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The law does not generally allow alcohol intoxication as a defense in a criminal matter. Among the exceptions may be pathological intoxication, or PI, or its current psychiatric correlate, alcohol idiosyncratic intoxication (AII). Because of the lack of specificity in the medical concept and the varying approaches by different authors, careful analysis and adherence to current standards are necessary. Relevant laws, particularly that of the model penal code, are reviewed, as are three cases which demonstrate the issues involved. Actual testimony is presented to illustrate possible misuse or inappropriate use of the concept.  相似文献   

A total of 198 cases of acute parenteral poisoning with opiates are characterized. The range of concentrations of opiates metabolites in the blood and urine, main causes of death due to opiate poisoning in alcohol intoxication are analysed. Opiates toxicity was assessed with the logit-regression method and dose-effect curves valid for analysis of relationships between probability of death and opiate metabolites concentration in blood and urine. Correlation between probability of death and detection of morphine and ethanol in biological media of the victims is considered. Concentrations of morphine in blood and urine definitely indicating opiates poisoning in alcohol intoxication as a cause of death are determined.  相似文献   

Bupropion and alcohol fatal intoxication: case report.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A fatality due to the ingestion of bupropion and ethanol is presented. Bupropion and its metabolites were extracted from several tissues and identified using gas chromatography with nitrogenphosphorus and mass spectrometry detection. The concentrations of bupropion, hydroxybupropion and the erythroamino and threoamino alcohol metabolites in heart blood were 4.2, 5.0, 0.6 and 4.6 mg/l, respectively. The heart blood ethanol concentration was 0.27 g/dl. In addition, bupropion was distributed as follows: subclavian blood, 6.2 mg/l; bile, 1.4 mg/l; kidney, 2.4 mg/l; liver, 1.0 mg/kg; stomach contents, 16 mg and urine, 37 mg/l.  相似文献   

Purpose. Research into alcohol‐related aggression has typically focused on perpetrators’ externalizing characteristics. The purpose of this exploratory review is to examine the contribution of anxiety to alcohol‐related aggression. Arguments. Anxiety disorders are associated with externalizing disorders in childhood, but anxiety appears to protect against extreme antisocial behaviours. In contrast, in adolescence and early adulthood, anxiety appears to be associated with increased risk of antisocial behaviour. One possible explanation for this disjunction may be alcohol use, which typically starts in adolescence. Alcohol is an anxiolytic drug, which may appeal to certain young people who are socially anxious but not socially avoidant. Alcohol myopia, the cognitive mechanism whereby alcohol exerts an anxiolytic effect, is also a mechanism by which alcohol serves to increase aggression. Therefore, in anxious antisocial people, drinking to cope with anxiety is likely to increase aggression. Conclusions. Interventions that flow from the research on anxiety, alcohol, and aggression are suggested.  相似文献   

The principal characteristics and results of experimental studies on the problem of acute and chronic alcohol intoxication are presented. The mechanisms of toxic action of ethanol and acetaldehyde are considered with special reference to the comprehensive qualitative estimation of these toxicants and their pathomorphological effects in the target organs. The influence of ethanol-oxidizing enzyme systems in the brain on the development of alcohol tolerance is illustrated. The mechanisms of hormonal regulation via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the case of exogenous alcoholemia are considered. The dependence of pathological morphological changes in the brain, hypophysis, and adrenal glands on the stage and severity of alcoholic intoxication has been elucidated. Criteria for the morphological and histochemical evaluation of the degree of alcohol-induced lesions and the severity of abstinence syndrome have been developed. The role of alcohol effects in tanatogenesis associated with alcohol-induced diseases is discussed.  相似文献   

The authors report on an acute suicidal arsenic intoxication (di-arsenic-trioxide). Death can occur one week after ingestion, despite intensive care. The forensic, anatomopathological and toxicologic aspects are reported. Forty titrations are realized at the level of the biologic fluid in viscera, by absorption spectrophotometry. These data are compared with those in standing literature, especially with the rates determined in normal subjects, following simple environmental impregnation.  相似文献   

Water intoxication (WI) is a rare condition that originates from over-consumption of water, with a potentially fatal outcome. Increased water intake (polydipsia) is followed by urination of high amount of diluted urine (polyuria) which are the main initial symptoms of WI. We present four case reports of WI. Two of them are unusual pediatric clinical cases using medical documentation and police case files, one of which is related to child abuse, and the other to a psychiatric disorder. The other two cases are fatal adult cases submitted to autopsy from a psychiatric hospital. Also, we present a diagnostic algorithm for polydipsia and polyuria before death. WI is usually seen in patients with psychiatric disorders, victims of child abuse or torture, drug abusers or it can be iatrogenically induced.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine methyl alcohol poisoning cases from the medico-legal point of view. The records of the Morgue Department of Council of the Forensic Medicine were reviewed retrospectively for all methyl alcohol poisonings for the period of 27.10.1992 and 30.05.2001. The victim's age, sex, death year, death place, methyl alcohol blood levels, the source of methyl alcohol, accompanying laboratory results and histopathologic tissue changes were recorded. The number of deaths due to the methyl alcohol poisoning was 271 during that period of time. Two hundred and forty-two of the (89.3%) total 271 methyl alcohol fatalities were men and 29 (10.7%) of were women. The largest age group was 36-40 years old, followed by 41-45. The methyl alcohol blood concentrations ranged widely from 50 to 755 mg for per 100 ml. There were 222 cases (81.9%) with the methyl alcohol blood concentrations over 100 mg/dl. Twenty-nine (10.7%) victims were poisoned through the consumption of cologne and three of them with alcoholic beverage named "Raki". Consumed products were not known in all other cases because of insufficient patient history and data. As a conclusion, regarding the distribution according to years, mortality due to methyl alcohol intoxication in our country have been proceeding on a certain level. In order to decrease the mortality due to methyl alcohol intoxication, some precautions should be developed that could prevent the production and consumption of alcoholic beverages illegally produced.  相似文献   

