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叶姗 《当代法学》2014,(3):110-119
职业伤害防治法律制度构建的传统思路是保障工伤致残雇员获得及时的医疗救治和充分的经济补偿,而工伤保险基金则重在赔付工伤致残雇员工伤保险待遇或伤残待遇。雇员因工作遭受事故伤害或罹患职业病而致使其暂时不能或未能适当履行劳动给付义务的,工伤致残雇员的劳动给付障碍风险应当如何在雇主和雇员之间公平分配殊值研究。在劳动关系存续过程中,雇主对工作场所的职业安全和卫生保护负有谨慎注意义务,如果雇员因工致残是由雇主的过错导致的,雇主应当承担无正当理由不得解雇轻度伤残雇员或拒绝与之续签劳动合同的解雇限制义务,从而使轻度伤残雇员享有更充分的解雇保护权。  相似文献   

南非1996年《矿山健康与安全法》构建了严密且具有预防性的安全管理体系,体现了矿业发达国家在协调政府、雇主、雇员和社会组织有关健康与安全关系上的基本立场和政策选择.该法是南非矿山发展史上一部具有里程碑意义的法律,其先进的立法理念和制度设计为我国修改《矿山安全法》、完善安全监管法制等提供了有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

对于因民房建筑所引发的雇员受害类赔偿案件,一直是基层法院的疑难重点案件,该类案件,涉及的当事人主体以三方为主,包括雇员(受害人)、雇主、发包方(房东),涉及两大块法律关系,包括雇主与雇员之间的法律关系和雇主与发包方的法律关系。根据《侵权责任法》,雇主对于雇员的受害赔偿责任,经历了从无过错责任到过错责任的变迁,而关于发包方的责任,侵权责任法未有规定,就发包方(房东)与承包方(雇主)而言,双方之间应为承揽合同关系,在此基础上,本文通过对最高院的人身损害赔偿司法解释的解读,结合侵权责任法立法趋势及司法实践,认为对于农村民房建筑所引发的雇员受害类赔偿案件,发包方(房东)应就其自身过错承担相应的按份责任,如判决发包方与承包方对雇员受到的人身损害负连带赔偿责任不恰当的加重了房主的赔偿责任,造成了事实上的不公平。同时,结合农村实际,本文亦提出了相关建议,以期降低风险,减少各方损失。  相似文献   

近来,私人雇工劳动中发生的人身损害案件时有发生,而如何处理这类案件,我国目前尚无具体的法律规定。我认为,确定雇员人身损害案件的构成条件,是正确处理该类案件的前提。根据审判实践,该类案件应具备如下三个条件:雇员人身损害发生在私人雇工劳动中,是对雇员的生命健康造成的损害;雇主与雇员间必须存在着劳动法律关系;损害必须发生在雇工劳动过程中。私人雇工中发生的人身损害,主要是指:(1)从事本岗位工作造成伤亡;(2)雇员从事雇主临时指定或同意的工作造成伤亡;(3)在紧急情况下,(如抢险救灾救人等),从事对雇主有益的工作造成的伤亡;(4)在生产或工作中,因所从事的职业性质造成伤亡;(5)雇主以临时工棚作雇员集体宿舍,质量很坏又不及时修理,  相似文献   

雇主责任强制保险和雇主民事损害赔偿责任、工伤保险一起构成了处理雇员工伤事故损害赔偿的有机整体。现阶段,我国应在高危行业强制实施雇主责任保险。  相似文献   

论雇主的替代责任   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国立法还没有关于替代责任的规定 ,雇员侵权案件的审理 ,尚无法可依。应借鉴国外的相关立法 ,在民法典中规定雇主替代责任制度 ,对雇主、雇员的连带责任、雇主的追偿权等问题作出明确规定 ,为解决相关纠纷提供法律依据  相似文献   

雇主责任中雇主的追偿权有其特殊性,在成立要件上要考虑雇员过错大小,故意以及重大过失情况下对追偿权的行使要件应当放宽,雇员一般过失情况下则应尽量减少雇主追偿权的行使。在追偿金额的确定标准上要考虑行业、安全生产条件、职业风险等差异,实行差别化标准。  相似文献   

