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《2010-2020年深化干部人事制度改革规划纲要》把“健全调整不适宜担任现职干部制度”作为当前党政干部制度改革需要重点突破的项目之一,并明确提出,“2012年前制定实施调整不适宜担任现职干部办法,并进行试点,逐步做到调整不适宜担任现职干部工作常态化、制度化”。  相似文献   

干部选拔任用中圈子文化盛行主要源于传统官僚文化的承袭与市场利益驱动的交织、人事任免权力过于集中、干部的资源依赖与人身依附心理作祟等多重因素。圈子文化一旦渗入干部选任的各个环节,会造成破坏干部选任原则与标准、削弱干部队伍的领导和治理能力、阻碍动议与民主推荐中的制度执行等负面影响。要破除干部选拔任用中圈子文化的束缚与藩篱,在积极正向的政治文化和政治生态中打造忠诚干净担当的干部队伍,就必须构建科学的干部选任标准,优化干部选任制度体系,做实民主推荐强化过程监督,多主体协同培育优良政治文化,同时也要从源头加大对圈子文化的整治力度,防止圈子文化的蔓延和对政治生态的侵蚀。  相似文献   

在人类社会实践中,人始终是最积极、最活跃的生产要素之一。经营管理者队伍的状况如何更是决定国有企业兴衰成败的关键因素。全面贯彻落实党的十五大及十五届四中全会精神,就必须认真研究并切实解决高素质企业干部选拔任用难的问题。 一、择业走向上的误区,造成经营人才流失,企业干部难选。 某地在不长的时间内曾两次公开选拔领导干部,一是选拔党政干部,一是选拔企业经营管理人才。前者报名踊跃,且各行业各部门的优秀分子均欲一展身手;后者却应者廖廖,特别是身在党政机关工作的同志不愿参考:考差了怕丢面子,考好了怕被选到企业。…  相似文献   

佟义东 《团结》2012,(4):12-14
民主监督是《政协章程》赋予人民政协的三大职能之一。近年来,政协的民主监督职能虽然有了一定的发展和进步,但相对于政治协商、参政议  相似文献   

新型作战力量任务特殊、作用重大,是打赢信息化条件下局部战争的撒手锏力量。进一步建好用好新型作战力量,对政治干部提出了更加现实和严峻的考验。要紧贴部队实际铸牢官兵军魂意识,借助新型作战力量自身优势推进政治工作信息化,针对新型作战力量部队特殊要求强化信息管控,围绕新型作战力量部队特点浓厚军营文化氛围。  相似文献   

论干部任命改革的历史必然   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在社会转型期,各种矛盾尖锐复杂,干部队伍的腐败为世人深恶痛绝,买官卖官屡禁不止,恶性事件时有发生,究其根源在于干部制度本身。要巩固党的执政地位,提高党的执政能力,保证社会的全面协调持续的发展,铲除腐败,加强政治文明建设,必须还权于民,逐步由选举制取代任命制,干部任命制退出政治舞台具有历史的必然性。  相似文献   

建立健全干部容错纠错机制的根本目的在于促进干部担当。从政治伦理视角看,干部担当对应于政治个体维度的责任伦理,容错纠错机制对应于组织维度的制度伦理。在改革进入攻坚期,建设责任政府的背景下,推进干部担当需要拓展适合干部成长的伦理维度,要从以下三个方面着手:一是个体责任伦理路径,突出官员个体的信仰与美德;二是公职伦理路径,凸显公共利益的行为准则和规范系统;三是制度伦理路径,建立符合干部担当的伦理追求、道德原则和价值判断。  相似文献   

具有存量意义的干部职数,特别是领导干部职数决定了干部平职调整是干部选拔任用工作的重要组成部分,也是加强干部队伍建设的一项经常性工作,因此规范干部平职调整对于整体推进干部工作科学化、民主化、制度化进程具有重要意义。它既是深化干部人事制度改革、优化干部资源配置和结构、增强干部队伍活力的现实需要,又是培养锻炼干部、发挥干部才能的有效途径,更是关心爱护干部、预防腐败的客观要求。  相似文献   

"党管干部"是我国干部人事工作的根本原则,但在依法执政、依法治国的背景下,必须与"干部法治"原则相融合,实现"党管干部法治化".  相似文献   

思想政治工作是一个动态的发展过程。加强理论建设、坚持把群众性精神文明创建活动作为思想政治工作的重要载体、推进先进典型的培养和宣传工作、强化新闻媒体在思想政治工作中的作用、强化文化的社会教育功能、提升道德意识、根据新情况不断改进和调整工作思路,创造新方法,采取新对策,切实加强和改进思想政治工作。  相似文献   

