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刘宇松 《法制与社会》2014,(3):120-120,125
我国法律明确规定了严禁以欺骗的讯问方法来收集证据。但许多专家学者认为,由于刑事案件的特殊性、侦查活动的对抗性,使得欺骗性侦查谋略在整个侦查活动中的运用成为一种必要,因此,侦查讯问应该对欺骗性讯问具有一定的容忍度。本文认为,根据我国国情,一旦对侦查讯问中的欺骗手段提出容忍条件,将不利于非法讯问的有效控制,而应从欺骗性讯问的法律界限入手,对侦查讯问中的欺骗性讯问作出一个明确的定义。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国社会形势的变化,贪污贿赂等职务犯罪的手段和方法更为隐蔽和狡猾,犯罪嫌疑人的意志力、对抗性和反侦查能力也有所增强,这些都不同程度地加大了侦查破案和固定证据的难度。因此,侦查谋略的运用对反贪工作已显得尤为重要。本文试从初查、立案、讯问和深挖犯罪四个方面对侦查谋略的运用进行分析。  相似文献   

侦查讯问录音录像是我国司法改革的重要成果。2013年1月实施的《刑事诉讼法》正式确立了侦查讯问录音录像制度。该制度有利于规范侦查讯问行为,遏制刑讯逼供等非法取证活动,保障诉讼参与人的合法权益,还能够真实全面地反映侦查讯问活动的情况,对非法证据排除规则的实施具有重要意义。本文在系统研究新《刑事诉讼法》中关于讯问时录音录像的规定和司法实践情况的基础上,探讨了实施讯问录音录像制度和非法证据排除规则的若干建议。  相似文献   

侦查指挥谋略是一种创造性的多向思维活动,具有极强的对抗性和不稳定性。它在侦查工作中举足轻重,直接关系侦查工作的成败。笔者试对侦查指挥谋略运用应把握的原则进行探讨,认为应遵循如下原则:  相似文献   

讯问活动的主要特征是信息实流从诉讼角度来看,一般认为,讯问是侦查人员依照法定程序以言同方式就案件事实和与之有关的问题对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人(以F统称为被讯问人)进行审讯的侦查活动,是直接取得被讯问人供述和辩解的一种必要的方法,是每个案件必经的诉讼程序。但是如果从讯问活动的艰巨性、复杂性着眼,特别是从近年来检察机关查办贪污贿赂犯罪案件中充分运用讯问谋略的实践来看,把讯问视作言词方式又不免失之片面。因而不少人对讯问及其谋略运用进行了大量探讨。比较一致的看法是,讯问是一场尖锐复杂的面对面的斗争,讯问人要…  相似文献   

侦查讯问工作是一项讯问人员与犯罪嫌疑人之问进行的一种语言交际活动.讯问语言具有直接对抗性和灵活性的特点,它是建立与犯罪嫌疑人心理联系的基础.在具体的讯问活动中要灵活地采用不同类型的讯问语言并注意讯问语言着重强调的事项.  相似文献   

张浩  戴岩  陈志鋆 《法制与社会》2011,(15):124+126-124,126
《关于办理刑事案件排除非法证据若干问题的规定》对现行非法证据排除规则进行了强化和完善,它的实施给职务犯罪案件侦办工作带来了运用讯问谋略、政策教育被视为诱供、刑讯逼供,证人出庭翻证,侦查人员出庭质证的系列风险。为此,我们必须转变侦查人员的司法价值和办案理念,创新侦查方法、提高侦查技能,加强侦诉衔接和侦审沟通。  相似文献   

崔守忠 《法制与社会》2013,(19):119-120
在侦讯活动中,讯问谋略已被许多国家的司法界采用,并在侦讯过程中发挥重要的作用,是确侦讯问活动顺利进行的重要因素之一。但是在讯问谋略中,我国法律将欺骗、威胁、引诱等行为确定为非法讯问方式,其获得的证词将会被排除。本文认为,必须掌握讯问谋略的使用界限,才能最终确保司法的公正性原则。  相似文献   

姚健 《犯罪研究》2004,(4):65-69
侦查讯问犯罪嫌疑人的目的就是要获取口供。讯问权力的行使,在一定程度上使犯罪嫌疑人的权利相对遭到侵害,刑讯逼供等侵权行为便不断发生,形成非法证据。因此,加强对侦查讯问中非法证据形成途径的研究,并据此提出排除非法证据的措施,将有助于遏制侦查讯问中非法证据的形成。  相似文献   

(接上期)四、审讯策略及其运用审讯是一种特殊的侦查活动,它是在初查或者秘密侦查取得进展的基础上,由侦查人员根据已掌握的证据,对犯罪嫌疑人进行面对面的讯问、质证和调查。也是侦查人员与犯罪嫌疑人短兵相接,运用智慧和谋略所进行的一场决战。孙子云:“上兵伐谋”,因此,审讯  相似文献   

警察讯问话语目的、话语策略和话语结构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李响 《政法学刊》2012,(3):96-101
以目的原则理论,言语行为理论和会话合作原则为理论基础,建立了目的、话语策略和话语行为的会话分析模型,并基于此模型分析警察讯问过程中的话语结构和问话策略。研究发现:在程序性问话阶段,警察通常使用直接指向目的的问话,问答对应结构简单,多是Q-R对应;在实体性问话阶段,由于问答双方目的冲突激烈,警察会根据不同的语境采取威胁、劝诱、友情、打断、预设、迂回等问话策略,以期获取犯罪嫌疑人的合作,实现问话目的,问答对应结构变得复杂化、多样化。  相似文献   


