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老虎受宠,成为人们谈论的话题,大概十二年中也只有一次,那是在虎年春节的前后。牛年说牛话,虎年说虎话,于是,“如虎添翼”、“虎虎有生气”、“虎老雄风在”,无非是讨个口彩。实际上,老虎是条害人虫,我们不必像对待歌星、影星一样去崇虎、捧虎的。 山林里的华南虎、东北虎为数  相似文献   

2022年是中国农历年中的虎年。“虎”在中国传统文化中是很“正能量”的.既有骑着老虎的财神赵公明,也有各路“五虎上将”;形容小孩子可爱用“虎头虎脑”,形容一个人有气势用“虎虎生威”。现代社会中的你,喜欢老虎吗?“五虎上将”,谁堪大用?现在,笔者给各位提供--个小测试,虽不正式.但希望各位朋友还是要认真对待。  相似文献   

19年前,怀揣过亿身家的周伟森,毅然决然地投身于饲养老虎的事业。19年后,熊虎山庄成为国内惟一虎种源繁育基地,而他却生生地被老虎“吃”成了名副其实的“负翁”。缘何会如此?记者带着疑问近距离地接触养虎大王周伟森以及他的熊虎山庄,渐渐地找到了答案。熊虎山庄坐落在广西自治区桂林市两江国际机场路沙塘大圆盘处,距离桂林市区8公里远,占地2000多亩的雄虎山庄居然养着1300多只老虎。林间闪过的虎影以及那阵阵虎啸,不时地提醒着人们:这里是虎的王国。而王国的主人正是桂林的养虎大王——周伟森。与虎结缘“老虎素有‘百兽之王’的美誉美丽…  相似文献   

老作家赵大年从美国回来,在聊天中我问他,您到这般年岁了,应该说没有什么可怕的了,他眼一瞪,打断我的话:“有,有!” 他笑笑接着说:“怕老猫。” 这就怪了,他这么大年纪不怕老虎,怎么怕上老猫了?他便给我讲起了在美国探亲时的一段趣事。 赵大年最喜爱他七八岁的外孙女,几年没见,外孙女一闹起来  相似文献   

在黑龙江省海伦市,提起张老虎,还真有些知名度呢!张老虎真名叫张金成,是海伦市纪委监察局案件检查一室主任.“老虎”是他的乳名.按理说,三十多岁,已经“而立”的人了,哪有被人家称呼小名的.可因为查案子不讲情面,还特别叫真,自然有些自认为很老练的人就觉得他有点“虎”,查案子把那么多人给整掉蛋了,自个儿连点后路都不留!所以手脚不干净的人被张金成查到,会格外沮丧:落到纪检委张老虎手上,妈的,倒透霉了!然而,有些农民上访,纪委领导说:好吧,我们马上派人去调查.农民便说:你们得派张老虎——张金成去!提起张老虎,让有些人闹心,也就让另一些人充满希望.  相似文献   

随着打击经济领域里犯罪活动的斗争深入开展,那些被人喻为“老虎”的经济犯罪分子不断地被揭露出来了。有的已俯首就擒。这无疑是大快人心的好事。但是,有个情况却值得注意:有的单位只注意了打“虎”却忽视了包庇、纵容经济犯罪分子,为经济犯罪分子充当靠山的人。俗话说,龙行云,虎凭山。虎一旦离开了山,犹如一只惶惶然的丧家犬。象“人民日报”报道的安徽淮南市尹学礼那只已关进樊笼的“虎”,却被劳改单位指派,放出来搞焦炭,一个“老关系”,市一级的局党  相似文献   

虎庙岁月的无尽悲伤 希贝丽称,她是为了完成昆士兰大学的硕士毕业论文才跑去老虎庙做研究的.2007年4月中旬,她抵达泰国老虎庙.“老虎庙的周围环境非常美丽,第一天给我的感觉是如此祥和,但这种美好感觉在我看到庙中老虎的生存环境时戛然而止.”希贝丽回忆说.其实,老虎住的笼子非常恐怖,根本算不上围场,而是锈迹斑斑的小型监狱.笼中有不少老虎,而在尽头的铁笼中关着一只美洲豹.  相似文献   

郭钦 《检察风云》2010,(8):31-31
沈阳森林野生动物园11只东北虎被饿死的事件,2010年3月15日传出消息。在沈阳市政府拨款700万元救助剩余老虎的同时,有动物园员工称,死虎事件起于园方故意饿死老虎要挟政府买单。由于媒体的报道和公众的关注,动物园余下的30只老虎终于吃上牛肉用上暖气。但我仍然怀疑,处在人类四面围剿的年代,这些老虎到底是活着更幸福,还是死了更解脱。  相似文献   

怕送礼,怕应酬,怕攀比,怕被催婚,怕路途遥远颠簸……日前,微博上出现了一个新名词“过年九怕”。春节本是团圆之时,但眼下,却有一些人对回家充满了恐惧和焦虑,成为春节“恐归族”。  相似文献   

