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早在新民主主义革命时期,一些革命根据地就在刑事诉讼中形成了案卷移送主义的司法传统。在第一部刑事诉讼法典颁布以后,案卷移送主义被视为职权主义审判方式的重要配套措施。在对抗制审判方式改革和刑事诉讼法的两次修改过程中,案卷移送主义不仅由庭前移送发展到庭后移送,而且由司法层面上升到立法层面。尽管案卷移送主义在特定条件下具有一定积极意义,但是在案卷材料与法庭之间的联系没有被彻底切断的情况下,非法证据排除规则存在的必要性就会大打折扣。因为,案卷移送主义不仅导致法庭的非法证据调查流于形式,而且导致法庭难以排除受到辩护方质疑的非法证据。  相似文献   

We devised a simple DNA extraction procedure suitable for STR typing of urine sample. Use of a commercially available DNA/RNA extraction kit equipped with a silica-gel-based membrane made it possible to omit the recovery of urinary nucleated cells by sedimentation before the extraction. Successful genotyping of the TH01, HumTPO and multiplex STRs was achieved using aliquots of urine as small as 100 microL. Furthermore, application of this DNA extraction procedure to frozen urine samples provided STR allele results comparable to results obtained from fresh samples. Therefore, this extraction procedure is considered to be effective for STR typing of urine samples in both the frozen and aqueous state. Furthermore, addition of sodium azide to fresh urine samples prolonged their storage duration even at room temperature.  相似文献   

从比较法视角观察,进入刑事诉讼的行政执法证据包括行政机关正当执法获得的证据、行政机关"假借行政调查之名"获得的证据、行政机关与侦查机关"共同调查"获得的证据三种类型。为了提供必要的权利保障,在第一种类型下,行政执法证据进入刑事诉讼应满足一定的程序保障;在第二种类型下,审查的重点是行政调查与刑事侦查的界限,防止行政机关"假借行政调查之名"规避刑事诉讼法的适用;在第三种类型下,应当着重审查"共同调查"中的主导机关、调查措施、调查目的等因素。  相似文献   

The perceived justice of a situation is frequently a function of both outcome and procedure, but the importance of each may vary when making justice judgments. This study investigated the impact of type and severity of offence, social relationship and status on the perceived importance of the outcome and procedure for justice judgments. The outcome was considered more important than the procedure for judgments of both theft and physical abuse, regardless of offence severity, status of the offender and the victim–perpetrator social relationship. Both outcome and procedure were viewed as more important for judgments of physical abuse than theft. Data obtained for exploratory purposes yielded no correlation between ratings of justice and importance, indicating that the two are not aspects of the same construct. Integrations with work within criminology are discussed.  相似文献   

Results obtained from the ABH grouping of bone tissues by the absorption-elution procedure and by a recently described two-dimensional absorption-inhibition procedure are reported. Neither the elution nor the inhibition procedure alone yielded uniformly correct results. A combination procedure consisting of the use of both absorption-elution and two-dimensional absorption-inhibition is proposed for bone ABH grouping. When elution and inhibition were used in combination, specimens yielding concordant results with both techniques were correctly grouped.  相似文献   

本文介绍一种一次检测微量血痕的种属来源、ABO 型、红细胞酶 EsD、PGM_1表型的方法。用盲法共测151份已知血痕种属来源 ABO 血型、EsD 与 PGM_1表型的血痕纤维,均能正确判型、吻合率为100%。  相似文献   

论经验法则的适用与完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋贞明 《证据科学》2011,19(2):175-182
经验法则是指人们从生活经验中归纳获得的关于事物因果关系或属性状态的法则或知识.经验法则在司法审判实践中具有证据评价、事实推定以及法律解释的功能.由于受法官主观水平的影响,加之经验法则适用制度的不完善,经验法则在司法审判实践中产生了一定的局限性.建议从确立法律规范、完善质疑和上诉程序、明确经验法则标准、限制法官自由裁量权...  相似文献   

