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中国南海断续线是在1933年法国占领南沙九小岛、二战后法同继续占领西沙群岛,以及菲律宾企图把南沙群岛并入其国防范围内的背景下产生的,其目的是,向世界公布中国在南海的管辖范围,维护中国在南海的领土主权.在1951年<旧金山对日和约>草案中,美英故意不提西沙群岛和南沙群岛的主权归还问题,为以后的南海领土争端埋下了祸根.在这种情况下,南海断续线起到了一定的效用,它不仅反映_r南海诸岛是在中国领土范围内的历史事实,而且是对<旧金山对日和约>领土处理的否定.  相似文献   

夏立平  祝宇雷 《美国研究》2020,34(1):9-26,M0003
从威慑视角对中美贸易交锋进行分析发现,美国对华贸易战的本质是一种力图在逐步升级的方略指导下利用贸易手段对华传递出危险信号,让中国认识到任何与美方意愿相悖的行为都将得不偿失,进而迫使中方将自身行为"规范"在符合美方利益框架内的威慑行为。与此同时,为了确保对华贸易威慑的成本不影响特朗普总统连任,以及避免让对华贸易威慑的实际结果与"让美国再次伟大"的初衷背道而驰,特朗普政府在对华贸易威慑的过程中又始终与中方保持必要的接触,以避免威慑失控。美国将贸易纳入对华威慑"工具箱"的原因在于,相较于其他威慑手段,贸易在当前战略竞争背景下的大国博弈中更能发挥作用。美国对华发动贸易威慑的实力基础,在于其以科技、市场、金融及规则为支撑的贸易霸权。虽然贸易战在客观上给中国带来了一定的负面影响,但从总体上看,美国的贸易威慑并未取得预期效果,这关键在于中方审时度势的反向威慑。从长远来看,贸易战作为美国对华威慑的新手段,必将伴随中美战略竞争的整个过程。  相似文献   

浅议多元化背景下的文化素质教育--以暨南大学为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
暨南大学学生来自世界各地,文化背景复杂.要在此基础上推行文化素质教育所面临的挑战比一般普通高校更大.本文通过深入调查与分析,结合侨校的发展特点,提出了一些浅显的看法.  相似文献   

美国总统布什的国家战略思想即"布什主义"已经成型.其产生的背景比较复杂.本文试图从美国的综合国力、美国的当代保守主义思想、美国当代国际关系理论、共和党和总统个人、总统的高级官员等方面进行分析,以有助于理解美国当前国家战略的本质.  相似文献   

ATKINS  H. J. B. 《African affairs》1948,47(187):106-113
This continues our series of extracts from a longer study bya surgeon in the British Army, stationed in North Africa duringthe war.  相似文献   

For many years the Japan-US Security Treaty has been the cornerstone of Japanese foreign policy and security policy. Suspicions have long been voiced, however, that behind the security treaty there lurked unpublicized secret pacts. In particular, despite the denials of the Japanese government, there were suspicions that nuclear-armed warships had in fact called at Japanese ports. With the change in government in September 2009, the issue came to be the subject of an investigation by the new Democratic Party of Japan administration. The author of this article served as chairman of the commission of inquiry.  相似文献   

ATKINS  H. J. B. 《African affairs》1948,47(188):153-160
This concludes the series of extracts from a longer work onthe Barbary States, especially Tunis, by the writer, a surgeonthen serving in the Army.  相似文献   

金融危机背景下的中日中小企业合作:现状、问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,中日中小企业合作成为中日经贸合作的新热点。首先分析了中日中小企业合作开展的背景,然后从日本中小企业对华投资、中日中小企业政策对话等几方面阐述了中日中小企业合作的现状及存在的主要问题,最后在上述分析的基础上提出了促进中日中小企业合作的政策建议,并展望了金融危机背景下中日中小企业合作的发展前景。  相似文献   


In the years since Mao's death, his thought has been undergoing a constant reappraisal both inside and outside of China. Both Womack and Martin's works can be seen as part of this re-evaluation, although their foci and standpoints are quite different. In tracing the evolution of Mao's thought from 1917 to 1935, Womack attempts to demonstrate how and why Mao's thought cannot be understood out of context while Martin, on the other hand, attempts to demonstrate how and why the various elements within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have tried to do just that in post-Liberation China. In the process, both works provide insight into Mao's understanding of the relationship between leaders and led and the transformation of this paradigm during Mao's lifetime and after.  相似文献   

Structural-systemic reforms of China’s economy were initiated in 1979 against a background of economic crisis, absence of a reform blueprint, and unsatisfactory experience with past developmental models. The reforms may be seen as having five major components; pragmatic gradualism; marketization of the coordination mechanism; diversification of the property structure (destatization); outward orientation (controlled openness); and retention of political monopoly power by the communist party. Of these, the proliferation of various property forms is novel, problematical, and conceptually intriguing. The reforms have resulted in or been accompanied thus far by modernizing but erratic and uneven economic growth and marginal political liberalization; strong inflationary pressures; unresolved state sector property problems; and uncertainties of political succession. The vision of China’s economic future is obscured by the unfinished business of significant state ownership of industry and an authoritarian polity seasoned by corruption. Unless these are removed, the danger remains that the reforms will be undone.  相似文献   

