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恒牙已萌出而相应乳牙尚未脱落者被称之为乳牙滞留。6~14岁左右,恒牙已萌出而乳牙未脱落称为早期滞留,这一年龄段出现的牙损伤以意外伤害多见,很少涉及司法鉴定。恒牙未萌出但已超过正常乳牙替换年龄乳牙仍未脱落者称为晚期滞留。晚期滞留的乳牙有些可以持续存留到30~40岁左右,  相似文献   

1 案例资料 被鉴定人(男),身高168cm,体重50kg,发育正常,营养一般,因涉嫌抢劫而作骨龄鉴定.牙科检查:恒牙一乳牙混合牙列,牙列较齐,无龋齿,(V)及(V)未替换,上下左右第一、二恒磨牙完全萌出,咬(牙合)面磨耗不明显(磨耗0度),上下第三磨牙均未萌出.牙全景X线示:(V)及(V)未替换,未见相应恒牙牙胚;上下第一、二恒磨牙牙根除左上颌外,均已完成,(7)呈"过小牙"形态;上下第三磨牙均未萌出,右下未见第三磨牙牙胚,余3个牙冠釉质完成,牙根尚未完成(照片1).  相似文献   

未成年人案件中两种骨龄测定法的应用价值的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Zhang Z  Li K  Yu RJ  Zhang Q 《法医学杂志》2004,20(4):212-214
目的研究未成年人骨龄与实际年龄和刑事责任年龄间的关系,探讨顾氏图谱法、李果珍骨龄百分计数法在未成年人涉嫌犯罪案件中的应用价值。方法选择33位身体健康、发育正常的未成年人(12~19岁),拍摄左手腕部X线片,分别使用顾氏图谱法、李果珍骨龄百分计数法测定每张X线片的骨龄,再将骨龄与受试者实际年龄比较,用行平均分检验分析两法推测未成年人实际年龄的精确性,用Pearson检验分析两法推断未成年人刑事责任年龄的准确性。结果李果珍骨龄百分计数法推测实际年龄的精确性高于顾氏图谱法(P<0.005);而二者推断刑事责任年龄的准确率分别为90.91%和78.79%,统计学分析结果无显著性差异(P>0.1)。结论两种方法均适用于未成年人涉嫌犯罪案件,基本满足法律实施的要求。  相似文献   

<正> 额部皱纹属于肤纹的一种,它的变化与人体的衰老成正比关系。其形态呈水平状、海鸥状、波浪状、具有多少、长短、深浅等一般规律.并随着年龄的增长而发生变化,即年龄越大,额纹就越多越深(童年不明显)。测定额纹方法是以人额正中线为基准.两测各划平行5陷。凡是横过正中线达两侧额结节垂直线的长皱纹,每出一条,年龄为10岁,在正中线两旁出现的短皱纹,同样每满1格为1岁。笔者以此对87名无尸(女性24,男性63,年龄在19~51岁之间)进行年龄推断,结果推测  相似文献   

手腕部桡、尺骨骺线消失作为推测18岁年龄的指征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨手腕部桡、尺骨骺线消失是否可以作为推测青少年18岁年龄的指征。方法研究样本为15~20岁的中国5城市4492名(男1942,女2550)汉族健康青少年。在受试者出生日前后15d内拍摄左手腕正位X线片。根据骺线是否可辨评价桡、尺骨远侧骺的发育,计算年龄组骺线不可辨的例数及其构成比。结果在18岁以下,男、女青少年桡骨骺线不可辨等级出现的构成比分别为0.9%和4.9%,尺骨骺线不可辨等级出现的构成比分别为13.1%和69.2%。结论手腕部桡骨骺线消失可作为推测青少年18岁年龄的指征。  相似文献   

东莞市15~22岁男性青少年牙齿钙化及其法医学意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的调查东莞市15~22岁男性青少年牙齿钙化情况,为法医年龄推断提供新的基础数据。方法拍摄310名东莞市15~22岁男性青少年全口曲面断层片,参照田雪梅牙齿钙化分级评分标准,分别对下颌第1-7恒牙及上下颌第三磨牙钙化程度进行评分。利用SPSS 17.0进行配对样本T检验、与年龄的相关性分析及Fisher's两类判别分析。结果下颌第1-7恒牙在16.5岁均已发育完全,第三磨牙从16岁开始出现8级钙化,上、下颌第三磨牙分别从17.5岁及18岁开始出现9级钙化;上颌第三磨牙间钙化程度存在差异(P0.01),下颌左右侧同名牙齿钙化无差异(P0.05);第三磨牙与年龄的Spearman相关系数为0.5~0.64,根据第二、三磨牙发育建立的16、17、18岁Fisher's线性两类判别综合判别率分别为84.8%、75.2%、73.1%。结论第1-7恒牙对17岁以上青少年的年龄推断有局限性,第三磨牙与年龄之间呈中度相关,需综合机体其他年龄特征进行年龄判别。  相似文献   

