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It is estimated that between one and four million persons per year are bitten by dogs in the United States. While most injuries associated with the bites are minor, serious sequelae, and even death, may occur. Most victims of fatal dog attacks are children < 1 year of age or elderly women. The most frequent cause of death is hemorrhage and shock from major vessel damage. A case is reported in which an elderly woman was attacked by her pet Chow dog. The victim received multiple superficial abrasions, contusions, and lacerations from the dog attack. A large perforation of the right external pudendal vein and three perforations of the left superficial femoral vein resulted in exsanguination and death. Fractures of the left 2nd through 4th ribs with underlying pulmonary contusion were also found.  相似文献   

We present a unique case of death due to the assault and bites of a donkey on a 65-year-old man. The farmer, found dead in his farmyard, had a very deep wound in the anterior region of the neck, with a sharp transection of the trachea and severe bleeding by several minor vessels wall disruptions. The cause of death was established to be massive bleeding combined with asphyxia due to aspiration of the blood. Moreover, multiple contusions with associated skin abrasions and perforations were present. The general impression of the injuries was consistent with an animal's bite marks. Herbivorous or omnivorous bite attacks on humans are rare; instead, these animals attack by kicking, trampling, and kneeling, resulting in secondary blunt injuries. The donkey is usually a docile animal, but its behavior can be aggressive during the mating season, and the possibility of biting should not be underestimated, as illustrated by the 2 cases published previously as well as by the case presented here.  相似文献   

The number of deaths as a consequence of orphenadine poisoning seems to increase, mostly among severely psychotic males. The lethal dose corresponds to the weekly average dose used in the treatment of neuroleptic extrapyramidal side effects. Based on the literature, the serious, rapidly incipient, cardiac, and neurologic symptoms of poisoning are emphasized. The handing out of orphenadine to suicidal persons must be restricted, and even small overdoses (1-2 g) ought to result in the immediate initiation of observation at an intensive care unit.  相似文献   

Death caused by hydrogen peroxide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper reports the autopsy and toxicological findings of a death caused by ingestion of endosulfan dispersed in a colorless liquid containing about 55% of xylene (w/v). For isolation of endosulfan, the biological material was homogenized and the drug was isolated by extraction with ether. Quantitative determinations were carried out by gas chromatography. The following concentrations of endosulfan were found: Blood 30 mg/L Gastric contents 0.5 g in the total 50 mL Liver 20 mg/kg Kidney 2.0 mg/kg Brain 0.3 mg/kg Xylene (solvent) was detected only in stomach contents (0.4 g in the total 50 mL).  相似文献   

From 3497 obductions during the ten years between 1979 and 1988 100 homicides and 18 suicides were caused by sharp trauma. Homicide by sharp trauma is the most frequent method for killing. These 100 homicides were analysed in relation to the age and nationality of victims and perpetrators, place of action, number and localisation of wounds, cause of death. The main results are discussed, particularly those which vary from the results of other authors.  相似文献   

The paper by Gaudette and Keeping on "An Attempt at Determining Probabilities in Human Scalp Hair Comparison" in the Journal of Forensic Sciences (Vol. 19, No. 3, July 1974, pp. 599-606) has provoked considerable controversy. This paper highlights two of the sources of the controversy and shows how the probability, 1/4500, quoted by Gaudette and Keeping should be treated with caution. The necessity of the use of a likelihood ratio statistic is described. It is suggested that the hair examination form resulting from the responses to the questionnaire recently distributed by the authors and also the discussions at Quantico (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Forensic Hair Comparisons, 25-27 June 1985, Quantico VA) should be used to facilitate the collection of the data which will be necessary to enable a likelihood ratio statistic to be estimated effectively.  相似文献   

Two infants aged 4 1/2 and 8 months are reported to have been exposed to overheating by an electric blanket and a heating fan in bed for a period of up to approx. 19 hours. Dehydration complicated the effects of overheating. Due to the case history in combination with the autopsy and histological findings as well as the absence of toxicological findings the following diagnosis could be established: "Death from exhaustion as a consequence of long-lasting heat effect and dehydration." The necessity of thorough investigations in causes of death during infancy is shown by means of the two cases above. If possible, the rectal temperature should already be taken by the coroner. The public should get informed about the risks caused by the use of electric cushions, heating fans as well as floorboard heating.  相似文献   

