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Kay Ryan 《耶鲁评论》2002,90(2):95-95

Desert Hermits     

试论印尼华人文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用文化哲学原理,以印尼华人文化为研究对象,通过对其本体的解析、时空的察析及其运动态势的审视认为,印尼华人文化是一种构成多元、部类层叠的复合文化,是一种处在不断“当地化”又坚持“中华化”、对立统一运动的移民文化;印尼华人文化既有别于在印尼的异族文化,又不同于中华文化,是“移居”印尼的中华文化与在印尼的异族文化综合融合的结晶,是印尼华人的族群标识,是一种相对独立的民族(部族)文化,即华人“部族”文化;印尼华人文化复合了大量的中华文化和非中华文化要素,与生俱来就是中华文化与在印尼的各异族文化进行对话交流的重要中介,是印尼华人、印尼各民族(部族)的共同财富,是中国发展与印尼的友好关系、睦邻善邻友邻、构建和谐亚洲和世界的重要资源,是21世纪中国和平崛起的的宝贵资源。  相似文献   

Institutions cannot be understood without exploring the actors who occupy them, while actors cannot be understood without examining the institutions they inhabit. Ultimately, the actions of both institutions and actors cannot be understood separate to the political, social and economic context within which they are located. Tony Blair, rightly cited as an example of a powerful prime minister, does not have a monopoly of power, but he does have an extensive authority. The prime minister requires two things to operate effectively within Whitehall and Westminster: first, power over their parliamentary majority; and second, power within the government they lead. Because this power is contested and challenged, the age-old question, the actual degree of collegiality within government, is as central to contemporary debates about the working of the core executive as to the ancient debate about prime ministerial versus cabinet government. The prime minister is therefore best modelled as a strong, but sometimes weak, parliamentary chief executive.  相似文献   

东方海上丝绸之路古已有之,源远流长。这条古代东方海上丝绸之路在2013年重新焕发出新的活力。沿着这条东方海上丝绸之路,中韩两国互利合作,硕果累累,于2015年签署自由贸易协定。在此利好基础上,中韩两国应当继续携手合作,奋发作为,将中国的"一带一路"战略与韩国的"欧亚倡议"充分有效对接,让中韩之间的这条东方海上丝绸之路成为两国世代友好、共生共赢的纽带。  相似文献   

高丽时代的音乐分为左右二部,左为唐乐,指新罗以后传入的中国系统的音乐;右为乡乐,即高丽的本土音乐。宋徽宗政和年间,大晟新乐在创制不久即传入高丽,并在宫廷演出。联章体、《九章机》在中国始见于南宋绍兴十六年(1146)刊行的《乐府雅词》中,而在高丽文宗二十七年(1073)已见演出。《高丽史·乐志》中“唐乐呈才”部分录有《抛球乐》等五种歌舞,与《全宋词》所载史浩《采莲舞》、《柘枝舞》等队舞的表演形式基本相同,却比史浩的时代早了大致100年。又其“唐乐”部分录有44个词调及词作。对于认知宋代词乐提供了珍贵资料;在可以考知作者的15首词中,有8首为柳永词,可知“凡有井水处能皆歌柳词”,不独西夏,在海东高丽亦是如此。本文对《韩国音乐史》中译本的一些讹误也作了纠正。  相似文献   

It can be confidently stated that, since its constitutive act came into effect in July, 2001, the African Union (AU) has enjoyed increasing attention at the administrative level from a number of scholars. Most of these scholars focus, however, on the evolution of the AU in general or on the Peace and Security Council and its components and how it links with regional organisations and the United Nations. This article adds to the existing literature by looking closely at the role and place of the Permanent Representatives Committee (PRC) in the decision-making framework of the AU. It also critically analyses the potential of the PRC and the challenges facing it as one of the most important decision-making committees of the AU. Lastly, it examines the evolution of the PRC and its functions. Finally, among other things, the article questions the lack of transparency practised by the PRC and proposes new approaches.  相似文献   