A new solid-phase extraction procedure for the determination of cocaine and benzoylecgonine in amniotic fluid, using high flow co-polymeric sorbents is reported. The recoveries of cocaine and benzoylecgonine within the range 0.1-1 mg/l were 95.7% and 50.3%, respectively. The use of high-flow sorbents allowed the easy extraction of amniotic fluid regardless of sample viscosity or physical nature. The use of these solid-phase columns provided many advantages over the more commonly used solvent extraction, including an increase in extraction speed and efficiency, reduced operator time, reduced solvent use and disposal volumes and exceptional extract quality. Further, the determination of amniotic fluid obtained from pregnant cocaine users may provide important information about handling of cocaine by the fetus at various gestational ages. The procedure was successfully applied to amniotic fluid from suspected cocaine abusers.  相似文献   

According to TWGDAM guideline 4.5 (1), prior to implementing a new DNA analysis procedure or an existing DNA analysis procedure developed by another laboratory, the forensic laboratory must first demonstrate reliability of the procedure in-house. Seven phases were designed to validate the use of the AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus PCR Amplification Kit, as well as the PE Applied Biosystems 310 Genetic Analyzer. This report summarizes the results obtained for each of the seven phases of the validation study which included the following evaluations: polymer, reproducibility, sensitivity, stutter, precision, mixtures and nonprobative casework.  相似文献   

李龙  闫宾 《河北法学》2005,23(7):88-93
在历史中揭示,程序法和实体法共同脱胎于诉讼法,此时的诉讼法是诉未分解时的诉讼法,而现今之诉讼法虽名为诉讼法,实则程序法而已;对民事诉讼中的几组概念的混用进行澄清;实体法和程序法的合理关系是自足与互助的,并质疑时下流行的“层次论”观点。  相似文献   

Zhuo XY  Ma D  Bu J  Shen BH 《法医学杂志》2006,22(6):421-423,427
目的探讨气相色谱法测定海洛因含量的测量不确定度评定。方法从测定程序分析不确定度来源,并计算各不确定度分量及合成不确定度,得出总不确定度。结果重复性测定不确定度分量最大,气相色谱仪误差次之,而玻璃容量器具天平及对照品所引起的不确定度分量对总不确定度的影响可忽略不计。结论气相色谱法测定海洛因含量的测量不确定度主要来源于重复性测定的误差及气相色谱仪的误差。  相似文献   

目的建立了新型微流体液相色谱(micro-LC)串联四级杆质谱检测头发中5种苯二氮卓类药物(三唑仑,α-羟基咪达唑仑,咪达唑仑,α-羟基阿普唑仑,普拉西泮)。方法采用液-液萃取法(LLE)提取毛发样品,微流体液相色谱串联四级杆质谱检测。结果在回归系数大于0.99的情况下,目标分析物的良好线性。精密度和萃取效率分别在2.7%~17.1%和66.5%~120.5%之间。每个分析物的检出限和定量限分别为0.001~0.08 pg·mg^-1和0.0125~0.25pg·mg^-1。结论本方法与传统的液相色谱串联质谱法(LC/MS-MS)相比灵敏度出高2-10倍。本研究展示了新型微流体分离系统串联质谱方法的实用性,并为法医毒理学领域关于头发样本中痕量药物检测提供了一种新的检测手段。  相似文献   

民事诉讼程序的简易化与小额诉讼程序的引入   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈磊 《政法论丛》2008,(4):15-18
普通程序与简易程序是民事诉讼程序中并立的两种基本程序构造。相对于普通程序而言,简易程序在诉讼效率方面有着明显的优势,它对于缓解日益增大的案件压力、扩大司法吸纳纠纷的能力具有积极意义。在追求民事诉讼程序简易化的背景之下,小额诉讼程序作为一种特殊的诉讼机制备受关注。因此,结合我国国情,探讨小额诉讼程序的引入等理论问题意义重大。  相似文献   

Tiny glass fragments of two typical objects being of interest in forensic investigations: car windscreen and windowpane were examined from the point of view of their importance as crime evidence. Both examined objects were made from float glass and were toughened. The present paper concerns examination of refractive index distribution across the objects under investigation before and after the glass fragments were annealed according to previously chosen procedure. The annealing procedure was carried out in order to increase discrimination power of refractive index (RI). The following conclusions can be drawn from the results obtained. For both examined objects the mean RI was significantly higher after annealing and, at the same time, standard deviations in RI were smaller. The distributions of RI for both examined objects appeared not to be normal; the deviations from normality were observed at both sides of RI distributions. It was found that the difference in the values DeltaRI (difference between mean values of RI after annealing and before annealing) for both examined object was not significant and thus it would be not a good parameter to differentiate between two heat strengthen objects. The attempt to classify 181 glass samples on the basis of theirs RI and DeltaRI was performed. Increased discrimination of glass samples was observed.  相似文献   

