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Physicians seem unwilling to deal with their own suicidal problems professionally. Suicide is a repressed topic. According to international studies, medical students and physicians are clearly over-represented among suicide victims. Committing suicide stands in sharp contrast to the positive image physicians enjoy as competent, strong helpers transmitting positive energy. Various studies and meta-analyses show that physicians use knowledge specific to their profession and are therefore "more successful" than the general population in committing suicide. Moreover, the data reveal a number of risk factors specifically correlating with medical practice. This is confirmed by an increased number of suicides during medical training and professional life in comparison with the general population. Gender-specific analyses show an even higher suicide risk for female physicians. In this context it cannot be excluded that out of "professional respect" cardiovascular causes of death are sometimes falsely documented in death certificates instead of suicide. Despite their special education, physicians are not very good at diagnosing their own emotional disorders and asking colleagues for adequate professional help. They rather tend to camouflage their own psychological problems also because they are afraid of occupational and personal discrimination.  相似文献   

Euthanasia and assisted suicide are highly controversial subjects that have drawn much attention in Canada over the last two decades. This paper outlines how the Netherlands, the United States, Australia, and Canada have approached the practices. Jurisprudence, public opinion polls, legislative developments, and the positions of medical organizations and their members are included in the analysis. A number of arguments for and against the continued prohibition of the practices in Canada are evaluated. As well, information regarding the extent to which euthanasia and assisted suicide are performed in these countries is assessed. It will be shown that Canadians currently enjoy significant control over decisions concerning end of life. The principles of autonomy and beneficence provide the foundation necessary to justify lifting the prohibition of voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada. With regard to the development of safeguards, the way in which foreign jurisdictions have dealt with both procedures is highly instructive. A qualified system of pre-authorization, unlike those adopted elsewhere, would prevent abuses from occurring and maintaining the prohibition of non-voluntary and involuntary euthanasia. Since legislators are in the best position to deal with the issues, change in the law should be made by the government, not the judiciary. Practical legislation is feasible and a proposal of what this should entail is presented.  相似文献   

This Article examines the extent to which private hospital are liable for discrimination against medical staff members with disabilities, under the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA"). Specifically, the discussion focuses on the ways in which Title I, covering employment relationships, and Title III, covering places of public accommodation, apply to hospitals and their medical staff physicians. With respect to Title I, the author focuses on possible liability with respect to independent contractor physicians who have staff privileges at a hospital. The focus with respect to Title III involves claims filed by physicians against hospitals as places of public accommodation. The author concludes that the courts have applied the ADA in a manner broader than intended by Congress, and that private hospitals should assume that both Title I and Title III are applicable to staff privilege decisions. Therefore, any action that adversely affects a disabled physician should be supported by well-documented, objective evidence of a nondiscriminatory reason for that action.  相似文献   

Childhood exposure to violence and victimization is a significant public health problem, with potentially long-lasting, deleterious effects on adult mental health. Using a longitudinal study design, 123 young adults—identified in adolescence as at-risk for high school dropout—were examined for the effects of multi-domain childhood victimization on emotional distress and suicide risk, net of adolescent risk and protective factors, including family dysfunction. The hypothesis that higher levels of cumulative childhood victimization would be significantly associated with mental health maladjustment in young adulthood was confirmed by the analysis. However, the victimization predictors of adult emotional distress were different than the predictors of adult suicide risk. These findings indicate the need for prevention and intervention approaches that include thorough assessment, and focus on the childhood and adolescent problem areas that are most consequential for long-term psychological well-being.  相似文献   

This final rule establishes a process for Medicare contractors to provide eligible participating physicians and beneficiaries with a determination of coverage relating to medical necessity for certain physicians' services before the services are furnished. This rule is intended to afford the physician and beneficiary the opportunity to know the financial liability for a service before expenses are incurred. This final rule establishes reasonable limits on physicians' services for which a prior determination of coverage may be requested and discusses generally our plans for establishing the procedures by which those determinations may be obtained. This rule also responds to public comments on the August 30, 2005 proposed rule.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate views toward physician-assisted suicide (PAS) as patient illness (terminal, not terminal), patient mental health (depressed, not depressed) and physician background (preoccupied, not preoccupied with death) are varied. Participants (N = 211) read a newspaper article and trial summary involving a PAS then gave their impressions of the patient, physician and PAS. Patient mental health did not affect decisions, but the preoccupied physician's testimony was seen as less believable (intent was seen as patient death, not an end of pain and suffering), and he was more likely to be seen as guilty than the non-preoccupied physician (reflected by both verdict and guilt level ratings). The terminal patient was seen as suffering more, wanting suicide more, and making a more rational decision to die than the non-terminal patient. Results are discussed in light of recent legal activity involving PAS.  相似文献   