The interrogation of drug addicts in custody presents a problem. The reliability of confessions made either under the influence of drugs or during drug withdrawal may be adversely affected. This study explores the effect of drug use and drug withdrawal on interrogative suggestibility and compliance. These two psychological factors are relevant to erroneous testimony. The interrogative suggestibility and compliance of heroin addicts on an inpatient drug unit were measured on opiates, whilst withdrawing from opiates and drug free. The interrogative suggestibility and compliance of the group of subjects as a whole did not differ significantly in these three conditions. However the results did suggest that a subgroup of vulnerable individuals may have been more suggestible when under the influence of opiates. Further work is needed to clarify these results and to aid professionals assessing fitness for interview and cases of retracted confessions.  相似文献   

讯问中的问题逻辑研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从问题逻辑的基本原理出发,分析了问题的几种结构形式、应答域预设的逻辑特征、问题真假的理解以及不同问题之间的逻辑联系。研究了讯问中问题的逻辑特征,借鉴讯问的几种方法,为科学讯问提供了逻辑参考。  相似文献   

刘克忠 《政法学刊》2003,20(2):68-70
在侦查讯问中,累犯、惯犯的讯问始终是侦查人员讯问的重点和难点,也是提高办案质量的一个重要的切入点。因此,研究累犯、惯犯的特点,制定相应的讯问策略和方法是十分必要和重要的。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to model various social and cognitive processes believed to be associated with true and false confessions by exploring the link between investigative biases and what occurs in the interrogation room. Using the Russano et al. (Psychol Sci 16:481-486, 2005) paradigm, this study explored how perceptions of guilt influenced the frequency and type of interrogation tactics used, suspect's perceptions of the interrogation process, the likelihood of confession, and investigator's resulting perceptions of culpability. Results suggested that investigator bias led to the increased use of minimization tactics and thereby increased the likelihood of false confessions by innocent participants. In contrast, the manipulation of investigator bias had no direct or indirect influence on guilty participants. These findings confirm the important role of investigator bias and improve our understanding of the decision-making process associated with true and false confessions.  相似文献   

Within the criminal justice system, confessions are an extremely powerful form of evidence. Unfortunately, innocent people sometimes falsely confess to crimes they did not actually commit. Such travesties of justice have sparked a significant degree of academic research into the false confession phenomenon. Within the existing literature, there exists a conceptual framework that the interrogative methods and actions of law enforcement officers are a key cause of false confessions with some researchers going so far as to suggest that law enforcement interrogators act as confidence men who trick criminal subjects into confessing. However, few researchers have actually questioned law enforcement officers about false confessions and even fewer have consulted with officers who specialize in interrogation. This study is a subset of a larger qualitative case study designed to explore the experiences of 13 federal law enforcement polygraph examiners who specialize in interrogation regarding their approach to criminal interrogation and their experiences with both true and false confessions. This study focused on the personal processes federal law enforcement polygraph examiners use in reviewing Miranda rights and documenting confessions. NVivo software was used to organize the data. Common themes in interview responses were then identified and revealed that participants employ an open, detailed, and straightforward approach in reviewing Miranda rights and documenting the confessions of criminal subjects. These findings contradict the premise that law enforcement interrogators inherently operate as confidence men by tricking and manipulating criminal subjects.  相似文献   

试论警察的审讯圈套   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈世革 《政法学刊》2006,23(1):122-125
警察审讯犯罪嫌疑人的目的是查明案件的事实真相和获取诉讼证据。犯罪嫌疑人出于防御的本能和趋利避害的心理,总是想否认犯罪,逃避惩罚,因此,审讯不可避免地存在着激烈的对抗性,警察如果想用对待普通守法公民的态度和方法从有罪者中获得证明其有罪的信息,显然是十分困难的,因此,他必须使用一些技巧和策略。从我国的刑事审讯实践看,欺骗性方法也是被实际允许并不时使用的。这种方法在刑事侦查学上常被称为“审讯策略”,其实质是“利用对方的劣势和弱点进行的心战智斗”。  相似文献   

Purpose. The goal of the present study was to investigate the effects of personality variables, interrogation techniques and the plausibility level of an alleged transgression on the experimental elicitation of false confessions. Methods. Two hundred and nineteen undergraduate students assessed on measures of compliance, self‐esteem, locus of control and interrogative suggestibility participated in the Kassin and Kiechel (1996) paradigm. Experimental manipulations included minimization and maximization interrogation techniques and high and low plausibility of the alleged typing mistake to examine rates of false confession and internalization. Results. The overall false confession and internalization rates across all conditions were 43 and 10%, respectively. An increased likelihood of false confession behaviour was associated with higher Shift scores on the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale, the use of minimization interrogation techniques and an increase in the plausibility of the allegation. Females were more likely to falsely confess than males in the high plausibility condition, whereas Caucasian and Asian participants were equally likely to falsely confess. Personality variables, such as compliance, most influenced the behaviour of males and Asians. Conclusions. The results of this study offer insight into false confession behaviour, suggesting that individuals who have a tendency to change their responses in the face of negative feedback may be more prone to false confession behaviour. The findings also serve to highlight the dangers of using minimization interrogation techniques and elucidate the limited generalizability of the paradigm to situations in which the alleged transgression is less plausible.  相似文献   

李连忠 《政法学刊》2005,22(1):69-70
近年来我国各地暴力袭警案件时有发生,综合分析这些已发生的暴力袭警案件,多数因公安民警在执行清查、盘查、检查和缉捕等警务活动中防范、控制不当而造成的。因此,在平时对公安民警进行的盘查战术演练中,应进一步增强基层民警临战意识,提高民警安全防范能力,坚决贯彻依法、合理、有效使用武器的指导思想,尽快加强和提高基层民警警务战术的实战能力,避免不必要的伤亡事故。  相似文献   

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