秦策 《北方法学》2015,(6):77-84
在审判中心主义的改革背景下,我国刑事诉讼应改变以往的"程序宽容"做法,通过庭审功能的实质性发挥,来强化审判对于侦查、起诉的引导制约作用,严格贯彻落实疑罪从无原则和非法证据排除规则,使法官敢于做出无罪判决、敢于排除非法证据,从而树立审判权威、提高司法公信、保障司法公正,实现从"程序宽容"到"程序倒逼"的转变,并最终逐步实现审判中心主义的改革目标。  相似文献   

权利保护机制与程序的最佳选择   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
当人们通过一定程序去追求公正的结果,而这种结果最终客观上能否满足人们的主观愿望处于一种难以把握和预测的情况下,人们转而求其次,才去追求实实在在、看得见摸得着的程序本身的公正。所以,通过公正的程序达到公正的结果,才是权利保护的最佳状态。  相似文献   

汪海燕 《现代法学》2003,25(5):17-22
在古罗马王政和共和时期,按照犯罪行为的性质不同,诉讼程序分为"私犯之诉"和"公犯之诉"。"公犯之诉"又分为两人审委会与民众会议主持下的"公犯之诉"、执法官提起的"公犯之诉"以及陪审团参与的审判程序。无论是"私犯之诉",还是"公犯之诉",从诉讼模式角度考察,都属于弹劾式诉讼。随着帝制代替共和制,在普通审判制度之外,又形成了"非常审判程序"。从诉讼模式考察,它属于纠问式诉讼。这标志着古罗马刑事诉讼模式的转型。其间,犯罪观念的更新以及政体性质的改变起了决定性的作用。  相似文献   

A rapid and simple method of utilizing thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and pyrolysis gas chromatography (PyGC) for the identification and determination of methylbenactyzium bromide in human urine was studied in this report. Methylbenactyzium bromide was extracted from urine with ODS-cartridge (Sep-Pak C18), then spotted onto a silica gel 60 F254 TLC plate. After development, the separated spot of methylbenactyzium bromide was scraped and wrapped with a ferromagnetic foil without extraction by any organic solvents. The sample was applied into PyGC analysis. The optimum temperature for pyrolysis was 590 degrees C. The main degradation product of methylbenactyzium bromide was identified as diphenylmethane in this procedure by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). A calibration graph prepared by absolute calibration method showed a good linearity over the concentration range of 1-75 micrograms/spot for methylbenactyzium bromide. The coefficient of variation obtained for eleven replicate analyses of the 3 micrograms/spot of standard methylbenactyzium bromide was 3.8%. The detection limit of this compound by this procedure was 0.1 micrograms/spot.  相似文献   

防止冤假错案,维护程序公正,实现惩罚犯罪与保障人权的统一,非法证据排除规则的制定,可谓任重道远。无疑,法律的颁布不等于实施。除了刑事法官的价值观念、法律思维、职业习惯的主观因素影响及刑事司法实践的客观因素作用,作为价值性冲突规范,非法证据排除规则的理解、适用仍有其难处。本文以庭审阶段非法证据排除的程序规制为切入点,拟从法解释学的角度,结合本土刑事司法实践特征,以求进一步明晰非法证据排除规则的运用,从而更为有效地实施排除规则。  相似文献   

用高压消解器消化生物检材的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍高压消解器消化脏器检材的方法。此方法是将脏器检材置于一个密封系统中,加入定量消化剂,在一定温度下加热3小时,即得到透明消化液。它解决了传统消化方法的污染问题,同时操作人员可免受有害气体的危害。本方法操作简单,重复性好,回收率高,易掌握,勿需贵重设备,便于一般实验室推广使用。  相似文献   

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