2019年日本明仁天皇退位,平成时代落下帷幕。围绕明仁天皇退位问题,天皇本人、安倍政府和日本国民均面临不同困境,政府表面上尊重天皇和民意,实际上不得不在天皇、保守势力和民意之间做出妥协;国民尊重天皇但又回避讨论象征天皇制问题;明仁天皇强调尊重战后宪法和皇室传统,同时又不断做出有违背宪法和皇室传统嫌疑的行为。各方重视的都是所谓的"民意",却有意回避了日本国民支持的是天皇个人还是象征天皇制这个根本问题。民意应该被尊重,但不应该被有选择地利用。象征天皇制作为战前日本国体的延续,不仅关系到象征天皇制的未来,也关系到日本的未来,是天皇、政府和全体国民三方都必须正视的问题。  相似文献   

Indian engagement in East Africa’s health sector is multifaceted, comprehensive and involves national and subnational actors. It includes exports of low cost generics, building health infrastructure, aid, technical assistance and hosting medical tourists among others. This paper, based on extensive fieldwork conducted with multiple stakeholders in Kenya and Ethiopia, provides an overview of the various components of India’s co-operation in the East African health sector and identifies pharmaceutical manufacturing as a space for Indian actors to leverage their strengths. It focuses on two case studies of manufacturers: a third-generation company in Kenya owned by members of the Indian diaspora, and a newly formed subsidiary of an Indian corporation in Ethiopia. These case studies inform the larger debate on India’s health diplomacy on the continent and the myriad ways in which the Indian state as well as corporates can enhance existing co-operation.  相似文献   

Ralph Bunche, the first African American to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, was a committed anti-imperialist, a fighter against racism and for civil rights. And yet, his action and appearance as special representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in the Congo, made him appear as hostile to African independence and as a (neo-colonial) “blanc,” questioning the sincerity of his anti-imperialism as well as his anti-racism. The article argues that Bunche's dilemma is paradigmatic for the paradox that exists between the United Nations' (UN) declared anti-racism and anti-imperialism, on the one hand, and its politics of peacekeeping and peacebuilding which are effectively a quasi-imperial politics of world order, on the other. The article dissects Ralph Bunche's writing and thinking on the international system, Africa and the Congo in order to understand how individual anti-racist commitment can co-exist, or even be co-constitutive of, systemic racism of international politics and law. Apart from providing important insights into the thought of a central founding figure of UN peacekeeping and peacebuilding, the article contributes, hence, to ongoing discussions on Eurocentrism and race in international politics.  相似文献   

寻求推进东北亚经济合作的新途径   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
东亚地区经济合作出现了新的发展势头,作为东亚地区重要一角的东北亚,其域内合作仍处停滞徘徊之中,应在加深认识障碍因素的同时,从长计议,探求新的合作途径.  相似文献   

Recent research on the acculturation strategies of Russian speakers in Latvia has demonstrated that there is a high level of support for integration (identifying with both Latvian and Russian cultures) compared to marginalization, separation, or assimilation. However, a number of researchers have also highlighted the negative impact of top-down narratives and discourses produced by the country's politicians and journalists. These discourses, it is argued, hamper the integration process by creating incompatible identity positions between ‘Russian-speakers’ and ‘Latvians’. Accordingly, this research turns to focus group interviews with Russian speakers in Latvia in order to uncover the nuances of their identity-forming processes, their relations with the respective Russian and Latvian states, and their acculturation strategies, which are commonly overlooked in top-down accounts. Based on the analysis of the qualitative data it will be argued that there is great potential for an integrated, yet culturally distinct Latvian-Russian identity in Latvia.  相似文献   

在不少人的眼中,新加坡的社会保障制度即是中央公积金制度,老年人的各种保障都源于此,这其实是一种误读。国内学界对新加坡养老保障的研究也多是基于中央公积金制度的分析。笔者基于在新加坡的几年学习和生活经历,在本文中尝试解析中央公积金制度之外的老年社会福利。本文在探讨新加坡老年社会保障六大理念的基础上,分析了在快速人口老龄化背景下,政府、基层社区和各类社会福利性组织所提供的福利及服务。总体来讲,新加坡老年社会福利以补缺型社会福利为主体,且无法和社会救助完全分开,在发挥政府作用的同时,充分调动社会力量参与其中,其目的是帮助需要帮助的老年人。此外,新加坡政府也鼓励老年人为社会再做贡献,参加各类志愿者团体,参与社交活动,积极融入社会。  相似文献   

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