斑蝥中毒死亡法医学鉴定1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1案例资料丁某,女,28岁,患颈部淋巴结肿大3年余。用偏方治疗:将鸭蛋钻孔,放入5~7个斑蝥虫粉末,置一盛有大米的碗内蒸熟后食用,每日服1枚,连服4枚为一疗程。2004年4月9日下午开始服1枚鸭蛋,当晚感全身不适,头痛、腹痛、腰痛,伴恶心呕吐,呕吐物带血,尿发红。次日问“医者”,“医者”称系用药后正常反应。4月10日上午又服1枚,上述症状加重,并伴有发热、大便带血、尿血。4月11日上午再服1枚,下午病情更为加重,送当地医院救治无效于当日下午4时许死亡。4月12日上午对尸体进行检验。尸体检验尸僵较强,尸斑呈暗紫红色,角膜透明,结膜未见出血点,双…  相似文献   

笔者结合以往计算年龄的方法在实际运用中误差较大的情况,在工作实践中摸索出一种较为实用、准确的年龄分析法。 1 分析年龄的依据 1.1根据现场上成趟足迹反映的特征去分析 利用每一枚足迹所反映出的步幅、步态特征,对所反映的积极特征和消极特征进行认真的观察、分析研究,根据几个不同的足迹来相互印证其特征的稳定程度,一但发现特征有很大的稳定性(一个特征在几枚足迹的相同部位出现)即可根据该特征的形态和种类及形成机理来确定年龄阶段或范围。比如:成趟足迹中步幅较大,运步利落有力,步角小,步宽窄,其步态特征为前掌压痕重,前尖出现蹬挖痕,积极特征反映明显突出,则可将年  相似文献   

利用脚手长及相关部位推测身长的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨脚长、手长及相关部位与身长的相关关系。对 489名男女青年进行了脚长、脚掌宽、手全长、食指长、中指长、小指长和身长的测量 ,并将测量数据输入计算机中进行回归分析。结果表明 :男性各项指标与身长具有一定的线性关系 ,呈直线正相关。其直线回归方程包括 :(1) y =93 5 5 + 3 2 6x (用脚长推测身长 ) ;(2 ) y =130 79+4 18x (用脚掌宽推测身长 ) ;(3) y =76 15 + 5 33x (用手全长推测身长 ) ;(4)y =10 8 6 1+ 8 76x (用食指长推测身长 ) ;(5 )y =94 85 + 9 47x (用中指长推测身长 ) ;(6 ) y =12 0 79+ 8 6 8x (用小指长推测身长 )。女性手全长和中指长两项测量指标与身长具有一定的线性关系。其直线回归方程包括 :(1) y =119 86 + 2 44x (用手全长推测身长 ) ;(2 )y =12 9 89+ 4 0 8x (用中指长推测身长 )。女性的脚长、脚掌宽、食指长、小指长等 4项测量指标与身长的线性关系不明显 ,其推测身长的方程式不宜应用  相似文献   

