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当代公共管理的根本诉求在于实现公共利益的最大化。维护和增进社会的公共利益,不应为了实现效率和生产率价值而过多地或仅仅追寻管理趋向的公共管理模式;可以寻求另外一种公共管理模式,即法律趋向的公共管理模式,以开辟一条新的现实研究法。历史地看,管理趋向的公共管理,由于其行政权有不断扩张的倾向,容易造成公民权利受损和公共利益被政府的自我利益所侵占等不良后果。因而,从法律维度考量当代公共管理现象及其本质规律不但具有必然性而且具有可行性。需要从法律维度考察的公共管理的主要问题是:公共管理的宪法渊源问题、公共管理的程序性正当和法律程序问题、公共管理的司法审查问题以及公共管理的行政法治化问题。  相似文献   

中国服务型政府建构的路向分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国传统的政府管理模式是在计划经济体制下形成的,是政治、经济和行政长期一体化的结果,是在中国传统文化的土壤中产生的。由于这种政府管理模式是以权力为中心的,因此,可称为“权力行政模式”。中国是发展中国家,国内改革和参与解决全球问题的双重压力,给政府管理带来根本性的挑战。“权力行政模式”难以适应21世纪的政府管理要求。以“公共服务”为核心的是未来政府管理可选择的理想模式。  相似文献   

公共管理的理论源流与变革   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过“新公共管理运动”而从传统公共行政理论范式中分化出来的“公共管理”,体现了一种新的理论范式整合。传统的公共行政,以韦伯的官僚制来破解庇护主义,以政治/行政分开来化解政党分肥,以官制度来建构行政组织的基本规范,以泰勒主义来保证效率行政的主导地位。这种行政改进逐渐变成公共行政中的教条主义。结果,官僚制成了官僚主义的代名词,政治/行政两分成了“两张皮”,官制度变成了族主义,效率主导变成了缺乏效果的效率。求解这些疑难导致了传统公共行政范式向“新公共管理”范式的转移。而突出公共性、现代性和综合性的公共管理的理论建构,就是以公共行政为底色而对新公共管理或管理主义、政策分析以及20世纪80年代兴起的公共治理理论的一次理论整合。  相似文献   

随着社会转型和经济转轨速度的加快,我国城市街道事务管理的任务量和复杂性急剧增加,街政治理变革与创新势在必行。本文以公民参与和街道行政之间的生态互动关系为主线,依据"决策—实施—监督"的街政流程,对2007年北京市委社会工委成立以来街政治理的公民参与机制进行了案例分析。本研究发现,社区的公民参与及其组织形式塑造了街道公共决策的民主化机制,扮演着社区居民自组织服务或为其增能的角色,开辟了街政监督的公民社会路径,其在推动街政由低分权、封闭性、单向度管理,向开放式、参与型的公民治理转变的过程中,发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

刘圣中 《公共管理学报》2005,2(2):40-45,54,94
当代中国公共行政的基本模式是在中国共产党的领导下由官僚机构实行国家管理的结构.党是国家管理的核心.因此,党的组织行为方式明显地影响了官僚制行政的方式,具体来说使得公共行政表现为三方面的特征公共行政的政治化、意识形态色彩和人格化.这些特征在一定程度上造成了公共行政的失范和无序,党必须严格规范其行为,才能够保证官僚体系程序化、理性化和公正化的实施管理.  相似文献   

This article traces the evolution of the concepts underlying development administration since its origin as a distinct subdiscipline in the early 1960s. It relates the main thrusts in development administration to changing theories and approaches to economic and social development, especially the appropriate functions of the state, the implications of modernization, and the capabilities of people outside the modern core in urban centres. Seven major themes have emerged during the past decade. Their acceptance among academics and practitioners has produced a more sophisticated, realistic and useful appreciation of the relationships of public administration to development. Though this bodes well for the future, an unsolved problem is the continuing intellectual hegemony of Western concepts and practices, despite an impressive number of highly trained Third World scholars and well-established Third World institutions operating in this field. There is evidence that the ongoing search for effective indigenous management practices will greatly enrich development administration as a field of inquiry and of practice.  相似文献   

农村行政管理是国家行政管理的重要组成部分,它对于维护农村稳定,促进农村整体进步和发展、建构和谐的社会主义新农村,起着特别重大的作用。农村行政管理的内容十分丰富和复杂,本文拟就目前农村行政管理中的几个重要问题略作分析和探讨。  相似文献   

作为公共管理学科领域中的一员,在学习《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议》和国务院温家宝总理就建议讨论稿所作的说明时,联系到我国公共管理实践和学科研究,是很自然的事。因为公共管理正是要为国民经济和社会发展服务的。在这方面,过去所取得的巨大成就和不足之处,都有公共管理状况的因素,今后在实施“十一五”的全过程中,仍然需要继续加强和改进公共管理。为了避免泛泛而谈,根据温总理所归纳的“十一五”时期的主要任务和需要处理好的几个重大关系,从公共管理角度加以论述。坚持统领发展全局和要全面贯彻落实的是科学发展观。  相似文献   

The conduct of development administration in Commonwealth Caribbean countries is hindered by weaknesses in government, and, on the basis of many years experience, Dr. Hope points to four approaches to reform which are currently favoured. Changing the nature of political leadership; reasserting the importance of an independent instrumental administration through greater attention to manpower planning, training and staff development; similarly extending the scope of administrative action by achieving a decentralization of authority from political ministers to local professional administators acting with the public; and participatory democracy with a reduced role for professional administration are four approaches with parallels in other parts of the world. The author points, however, to distinctive features in the Caribbean and argues that the small size of the states creates particular problems and challenges.  相似文献   