On an evening in November, a 25-year-old man was found dead in his bedroom. There were many empty snap-out sheets for flunitrazepam tablets in the trash at his bedside. He had been beaten by a gang of young people earlier in the morning of the same day. At the medico-legal autopsy, although there were many bruises and/or abrasions on the whole body, only slight subdural hemorrhage was observed, and none of them was thought to be the cause of death. Flunitrazepam and its metabolites were not detected in his body fluid by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Marked lung edema and a severe congestion of organs were observed. His blood alcohol concentration from the femoral vein was 2.00 mg/ml. Fatal cases of acute alcohol intoxication usually have shown higher alcohol concentration (2.25-6.23 mg/ml). Although the genotype of aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) has not previously been mentioned as a contributing factor in determining the cause of death, in this case the genotype of ALDH2 was ALDH2*1/2 and thus is important. Those who possess the ALDH2*2 gene show high concentrations of acetaldehyde (AcH) at even comparatively lower alcohol levels. Consequently, the cause of death was considered to be acute alcohol intoxication including AcH poisoning.  相似文献   

The results of histomorphometric examinations of the pancreas in drug- and alcohol-addiction as well as in acute intoxications are described. They show that, in chronic alcoholic intoxication as compared with opiomania, there are more pronounced interlobular sclerosis and lipomatosis, which is manifested by an enlarged middle lobe of the stroma (containing fat and connective tissue fibers), by a higher density of islands of Langerhans and by their higher sectional area. Autolysis and edema of the stroma are more severe in an acute intoxication with drugs than in other cases of fatal outcome. A possibility is demonstrated to differentiate between various types of the so-called long-term exogenous intoxication and to discriminate between different types of thanatogenesis typical of various cases of acute intoxications. Data are presented that demonstrate the advantage of the quantitative analysis of histological preparations over the qualitative one.  相似文献   

Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) overdoses cause respiratory depression, coma, or even death. Symptoms and severity of poisoning depend on blood-concentrations and individual factors such as tolerance. A retrospective case study was conducted, evaluating GHB intoxication cases. GHB-concentrations in blood and urine were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) along with, in part, via enzymatic assay. GHB-concentrations, demographic data, and additional drug use, as well as specific clinical information, were evaluated. The correlation between GHB-levels in blood and associated symptoms were examined. In total, 75 cases originating from the Emergency Departments (EDs) of Hamburg and surrounding hospitals were included. Fifty-four of the patients (72%) were male. The mean GHB-concentration in blood was 248 mg/L (range 21.5–1418 mg/L). Out of the group with detailed clinical information (n = 18), the comatose group (n = 10/18) showed a mean of 244 mg/L (range 136–403 mg/L), which was higher than that of the somnolent and awake patients. Of the comatose collective, 70% (n = 7) showed co-use of one or more substances, with the additional use of cocaine being the most frequently detected (n = 5). In conclusion, a moderate dose-effect relationship was observed, although, there was some overlap in dosage concentration levels of GHB in awake and comatose patients. In GHB-intoxication cases, co-use was common as were clinical effects such as acidosis, hypotension, and impact on the heart rate. Timely analytical determination of the GHB-concentration in blood could support correct diagnosis of the cause of unconsciousness.  相似文献   

Non-infectious "pneumonias" are said to occur more frequently, among other things as a result of increasing environmental pollution. There is still no final systematizations of these pathogenetic complex diseases that is universally accepted; they are mainly defined according to pathomorphological criteria and are summarily termed "alveolitis" because of their localization in the acini of the lung. On the basis of a forensic expert's opinion, the problems are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Eighteen cadavers of persons, who died of acute and chronic alcohol and drug intoxication (ephedron-addiction), were used to study the changes in the spinal nerve plexuses and external genitals. The activity of acetylcholinesterase and of NADPH-diaphorase was determined histochemically; the adrenergic nerve fibers were detected by a glyoxyl-acid technique. Rectified changes in the relative density of adrenal-cholinergic- and nitroxydergic structures and in the activity of mediators in different intoxications were found. The chronic intoxication by alcohol and ephedron was accompanied by a reduced activity of enzymes involved in the metabolism of acetylcholine, nitric oxide and catecholamines. A lower density was observed in the nerve fibers that contained the examined substances. The results can be used as an additional criterion in evaluating the male sexual-function status.  相似文献   

Forensic medical findings have been analysed retrospectively for 242 deceased of acute blood loss: 186 (76.8%) corpses were male and 56 (23.2%) corpses were female. It was found that in acute blood loss (ABL) duration of the terminal period (TP) depended on its combination with craniocerebral trauma (CCT) or alcohol intoxication (AI). A short TP (several minutes) was observed in ABL patients with CCT (39.6%), a long-term TP--in ABL associated with AI (20-60 min, 40.4% cases; several hours, 56.3%; over 24 hours, 54.5%). Slow TP occurred primarily in mild AI (TP for several hours 55.6%, over 24 hours--83.3% cases). In severe AI the number of cases with a short TP exceeded the number of cases with a long TP (over 24 hours) by 53.7%.  相似文献   

In a case of intoxication by Fenetyllin (captagon) with succeeding coma dépassé it can be shown, that toxicological-diagnostic conclusions can be drawn from the disproportional concentrations between brain and body organs. It may be possible to reveal an unknown intoxication case after autopsy or to contribute to recognition of causality of narcotic incidences after a possible overdose.  相似文献   

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