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As part of the disaster victim identification (DVI) response to the 2009 Victorian bushfires disaster, a number of scientific disciplines contributed to the human identification process--forensic pathology, anthropology and odontology, as well as fingerprinting and DNA profiling. The DNA laboratory received 182 post-mortem (PM) samples from 120 DVI cases and 236 reference samples corresponding to 163 missing persons (and two non-DVI cases). DNA analysis yielded full DNA profiles for 102 DVI cases and 190 ante-mortem (AM) samples (relating to all 163 missing persons), respectively. Subsequent comparison of DNA profiles, through direct and kinship matching, resulted in the submission of 76 DNA reports to the DVI Reconciliation Centre which assisted in the identification of 67 deceased. This paper describes the contribution of DNA analysis towards the DVI response to the 2009 Victorian bushfires disaster.  相似文献   

DNA analysis is one of the primary methods of identification in DVI practices. The external environment of a mass disaster often results in severe fragmentation, decomposition and intermixing of the remains. However, DNA profiling still can be achieved even on cases involving partial, severely decomposed remains. This report shows the DNA profile of shipwreck victims using identifiler plus marker from tissue sample exposed to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

After a mass fatality incident (MFI), all victims have to be rapidly and accurately identified for juridical reasons as well as for the relatives' sake. Since MFIs are often international in scope, Interpol has proposed standard disaster victim identification (DVI) procedures, which have been widely adopted by authorities and forensic experts. This study investigates how postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) can contribute to the DVI process as proposed by Interpol. The Interpol postmortem (PM) form has been analyzed, and a number of items in sections D and E thereof have been postulated to be suitable for documentation by CT data. CT scans have then been performed on forensic cases. Interpretation of the reconstructed images showed that indeed much of the postmortem information required for identification can be gathered from CT data. Further advantages of the proposed approach concern the observer independent documentation, the possibility to reconstruct a variety of images a long time after the event, the possibility to distribute the work by transmitting CT data digitally, and the reduction of time and specialists needed at the disaster site. We conclude that MSCT may be used as a valuable screening tool in DVI in the future.  相似文献   

Galaxy Airlines Flight 203 crashed following takeoff from Reno-Cannon International Airport on 21 Jan. 1985. Sixty-eight persons on board the aircraft perished in the initial crash and resultant fire which followed. Two victims expired as a result of crash injuries within subsequent days and one passenger survived. A community disaster response plan was in place and had been practiced by local government agencies before this incident. The successes of this preplanned response, as well as methods of actual recovery, identification, and examination of the victims is presented.  相似文献   

A two-decade review of female suicide victims in Cuyahoga County, Ohio was performed. There has been an increasing incidence in the number of adolescent and senior citizen suicides over the 20-year period. The number of single and married victims were proportional to their respective population frequencies; while the frequency of widowed victims was greater and the frequency of divorced victims was less than expected. Women in blue collar skilled jobs showed an increasing frequency in the late 1970s. The most frequently used methods are poisoning, firearms, and carbon monoxide inhalation. Poisoning deaths have decreased in frequency and firearm deaths have increased in frequency.  相似文献   

A new microcrystal test for the detection of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is described. The silver/copper reagent consists of an aqueous solution of 0.1 g of cupric nitrate and 0.1 g of silver nitrate in 10.0 mL water. While some crystals form upon evaporation of the reagent, the test forms distinctive crystals for GHB and does not form crystals with some commonly encountered controlled substances. The reagent was also tested against some controlled substances that have similar biological activity to GHB, including flunitrazepam, and some barbiturates. No crystals were observed with these compounds. A blind test was performed to determine if GHB could be discriminated from the other compounds. Two of ten unknowns were correctly identified as GHB--one solid, one liquid. One GHB sample was not identified as GHB and the remaining seven non-GHB samples were not identified as GHB. The reagent is therefore selective for GHB, but not extremely sensitive.  相似文献   

After the crash of an airplane in Nepal in the year 2002, the dental status of the 14 European victims was examined at autopsy as well as after additional removal of the soft tissue and compared with antemortem findings which were available in 11 cases. Re-examination of all jaws showed that nine composite fillings and seven root fillings as well as one parapulpal pin could not be detected during autopsy. Because tooth-coloured restorations may be overseen even by an experienced expert, the findings underline the necessity of performing a full resection of both jaws and removal of the soft tissue. Furthermore, X-ray analysis of the jaws and the use of phosphoric acid or ultra violet radiation for recognizing tooth-coloured restorations are recommended.  相似文献   

The distribution of the human red cell esterase D (EsD) "extended" polymorphism in a population sample from Tuscany (Italy) was studied using agarose gel isoelectric focusing. The estimated gene frequencies were: EsD*1 0.864, EsD*2 0.115, EsD*5 0.021. The EsD*5 allele frequency is very similar to those reported for other European populations. The "extension" of the EsD polymorphism may prove to be useful in paternity testing.  相似文献   