对新公共管理的几点反思   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新公共管理是公共行政在新形势下的发展,它的一些理论和方法是值得我们借鉴的。但是,新公共管理是否能够成为一门独立的新学科,政府和政府官员是否是利己的,政府是否一定低效以及顾客导向等理论,是值得深入研究的。  相似文献   

公共管理的旧貌新颜和发展趋势——公共管理面面观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
祝贺《公共管理学报》创刊。对公共管理的过去、现在和未来作一些概括性的介绍,将有助于公共管理在我国的研究和发展。试从关于公共管理的内容和历史、地位和作用、体制和方法、人员和经费、领导和决策、改革和发展、现状和前景、理论和实践等八个方面,进行简要考察,并注意在坚持中国特色的同时,保持与国际接轨。旨在使公共管理在促进中国特色社会主义小康社会的建设过程中,发挥其应有的积极作用。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代后期产生于美国的公民治理理论代表了一种新的公共行政价值观,它建立在对新公共管理理论某些缺陷的批判基础之上,在一定意义上可以看成是对新公共管理理论的一种超越。本文比较系统地辨析和概括了公民治理的基本观点,公民治理与公民参与之间的紧密关系,并对其实践价值作了简要评析。  相似文献   

社会主义新农村建设,统筹城乡发展,需要建立一个民主而富有效率的乡镇治理体系。我国自1983年恢复乡镇一级政权以来,乡镇政府为我国农村的改革、稳定、发展做出了不少贡献。但随着经济改革的推进,乡镇政权运行中面临的诸多问题开始凸显,乡镇体制改革势在必行。本文试从当前乡政村治体制困境分析出发,归纳出当前困扰乡镇治理的两个症结,通过对学界当前几种主流改革意见的评述,拟提出一种新的乡镇治理模式,并对这种模式进行可行性分析。  相似文献   

While it is easy, and almost a national sport, to criticise the traditional model of public sector employment as being too generous, there is a rationale for its distinctiveness. The career service model that endured for most of the last century was aligned to the bureaucratic form of public administration of that time. As public administration was 'transformed' into public sector management through the importing of private sector techniques, so too has public sector employment been varied in pursuit of greater efficiency, flexibility and responsiveness.  相似文献   

Proponents of the behavioral public administration movement call for greater use of theories from psychology and experimental research designs to improve the rigor of public administration research. We agree that the use of such theories and methods will provide much-needed reinforcements to public administration research, but the approach taken so far might be too narrow and might unnecessarily alienate scholars using other perspectives and research approaches. Reflecting on our own training and experiences, we suggest that adopting a more inclusive approach that employs insights and research tools not only from psychology but also from other disciplines will provide public administration scholars with a stronger footing in their efforts to generate actionable knowledge for public managers and policy makers. We also identify some key methodological issues that behavioral public administration scholars need to consider and address as the use of experiments becomes more common in public administration research. Finally, we encourage public administration scholars interested in behavioral research questions to do more to contribute to broader management and organizational behavior research.  相似文献   

This case study is based on an evaluation report of a German project for development co-operation in the field of public administration in the Republic of North Yemen. It describes the history, the efforts and the problems of the project which operated within the framework of the National Institute of Public Administration in Sana'a and in order to understand the project there is an outline of the public administration of North Yemen. The paper also describes the structure of the German side of the administration of development policy, the Ministry of Economic Co-operation, the German Society for Technical Cooperation and the Public Administration Promotion Centre in Berlin. Both the practical problems of administrative co-operation and of undertaking evaluation are analysed and a practical approach to evaluation and evaluation techniques is presented for discussion. The paper argues the merits of providing aid in support of training in order to improve public administration, and specifically emphasises the value of preparatory courses which link the educational system within the occupational system of the public sector by preparing university graduates for the profession of public administration.  相似文献   

公共管理学:定位与使命   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公共管理学由行政学、公共行政学发展而来,其最初源头在政治学。所以,政治学对于公共行政学的意义,犹如经济学对工商管理学的意义。但是,公共管理学有自己特定的研究对象、学科体系和指导原则,因为,公共管理是一项独立的管理活动,其对象就是公共资源,其主体就是以政府为核心所形成的政府、市场、社会多元统一的公共治理体系;而其原则就是公共性、公正性和效益性的有机统一。在中国,公共管理学要走向成熟,实现科学化,关键是要关注中国公共管理的实践,创造中国公共管理理论。为此,中国公共管理学应该在3个方面作出努力:一是确立公共管理学特有的问题意识;二是确立中国公共管理的规范性价值体系;三是形成理论与实践能够相互转化的研究能力。  相似文献   

Tuvalu is an independent microstate and this account of its economic circumstances and prospects provides the context for discussion of administrative problems. The paper outlines the economic structure of the country and examines its economic resources and their potential; demographic trends are given attention, and the country's heavy dependence on foreign aid is explained. These features carry implications for the forms of public administration and development planning, and Tuvalu's current development plan and aspects of its public administration are discussed with this in mind. The article serves as a case study of the economy of a micro state and implications for administration in such a state.  相似文献   

The synergy between theory and practice is a much sought after, but sometimes elusive, touchstone for the development of public administration programs in the United States. A healthy relationship is vital to the success of both practitioners and academics alike. While the field of public administration was in no small part premised on sustaining a healthy academic-practitioner connection, there has been a retreat from engagement due to deeply rooted trends in both academic and practitioner environments. This article reviews these trends and suggests an agenda for reconnection of these vital linkages.  相似文献   

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