“怕”与“敢”是两种不同的心理状态,它们共存于每个人的意识之中,对引导人们的行为具有重要的作用。一个人内心害怕些什么,敢做些什么,往往不仅事关个人,而且会影响社会。对于手握重权的领导干部来说,其从政生涯中的“怕”与“敢”,尤为如此。 “烟草大王”褚时健在临近退休时,有“一怕”:新的总裁来了以后,他就得把签字权交出去,如果这样,自己就“白苦”了一辈子。在这种“怕”的驱使下,他决定给自己“补偿一下”,“留条后路”,于是与罗以军等人私分公款350多万美元。然而正是这“一怕”,使他从高高的“红塔山”上坠…  相似文献   

<建康实录>是一部重要的六朝史料集,关于其作者与成书时代,旧说纷纭,迄今未有定论.其中有前人所谓的"穆宗长庆中材料",一直是个谜.事实上,"长庆"纪年有误,这段材料的主人公"李千里"是揭开谜底的关键.确定"长庆"为讹文,则旧说不攻自破,而<建康实录>为许嵩一人所纂且成书于肃宗之世,亦从此再无疑议.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1983,48(79):17393-17394
Section 2003 of the Social Security Act, as amended, authorizes $2.45 billion for allocation to the States for Social Services Block Grants--Fiscal Year 1983. Public Law 98-8, enacted March 245, 1983, appropriates an additional $225 million for Fiscal Year 1983. This notice contains State allotments and explanations of how the allotments were determined; conditions for receipt of these funds and other information.  相似文献   

李銘銳 《中国法律》2020,(1):60-61,142,143
2020年1月130,香港法律年度開啟典禮在中環大會堂舉行:法律年度開啟典禮原稱「巡迴法庭開啟典禮」,「巡迴法庭」制度自1972年被廢除,典禮於1973年停辦。1980年,香港政府為加深市民對司法制度及法庭工作的瞭解.開始再以「法律年度開啟典禮」名義重辦該活動。每逢新一年的第二個星期一,香港法律界沿襲傳統儀式,舉行法律年度開啟典禮。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1994,59(104):28410-28411
This document corrects an error that occurred in the calculation of the fiscal year 1994 Medicare volume performance standard for surgical services and that appeared in the final notice with comment period published in the Federal Register on December 2, 1993 (58 FR 63856) entitled "Medicare Program; Physician Performance Standard Rates of Increase for Fiscal Year 1994 and Physician Fee Schedule Update for Calendar Year 1994." This notice also corrects a typographical error in a date.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(183):50545-50547
This document corrects technical errors that appeared in the proposed rule published in the Federal Register on June 5, 1998, entitled "Medicare Program; Revisions to Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule for Calendar Year 1999."  相似文献   

《Federal register》1983,48(28):6082-6085
The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of General Counsel issues the appended Ruling to respond to questions relating to the applicability to the petroleum violation escrow funds of the regulations of the energy conservation programs administered by DOE to which these funds can be distributed under Section 155 of the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 1983.  相似文献   

This final rule revises requirements and procedures for the Transitional Assistance Management Program, which was temporarily revised by section 704 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (NDAA-04) (Pub. L. 108-136) and section 1117 of the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, 2004 (Emergency Supplemental) (Pub. L. 108-106), which revisions were made permanent by section 706(a) of the Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (NDAA-05) (Pub. L. 108-375). In addition, it establishes requirements and procedures for implementation of the earlier TRICARE eligibility for certain reserve component members authorized by section 703 of NDAA-04 and section 1116 of the Emergency Supplemental, which provisions were made permanent by section 703 of NDAA-05. The rule adopts the interim rule published in the Federal Register on March 16, 2005 (70 FR 12798).  相似文献   

This final rule implements section 726 of the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2001, which amended 10 U.S.C. 1076c to allow for voluntary disenrollment from the TRICARE Retiree Dental Program (TRDP) in certain circumstances.  相似文献   

International health institutions emphasize the necessity of including the topic of domestic violence which is accepted as a health problem worldwide, into the training of physicians. The fact that physicians should diagnose domestic violence victims who over the years were either neglected or overlooked is also mentioned. The present study aims to measure the effectiveness of the interactive domestic violence course given to Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine (DEUFM) Year V students, with tests implemented before and after the course. The same students were given the same test during Year VI (internship). The students’ average knowledge scores were found respectively as follows: pretest 78.66?±?10.54, second test 94.13?±?3.95 and third test 89.65?±?7.48. There was a statistically significant difference between tests’ average scores. It was observed that, after the course, 4 out of 19 students (21.1%) changed their answers from “no” to “yes” for the question “Have you ever been a victim of physical domestic violence?” A statistically significant difference was found between pre-course answers and the after course answers given to this question. This study showed that the course on domestic violence increased students’ knowledge level and awareness on this issue. Considering that average knowledge level will decrease over time and aiming to improve future physicians’ approach to domestic violence cases, addition of other interactive educational methods to Year V’s course program and proposal of an advanced training session to Year VI’s curriculum are being planned.  相似文献   

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