical. Quantitation was performed by GC whenever possible.  相似文献   

Toxicologic findings in the USS Iowa disaster.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The toxicologic results from the 47 victims of the explosion on the USS Iowa are presented. Good correlation between carboxyhemoglobin saturations and cause of death was found. There were no correlations between blood cyanide concentrations and causes of death. Volatile analysis suggested postmortem ethanol production rather than antemortem ethanol ingestion. No drugs except nicotine were detected in any of the victims.  相似文献   

The toxicological findings from 6037 analyses of viscera obtained from victims of traumatic death are used to correlate the relative incidence of carbon monoxide, ethyl alcohol, narcotics, hypnotics, analgesics, and tranquilizers-antidepressants in deaths occurring under the following circumstances: fire related, asphyxia by hanging, by use of plastic bags, from physical obstruction of trachae, and by drowning; traumatic injury from impact of moving train, fall from height, and occupational accident; traumatic injury to pedestrian, driver, and passenger from vehicular accidents; and from violent death by shooting, stabbing, strangulation, and beating. The influence of alcohol, narcotic drugs, and tranquilizers on carbon monoxide can be seen in some of these traumatic deaths. Ethanol alone and in combination with other drugs was present in 42.3% and 19.5% of driver and pedestrian victims, respectively, of vehicular accidents in the year 1974. Comparative analysis is presented for the toxicological data obtained on victims of homicide (shooting, stabbing, strangulation, and beating) in New York City and similar data reported for victims of homicide in Detroit. In New York City 45.9% of such victims died while under the influence of alcohol or narcotic drugs, or both, with methadone predominating in the latter category. Tissue concentrations of drugs found in victims of traumatic death are presented. Diphenylhydantoin, diazepam, meperidine, and slow-acting barbiturates were found in normal therapeutic levels. Higher concentrations of amitriptyline, chlorpromazine, propoxyphene, short-acting barbiturates, and methadone were observed. The concentration of methadone in blood and brain (0.13 +/- 0.14 mg/100 ml) and in liver (0.53 +/- 0.42 mg/100 ml) in cases of traumatic death are not different from those observed in deaths classified as due to methadone overdose.  相似文献   

Purpose. Offender motivation is one specific responsivity variable in offender treatment and motivational interviewing (MI) is commonly used by corrections personnel. Although evidence for the effectiveness of motivational interviewing is accruing overall, a review of MI specifically with offender populations is required. Method. Relevant databases and websites were searched using terms relating to MI with offenders. Results. In total, 13 published studies and 6 dissertation abstracts were identified. MI is most evaluated in relation to substance misusing offenders (N=10). Other applications are with domestic violence offenders (N=3), drink‐drivers (N=5), and general offending (N=1). In these populations, MI is used to enhance retention and engagement in treatment, improve motivation for change, and change behaviour. Conclusions. MI can lead to improved retention in treatment, enhanced motivation to change, and reduced offending, although there are variations across studies. To advance the study of MI with offenders, a theory of change needs to be articulated on which testable hypotheses may be based. The integrity of treatment in its application needs to be assured. Based on these foundations, more outcome research is needed to examine who responds to what type of MI in relation to treatment retention, readiness to change, and reconviction.  相似文献   

Human subject research involving brain imaging is likely to reveal significant incidental findings of abnormal brain morphology. Because of this fact and because of the fiduciary relationship between researcher and subject, board-certified or board-eligible radiologists should review the scans to look for any abnormality, the scans should be conducted in accordance with standard medical practice for reviewing the clinical status of the whole brain, and the informed consent process should disclose the possibility that incidental findings may be revealed and what consequences will follow. In the event such findings are revealed, qualified physicians should explain to the subject the significance of the findings and the alternatives available.  相似文献   

A delayed drowning death case with histological findings of shock was described. The person was sustained by continuous positive-pressure respiration and died 2 days after resuscitation from drowning. The histological findings were intravascular microthrombi, hyaline bodies and fibrin thrombi in the brain, multiple megakaryocytes in the pulmonary capillaries, hyaline membranes of the lung, multiple small hyaline bodies in the liver sinusoids, and erosion of the mucous membrane of the stomach as well as histological findings of shock kidney. Drowning and systemic hypotension during resuscitation seemed to cause irreversible oxygen debt of the organs and the tissues to lead to shock.  相似文献   

架构政府责任体系的理论探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
公共行政的民主取向与法治取向协调发展的产物便是构建责任政府,在当今世界,政府承担责任已经成为民主政治体制国家的一个重要标志。责任政府的核心在于如何保障国家权力主体对行政部门及其管理行为的有效的监督和控制。那么作为政府责任体系中重要的三种形式即政治责任、行政法律责任及道德责任如何定义,其之间关系如何呢?  相似文献   

A quantitative and systematic analysis is provided for ubiquitously present template DNA interfering with the quantification of human DNA by PCR. Two sources contributing to DNA background were identified. The first one is interpreted as DNA present in chemicals and on equipment and the second as caused by operator handling. The amounts were equivalent to 2.5 and 8.9 pg per mL of sample, and the estimated frequencies of contamination were 65 and 35%, respectively, resulting in an effective limit of detection of 17.4 pg/mL. Below this level--named effective laboratory background--a result could not be considered as authentic. Knowledge of these parameters is important for laboratories that analyze minute amounts of human DNA by PCR for purposes such as quantification, typing, and sequencing.  相似文献   

A systematic review of drug court effects on recidivism   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Drug courts have been proposed as a solution to the increasing numbers of drug involved offenders entering our criminal justice system, and they have become widespread since their introduction in 1989. Evaluations of these programs have led to mixed results. Using meta-analytic methods, we systematically reviewed the extant evidence on the effectiveness of drug courts in reducing future criminal offending. Fifty studies representing 55 evaluations were identified, including both experimental and quasi-experimental comparison group designs. The overall findings tentatively suggest that drug offenders participating in a drug court are less likely to reoffend than similar offenders sentenced to traditional correctional options. The equivocation of this conclusion stems from the generally weak methodological nature of the research in this area, although higher quality studies also observed positive results. Furthermore, the evidence tentatively suggests that drug courts using a single model (pre- or post-plea) may be more effective than those not employing these methods. These courts have a clear incentive for completion of the drug court program.
David B. WilsonEmail:

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