This article details the stability of Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in oral fluid during collection, extraction and storage. Oral fluid is being increasingly used as the specimen of choice for the detection of drug use in various applications. Studies to determine the extraction efficiency of THC from the collection buffer and stability under various laboratory storage conditions were carried out. THC was extracted from the collection pad and buffer with an average efficiency over 80% and was stable in Quantisal oral fluid extraction buffer when stored at refrigerated temperatures. Fluorescent lighting caused THC losses of over 50%, however the presence of the pad reduced the loss. In the dark, the loss of THC at room temperature was approximately 20% over 14 days. When stored with the serum separators in place, THC losses were significant. After 3 days, THC concentration was reduced by almost 30%, and after 14 days, 60% of the drug was lost and the losses were not concentration dependent.  相似文献   

This study reports the design and development of the intelligent dental identification system (IDIS), including its efficiency and reliability. Five hundred patients were randomly selected from the Dental Department at Police General Hospital in Thailand to create a population of 3000 known subjects. From the original 500 patients, 100 were randomly selected to create a sample of 1000 unidentifiable subjects (400 subjects with completeness and possible alterations of dental information corresponding to natural occurrences and general dental treatments after the last clinical examination, such as missing teeth, dental caries, dental restorations, and dental prosthetics, 100 subjects with completeness and no alteration of dental information, 500 subjects with incompleteness and no alteration of dental information). Attempts were made to identify the unknown subjects utilizing IDIS. The use of IDIS advanced method resulted in consistent outstanding identification in the range of 82.61-100% with minimal error 0-1.19%. The results of this study indicate that IDIS can be used to support dental identification. It supports not only all types of dentitions: primary, mixed, and permanent but also for incomplete and altered dental information. IDIS is particularly useful in providing the huge quantity and redundancy of related documentation associated with forensic odontology. As a computerized system, IDIS can reduce the time required for identification and store dental digital images with many processing features. Furthermore, IDIS establishes enhancements of documental dental record with odontogram and identification codes, electrical dental record with dental database system, and identification methods and algorithms. IDIS was conceptualized based on the guidelines and standards of the American Board of Forensic Odontology (ABFO) and International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL).  相似文献   

Liu JH  Xu JT  Li YF 《法医学杂志》2005,21(2):81-83
目的应用同频音掩蔽试验观察不同个体最小对侧掩蔽级(MCML)与主观纯音听阈之间的关系,进而通过MCML判定被试者主观真实听阈。方法30例受试者(60耳)分别进行纯音测听,首先测出双耳的纯音听阈,然后应用同频音掩蔽试验测试各个频率的MCML。结果当被掩蔽耳的声强处于阈值时,掩蔽耳的MCML与主观纯音听阈差值在0~30dBHL之间,其中差值在10dBHL以内的占82.4%,在15dBHL以内的占97.1%;当被掩蔽耳的声强处于阈上10dBHL时,掩蔽耳的MCML与主观听阈间差值在0~35dBHL之间,其中差值在25dBHL以内的占90.5%,在30dBHL以内的占98.1%。结论利用同频音掩蔽试验可以准确地判定各个频率被掩蔽耳的真实主观听阈。特别是对于语音范围内听力状况的法医学评定更具有特殊的意义。  相似文献   

Purpose . In a series of studies, the authors developed the Victim Concern Scale (VCS) to assess levels of concern for diverse types of crime victims. The goal was to derive a psychometrically sound instrument and to assess victim concern in relation to other crime‐related attitudes and victim advocacy endorsements. Methods . Through several scale iterations, participant responses to the VCS were examined. Participants also completed measures of empathy and provided judgments about specific victim/crime scenarios. In addition, in two large samples (college [N = 276] and community [N = 478]), victim concern was compared with other attitudes, attributions and participant demographics. Results . Participants readily distinguished among different victims. Four factors emerged from the VCS. Raters endorsed the highest levels of concern for victims of violent crimes and the lowest level for ‘culpable’ victims. Women and older respondents showed higher levels of concern across all categories of victims. Both victim concern and emotional empathy influenced advocacy responses to victimization. Victim concern was unrelated to such traits and attitudes as authoritarianism, political ideology or punishment goals; moreover, a high level of concern for victims did not preclude endorsement of rehabilitative goals for offenders. Conclusions . The VCS appears to be a valid instrument for assessing levels of concern for victims. It differs meaningfully from measures of general empathy. The VCS could be used to assess differential attitudes across demographic groups or as a measure of change following exposure to educational or other persuasive intervention.  相似文献   

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