中国加入WTO ,在银行业方面作出相关承诺 ,将逐步兑现。这既给我国银行业带来发展机遇 ,又会造成冲击和挑战。对此 ,应深入研究和采取各种应对措施。  相似文献   

Incumbent performance and electoral control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Does policy responsiveness on the part of incumbent legislators affect their prospects for reelection? Recent studies of congressional campaigns demonstrate that incumbents who support policies that are more congruent with their constituents' preferences face fewer reelection obstacles. The present analysis considers this question in state legislative elections where voter knowledge of legislator activities is generally quite low. The findings demonstrate that incumbents positioned farther from the average citizen and toward their party's base are only slightly more likely to be challenged than other incumbents. However, more partisan voting incumbents do attract challengers capable of raising and spending larger amounts of money. Interestingly, incumbents positioned closer to their party's base actually receive a greater share of the vote in most contested elections. Only when challengers spend significant amounts of money do we see the positive effects of partisan voting by incumbents diminished. Overall, these findings demonstrate the mechanisms by which policy positions of incumbents in a low‐information environment affect the challengers that emerge and the level of voter support received.  相似文献   

We examine challenger emergence in Senate elections by looking at the 1992 campaign in depth. We develop unproved measures of incumbent: vulnerability using data from the 1988 and 1990 NES Senate Election Studies. These measures are used to test the hypothesis that higher-quality challengers are more likely to challenge vulnerable incumbents. We find generally weak relationships between our incumbent vulnerability measures and challenger quality. Instead, challenger quality scores increase with the size of the pool of potential high-quality challengers.  相似文献   

We identify situations in which conditioning on text can address confounding in observational studies. We argue that a matching approach is particularly well-suited to this task, but existing matching methods are ill-equipped to handle high-dimensional text data. Our proposed solution is to estimate a low-dimensional summary of the text and condition on this summary via matching. We propose a method of text matching, topical inverse regression matching, that allows the analyst to match both on the topical content of confounding documents and the probability that each of these documents is treated. We validate our approach and illustrate the importance of conditioning on text to address confounding with two applications: the effect of perceptions of author gender on citation counts in the international relations literature and the effects of censorship on Chinese social media users.  相似文献   

我国乡村干部的腐败问题及其治理对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
乡村干部处在农村工作的第一线,是农业生产和农村社会活动的组织者和领导者,是党的路线、方针、政策在农村的宣传者、推动者和执行者,是团结带领农民群众建设社会主义新农村的带头人.近年来中国乡村干部腐败问题越来越严重,在有些地方已成为"常态".腐败案件越来越多,并且呈现逐年上升的趋势,引起了广大农民群众的强烈不满.从分析乡村干部腐败案件入手,揭示了造成乡村干部腐败的五个因素:乡村干部权力观的严重扭曲,手中掌握的权力"含金量"高,权力运行缺乏有效监督,腐败的预期成本低,以及财务管理混乱等.指出了乡村干部腐败的严重性:乡村干部腐败损害了党和政府的形象,侵害了农民群众的切身利益,制约了农村集体经济的发展,破坏了农村的社会稳定.最后,有针对性地提出了治理乡村干部腐败的对策.  相似文献   

Berganza  Juan Carlos 《Public Choice》2000,105(1-2):165-194
This paper presents a political economy model in which the voterswant to control moral hazard on the part of the incumbent andselect a competent candidate to be in office. We focus on electionswhich take place repeatedly as the basic disciplinary and screeningmechanism. It is shown that incomplete information of the votersabout the (economic) competence of the incumbent helps to overcomethe lame duck effect of a government with foreseeable end. Asecond finding is that economic performance strongly influences thereelection of the incumbent. In particular, in (stationary perfectBayesian) equilibrium, if economic performance is bad, theincumbent will not be reelected. We also prove that having thepossibility of reelecting a government increases the welfare of thevoters to the no reelection benchmark.  相似文献   

It is reasonable to presume that House incumbents through their behaviors and resource allocations (e.g., trips home, staff, etc.) are responsible for their electoral success. The empirical case for the resource allocation hypothesis, however, rests primarily upon the support of a few experimental design studies. The remainder of the evidence from 25 years of tests of this hypothesis, at the district and individual-levels, is littered with null findings. Scholars suggest two methodological obstructions hinder alternative hypothesis findings: simultaneity bias (in district and individual-level studies), and restricted variance on the allocation measures (in individual-level studies). In this investigation I apply methodological remedies for these hindrances-nonrecursive analyses on a pooled (1960–1976) NES elections data set. I uncover the strongest evidence yet that incumbents benefit electorally from their resource allocations (here: bills sponsored and cosponsored, staff, and district offices). In addition to this main result, I also discuss the influence generational replacement has on resource allocations and the vote.
David W. RomeroEmail: Phone: +1-210-458-5647

村组干部的更替与报酬--湖北J市调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文讨论了对村民自治具有决定性影响的村组干部的更替过程与报酬制度.本文认为,在村组干部由委任到选任的变化过程中,乡镇为了完成各项中心工作,而普遍采用了控制村组干部报酬数量与结构的措施.正是村组干部的报酬制度,决定了村组干部的行为方向,并成为决定村民自治状况的一个根本性因素.  相似文献   

造成地方政府官员诚信不足的原因很多,干部人事制度不完善是一个重要原因。为此,应完善干部选拔任用机制,从根本上保证地方政府官员的诚实守信;规范干部考核晋升制度,构建地方官员诚信激励机制;健全监督惩戒体系,筑起失信行为的"防火墙"。  相似文献   

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