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Atrioventricular (AV) node tumor is a very rare lesion of the cardiac conduction system. Clinically, it is associated with complete AV block and sudden cardiac death, often in apparently healthy young people.We report a case of a 24-year-old woman who developed ventricular fibrillation during sexual intercourse and died before admittance to the hospital. The woman had a medical history of depression and was treated with citalopram.At first, no macroscopic or microscopic pathologic changes were found. Toxicologic analysis showed a toxic level of citalopram in the blood. Further microscopic examination of the cardiac conduction system disclosed a tumor of the AV node. Immunohistochemical staining confirmed endodermal origin in accordance with the latest hypothesis of the pathogenesis of this tumor.It was concluded that this young woman died of cardiac arrhythmia due to the AV tumor and not from citalopram intoxication, as first suspected. This case emphasizes the importance of a microscopic examination of the cardiac conduction system in cases of sudden unexpected death, even in cases with a plausible cause and manner of death at first glance.  相似文献   

We report the occurrence of a clinically undiagnosed biatrial myxoma with left ventricular involvement in a 2-month-old male infant, resulting in sudden death. During a routine well-baby examination, a grade (34) holosystolic murmur was detected at the left sternal border with radiation to the axilla and back. On the following day, the patient collapsed and died suddenly. An autopsy revealed a large multifocal neoplasm diffusely involving the aortic valve while displaying mitral, tricuspid, and left ventricular extensions. The ensuing histopathologic and immunohistochemical studies were diagnostic for myxoma. We discuss the occurrence of cardiac myxoma within the pediatric population and review the literature as to theorize whether this lesion was a congenital process versus a rapidly growing tumor that developed after the child was born. Lastly, we address the potential for sudden death in patients with such tumors.  相似文献   

Sudden death is now currently described as natural unexpected death occurring within 1h of new symptoms. Most studies on the subject focused on cardiac causes of death because most of the cases are related to cardiovascular disease, especially coronary artery disease. The incidence of sudden death varies largely as a function of coronary heart disease prevalence and is underestimated. Although cardiac causes are the leading cause of sudden death, the exact incidence of the other causes is not well established because in some countries, many sudden deaths are not autopsied. Many risk factors of sudden cardiac death are identified: age, gender, heredity factors such as malignant mutations, left ventricular hypertrophy and left ventricle function impairment. The role of the police surgeon in the investigation of sudden death is very important. This investigation requires the interrogation of witnesses and of the family members of the deceased. The interrogation of physicians of the rescue team who attempted resuscitation is also useful. Recent symptoms before death and past medical history must be searched. Other sudden deaths in the family must be noted. The distinction between sudden death at rest and during effort is very important because some lethal arrhythmia are triggered by catecholamines during stressful activity. The type of drugs taken by the deceased may indicate a particular disease linked with sudden death. Sudden death in the young always requires systematic forensic autopsy performed by at least one forensic pathologist. According to recent autopsy studies, coronary artery disease is still the major cause of death in people aged more than 35 years. Cardiomyopathies are more frequently encountered in people aged less than 35 years. The most frequent cardiomyopathy revealed by sudden death is now arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy also known simply as right ventricular cardiomyopathy (RVC). The postmortem diagnosis of cardiomyopathies is very important because the family of the deceased will need counseling and the first-degree relatives may undergo a possible screening to prevent other sudden deaths. In each case of sudden death, one important duty of the forensic pathologist is to inform the family of all autopsy results within 1 month after the autopsy. Most of the recent progress in autopsy diagnosis of sudden unexpected death in the adults comes from molecular biology, especially in case of sudden death without significant morphological anomalies. Searching mutations linked with functional cardiac pathology such as long-QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome or idiopathic ventricular fibrillation is now the best way in order to explain such sudden death. Moreover, new syndromes have been described by cardiologists, such as short-QT syndrome and revealed in some cases by a sudden death. Molecular biology is now needed when limits of morphological diagnosis have been reached.  相似文献   

What remains of the idea of constitutional pluralism in the wake of the Euro‐crisis? According to the new anti‐pluralists, the recent OMT saga signals its demise, calling to an end the tense stalemate between the ECJ and the German Constitutional Court on the question of ultimate authority. With the ECJ's checkmate, OMT represents a new stage in the constitutionalisation of the European Union, towards a fully monist order. Since constitutional pluralism was an inherently unstable and undesirable compromise, that is both inevitable and to be welcomed. It is argued here that this is misguided in attending to the formal at the expense of the material dimension of constitutional development. The material perspective reveals a deeply dysfunctional constitutional dynamic, of which the judicial battle in OMT is merely a surface reflection. This dynamic now reaches a critical conjuncture, encapsulated in the debate over ‘Grexit’, and the material conflict between solidarity and austerity. Constitutional pluralism, in conclusion, may be an idea worth defending, but as a normative plea for the co‐existence of a horizontal plurality of constitutional orders. This requires radical constitutional re‐imagination of the European project.  相似文献   

