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Soumita Basu 《圆桌》2017,106(1):71-78
South Asia contributes the largest contingent of peacekeepers to the United Nations, and yet remains a fragile region in terms of peace within its own borders. This article argues that, although the implications of South Asia’s engagement in global peacekeeping operations has been the subject of academic study, not enough attention has been paid to how South Asian expertise in peacekeeping can be harnessed as a resource for regional cooperation.  相似文献   

民国时期南洋华侨的文化认同与适应问题是一个重要的学术问题.本文对1929年6月由国立暨南大学组织召集的第一次南洋华侨教育会议,以文化认同与适应为视角进行初步研究,旨在探讨教育对华侨的文化、社会认同与适应的建构、贡献及意义.  相似文献   

<剑桥东南亚史>在学术视野、研究资料、研究方法和重大问题以及编写体例上都实现了突破,是东南亚历史研究的新飞跃,而<剑桥东南亚史>中译本的出版也具有极为重要的意义.  相似文献   

When Asia was conceptualized as Europe's “other,” it was also cast as a temporally delimited concept: once capitalist modernity—assumed to operate evenly across the globe by conservatives, liberals, and the left—spread to eastern Eurasia, the differences between two unequal halves of the continent were expected to evaporate. The persistence of differences long after “Asia” was incorporated into the capitalist world-economy has led to a cartographic definition of the continent. Such definitions do not allow for historical processes that reshape relations between peoples, forging new links and severing old ones. This article traces the changing imaginaries of Asia historically. Since there are no indigenous conceptions of the continent, the author argues that the changing imaginaries of Asia are linked to wider geopolitical processes. When eastern Eurasia was subordinated to the drives of the capitalist world-economy, existing linkages were severed and territories were linked to, or through, colonial metropoles. After a brief period of autarkic development after decolonization, states along the Pacific coasts were increasingly integrated through production and procurement networks leading to a new imaginary of Asia. Since the end of the cold war and the emergence of independent states with large hydrocarbon resources in Central Asia, countries that were once excluded from cold war imaginaries of Asia—as well as India—are being integrated through newer imaginaries that reflect the greater prominence of China and India today as well as the rise of Islamic militancy and new ethnic conflicts.  相似文献   

"软实力"逐渐成为了中国一个时髦的话语,它甚至超越了学术的范畴。本文将对比并分析中美两国学者对中国在东南亚"软实力"的理解。  相似文献   

Laura E. Hein 《亚洲研究》2013,45(2):209-210
In the wake of the 1997 regional economic crisis, but before 11 September 2001, many Southeast Asian governments were besieged by formidable challenges to their legitimacy These challenges have been arguably mitigated by the political capital provided by the September 11 event as many regional governments have joined forces with the United States in its “war against terror.” These governments have uncovered the existence of regional terrorist organizations, such as Jemaah Islamiah, with alleged links to the al-Qaida network. With the ostensible routing of the al-Qaida network in Afghanistan, Southeast Asia has been postulated as the new front line and base for Islamic militants. While international forces have undoubtedly contributed to the rise of political and militant Islam in Southeast Asia, this article will highlight the importance of localized sociopolitical and economic sources of Muslim grievance and the vexed issue of authoritarian governance. It is imperative that these issues be seriously addressed if the ideological appeal of radical and militant Islamists is to be effectively mitigated.  相似文献   

在目前澳门的对外关系中,东南亚并不是最重要的。然而,从长远的和发展的眼光看,东南亚在澳门的对外关系中将发挥越来越重要的作用,澳门应该重视发展与东南亚的经济社会关系。与东南亚建立良好的密切的关系,将为今后澳门经济的继续繁荣和发展作出重要的贡献  相似文献   

This study assesses the argument that common ethnic identity has facilitated the creation of transnational business networks leading to the rise of a new economically powerful “global tribe” comprising ethnic Chinese from East and Southeast Asia. The primary contention in this article is that a network with the economic clout of a “global tribe” would entail interlocking stock-ownership ties, a sharing of resources and cooperation to the point of merger. Through an in-depth analysis of investments in China by ethnic Chinese from Malaysia, this article proves that even major Chinese-owned companies have little or no interlocking stock ownership and directorate links, either domestically or across borders, with other Chinese-owned companies. The growing inflow of investments into China by ethnic Chinese from Southeast Asia is primarily due to endeavours by government leaders in the region and China to encourage businesses to invest in the Mainland.  相似文献   

Based on research carried out by INTRAC (International NGO Training & Research Centre) in 2006–2007 in four countries of Central Asia for Oxfam–Novib, the article investigates NGO networks and their international links in the context of current theory on civil society and global civil society. Three case studies of NGOs working in service delivery, community development and free media are examined to show the diversity of aims and the potential and challenges of networking in the region. Civil society advocacy at national and international levels is analysed with a fourth case study on the campaign conducted in Kyrgyzstan against joining the World Bank's Highly Indebted Poor Countries programme. This example shows a more radical, alternative mode of civil society activism. The article emphasizes the importance of national- and regional-level networking and poses the question of whether NGOs in Central Asia can shift from their current positions on the periphery of global movements and debates.  相似文献   