The "medicalization" of the death penalty has ignited a debate, by those within the medical profession and by others outside it, about the appropriateness of physicians participating in state-sponsored executions. Physicians participating as "agents" of the State in executions argue that their presence ensures a more humane execution. Opponents argue physician participation violates the Hippocratic Oath which states clearly that physicians should never do harm to anyone. How any physician, who is dedicated to "preserving life when there is hope," can argue that taking the life of a healthy person because the state commands it is in the patient's best interest, and does not conflict with the goals of medicine is beyond comprehension. Physician participation in executions is unethical because it violates the four basic principles that govern medical ethics: respect for persons, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice.  相似文献   

Death, like many social problems, has become medicalized. In response to this medicalization, physician-assisted suicide (PAS) has emerged as one alternative among many at the end of life. And although the practice is currently legal in the states of Oregon and Washington, opponents still argue that PAS is unethical, is inconsistent with a physician's role, and cannot be effectively regulated. In comparison, Switzerland, like Oregon, permits PAS, but unlike Oregon, non-physicians and private organizations play a significant role in assisted death. Could the Swiss model be the answer? The following essay explores the Swiss model of assisted suicide for its potential to enhance the regulation of PAS, reduce physician involvement, and perhaps demedicalize the way we die.  相似文献   

Recent news stories, medical journal articles, and two state voter referenda have publicized physicians' providing their patients with aid-in-dying. This Note distinguishes two components of aid-in-dying: physician-assisted suicide and physician-committed voluntary active euthanasia. The Note traces these components' distinct historical and legal treatments and critically examines arguments for and against both types of action. This Note concludes that aid-in-dying measures should limit legalization initiatives to physician-assisted suicide and should not embrace physician-committed voluntary active euthanasia.  相似文献   

根据我国目前的法律规定,进入乡村医生队伍的资质要求偏高,这在一定程度上严重影响了乡村医生后续力量的补充;乡村医生的执业行为囿于诸多乡土文化,很难做到法律要求和新生代权利人渴望的规范性,面临着被淘汰的危险。在目前的状况下,原本存在很大执业风险的乡村医生已经通过自身的不作为使得自身几乎不存在执业风险,但从长远角度观察,这将阻碍医学的进步和损害社会公众的福祉。  相似文献   

Currently, liability discussions are being dominated by AIDS and the legal problems associated with birth and death. The introduction of routine AIDS tests without the knowledge of those concerned is disputed heatedly and, in fact, may well constitute bodily assault and render those responsible liable to prosecution. In AIDS cases, the apparent breach of the Hippocratic oath of secrecy by Physicians can be justified on the grounds of both the extraordinary circumstances prevailing and conflicting duties. The transmission of AIDS could give rise to prosecution for causing bodily injury or manslaughter. The drawing up of a law to protect embryos is designed to establish legal constraints in the fields of reproduction and gene technology. In reframing section 168 StGB, which provides protection to the dead embryo, legislators assume that the head of a medical clinic is the lawful custodian of the corpse of a person who has died in his institution. This should help to resolve many of the problems arising from post-mortem examinations. The questions of euthanasia and medical assistance in cases of suicide were raised at the 1986 Conference of German Lawyers. Whereas medical treatment that could be considered as interference with the natural process of dying may be withdrawn in the case of irreversible terminal suffering, active euthanasia, i.e. the deliberate killing of a terminal patient, was rejected. With regard to noninterference in a suicide attempt by a third party, the free decision of the person wishing to commit suicide should be respected. In general, however, the maxim in dubio pro vita should be respected and where any doubt exists, an attempt should be made to save the person's life.  相似文献   

On 1 April 2002 the Dutch Bill 'Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act' (Wet toetsing levensbeeindiging op verzoek en hulp bij zelfdoding) came into force. This article starts with an outline of the former legal position in The Netherlands regarding euthanasia and medically assisted suicide, followed by an explanation of the new Act. The main focus of this contribution lays on the requirements of due care, the obligation to notify euthanasia to the coroner and the revised legal position of the so-called Regional Review Commissions. Furthermore, the article considers the termination of life in the case of minors and the function and requirements of written statements of euthanasia by patients no longer capable of communication. Finally, the article gives an overview of the problems [that] may come in the future concerning the approach to euthanasia in The Netherlands.  相似文献   

