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Research examining childhood abuse has shown an association between victimization and psychiatric diagnoses (e.g., posttraumatic stress disorder, depression). Historically, psychiatric diagnoses have been emphasized as a consequence of victimization, with less research examining if it also functions as a risk factor for further victimization, perhaps making diagnoses a general victimization risk marker. In addition, much of this research has emphasized particular types of victimization such as childhood physical or sexual abuse. Researchers have given less attention to other forms of victimization (e.g., peer victimization, witnessed violence) or a diverse victimization history. Using the Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire (JVQ) we surveyed parents and children between the ages of 2 and 17 using a random digit dial (RDD) methodology. We examined the relationship between a number of different forms of victimization (termed poly-victimization ) in the preceding year and parent-reported lifetime psychiatric diagnosis. Results show that children with a psychiatric diagnosis have significantly higher rates of victimization than children without a psychiatric diagnosis. In addition, using logistic regression models, we find that psychiatric diagnosis was associated with increased risk for poly-victimization, conventional crime victimization, maltreatment, peer or sibling victimization, and witnessing violence, but not sexual abuse. The results highlight the need to consider psychiatric diagnoses as a risk marker for past and possible future victimization. In addition, the importance of obtaining a comprehensive and more diverse victimization history when working with children is highlighted.  相似文献   

Despite the recognition of the practical and theoretical contributions of protective factors in risk assessment practice, the field has granted significant attention to psychosocial protective factors to the apparent neglect of biological protective factors. This review found a wealth of evidence which strongly and convincingly indicates that biological factors such as high intelligent quotient, executive functioning, skin conductance, and resting heart rate offer protection against criminal and antisocial behaviors. More importantly, the literature is supportive of the view that both risk and protective factors co-occur in the same variables, thus questioning the practice of classifying a set of variables as strictly risk or protective. Specifically, the risk–protective effect is contingent upon individual’s rating as high or low on the factor in question. It is recommended that researchers, academicians, and practitioners strive in their efforts to canvass other salient factors beyond the psychosocial factors as these factors can significantly and positively impact the risk assessment field, both theoretically and practically.  相似文献   


The over-representation of Indigenous offenders in Canadian prisons highlights the importance of research on the generalizability of potential static risk factors for this group. The current investigation examined whether 87 static indicators currently assessed in Canadian federal prisons were differentially present and related to outcomes (revocations, general recidivism, and violent recidivism) for Indigenous (n?=?1500) and non-Indigenous (n?=?6684) male federal offenders. The follow-up was eight months for revocations and five years for any/violent recidivism. Indigenous offenders scored significantly higher risk than non-Indigenous offenders on the majority of the indicators (particularly criminal history indicators). Generally, most criminal history indicators and some offence severity indicators predicted revocations, general, and violent recidivism for Indigenous offenders; however, several of the indicators had significantly lower accuracy for Indigenous offenders (particularly criminal history indicators). Overall, Indigenous offenders are a higher risk population and several static risk indicators do not perform as well for this group as for non-Indigenous offenders. Nonetheless, there were numerous static indicators that did predict outcomes for Indigenous offenders. The current findings suggest that it is possible to meaningfully assess static risk for recidivism among Indigenous offenders.  相似文献   

Water as a political good: implications for investments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is an urgent need for investments in the water sector. Still about a billion people lack access to drinking water services, and the double amount lacks proper sanitation services. To reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) substantial additional funding needs to be accessed. In view of the low priority given to the water sector by all prospective investors, the perspective of failure to reach the MDGs is eminent. The main argument made in this paper is that a formidable obstacle in accessing and using funds in the water sector is the omission to include explicitly the political nature of water in investment decisions. Due to its multifaceted and internally conflicting character, politics are a fact of life in the water sector. The menu of (suitable) investment options for a given locality is very much dependent on the political environment in which these water services are to be provided. While the impact of the political realm on water services is often acknowledged (most frequently in negative terms as it is seen as one of the main causes of poor performance of public utilities), few professionals really take the political environment explicitly into account when taking decisions relating to the provision of water services. In this paper it is propagated that the political dimension of water should be made explicit in an attempt to increase access and sustainability of investments in the water sector. Sound and sustainable investment in water services can only be achieved by taking into account the existing political environment in which those water services are to be delivered.  相似文献   

The Danger Assessment (DA) is an instrument designed to assess the likelihood of lethality or near lethality occurring in a case of intimate partner violence. This article describes the development, psychometric validation, and suggestions for use of the DA. An 11-city study of intimate partner femicide used multivariate analysis to test the predictive validity of the risk factors on the DA from intimate partner femicide cases (N = 310) compared with 324 abused women in the same cities (controls). The results were used to revise the DA (four items added; one "double-barreled" item divided into two), and the calculated weights (adjusted odds ratios) used to develop a scoring algorithm with levels of risk. These levels of risk were then tested with an independent sample of attempted femicides (N = 194) with a final outcome of .90 of the cases included in the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.  相似文献   