The nature and prevalence of school bullying, and the detrimental and serious impact that it has upon its victims, has been the focus of research and debate since the early 1980s. Where a response is made to incidents of bullying, this is typically seen as the domain of the school, which has a powerful role to play in terms of socialising and disciplining its pupils. From the perspective of the victims of bullying, I argue that despite the existence of school disciplinary mechanisms, intervention by those working within the criminal justice arena is appropriate in two situations. First are situations where school measures are ineffective and the school is unable or unwilling to tackle the bullying. Second are situations that are too serious to be dealt with by the school alone. This issue is rarely discussed in literature on bullying. Using Lacey's metaphor of a set of lenses, I examine the 'criminalisation' of bullying, both at a formal level and at a practical level. I draw upon research that has studied the attitudes of adults and children to crime generally, as well as a qualitative survey of teachers, in order to explore the social construction of bullying as a crime and barriers to this.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is one of exclusion. At the Department of Forensic Medicine, Westmead Hospital, toxicologic analysis is performed as part of the postmortem examination of all apparent SIDS deaths. The results for the 5-year period January 1, 1994, to December 31, 1999, were audited to determine whether such routine testing was worthwhile. During this time there were 117 cases with a history consistent with SIDS. Drugs were detected in 19 (16%) of these cases. In 1 case, death was attributed to the finding of methadone. The presence of methadone was regarded as a possible contributing factor to death in a further 2 cases. The presence of possible methadone toxicity had not been expected from the history given before the examination in these 3 cases. In 114 cases there was a suitable sample for alcohol testing; in no case was alcohol detected. In 13 cases the postmortem examination revealed an anatomic cause of death (including 3 cases consistent with whiplash/shaken baby/impact head injury), which excluded a diagnosis of SIDS. In conclusion, routine toxicologic testing in all possible cases of SIDS death supplements the postmortem examination in excluding cases of non-SIDS.  相似文献   

In Italy in 2007, 26% of two-wheeled motor vehicle injury/fatalities concerned motorcyclists. However, it is rare (4%) that a motorcycle (MC) crashes with two other road users and even more exceptional is a crash between a MC and three other vehicles. In general, in MC–vehicle crashes, the vehicle driver is at fault in more than 50% of the cases and the motorcyclist in 37%. The study concerns three MC lethal road accidents in which the culpability of the motorcyclist's death was questioned by the prosecutor because it was supposed that one or more vehicles ran over the motorcyclist after a fall. The crucial question in these three cases was if it was possible to assign injuries to a specific crash-aetiology and to assign/exclude the responsibility of motorcyclist's death to a defined subject (motorcyclist himself and/or car drivers) after a crash-dynamics study made by an engineer consultant or by the police authority. Case (1) A 56-year-old motorcyclist on a highway had a front–rear end collision with a car that suddenly stopped; he was therefore projected against a concrete traffic island, thrown on the soil and run over by another car. Case (2) A 29-year-old motorcyclist on the East ring road fell on the soil, perhaps by a supposed front–rear end contact with a car and was run over by two cars in rapid succession. Case (3) A 34-year-old motorcyclist on the North ring road fell suddenly on the soil for unknown reasons; during first aid, the medical team around him was run over by the ambulance which pushed after a rear-end collision with a car. A stepwise analysis of the indicated crash dynamics and an evaluation of all the injuries revealed at autopsy, the study proposed, when possible, injury aetiology for each case and the related responsibility assignments and exclusions.  相似文献   

Penetrating stab wounds of the brain are uncommonly seen in modern times and occur almost exclusively in homicides. We report an unusual death by self-stabbing. A 24-year-old man was found dead at home, the handle of a kitchen knife protruding from his forehead. Data such as the psychiatric history of the victim, the multiplicity and site of wounds, the implement used, the presence of hesitation, and defense wounds were studied to elucidate the manner of death, and the suicidal nature of the event was established after police investigation. Atypical injuries require a careful forensic investigation, and medico-legal aspects of the differentiation between homicide and suicide are discussed in this particular case. A review of the literature revealed few cases of suicidal transcranial stab wounds.  相似文献   

Why is it so politically difficult to obtain government investment in public health initiatives that are aimed at addressing chronic disease? This article examines the structural disadvantage faced by those who advocate for public health policies and practices to reduce chronic disease related to people's unhealthy lifestyles and physical environments. It identifies common features that make it difficult to establish and maintain initiatives to prevent or reduce costly illness and physical suffering: (1) public health benefits are generally dispersed and delayed; (2) benefactors of public health are generally unknown and taken for granted; (3) the costs of many public health initiatives are concentrated and generate opposition from those who would pay them; and (4) public health often clashes with moral values or social norms. The article concludes by discussing the importance of a new paradigm, "health in all policies," that targets the enormous health and economic burdens associated with chronic conditions and asserts a need for new policies, practices, and participation beyond the confines of traditional public health agencies and services.  相似文献   

The term malingering has a negative connotation, in that it is considered to intentionally project exaggerated physical and/or psychosocial symptoms for the purpose of gaining some external rewards/secondary gain. The present article will review a number of misconceptions about malingering, as well as the inherent problem in objectively measuring this construct. It will be suggested that a more comprehensive biopsychosocial approach should be used to evaluate potential barriers to recovery, as well as suboptimal performance that may delay, or prevent, recovery over an expected time period for musculoskeletal pain disorders. Such an approach will eliminate the common misuse and misdiagnosis of the construct of malingering.  相似文献   

The international human rights community has frequently reaffirmed the importance of full respect for the right to health. However, there remains a large gap between the standards set out in Art 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the situation prevailing in most countries. While there has been a substantial amount of work done to expand upon the content of the right to health, there has been little consideration of what a right to health means for public health programming generally. This article addresses this issue by considering the compatibility of the essential elements of contemporary public health programming practice with the principles contained in General Comment No 14, para 43(f) (a minimum core obligation of the right to health). The article considers that while both contemporary public health practice and para 43(f) do contain compatible elements, the right to health brings with it new elements of monitoring (through right to health indicators) and accountability, both of which will require new tools to be adopted by the public health sector.  相似文献   

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