目的探查中国河南汉族个体与年龄相关的DNA甲基化位点,构建年龄推断模型,进行甲基化和年龄相关性分析。方法采用焦磷酸测序法对ELOVL2、ClOrf132、KLF14、TRIM59和FHL2基因的34个CG位点进行甲基化分析,利用SPSS 23软件的多元回归方法建立模型,对甲基化和年龄相关性做分析。结果除ClOrf132基因3个CG位点的甲基化水平与年龄呈负相关外,其余4个基因的31个CG位点甲基化水平均与年龄呈正相关。多元回归分析表明,年龄与CG位点的甲基化水平存在明显的线性关系,实际年龄与推断年龄偏差在5岁以内的准确度达80%以上。结论本研究构建的河南汉族个体年龄推断模型,有助于通过检测血液等组织的DNA甲基化水平推断个体的年龄范围,具有法医学应用前景。  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to reconstruct the chronological age based on the dental developmental stages of third molars evaluated on orthopantomograms. A total of 1175 orthopantomograms were assembled from patients of Caucasian origin between 16 and 22 years of age. Each third molar present was scored by two observers according to a 10-stage developmental scale. The kappa statistics measured the intra- and inter-observer reliability. The general statistical analysis was based on multiple regression analysis in order to obtain multiple regression formulas for dental age estimation based on the number of third molars present on the evaluated orthopantomogram. No regression models were statistically significant when there was only one-third molar present because of the relatively small number of orthopantomograms that fitted this criterion. A strong agreement was found between the intra- and inter-observer measurements. The statistical analysis revealed both for males and females high Pearson correlation coefficients between contralateral third molars and smaller coefficients between antimeres. The obtained multiple regression formulas are only applicable in certain specified conditions, for instance when four third molars are present the following formulas should be used in a Caucasian male "age=10.2000+0.5122UL+0.5273LL" (developmental stage of upper and lower left third molars) or in case of a female "age=13.6206+0.1933UR+0.5080LR" (developmental stage of upper and lower right third molars). This investigation revealed that the chronological age of a Caucasian individual may be estimated based on regression formulas with a S.D. of 1.52 or 1.56 years for males and females, respectively, when all four third molars are present.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the reliability of using the third molars to demarcate between child and adult status. A total of 2000 dental panoramic tomographs were used for assessment of the calculated age using the 8‐stage system of tooth development and applied to all four third molars. The LL8 was also assessed using this 8‐stage system. For each tooth development stage, the Normal distribution and percentile summary data were estimated. The calculated dental age compared with the chronological age was statistically significantly different (p < 0.001) for both females and males giving underestimates of the true age. Comparison of single tooth dental age and chronological age was only slightly different. The most important finding is that the assignment to above or below the 18‐year threshold, in the age range 17 years to 19 years, could be wrong on up to 50% of occasions.  相似文献   

Adolescence is a relatively short period between childhood and adulthood. It is very difficult to determine adulthood based on biological indicators. The third molar may be considered a potential age marker for the period between the ages of 16–21. Our study evaluated a set of 1700 panoramic radiographs of individuals aged between 5 and 21 years. Results confirmed the statistically significant difference in the course of third molars development. The mean deviation for individuals with one third molar agenesis is ?0.98 years, for individuals with two third molars agenesis ?1.89 years, and with three molars agenesis ?3.28 years. Thus, the extent of the deviation is directly proportional to the number of unformed third molars. The calculation of age according to the mean of stages of all third molars could lead to the underestimation of age. No intergender differences were found. Age determination using third molars could be used for forensic purposes.  相似文献   

Third molar development was evaluated in 786 young people aged between 4 and 20 years, all patients at the School of Dentistry of the University of Granada. The development of third molars and of mandibular second premolars and second molars was determined according to the stages proposed by Nolla. The onset of mandibular third molar formation was observed at very variable ages in this series, ranging from 5.86 to 14.66 years. The first developmental stages of maxillary third molars are not usually visible radiographically, which can lead to an incorrect diagnosis of agenesis. We found no significant relationship between the gender or age of the patient and the presence or absence of third molars. However, the presence/absence of the third molar can be predicted in 82.82% of cases when there is some degree of calcification of mandibular second molars and second premolars.  相似文献   

Li G  Ren J  Zhao S  Liu Y  Li N  Wu W  Yuan S  Wang H 《Forensic science international》2012,219(1-3):158-164
The purpose of this study is to provide reference data about estimating dental age from third molars of the western Chinese population for comparing with other populations and being applied to the age estimation of western Chinese juveniles and adolescents. A total of 2078 digital panoramic radiographs of 989 male and 1089 female Chinese subjects aged between 5 and 23 years were examined. The mineralization status of the third molars was assessed using the formation stages described by Demirjian et al. with two modifications. The results showed that the development of third molars in the western Chinese population was likely to begin at age 5 in both males and females. The third molars 28 and 48 showed significantly higher frequency in females than in males. The third molars 18 in the stage 1, 38 in the stages 1, A and G, and 48 in the stage H showed significantly older average age in females than in males. The Demirjian's stages C and D could be used as a reference stage to determine dichotomously whether a western Chinese is more likely to be under or above age 14 or 16, respectively. This study provided reference data for the age estimation of western Chinese juveniles and adolescents by the mineralization stages of the third molar. Apart from forensic age determination in living subjects, the presented reference data can also be used for age estimations of unidentified corpses and skeletons.  相似文献   

Abstract: Evaluating third molars from 950 Hispanic individuals aged 12–22 years using Demirjian’s schematic for crown and root formation found that Hispanic third molar development was 8–18 months faster than American Caucasians as reported by Mincer, Harris and Berryman in 1993. This represents a statistically significant increase. Earlier development was more apparent in the later stages F through H. Hispanic males reach developmental stages faster than Hispanic females and maxillary third molars reach developmental stages faster than mandibular third molars in both sexes. The earliest age observed for stages B–H (e.g., Stage H first observed at age 13.92 years in females) and the oldest age observed for Stages B–G were developed to facilitate age prediction of unknown individuals. Prediction tables for minimum and maximum age for an observed stage (e.g., if a female maxillary third molar is stage F it means she is older than 13 years) for each sex‐jaw group were calculated.  相似文献   

Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine the development of the mandibular third molar and its relation to chronological age. The evaluated material consisted of 979 orthopantomograms of patients of Croatian Caucasian origin aged between 5.7 and 14.6 years. Third molar developmental stages were evaluated according to the stages proposed by Nolla. The frequencies of different stages of mineralization and the mean value of the mineralization of the mandibular third molars with regard to age, gender, and size of the mandible were determined and the coefficient of correlation determined between the age of the subject and the stage of development of the mandibular molars. Statistically significant correlation was determined between mineralization of the mandibular third molar and chronological age of the subjects (boys, mandibular left third molar r = 0.779, right third molar r = 0.793; girls, mandibular left third molar r = 0.746, right third molar r = 0.725). It can be concluded that the accuracy of age estimation based on Nolla’s method is applicable for Croatian children.  相似文献   

The eruption and mineralization of third molars are the main criteria for dental age estimation of living people involved in criminal proceedings. Since the development of third molars is usually completed by the age of 19 or 20 years, this feature cannot be used to ascertain whether a person has attained the forensically relevant age of 21 years. This study examined whether the DMFT index or the third molar DFT index could supply reliable information enabling conclusions to be drawn about whether a person has reached the age of 21. To this end, 650 conventional orthopantomograms of German subjects aged 18 to 30 years were evaluated. The DMF index variations considered were found to be unsuitable for determining whether a person is over 21 because they displayed a weak correlation with age and considerable individual scatter. A high indicative value can only be attributed to a third molar DFT index of 4, although this is rarely observed in the relevant age group. An X-ray examination of the medial clavicular epiphyseal cartilage is, therefore, strongly recommended when assessing whether a person has attained 21 years of age.  相似文献   

Recent years have brought a worldwide increase in cross-border migration due to a globalized economy and ongoing belligerent conflicts. As a result, the percentage of foreigners among the general population has steadily increased not only in Germany, but also in other countries. This trend has triggered a growing demand for forensic medicine to assess the age of adolescents and young adults. The individuals examined here are unaccompanied minors without valid identification documents who do not know their age or else are suspected of not giving their correct age. The mineralization of third molars is the main criterion for dental age estimation of living subjects in the relevant age group. To date insufficient knowledge has been obtained about how ethnic origin can influence tooth mineralization. This, however, constitutes a restraint on the reliability of age estimates and hence on the forensic value of information essential to legal security. A comparative study was conducted to present comparative data on third molar mineralization in a Caucasoid, Mongoloid and African sample. In conclusion, forensic age estimates of living subjects would be more powerful tools if population-specific standards were applied to evaluations of wisdom tooth mineralization. Since the mineralization of third molars is usually completed by the age of 19 or 20 years, this feature cannot be used to ascertain whether a person has attained the forensically relevant age of 21 years. The question was whether determination based on an orthopantomogram of a combination of features relevant to dental age estimation of adults supplies forensically useful information for ascertaining whether a person has attained 21 years of age. The features considered include the DMFT index of all permanent teeth, the DMFT index of all permanent teeth excluding third molars and the DFT index of third molars projecting beyond the occlusal plane. It can be concluded that an evaluation of the variations of the DMFT index does not by itself yield sufficient data to determine with the accuracy required in criminal proceedings whether a person has attained 21 years of age. An additional X-ray examination of the medial clavicular epiphyseal cartilage is, therefore, strongly recommended when assessing whether a person is over 21.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The aim of the study was to conduct a morphometric analysis of the root development of the third molar, with the purpose of overcoming the limits of an exclusively morphological analysis. The study was divided in two phases. The first one was the verification of the existence of a constant crown-root (C/R) ratio on a sample of 100 third molars, characterized by a complete root development. The value obtained was used in the second phase to predict the final root's length, knowing the crown height. So we have calculated, on a sample of 322 third molars with developing roots, the final ratios between incomplete roots and complete roots. Statistical analysis was then made with 90%, 95%, and 99% confidence intervals. The results showed a significant difference according to the age of the subject and the limit values, lower and upper, for subjects aged 16 and 17 years versus those aged 18 and 19. For each analysis, the width of the class of tolerance and other statistical indicators were calculated. The results we obtained support the advantage of a morphometric study as opposed to an exclusively morphological study, but all the techniques used to determine the age of a living subject can provide only indications of the biological age, but no certainties as regards chronological age.  相似文献   

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