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与其它行政处罚不同,立法没有为行政拘留设置听证程序,而是设计了担保人和保证金制度。由于缺乏对保证人责任追究措施的明确规定,加上拘留所为了追求非法经济利益,以及警察法治观念等方面的原因,这些规定并没有发挥预期作用。《治安管理处罚法》和其它新规定做了改进,强化了担保人责任,提高了保证金额度。为真正解决实际问题,建议还应该建立罚款与拘留期之间的转换制度。  相似文献   

This paper compares the macro- and micro- analyses of techno-economic change. Arguing for perspectives which are sensitive to the local flexibility of innovation but which can also provide suggestions for policy and intervention, it describes and reviews the two major contributions: work on Techno-Economic Networks, and on Techno-Economic Paradigms. It is argued that the former has greater depth of analytical sensitivity, whilst the latter is more policy-relevant. Whilst there are approaches, such as Constructive Technology Assessment, which attempt to combine the two perspectives, these are seen as failing to retain sensitivity to the power differentials between key actors such as firms, experts, governing agencies or citizens' groups. The paper concludes by advocating attention to the ‘meso-level techno-economic’—the networks of institutions and actors at work in: geographically bounded systems of innovation; scientific and technological disciplines; firms, their strategies and linkages; and the nexus between production and consumption.  相似文献   

林琳 《行政与法》2006,(10):25-27
政府绩效评估最早可追溯到第二次世界大战以前,它对于改善政府管理及服务具有重要作用。美国政府颁布的《政府绩效与结果法》标志着政府绩效评估法制化的开端。政府绩效评估法制化成为世界的新趋势。我国当前正在建设创新型国家,应当进行政府绩效立法引导建设创新型国家,并从产业政策、高效政府、激励约束兼容机制、政府预算投入、税收优惠、创新人才、政府采购比例、科技专门管理、赋予社会评估机构法律约束力等方面进行引导,最终实现创新型国家的奋斗目标。  相似文献   

民事诉讼中,当事人是诉讼主体之一,当法院怀疑当事人存在精神状态异常,考虑到他们是否具有主体资格时,可委托鉴定机构对当事人进行精神疾病司法鉴定,并评定其有无诉讼行为能力,以此来维护精神病人及各相关主体的合法权益。本文结合民事诉讼能力的研究现状,首先阐述其概念,分析民事行为能力与民事诉讼能力的区别,然后分析其分级方面存在的争议,最后阐述民事诉讼能力应当的等级划分。  相似文献   

本文所称的法律服务,是指法律执业人员向当事人提供的一切有偿法律帮助活动;本文所称的法律服务业,是指由司法行政机关主管的律师业、公证业、司法鉴定业及基层法律服务业。法律服务业的重要作用在于:及时有效地指导公民个人、市场主体、社会组织依法从事经济社会活动,  相似文献   

超期羁押:性质·成因·对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王学成 《政法学刊》2003,20(1):34-37
超期羁押是具有多方面社会危害性的违法行为;造成超期羁押,既有公安司法人员执法观念方面的原因,亦有法律制度及执法工作机制方面的原因;与此相适应,解决超期羁押的对策,也应该是综合性的。  相似文献   

法哲学的智慧与旨趣在于对真实的人的法律生活的哲学观照。这种哲学观照体现为在对真实的人的法律生活的现实理解的基础上,对人的法律生活进行的价值改造,从而在思想上对人的法律生活进行理想型塑。  相似文献   

Public policing in England and Wales is currently undergoing and will undergo substantial changes to the way it delivers its services in the future. Consideration of the different proposals for change when viewed in isolation appears to produce uncertainty in terms of organisational structure. However, when considered as interdependent they provide a more clear and problematic issue that could undermine the current democratic model of policing utilised in this country. This article considers the ideas of the function of the public police within a democratic policing model and how changes such as the introduction of Police and Crime Commissioners, an apparent lack of engagement by the public with the democratic process, as well as the possibility of privatisation and outsourcing currently in vogue, may have a detrimental effect upon the policing philosophy that has underpinned policing in England and Wales for nearly 200 years.  相似文献   

王丽 《中国司法》2010,(7):59-61
党的十七大报告提出,要“深化司法体制改革,优化司法职权配置,规范司法行为,建设公正高效权威的社会主义司法制度。”其中,司法职权配置既是司法体制的具体表现形式,也是司法行为运作的权限基础。优化司法职权配置,成为司法理论研究与深化司法体制机制改革的重大任务。  相似文献   

On April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred on the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling unit resulting in the death of eleven workers, and subsequently a continuous and uncontrolled release of crude oil and natural gas from the wellhead for a total of eighty-six days. The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) provides a comprehensive liability and compensation scheme by creating strict liability for the responsible party of a vessel or facility from which the oil was released subject to statutory limitations, and very limited applicable defenses. The owner of the Deepwater Horizon and the operator of the Macondo well were designated responsible parties under OPA subjecting them to liability for removal costs and damages. In addition, the Clean Water Act imposes civil and administrative fines on a per-day-per-barrel basis without limitation. Other federal statutes which are used to impose criminal liability are the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the River and Harbors Act of 1899.  相似文献   

2007年《物权法》遗留了相当多的制度缺失和制度缺陷问题,例如所有权概念、所有权返还请求权制度建设问题。从所有权的概念入手,论述所有权中最重要的一项权能,即占有及以该项权能为对象的所有权返还请求权,指出我国的物权法应对所有权返还请求权进行明确规范。同时对于与所有权密切联系的另一个制度,即占有应进行进一步的规范。通过对所有权返还请求权的论述,得出结论,占有制度中的间接占有制度的引入对于保障所有权返还请求权必不可少。  相似文献   

高慧开 《犯罪研究》2011,(1):44-47,55
从古到今,各国之间的谍报战层出不穷。在上世纪末与本世纪初,国际谍报战出现了一种全新的趋向和革命性的变化,各谍报机关和组织之间正在进行中的"间谍文化革命",一方面是间谍手法的高科技化使间谍活动的外表越来越趋于公开化,另一方面是对人权和隐私权的严重侵犯。  相似文献   

根据现行《刑诉法》第三编第四章死刑复核程序的规定,最高人民法院对所有判处死刑的案件具有核准职责。最高人民法院将死刑核准权下放给各高级人民法院行使,在法律上引起了学术界广泛的争议,死刑核准权下放的法律根据是否充分,不同位阶之间的法律是否和谐、统一,都是争议的焦点  相似文献   

吴宏耀  张燕 《中国司法》2004,(12):25-27
二十世纪90年代以来,我国律师业作为社会生活中一项不容忽视的服务性产业,已经取得了令人瞩目的成就。然而,在此大背景下,刑事辩护实践却较1996年以前有了明显的退步:刑事案件的律师辩护率不仅没有增加,反而有所下降①。值得庆幸的是,刑事辩护实践中暴露出的种种问题已经引起了社会各界尤其是法学界的普遍关注;一些地方为了解决“刑事辩护倒退”的问题,也已经进行了不同程度的尝试。但是,在方兴未艾的刑事诉讼法修改过程中,学界对于如何解决刑事辩护的困境却殊少深入分析。为了能够引起对此问题的关注,本文试图揭示刑事辩护面临的亟待解决的…  相似文献   

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