刘婕  吴军辉 《行政与法》2007,(10):106-110
在劳动力市场就业环节中,雇员(包括求职者)和雇主有着不同的权利和利益,用人自主权和平等就业权是就业歧视现象所隐含的利益结构中最核心的内容。在分析这两者的法学基础上,本文剖析了美国反就业歧视法律制度是如何有效地在就业歧视的例外性规定、举证责任配置、赔偿制度等方面平衡协调雇主和雇员各自利益的。针对目前我国反就业歧视法律制度的现状和缺陷,作者就价值取向、适用主体、保护范围、救济途径、赔偿制度及就业准入制度和劳动力市场基础等几个方面提出了完善和创新的相关思路。  相似文献   

“vicarious liability”是指“间接责任”而非“替代责任”,法律继受过程中的误译导致学界对雇主责任的性质认识模糊。在企业雇主责任中,雇主要为雇员的侵权行为承担责任,受害人也可以基于一般侵权条款或特殊侵权的规定请求雇员承担侵权责任。严格责任是企业雇主责任的发展趋势,这与企业雇主责任是自己责任并不矛盾。《民法典》规定的企业雇主责任应当解释为一种自己责任、危险责任。为了保护经济上处于弱势地位的雇员,除了肯定雇员对雇主享有逆求偿权外,还可以在企业雇主责任的框架下建构雇员外部责任豁免请求权制度,这体现了民法与劳动法的协同作用。  相似文献   

雇员从业犯罪多为生计所迫,与雇主之间属于雇佣劳动关系,犯罪目的不明显,参与程度不深,在定罪量刑时应该与雇主区别对待,这是期待可能性、刑法谦抑性等刑法理论题中应有之意。但现有的刑事立法对此并没有作特别的考量,导致对一些雇员刑事责任追究过于严厉。在立法和司法实践中,应参照单位犯罪的有关立法精神,适用刑事责任区分对待原则,对雇员普遍适用从犯情节,从轻处罚甚至免于刑事处罚。  相似文献   

'Best practice' in occupational health and safety (OHS) performance needs to recognize the declining emphasis that is being placed on the capacity of the regulatory state. This article argues that there are more appropriate forms of OHS regulation than direct command and control. The development of a systems-based approach acknowledges the importance of continuous improvement, benchmarking, and internal self-regulation. In order to encourage a systems-based approach, it is suggested that some form of persuasion by coercion by means of law remains a necessary condition for the establishment of an incentive-based 'voluntary' regime.  相似文献   

Psychiatric practice involves an implied contract in which each party fulfills a specialized role and incurs corresponding duties and obligations to be discharged as best able. Patients incur duties at three levels. First are specific duties that arise from patients' specialized role in their own health care: (1) to provide accurate and complete information, and (2) to cooperate with treatment within the bounds of informed consent. Second are general duties that apply to all citizens, but are especially relevant within the mental health context: (1) to respect the physical integrity of self, others, and property, and (2) to obey the law. The controversial "duty to protect" is at a third level, a transcendent duty that is specific to the context at hand, but in principle can apply to more than one party. Advantages of enforcing patients' duties include better care by treating professionals, optimum level of functioning of patients, and improved systems-wide morale and safety. Breach of patients' duty has many potential consequences in the forensic sphere: termination of care, malpractice defense, criminal prosecution, and tort liability. Complicating factors include the degree and effect of patients' psychiatric impairment, patients' legal status, and the role played by psychotherapeutic transference.  相似文献   

American criminal law reflects the absence of any general duty of Good Samaritanism. Nonetheless, there are some circumstances in which it imposes affirmative duties to aid others. In those circumstances, however, the duty to aid is canceled whenever aiding subjects the actor to a certain level of risk or sacrifice, a level that can be less than the risk or sacrifice faced by the beneficiary if not aided. In this article, I demonstrate that this approach to limiting affirmative duties to aid encounters the same problem of moral arbitrariness as does a moral catastrophe override of deontological side-constraints.  相似文献   