The role and activities of nongovernment organizations (NGOs) in Southeast Asia are increasing, says JoAnn Fagot Aviel, Professor of International Relations at San Francisco State University. This growth is being encouraged both by the increasing emphasis, world‐wide, on regionalization and by the attempts by the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) to promote regional economic cooperation. Although in the past NGOs have been on the periphery of ASEAN, Aviel argues that the future of the Association may depend as much on the activities of NGOs as on those of ASEAN's governments and private enterprises. In this article, Aviel focuses on the role played by NGOs in the Asian region and their relationship with ASEAN. She predicts that NGO activity in Southeast Asia will continue to grow and forge links between people in the region.  相似文献   


The Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars and the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars have always attempted to provide alternatives to “established” scholarship in the Asian studies field. When CCAS came into existence in the mid-1960s, the main task was to formulate a critique of the cold war inspired scholarship of the 1950s, and to attempt to counteract the prevailing views concerning the communist countries and national liberation movements of Asia. This in turn led to an analysis of the structure of academic inquiry and academic funding in the United States, and to a realization of the political character of the “apolitical” stance of the Asian studies academic establishment.  相似文献   

满铁是近代日本设于中国东北最大的殖民统治机构。日本通过满铁攫取中国的政治、经济、社会和文化等情报,控制中国交通,掠夺资源,以此达到对华殖民统治目的。日本战败后,满铁大部分文献资料留存于中国,分散于国内数十家图书馆。这批规模巨大、卷帙浩繁的满铁文献资料,是研究中国东北地方史、近现代中日关系史和东北亚国际关系史极为珍贵的第一手资料。近30年来日本学界对满铁资料及满铁史的研究取得了令人瞩目的成果,但也存在一些问题需要引起我们的重视。  相似文献   

During the 1950s, staff, students and graduates of Australian universities were increasingly critical of the racial restrictions on immigration, and their activism contributed to a broader government and community reassessment of the White Australia Policy. Personal experiences of cross‐cultural interactions between Australian students and an increasing number of international students from Asia, including those sponsored by the Australian government's Colombo Plan, underpinned the university challenge to immigration policy. Tertiary curriculum offering new academic interpretations of Asian history and decolonisation also contributed to a growing awareness among university‐educated Australians of Asia, and fostered empathy for its peoples. The publications of the Immigration Reform Group extended this critique of White Australia, and were driven by a moral indignation towards a policy that affected individuals personally known to the critics.  相似文献   

民国时期,南洋学兴起,出现并形成了几种较为典型的学术话语,这些看似多样松散的南洋话语,其实都拘束于"中国与南洋"的视野之中,具有为我所用的临时性与策略性。二战后,这种南洋学及其背后的某些观念遭遇了挑战,其得失对我们今天从事东南亚研究仍有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

东南亚华人经济的兴起使华人家族企业的治理模式成为学术界研究的热点问题之一。本文通过实地调研,选取已有110年历史的哥伦比亚集团作为研究对象,结合刘氏家族企业的成长史,全面分析企业发展过程中家族治理模式的历史演变,由此探讨华人企业集团家族治理模式演进的规律。  相似文献   

"亚洲式民主":功能及其限度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"亚洲式民主"是90年代以来引起广泛争议的重大国际学术问题.本文认为,"亚洲式民主"在东亚国家实现经济现代化的过程中发挥了双重功能,即既维持了政治稳定,又促进了经济发展.但另一方面,随着环境和条件的改变,"亚洲式民主"也日益暴露出局限性.文章最后指出,"亚洲式民主"可能是通向自由式民主的一种过渡形态.  相似文献   

本文选取《东南亚研究》、《南洋问题研究》和《亚太评论》三份学术期刊,根据东南亚问题研究论文的载文量、内容(国别与主题)和作者三个指标,对这三份刊物2000—2005年的载文进行了统计、对比与分析,并由此管窥中国东南亚研究的成就、视角与问题。  相似文献   


The periodicals selected to be included in this annotated guide consist, for the most part, of lesser known magazines and newsletters from nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) based in or concerned with the Asia and Pacific regions. Deliberately excluded from the guide (for reasons of space only) are mainstream newsmagazines and journals that are academic in orientation or origin. Standard reference guides to periodical literature offer sufficient information about serial publications in these categories. The effort here is to introduce periodicals that may not be as well-known or as readily accessible to readers of the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars as the more established journals, magazines, and other literature in the field.  相似文献   

The juxtaposition of a declining power with a rising power has a number of historical parallels e.g. the Ottoman Empire, the UK/US relationship. This article examines the decline of Russia and the rise of China, countries whose links go back some 400 years. They share many attitudes to the rest of the world, but the bilateral relationship has to accommodate China's vertiginous economic growth and the growing hydrocarbon dependence of Russia's economy, as well as the interests of both countries in the Russian Far East and Central Asia. For the moment both sides seem prepared to make the effort needed to sustain the relationship, but there must be doubts about the sustainability of this essentially benign scenario in the longer term.  相似文献   


Today many aspects of the Sino-Russian relationship are positive. The “strategic cooperative partnership” is supported by the Treaty for Good Neighborliness, Friendship, and Cooperation, as well as membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and a shared commitment to a multipolar world. Nevertheless, the economic foundation of the relationship is weak, energy cooperation has not reached its potential, and the two states have competing interests in Central Asia. Thus, this article argues that although the Sino-Russian relationship is multifaceted and based on practical considerations, there are nevertheless factors that limit the relationship. China and Russia have links with the West that sometimes interfere in their relationship with each other. Moreover, the legacy of history remains in the background of the relationship. Finally, Russia's demographic decline, combined with China's economic growth, creates questions for Russians regarding their long-term security vis-à-vis China.  相似文献   

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