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Guidelines for spending federal grants to the states for social services changed repeatedly between 1962 and 1975. The process of preparing guidelines changed, and so did their content. These changes are described and explained. Guidelines at all stages failed to provide intelligible and useful instructions to federal and state administrators. In part this was because the contextual supports that normally help to give effect to grant-in-aid guidelines—explicit antecedents in the law, and implicit understandings among administrators at different levels of the federal system—were lacking or seriously defective. Beyond that, in each of their different phases the guidelines proved untenable because of dysfunctions that may have been peculiar to the respective processes by which they were prepared.The trustees, officers, and other staff members of The Brookings Institution have no responsibility for the contents of this paper.  相似文献   

This article explores the nature of the French model of urban services and more especially its distinguishing features relative to other European countries. The article attempts to answer the basic questions: with such a fragmented communal system how and why has an effective system of service delivery emerged? The answer lies in examining the complex and flexible relationships which exist between the various actors involved ‐ relationships which emerged essentially in the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

Most people who have worked in the public sector for over a decade have experienced dramatic change in the way they do business. For some, the change has been rapid. Others have been able to hold onto traditional methods. One area of business steeped in tradition is the area of legal services. In the Queensland public sector, current changes in the way in which legal services are provided reflect many of the changes that have already occurred in other business units. We should learn from the experiences of others, tap into the needs of those utilising legal services and reflect upon the importance of those traditional values. This article argues that the time for a comprehensive and transparent review of legal services in the Queensland public sector is now.  相似文献   

In our paper, we focus on how local self-governments perform in the delivery of local public services to citizen. The paper is based on concrete data, collected from 200l to 2008 by our research team, including following services--waste collection and disposal, street maintenance, public green, public lighting, cemeteries. Local self-governments are responsible for a large number of public services and their share in total public expenditures is almost 7%. However, our concrete data for evaluated services clearly show that large decentralization did not deliver immediate results and much remains to be done to improve the processes of local service delivery. The problems are not so much connected with existing legislation, but the core issue is the quality and effectiveness of functioning of all involved institutions. Outsourcing decisions are not well ex-ante reviewed, neither ex-post comprehensively evaluated for their outcomes and results. In many cases, competitive tendering is not used to get the best bid. The main purposes for such situation are lack of accountability and compliance control, the most important corrective measures are proposed in the last part of the paper.  相似文献   

The Republican takeover of Congress suggests that the payer-driven forces of managed care, capitated payment, and the regional networks (alliances) will serve as centerpieces to improve the organization, financing, and delivery of our nation's health services. These "voluntary" alliances, frequently as an amalgamation of health providers and health insurance underwriters, often foreshadow the powerful, geographically linked regional health networks that are evolving into oligopolies. The authors anticipate, as a result, the formation of state health services commissions that will regulate market share, the scope of health services, reimbursement rates and allowable profits. State departments of public health and insurance will have their own regulatory duties. Complex relationships will result as these groups will often have conflicting, politically-charged goals.  相似文献   

In the early 1960s, the motivating theme of social services in the American welfare state was reduction of economic dependency. At that time services were highly selective, aimed mainly at poor people. Between 1960 and 1980 there was a drift toward univeralism, as the welfare state expanded to serve an increasing number of middle-class groups. This expansion of the welfare state was related to several social and demographic trends, and was accompanied by basic changes in the scope and purpose of social services. As the welfare state has moved toward universal entitlement to social services, a number of contradictions between the theory and practice of universalism in a capitalist society have surfaced. These contradictions lend a degree of support to the resurgence of selectivity which the welfare state is currently experiencing.  相似文献   

"互联网+政务服务"是打通服务群众"最后一公里"的关键一步,是深化"放管服"改革的关键环节。自2016年以来,江都"互联网+政务服务"工作取得阶段性成果,但与"一网、一门、一次"的要求还有一定差距。因此,亟待深入推进"互联网+政务服务"工作,为提升政府服务效能提供新动力,为释放市场潜力活力提供新增长极,为高质量发展提供新助力。  相似文献   

Decentralization is meant to improve access to public services, but relatively few studies examine this question empirically. We explore the effects of decentralization on access to health and education in Colombia using an original database covering over 95 % of Colombian municipalities. We show that decentralization improved enrollment rates in public schools and access of the poor to public health services. In both sectors, improving access was driven by the financial contributions of local governments. Small increases in own-shares of spending led to surprisingly large increases in the access of the poor in both sectors. Our theoretical model implies that where local information dominates productive efficiency, elected local governments will provide services better tailored to local needs. Decentralizing such services should increase their use by the public. Together, theory and empirics imply that decentralization made the Colombian state more accountable. It provided local officials with the information and incentives they need to allocate resources in a manner responsive to voters’ needs and improve the impact of public expenditures.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effectiveness in delivering social services of interim housing programs compared to shelters. Interim housing programs represent a new approach to housing and serving homeless adults, one which provides emergency housing in apartment-like units, and in which use of services is voluntary. Shelters tend to provide congregate care and to expect or rely on clients to access needed services in order to secure resources required to obtain housing. Analyses of original survey data, which correct for sample selection utilizing propensity scores, suggest that clients in interim housing programs obtain more professional, advocacy, and employment services than do clients in shelters. This differential service use is found to reflect not client incentives, but the service offerings and referrals made by the programs. In general, the findings suggest that interim housing programs hold particular promise in service rich environments. They also suggest that program contingencies are more important than certain individual client incentives in affecting service use. Finally, the results begin to suggest the value of this new, interim housing-based approach.  相似文献   

The last ten years have seen a marked increase in the analysis and implementation of private-sector alternatives to the production of public-sector services. The impetus for privatization has two sources: (1) opposition to further growth of the public sector, and (2) the belief that the private sector would be a more efficient producer. Yet as privatization moves beyond the acquisition of intermediate goods and services (payroll processing and housekeeping services, for example) to more complex public outputs (such as education, social security, public safety, the postal system, for example), it is subject to increasing challenge on both efficiency and equity grounds. Nonetheless, private alternatives to public production are finding increased acceptance.  相似文献   

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