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越南反腐败斗争评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
越南20世纪80年代末期开始的反腐败斗争,随着革新的深化而逐步深化并取得了一些阶段性成果,但腐败现象非但没有得到根本遏制,反而愈演愈烈。面对严峻的反腐形势,不久前召开的越共“十大”将反腐败问题提到了前所未有的高度。“十大”之后,越南的反腐败力度将进一步加大,但斗争尚未有穷期。  相似文献   

越南穆斯林以占族人为主,主要分布在南方的胡志明市、西宁省和安江市,人数约10万。越南伊斯兰教经阿拉伯和波斯商人传入,后受马来人影响较大。占族人与他族的族群差异以及越南政府的民族同化和宗教歧视政策造成族群偏见和越南穆斯林同伊斯兰世界的隔离,导致越南穆斯林在宗教知识与实践、信仰传承、文化教育、机构团体、社会融入等方面存在着诸多困难。其处境亟待越南政府的理解和支持,以及穆斯林世界的帮助。  相似文献   

目前越南华人的政治状况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
越南是东南亚华人较多的国家之一。 80年代后期特别是 90年代以来 ,随着越南全面革新开放路线和政策的实施 ,越南华人的政治状况发生了较大的变化 ,政治待遇有所恢复 ,政治地位逐步提高 ,政治认同也在迅速转变。华人已逐步融入越南主体社会  相似文献   

日本企业加速对越南投资及越、中、泰投资环境的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迄今为止,日本企业对亚洲直接投资的头两个国家是中国和泰国.但是,近年日本企业不断加大对越南的投资力度.越南将成为继中国和泰国之后,日本企业在亚洲直接投资的最热对象国.本文结合中国、泰国的投资环境,探讨日本企业选择越南投资的原因,对其目前存在的问题进行对比研究,并展望其未来发展趋势.  相似文献   


It is revealing that a Vietnam Caucus held in March 1968 should end its meeting by beginning an evaluation of the professional “conscience” of Asian scholars. That it took this war to raise the latent problems in the profession is itself a depressing commentary on the state of the field. But the desire on the part of some individuals to create a nationwide inter-university student-faculty Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars to pose and then seek to resolve these problems fulfills one of the organizers' hopes.  相似文献   

This article examines the political and diplomatic struggles in urban South Vietnam from the perspective of women in the Vietnamese Women’s Movement for the Right to Live (WRL) during the Vietnam War. This movement was a timely response to the American war of aggression, which had destroyed the fabric of South Vietnamese society and drastically diminished women’s position within it by 1970. Under the leadership of Mrs. Ngô Bá Thành, the WRL fought for peace and women’s liberation through political action and shrewd diplomacy. Unlike female guerrilla fighters, the WRL maintained political autonomy and neutrality throughout the conflict. As a result, it was violently repressed by the Saigon government and quickly disbanded after the communist victory in 1975. Nevertheless, studying these politically sophisticated women’s anti-war efforts is crucial to understanding the symbiotic yet destructive relationship between Third World women and American imperialism during the twentieth century. It also helps dismantle essentialist assumptions about Asian women as inherently submissive and politically naïve. The WRL is a sterling example of Vietnamese women’s ingenuity in their dual struggle for national liberation and gender equality.  相似文献   

Vietnam has attained impressive results in poverty reduction. The poverty rate has decreased from about 58% in 1993 to 3% in 2015. This article examines Vietnam’s poverty reduction achievement and several of the factors that have underpinned it. It also examines the contemporary difficulties faced by the Vietnam government in further reducing poverty. In particular, this commentary assesses the role of public administration in poverty reduction, considering the role of administrative reform, decentralisation and ensuring good governance for poverty reduction. In assessing the present situation, the article discusses some of the limitations of poverty reduction strategy and emerging challenges for public administration.  相似文献   


Spring Festival on the High Plateaus (figure 1) is the name given by Vietnamese artist Tran Huu Chat to an engraved, painted, and lacquered wooden panel executed in 1962 and acquired by the Museum of Fine Arts in Hanoi. As so often in Vietnamese art of recent decades, this large (120 × 96 cm), elaborate, and richly populated composition is socially and politically charged, but it is also of exceptional ethnographic significance. The theme of solidarity in revolutionary struggle between ethnic minorities and the Vietnamese majority is that of much Vietnamese art of the U.S. war period, especially poster art. Moreover, this homage to Vietnamese “primitives” is in the spirit of President Ho Chi Minh's own repudiation of racism; his 1945 Declaration of Independence avoids any equivalent of the term “merciless Indian savages” contained in its model, the U.S. Declaration of Independence.  相似文献   

亚洲金融危机以来越南成为台湾在东南亚投资的新热点,其原因一方面在于台越双方在经济发展上有较大的互补性以及双方各自的政治经济需要,但更为重要的是越南政府采取了一系列政策措施来改善投资环境,增强了越南投资环境对台资的吸引力.也正是由于上述原因,台湾在越南投资持续增长,并呈现出一系列新的特点.  相似文献   

与"9·11"事件世界经济下滑的情况相反,2001年越南国内生产总值的增长率达到了6.8%,经济发展取得了骄人的成就.为了实现其工业化的目标,越南在世纪之交规划了今后发展的宏伟蓝图并积极发展同世界主要大国和周边邻国的关系.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the growth trajectory of China and related structural change to assess China's capacity to continue its rapid growth over the next decade. The evidence demonstrates that the multi-path approach undertaken has enabled China to transform its economy from low value-added towards high value-added activities through structural change from low to high value-added industries, as well as upgrading within industries. In doing so, China did not follow the neo-liberal advocacy of freeing markets. Selective state interventions facilitated China's transformation from an agricultural to an industrial economy over the last few decades. Upgrading towards higher value-added activities and the continuing strength of macroeconomic indicators, such as balance of payment and capital account surpluses, and low trade intensity of GDP and debt service along with significant deepening in human capital and R&;D activities, suggests that China will continue to grow relatively rapidly over the next decade. To do this China needs to find solutions to growing deficits in power and water supply, and potentially dangerous political upheavals if growing economic inequality problems are not solved.  相似文献   


In December 1978, the Far Eastern Economic Review discussed the prospects of the newly-fanned United Front for National Salvation (UFNS) in Kampuchea led by Heng Samrin. It quoted Western intelligence sources as saying that in villages where it was established, one of the first moves the UFNS made was to demolish the communal dining halls built by the Pol Pot forces. The sources commented: “surprisingly, the Front seems to be getting popular support.”  相似文献   

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