In 2002 the Dutch Euthanasia Act came into force. This Act is the result of a lengthy developmental process. It codifies the requirements that have evolved in case law and medical ethics since 1973. Empirical data indicate that the Dutch euthanasia practice is stabilising. Euthanasia and assisted suicide occur in 2.7% of all deaths. Now that the Act has been passed, the focus is on improving the quality of medical decision-making. From an international perspective, the Dutch legislation is exceptional. However, it appears that other countries and international organisations are considering euthanasia legislation as well. It remains to be seen how influential the Dutch model will prove to be.  相似文献   

The authors review the first publicly reported case of legal assisted suicide in the United States and discuss possible clinical responses other than assistance in suicide. Psychiatric observers have noted that acceptance of assisted suicide or euthanasia as a medical option has resulted in loss of knowledge about how to respond to suicidal ideation in the seriously ill. The authors discuss specific therapeutic interventions that may be appropriate for seriously ill patients requesting suicide.  相似文献   

To date, in three European countries and three American states--i.e., The Netherlands, Luxemburg, Switzerland, and the states of Oregon, Washington and Montana--it is permitted by law for one person to assist in the suicide of another person. When comparing the legislations of these countries/states, it becomes apparent that The Netherlands, Luxemburg, Oregon, Washington and Montana have chosen a medical approach (the so-called medical model), whereas the Swiss legal framework for assisted suicide is clearly a non-medical one (the demedicalised model). The differences between these two models mainly concern two aspects: the requirement as to the capacity of the person providing assistance in suicide and the condition regarding the state of health of the person committing suicide. A closer view on the practice of assisted suicide in the depenalising countries shows that the differences are smaller than initially thought. Nevertheless, important distinctions still remain. When analysing which model is most preferable, it is concluded that an involvement of a physician is inevitable and necessary and that the requirement of a certain medical condition is needed to set a clear and objective limit.  相似文献   

Perceptions of an impending oversupply of physicians have prompted proposals to reduce medical school enrollments in a number of states. Most of these states are also concerned with improving the specialty and geographic distribution of their medical manpower. The present study provides estimates of the effects of reduced numbers of in-state medical school graduates upon the future supply of physicians in Texas, and examines the medical school origin, medical specialty, and practice location of selected groups of Texas physicians. The results suggest that in Texas enrollment reductions would have no significant impact on physician supply over the next 15 years, and might actually prove counterproductive in altering physician distribution. The analysis of Texas data illuminates the unintended consequences likely to accompany a policy option that has been widely embraced by state officials largely on the basis of its intuitive appeal.  相似文献   

Since parental alienation syndrome (PAS) was identified in the 1980's, there has been a remarkable amount of misinformation regarding both PAS and parental alienation (PA). These falsehoods were published in professional journals, presented at conferences, and distributed through internet websites and blogs. This article summarizes five examples of published misinformation regarding PAS/PA. Each case study includes: the false statements that were published in the medical, psychological, or legal professional literature; the names of the individuals who made the false statements; and the steps taken to refute the falsehoods and correct the record. The writers of the misinformation were from Sweden, Tunisia, Spain, and the United States, which illustrates the international scope of PAS/PA. In one example, the misinformation reached the U.S. House of Representatives and was almost included in a formal resolution adopted by that body. The article discusses various underlying causes of the high level of polarization in PAS/PA scholarship. The article also proposes steps that both mental health and legal writers can adopt to reduce the destructive polarization that has occurred. In general, however, clinicians, forensic practitioners, and legal professionals should remain vigilant when they read articles or listen to presentations about topics that might be considered controversial.  相似文献   

The growing problem of physician sexual misconduct has captured the attention not only of the medical and legal communities, but of the public as well. State medical boards, administrative agencies with generous rules of evidence and varying levels of expertise, face the difficult task of responding to patients' allegations of physician sexual abuse. This Article, based in large part on the author's survey of current state medical board practice, reveals an increasing reliance on expert psychiatric testimony to explain the behavior of complainants and accused physicians. Drawing analogies from the use of psychiatric evidence in child sexual abuse cases, the author examines the factors that boards must consider in determining the admissibility of expert testimony in physician sexual misconduct cases, and calls upon states to establish clear evidentiary rules to govern the use of such testimony in administrative hearings.  相似文献   

意大利的公共卫生体系综合绩效在世界排名第二,意大利在处理医疗事故的立法和实践有着先进经验。意大利医生面临刑事责任和民事责任的双重风险,常规医疗程序中医师负有举证责任,并且意大利具有完善的医师保险体系。我国应在司法实践中加重医生医疗事故罪的刑事诉讼的比例,区分不同情况分配举证责任,并逐渐建立和完善医师保险体系。  相似文献   

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