越南入世--背景、问题与前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
越南1995年提出入世申请,尽管其中出现了一些波折和停顿,但一直都没有放弃为实现这一目标进行各种尝试和努力.2003年12月,越南刚刚结束了加入世贸组织的第七轮谈判.外界评论说这是一次具有决定性意义的谈判,它标志着越南加入WTO的谈判进程已进入最后的关键时期.目前,越南正积极备战,为2005年加入WTO做最后的冲刺.对越南而言,2004年将是一个异常繁忙的一年.越南能否如愿以偿?面对的困难是什么?人世对越南究竟意味着什么?笔者在此对之进行简要的分析和探讨.  相似文献   

美国次贷危机:背景、原因与发展   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
本文首先从美国金融市场的结构、次贷与证券化的关系两个方面介绍了次贷危机发生的背景,并解释了RMBS、CDO与CDS等在危机中扮演着重要角色的衍生金融产品;在此基础上,本文详细剖析了次贷危机的爆发与传递过程,认为次贷危机迄今为止经历了流动性短缺、信贷紧缩与实体经济萎缩三个阶段;最后,本文总结了次贷危机给全球金融市场、投资者以及中国政府提供的经验教训。本文截稿时,两房危机刚刚浮出水面。发稿时,随着美国保险集团(AIG)频临破产和美国政府7000亿美元救市计划的提出,美国金融危机进入了一个新阶段。美国经济已陷入1929年以来最严重的危机。  相似文献   

China's greatest future strategic concern is the Japan‐US alliance. Hisahiko Okazaki argues that a strong alliance limits China's foreign policy options, and stresses the importance of Japan and the US working together to establish a foreign policy towards China that will promote peace in the region. Okazaki was born in Dalian, China, in 1930. He served in Japan's Foreign Ministry, holding such posts as minister to the United States, chief of the ministry's Information Analysis, Research and Planning Bureau, and was ambassador to Saudi Arabia and Thailand. This article is adapted from an article first published in August 1995 in The Daily Yomiuri and is printed with the permission of the author.  相似文献   

Debates about how states deal with rising powers have been mainly concentrated on a continuum comprising on balancing and bandwagoning strategies. While theory has principally offered realist and liberal explanations, Japanese behavior vis-à-vis China does not match with them. Japan is not powerful enough to balance against China but remains too strong to bandwagon. Accordingly, Tokyo is pursuing a mixed strategy of both containment and engagement, which may be better described as a hedging strategy against Beijing. This article analyzes which strategies states can adopt when dealing with a rising power and proposes a framework to analyze Japan’s recent policy towards China based on Kuik’s analysis. We argue that Japan’s hedging strategy towards China is consistent with how middle-power states deal with rising power.  相似文献   

和平共处五项原则产生的历史背景和时代意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
今年是和平共处五项原则发表 5 0周年。和平共处五项原则经历了时间的考验 ,具有强大的生命力。它已经成为公认的指导国际关系的准则 ,也是建立国际经济、政治新秩序的基础。在这具有纪念意义的日子里 ,有必要回顾一下和平共处五项原则的来龙去脉、历史背景以及在不同时代所显示的伟大意义。  相似文献   

缅甸华文教育产生的背景与发展态势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
缅甸华文教育曾经有过蓬勃发展的黄金时期。上个世纪60年代中,缅甸政府将华文学校收归国有,从此华文教育转向非正规教育,即中文补习班。但华人对华文教育需求的热情从未减弱。70年代后以孔教和佛经教育方式出现,大小规模不同的华文教育,又逐渐多起来,而且其他族裔的人也参与学习华文,这和近年在世界各地掀起的华文学习热潮息息相关。由于受1979年中国实行改革开放以来,经济、文化和科学技术获得空前发展及全球经济一体化趋势的影响,华文在世界上的作用和地位受到重视。近年来,缅甸政府鼓励开办电脑班,因此华文学校开始放弃佛教的色彩,纷纷向电脑进军。此外,原先亲台湾的学校也放弃政治分歧,坚持“一个中国”的原则,致力于弘扬中华文化,把华文教育办得有声有色。  相似文献   

在韩国第17届国会选举中,支持总统的开放国民党大获全胜,以往"朝小野大"的政治格局被彻底改变.与此同时,民主劳动党成功进入国会,这是左翼政党数十年来的首次突破,是韩国政治格局发生的一个重要变化.影响选举结果的主要因素除了左翼力量多年的经营以外,还包括新的投票方式、总统弹劾案偶然因素.综合来看,基于韩国目前的经济社会状况和政治力量对比,民主劳动党所能发挥的作用还相当有限.  相似文献   

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