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“Liberalism manifests itself in various ways. To let things slide for the sake of peace and friendship when a person has clearly gone wrong, and refrain from principled argument because he is an old acquaintance, a fellow townsman, a schoolmate, a close friend, a loved one, an old colleague or old subordinate. Or to touch on the matter lightly instead of going into it thoroughly, so as to keep on good terms.”

Mao Tse-tung, Combat Liberalism, September 7th, 1937.

前景光明道路曲折--评中国-东盟自由贸易区构想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在2000年11月于新加坡举行的第四次"东盟和中、日、韩"("10+3")政府首脑会议上,朱总理提出要研究中国与东盟发展自由贸易的可行性问题,东盟给予积极响应.会后,东盟与中国成立了由政府职能部门的官员和学术机构的专家组成的联合专家组,就东盟与中国之间发展自由贸易关系以及中国加入世界贸易组织对东盟的影响等问题进行联合研究.在2001年11月于文莱举行的东盟与中国("10+1")领导人会议上,此报告被提交讨论,取得了东盟与中国领导人的一致认可,双方决定在十年内,建立东盟-中国自由贸易区.  相似文献   

This article examines the attempts of Egypt's nationalist elite to develop economic ties with the Sudan in the hope of strengthening their argument for sovereignty over Sudanese regions. While reviewing Egyptian 'claims' of a culturally, historically, linguistically, and religiously united Nile valley, I examine what scholars of nationalism have theorized are essential conditions and objectives in successful nationalist movements--emphasizing the virtually irrelevant position accorded economic bonds typically. The bulk of the article is an analysis of Egyptian-Sudanese textile trade between 1935 and 1945. This analysis includes an examination of the institutional means established to foster trade with the Sudan, a brief statistical assessment of the textile trade, and an explanation of the causes of failure in these endeavors. Finally, the conclusion links this case study to the question of whether or not economic development, as a nationalist activity binding regions together, can occur prior to state formation.  相似文献   

驻扎官制度是英国在马来亚实行殖民统治的特征,驻扎官在英国殖民统治中扮演了非常重要的角色.本文以弗兰克·瑞天成为个案,探讨他在驻扎官制度初期的殖民策略,并利用马克思关于殖民主义"双重使命"的学说,分析他在英属马来亚历史上的作用,肯定其对推动马来亚历史发展的作用.  相似文献   

美国国会议员访台现象研究(1997~2008)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台湾地区是美国国会议员访问最频繁的地区之一。本文分析了从1997年到2008年的美国国会议员访台记录分布及其决定因素,获得了如下主要发现:第一,美国国会议员访台频次变动受台湾岛内政治变动和美国国会选举周期影响,但以前者更为重要;第二,《与台湾关系法》赋予美国国会及其议员干预台湾问题的权力,是造成美国国会议员、特别是外交事务、军事、情报等委员会成员频繁访台的根本原因;第三,意识形态、选区利益、经贸关系等对美国国会议员访台也产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   

和平共处五项原则基础上中印关系的新发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1988年以来,中印关系在和平共处五项原则基础上获得了新的发展,今年4月温总理的印度访问又开启了中印关系的新篇章.目前,两国边界争端虽未解决,但它不会成为两国发展关系的障碍.中印两国领导人都有着良好的合作意愿,两国在政治领域、经贸领域以及能源开发方面都有着广阔的合作空间.  相似文献   

Contributions to the Anthropology of Iran. By Henry Field, Curator of Physical Anthropology, University of Chicago, December, 1939. Vol. 29, No. I, 508 pp., 22 text figures, 1 map. 9½” × 6½”. $5.50. Vol. 29, No. II, 198 pp., 4 text figures, 144 plates. 9½” × 6½”. $2.25. Maps A and B, Distribution of Tribes in Iraq and Western Iran, 10” × 24½”, with list of tribal names.

Once in Sinai. By J. M. C. Plowden (Madame Charles Jullien), with a foreword by Major C. S. Jarvis. 9” × 6”. XXV. + 302 pp. 18 Illustrations. 7 Sketch Maps and 1 fold‐in Map. Methuen and Co., Ltd. 1940. 12s. 6d.

La Turquie, Centre de Gravité des Balkans et du Proche Orient. By Gerard Tongas. Préface de S. E. M. Suad Davas. Pp. 276. 7¾” × 5¾”. Paris : Geuthner. 1939.

Gelawêj (Sirius). A Kurdish literary and cultural monthly magazine, 9¾” × 6¾” each number about 64 pp. Baghdad: Najah Press, December, 1939; January and February, 1940.

Rome and China. By F. J. Teggart. Pp. xii, 245; 14 Maps, 9½” × 6½”. University of California Press. 1939. 18s.

Mohammed and Charlemagne. By Henri Pirenne. Translated by Bernard Miall. Pp. 293. Allen and Unwin. London. 1939. 10s. 6d. net.

Jenghiz Khan. By C. C. Walker, Squadron‐Leader Royal Canadian Air Force. 10” × 6½”. Pp. 215. 7 Maps in Colour. London : Luzac. 1940. 17s. 6d.

What are the Jews? Their Significance and Position in the Modern World. By Rabbi Israel I. Mattuck, A.M., D.H.L. 7½” × 5½” Pp. 256. Hodder and Stoughton. 5s.

The Throne of the Gods. By A. Heim and A. Gansser. Translated by Eden and Freda Paul. 22 Plates, 18 Sketches in text, 11 musical items, and Relief Map. 233 pp. of text. 9½” × 6¼”. Macmillan. 21s

Cultural Relations on the Kansu‐Tibetan Border. By Robert B. Ekvall. University of Chicago Press. Pp. 87. $1.50.

A Cavalier in China. By Colonel A. W. S. Wingate, C.M.G. With a Foreword by Sir Francis Younghusband, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E. Illustrated. Pp. 327. Grayson. 1940. 15s.

Dersu the Trapper. Exploring, trapping, hunting in Ussuria. Translated from the Russian of V. K. 8½” × 6”. Secker and Warburg.

Shanghai and Tientsin. By F. C. Jones‐ With the co‐operation of certain members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. 9” × 6”. Pp. x + 182. Five plans. Oxford University Press. 7s. 6d.

Warning Lights of Asia. By Gerald Samson. With 32 plates and 7 maps. Pp. xvii + 311. Robert Hale. 1940. 15s.

Memorandum on the Kahilu Sanctuary. By D'Arcy Weatherbe. (Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, Vol. XLI., No. I, August, 1939.)

The Arabic Listener. Published by the British Broadcasting Corporation. Printed in England by Stephen Austin and Sons, Ltd.

Climate and Ecliptic Tilt. By Brigadier N. M. McLeod, from the R.A. Journal, April, 1940.

A Winter in Arabia. By Freya Stark. 9¼” × 6½” Pp. xii + 328. Illustrations from the author's own collection of photographs and 3 maps. London : John Murray. 1940. 16s.  相似文献   

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