The article co-authored by Marco Shouten and Klaas Schwartz is correct in arguing that water is a political issue and efforts to decentralize and privatize decision making as recommended by the World Bank will not take the politics out of water. At the same time, this review advocates a broadened understanding of the water to include the cultural, ethical, environmental, and life-style dimensions of water. Only institutions that are inclusive, open, transparent, and accountable can bring legitimacy to decisions affecting the many conflicting water values with a realistic expectation of implementation.  相似文献   

The present study examines the quality of peer relations as a mediator between exposure to IPV (intimate partner violence) and internalizing behaviors in a sample of 129 preadolescents and adolescents (ages 10-18), who were interviewed via telephone as part of a multigenerational, prospective, longitudinal study. Relational victimization is also examined as a moderator of IPV exposure on internalizing behaviors. Results demonstrate a significant association of exposure to severe IPV and internalizing behaviors. Relational victimization is found to moderate the effects of exposure to severe IPV on internalizing behaviors. The present findings suggest that the effects of exposure to IPV had a particularly important effect on the risk for internalizing problems if the adolescent also experienced relational victimization. Conversely, the receipt of prosocial behaviors buffer against the effects of IPV exposure on internalizing symptoms in teen girls.  相似文献   

The current study examined college women's perceptions of the positive and negative socioemotional consequences associated with engaging in self-protective behaviors to reduce risk for sexual victimization. At baseline, women completed assessments of the extent to which they would experience positive or negative socioemotional consequences as a result of engaging in various self-protective behaviors. At a 2-month follow-up, women reported on their engagement in self-protective behaviors and experience of sexual victimization over the interim (N = 143). At baseline, some self-protective strategies were perceived as having more positive or negative socioemotional consequences than others. Perceiving a high level of negative socioemotional consequences associated with taking precautions prior to a date was associated with sexual victimization over the 2-month follow-up.  相似文献   


This paper reports the findings of a systematic search of published literature which reports the predictive validity of violence risk assessment tools specifically designed for use with youth. A total of 38 studies, involving 9,307 participants, reported data for six different tools; the most common of which were the SAVRY and the YLS/CMI. Each of the tools demonstrated at least moderate levels of predictive validity, with the predictive validity of several newer assessment tools yet to be established. The results provide an up-to-date overview of the state of knowledge in an area in which practitioners make choices about which tools to use on an almost daily basis. It is important that practitioners are aware of the strength of evidence that is available to support the choice of violence risk assessment tools and the interpretation of results.  相似文献   

The authors report the case of a 25-year-old white woman at 7 months' gestation who died suddenly and unexpectedly at home. Anatomic findings at autopsy included a tongue contusion, glomerulonephritis, changes indicative of systemic hypertension, and trophoblastic microemboli in the lungs. Review of the prenatal care record disclosed 3+ proteinuria 2 days before death. The features of the postmortem examination were consistent with clinically undiagnosed preeclampsia-eclampsia and glomerulonephritis. The authors discuss the rarity of fatal preeclampsia-eclampsia, the contribution of concomitant glomerulonephritis, and the significance of trophoblastic microemboli in the lungs.  相似文献   

Depletion of heart fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP) from cardiomyocytes with varying post-ischemia intervals was studied in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) model of rat, and 22 human autopsy cases were studied with streptavidin-peroxidase conjugated method (S-P). It was observed that as early as 15 min after ischemia, the depletion of H-FABP could be detected in model rats. With the ischemic time prolonged, the depletion of H-FABP was more and more evident. In all human cases with myocardial infarction, absent H-FABP staining could be found in infarcted area. And in some suspected early myocardial infarction cases, depletion of H-FABP staining could be demonstrated in areas that showed normal hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining. The blood samples from model rats before ligation, at varying post-ischemia intervals and various postmortem time were measured for plasma concentration of H-FABP with enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA) method. At 15 min after myocardial ischemia, the concentration of H-FABP was 4 times higher (546.0+/-85.3 microg/l) than that of the baseline level (103.7+/-94.1 microg/l). With the continuation of ischemic time, the concentration of H-FABP increased and peaked at 4 h (1953.5+/-405.3 microg/l), then decreased. The plasma concentration of H-FABP decreased slightly with postmortem time, but was still significant higher at any postmortem intervals than that of baseline level within 48 h after death. The results suggest that H-FABP staining can detect very early ischemic damages in human myocardium and the elevated plasma concentration of H-FABP in rat was an indicator of AMI, which was not affected by autolysis.  相似文献   