The sudden death of a person caused by an arrhythmia that is induced by physical and/or emotional stress provoked by the criminal activity of another person is sometimes referred to as "homicide by heart attack." Published criteria for such an event relate to situations where no physical contact occurs between the perpetrator and the victim. Situations involving physical contact, but with absence of lethal injuries, are frequently treated is a similar fashion by forensic pathologists. Herein, we propose a set of modified criteria, which include cases where physical contact has occurred. Five examples of so-called "homicide by heart attack" are presented, including a 40-year-old man who was struck in the head with a wooden statue, a 74-year-old man who was punched in the jaw by a robber, a 66-year-old woman who was started awake by a home-intruder, a 67-year-old woman who struggled with a would-be purse-snatcher in a parking lot, and a 52-year-old man who was in a physical altercation with a younger man. In each instance, autopsy revealed the presence of severe, underlying heart disease, as well as absence of lethal injuries. In each case, investigative information was such that the emotional and/or physical stress associated with the criminal activity of another individual was deemed contributory to the death. The presumed mechanism of death in each case was a cardiac dysrhythmia related to underlying heart disease, but initiated by the emotional and/or physical stress.  相似文献   

Death certification of "suicide by cop" is controversial among some medical examiners and coroners. We present five such deaths that were certified as suicides and discuss the medico-legal issues involved with these certifications. To certify such a death as a suicide, certain criteria should be met. Suicide by cop is a circumstance that involves competing intentional acts that may result in dichotomous determinations of the manner of death. Despite the absence of direct self-infliction, there is overwhelming evidence that these five individuals intended to end their own lives. Their use of an unusual method to accomplish this goal may inappropriately result in a reflexive certification of homicide. All of the decedents possessed weapons or a facsimile of a weapon. We present five instances of suicide by cop and contend that these types of deaths are best certified as suicides.  相似文献   

The Gram-negative rod DF-2 was isolated from blood-cultures, the blood sample taken 3 days after death from a 65-year-old woman who had been bitten in her finger by her dog. At the medico-legal external examination marbling of the skin was found, suggesting septicemia. In persons found dead with a history of dog exposition and with no other obvious cause of death, examination for DF-2 should be performed.  相似文献   

One hundred and eighty-eight Burmese refugees in Thailand were interviewed. One hundred and five of those interviewed had knowledge of a total of 313 persons who had been exposed to land mine explosions. Twenty-three of the interviewed were land mine survivors. They were all male, aged between eight and 68 years, and all except one had been injured between 1986 and 1997. Fifteen of the 23 were civilians, eight were guerilla soldiers who were injured either in battle or while deploying or disarming land mines. Those who had stepped on land mines were all crus or femur amputated and had several scars on the lower limbs, abdomen and some also on the forearms. Those who had handled a land mine had lost either fingers or hands and one also lost both eyes. This study shows that the frequency of land mine accidents in Burma has been underestimated and that the mortality is high. The study also supports the general impression that many victims are civilians.  相似文献   

Fatalities related to sporting events are predominantly caused by blunt force injuries especially due to the emotional involvement of crowd, but occasionally other types of trauma are reported as well. A case of very rare trauma caused by shooting with a hand-held parachute signal rocket during a football match is presented. A 17-year-old football fan sustained fatal injuries, a combination of mechanical trauma caused by rocket penetration, as well as extensive thermal burning of the thoracic viscera. Analysis of the event was based on autopsy findings and evidence produced by medicolegal and ballistic experts. Improper use of a hand-held signal rocket, designed for marine distress signals, may cause serious injuries either mechanically, due to explosion, or as a result of thermal discharge. In the reported case, pattern of injuries is discussed, and medical finding corroborated to other available evidence. The presented case is a reminder that the forensic pathologist should be informed accordingly on the type and features of weapon suspected to produce injury, to be able to understand traumatic changes, and look for potential presence of foreign bodies at postmortem examination.  相似文献   

We present the case of a man who was last seen leaving to feed his greyhound dogs. He was found dead lying in a yard just outside the gate to one of the dog pens. Holes were present in the fence on both sides of the gate. The holes were of sufficient size to allow the passage of the head and neck of a greyhound to the shoulders. To open the gate one had to bend down to unfasten a latch 45 cm above ground level. Leaning down to unfasten the latch brought one into close proximity to the holes on either side of the gate. The scene and clothing appeared undisturbed. Autopsy (K.A.L.) revealed the cause of death to be blunt throat trauma. The throat trauma was of marked degree and consistent with at least a single heavy crushing injury directed from the front and somewhat below. In addition there were a series of almost vertical light abrasions on one side of the neck. There were minimal injuries to the rest of the body. There were no injuries specific for assault. In an attempt to explain the almost vertical abrasions on the side of the neck, the scene was re-examined by the pathologist. This revealed loose wire strands on the gate post. It is consistent that a fall against this area could account for the almost vertical abrasions on one side of the neck.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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