Self-Regulation Versus Command and Control? Beyond False Dichotomies   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The search for regulatory alternatives to command and control has led many commentators to promote, or at least contemplate, the use of self-regulation to improve the environmental performance of industry. However, much of the current debate has been characterized by a choice between two mutually exclusive policy options: "strict" command and control on one hand, and "pure" self-regulation on the other. In fact, there is a much richer range of policy options, with most falling somewhere between theoretically polar extremes. This article demonstrates that there are a number of "regulatory variables" which policymakers can use to "fine-tune" regulatory options to suit the specific circumstances of particular environmental issues. In the vast majority of circumstances, a combination of self-regulation and command and control will provide the ideal regulatory outcome.  相似文献   

行政评价制度通过对评价原则和具体指标、程序的设置,对评价结果进行诊断,并伴随奖惩措施的强化,能有效地约束行政主体在合法、合理以及可操作的范围内行使行政职权,以激励和推动行政主体发挥自身的积极性、主动性和创造性,提高行政行为的质量和水准,从而达到自我规范,实现和谐社会的善治目标。  相似文献   

水务民营化,某种意义上是基础设施领域“公私伙伴关系”的重构,由于水务行业在特定地区内的规模经济效应和自然垄断特征,因此有必要通过招标投标的形式展开缔约前的竞争,并对公用事业特许协议的延展、终止与变更,也适用特别的规则。而出于公共性确保的需要,政府还要对特许后的公用事业予以后续规制,这主要包括价格规制、质量规制、对普遍服务义务和公众参与及知情权保障的要求等四个方面。  相似文献   

论行政主体义务的法律意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政主体义务对行政法关系乃至于行政法治的走向起着决定性作用,它与行政法中的"权利"和"权力"具有同等重要的地位。然而,在我国行政法学界历来重视对后两者的研究而忽视了前者,没有给行政主体义务以科学的定位,这不能不说是行政法学理论的一大缺憾。行政主体义务的成立,必须有法律或职权上的依据,有行政法上的义务形态,有行政法上的权利主体,有完成义务的行为能力;行政主体义务在法律表现上有其独特之处,它是一个复杂的义务链条,是管理义务与服务义务的统一,是积极义务与消极义务的统一,是职权义务与行为义务的统一,是法规义务与契约义务的统一;行政主体义务对行政职权定"责",对行政法关系定"性",对行政行为定"量",对行政救济定"度"有重要的法律意义。  相似文献   

In the present study, we evaluated the validity and utility of the self-regulation model in a sample of 275 adult male sexual offenders treated within the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC). Individuals following different self-regulation pathways, as delineated in the SRM, were compared on offence characteristics, static and dynamic risk measures, and various treatment targets. Multivariate analyses revealed that, in general, offenders guided by approach-motivated goals exhibited more problematic offence characteristics as well as greater risk and treatment need than individuals guided by inhibitory goals. However, several other important distinctions were noted across offenders with different goals and strategies toward offending. These findings highlight the main importance of utilizing a comprehensive and multidimensional offence process model that emphasizes multiple routes to offending in sexual offender treatment. Implications of these findings for the effective assessment and rehabilitation of sexual offenders are discussed.  相似文献   

Industry-sponsored medical education is a much disputed issue. So far, there has been no regulatory framework which provides clear and definite rules as to whether and under what circumstances the sponsorship of medical education is acceptable. State regulation does not exist, or confines itself to a very general principle. Professional regulation, even though applied frequently, is rather vague and indefinite, raising the general question as to whether self-regulation is the right approach at all. Certainly, self-regulation by industry cannot and should not replace other regulatory approaches. Ultimately, advertising law in general and the European Directive 2001/83/EC specifically, might be a good starting point in providing legal certainty and ensuring the independence of medical education. Swiss advertising law illustrates how the principles of the European Directive could be implemented clearly and unambiguously.  相似文献   

The Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (NZ) became New Zealand law on 18 September 2003. This article looks at the background to the Act and reasons for resistance to it. It discusses the record so far on the medical profession's self-regulation of fitness-to-practise issues and the legal duties of practitioners who have reason to believe a colleague is putting patients at risk. It looks at some of the changes the Act brings, compares the experience of English and American medico-legal reforms, where applicable, and attempts to draw some conclusions on the chances for successful change.  相似文献   

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