Due to high levels of probation and parole failure, a substantial body of research in criminology, psychology, and criminal justice focused on pinpointing those factors that indicate the highest risk of recidivism and recommitment. The majority of the risk assessment tools that were currently utilized, however, were not theoretically based. This research was an attempt to examine parole failure from a theoretical perspective-that of Gottfredson and Hirschi’s general theory of crime. Results showed that low self-control was a significant, although not the only, predictor of parole failure. Low self-control, however, did not appear to significantly impact the length of time before the failure occurred. Future research suggestions and policy implications are provided.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is to examine whether a relationship exists between disturbed sleep and aggression in 19 male prisoners with a psychotic illness, incarcerated in the Penitentiary Psychiatric Centre in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The sleep–wake rhythm was indirectly assessed by means of actigraphy. The results show that nocturnal restlessness was a significant predictor of aggression/agitation with a large effect size (R2?=?.639, adjusted R2?=?.536). It was concluded that future research should focus on nocturnal restlessness as a possible cause of aggression in this population.  相似文献   

Most previous research regarding early death prior to, or during, young adulthood among previously detained delinquent youth has focused predominantly on males or on their cause of death. This study extends previous research by evaluating potential factors that are associated with early death in a random sample (N?=?999) of formerly detained youthful offenders in New York stratified by gender (50% female). Existing case records were referenced with the National Death Index to determine if the formerly detained youth were deceased by the time they would have reached age 28. Regression analyses were run to determine if any of 16 sociodemographic, offense history, weapons/gang involvement, mental health, substance use, child maltreatment, child welfare, or family environmental risk factors measured in their childhood or adolescence were associated with early death. Two additional regression analyses were run to determine if those risk factors differentially impacted early death for males vs. females. Of the variables measured, however, only gender was significantly related to early death – compared to females, males were 2.3 times more likely to have prematurely died. Additionally, in the model run separately for females, being an African-American female was protective against early death. These findings are compared to findings from the existing literature.  相似文献   

Doubts concerning the applicability of succinylmonocholine (SMC) as a succinylcholine (SUX) marker have been issued. A comparative analysis of previously discussed tissues, i.e. brain, liver and kidney, was conducted to further elucidate this question by searching for diagnostically useful differences in analyte content in samples of SUX- versus non-SUX-associated fatalities. Furthermore, possible advantages of vitreous humor as a novel and promising target matrix for SUX analytics were assessed. Sample material of SUX-negative controls as well as the fatal SUX-intoxication was derived from frozen archive material and current autopsies. Samples were analyzed according to a modified protocol of a previously published and validated method employing ion-pairing solid-phase extraction and subsequent HPLC-MS/MS analysis. Standard addition was employed for quantification as well as an estimation of the analytical limits of the method. In all tested matrices, the method was proven to be sufficiently sensitive for the intended application. No indication of native SMC was found in controls of fresh tissues, nor in fresh or frozen vitreous humor. However, most of the samples were found to be positive for a previously reported interference with SMC's main ion transition, thereby falsely suggesting an SMC content of up to 139 ng/g, 126 ng/g, 165 ng/g and 93 ng/ml in brain, liver, kidney and vitreous humor, respectively. Contrasting the results for fresh sample material, SMC was detectable in some of the initially non-putrefied liver samples after long-term storage, as well as in massively decomposed SUX-negative control bodies. In this context, a microbial origin of the analyte may be assumed. All tissues as well as the vitreous humor of the fatal SUX-intoxication were negative for SUX and SMC. Just like serum, tissue and vitreous humor samples therefore do not allow a reliable diagnosis of a SUX-intoxication: in tissues this is due to the pronounced instability of both target analytes in these esterase-containing matrices, for vitreous humor an additional reason could be their insufficient incorporation into this medium.  相似文献   

The Court of Appeal in the recent decision of Google Inc v Judith Vidal Hall1 has made a number of remarkable rulings in the area of privacy. An important aspect of this decision is that it clarified the legal foundation in which an action for unauthorised disclosure of private information is found. However, the decision itself is not without flaws. This paper seeks to analyse potential problems with the action being classified as a tort as well as the scope of misuse of private information being a form of privacy protection.  相似文献   

In this article we operationalise the theoretical concepts of the Good Lives Model (GLM) of offender rehabilitation by providing a step-by-step framework for assessment, formulation, treatment planning, and monitoring with a high-risk violent offender residing in the community. The case study illustrates how the GLM can be applied to complement and enhance traditional Risk-Management interventions and shows how the GLM's clinical relevance extends from sex offending to broader offending typologies.  相似文献   

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