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Michelle Friedland argues in this note that the Americans with Disabilities Act fails to adequately distinguish between the separate goals of preventing pure discrimination and providing affirmative accommodation. The Act's conflation of these two different objectives, and its reliance on a single definition of disability for both, hinders its effectiveness in improving the status of individuals with disabilities in the employment setting. To illustrate this, she points to the counterintuitive results reached in recent court decisions. Friedland further traces the legislative origins of the Act's definition of disability and the ambiguity it leaves as to Congress's goals for the Act's employment provisions. She posits three possible goals the Act might be designed to achieve and recommends basic reforms for accomplishing each. Her ultimate conclusion is that provisions dealing with accommodation and discrimination need to be divided so that each can have its own definition of disability. In addition, she believes funding mechanisms for providing accommodation should be altered to ameliorate inequalities in burdens borne by employers and to avoid improper incentives to circumvent the Act.  相似文献   

In January 2002, the US Supreme Court issued the latest in a series of court judgments adopting a narrow interpretation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The unanimous decision is fundamentally flawed in several important respects. It does not bode well for people with disabilities seeking protection from discrimination in employment.  相似文献   

Assessment equity concerns all educational authorities and practitioners. When educators consider issues of equity, their predominant concern is accommodation of students with special needs, cultural issues, and creating alternative assessment activities that have equivalence to standard activities, so as not to advantage or disadvantage any student in their demonstration of knowledge. This paper examines equity issues in assessment from a legal perspective, drawing on case history from Australia, and based in discrimination and disability law. The paper is intended to assist authorities and practitioners to understand legal implications of educational assessment in order to promote practices that reduce the likelihood of legal claims and the resultant use of financial and human resources away from educational activities. However, the discussion of cases and judgements is also intended to raise issues of whether educational providers and authorities should be more conscionable in their consideration of educational equity and assessment.  相似文献   

本文阐述的是美国关于犯罪本质的哲学解释。刑罚既包括过错犯罪。也包括严格责任违法,这两者代表了两种不同的刑事责任类型。美国学界主张过错犯罪的要点在于其是侵害公众利益的不法行为,并非由于其危害公众利益,而是因为公众负责处罚此类行为,即它们应该得到国家的处罚。不法行为得到惩罚是因其性质严重,它们不敬重社会公认的价值;只有当行为人违反重要价值时才应得到处罚,不仅是出于对刑法实用主义的考虑,亦取决于罪刑法定原则的内涵。美国学者分析过错犯罪和不太严重的违法行为,认为后者同样存在着损害公众利益的危险。  相似文献   

In the last few years, a lot of attention has been paid to what is usually called ‘ICT Crime’. In this contribution, the term ICT Crime is analysed from both a practical and theoretical legal perspective. It will be argued that it is very difficult if not impossible to define ICT Crime unequivocally. Furthermore, there seems to be insufficient grounds to see ICT criminality as an autonomous legal discipline, as an independent functional discipline or as a specialisation. An important reason for dealing with ICT Crime as if it is a problem area seems to be fear in governmental organisations that new technology could lead to forms of criminality that are outside their reach of control. Furthermore, the application of ICT has led to a reorientation of legal powers with respect to investigation and prosecution. However, these subjects should be dealt with at an international level.  相似文献   

Knowledge of how nurses experience the process of secluding a patient can be useful in improving the quality of patient care and in the prevention of work related stress in nurses. This study describes personal experiences of nurses throughout the seclusion process. The emotions which came to surface in semi-structured interviews with 8 nurses were categorized in three main themes (Tension, Trust and Power) and a stress response curve was identified in the seclusion process, with specific feelings in each phase. Feelings denied in former studies such as feeling superior, anger and disgust were found in the interviews in this study.  相似文献   

Much research, but not all, appears to show that persons with severe mental illness are more dangerous and violent than others; but it is misleading and feeds the stigma cannon. This paper critically reviews reported correlations between severe mental illness and violence, examines their statistical confounds, highlights studies which seek causal mechanisms explaining the associations, points to what those causal mechanisms tell us about controlling risk in the community, and reviews legal attempts to control community risk in light of those causal mechanisms.  相似文献   

养卡挂失的场合,不符合信用卡诈骗的构成要件,不成立信用卡诈骗罪。存款指向的现金由银行占有、银行所有,债权人必须以正当程序取出,否则成立犯罪。存款本身是债权,有通过财产犯罪规制的必要性,但在结构上,应当由占有为核心的框架转变为一种对应关系。养卡挂失中,行为人通过挂失将养卡人的债权转移给自己,被骗的人是办理挂失的营业员,因此成立三角诈骗。因此,在养卡挂失的场合,对象是债权这一财产性利益,既遂标准是挂失的时刻。  相似文献   

张伟 《行政与法》2009,(6):121-124
对市场的界定是进行并购反垄断审查的重要前提.需求替代性和供给替代性是界定相关市场的理论基础.在此基础上,产品功能界定法和假定的垄断者测试是界定相关市场的具体方法.由于假定的垄断者测试有大量的经济数据作支撑,因此应当作为界定相关市场的主要方法.  相似文献   

肢体伤残评介(Ⅲ)--下肢功能评定标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要依据《永久残损评定指南(第五版)》介绍下肢肢体功能障碍评定标准。一、下肢肢体截肢(趾)功能缺损评定一下肢功能完全丧失相当于人整体功能丧失40%,下肢从踝关节离断,一下肢功能丧失62%,从膝关节离断,一下肢功能丧失80%,从髋关节离断,一下肢功能丧失100%。一足五趾完全缺失,该足功能丧失31%,下肢功能丧失22%;一拇趾从跖趾关节缺失,足功能丧失17%,下肢功能丧失12%;其余四趾中任一趾从跖趾关节缺失,相当于足功能丧失3%,下肢功能丧失2%。(见表1)二、下肢长度不等功能障碍评定下肢长度是测量髂前上棘至内踝的距离,测量时可因骨盆倾斜或…  相似文献   

Background. The Dynamic Risk Assessment and Management System (DRAMS) was created to measure dynamic risk in individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID). Steptoe, Lindsay, Murphy, and Young, (2008) examined the construct validity, reliability and predictive validity of the dynamic risk assessment and management system (DRAMS) in offenders with intellectual disability and found that the total DRAMS score and sections on mood, antisocial behaviour and intolerance/agreeableness predicted incidents with a medium effect size for offenders with ID residing in high secure settings.  相似文献   

刘佳 《行政与法》2007,(11):15-17
社区治理的主体既包括政府部门,也包括社区自治组织和居民个人。在以往的社区治理模式中,都过分强调政府的作用而忽视了居民个人对社区公共政策的参与,这就造成了当前我国城市社区中居民参与水平低下、参与机制缺乏的状况。因此,采取积极稳妥的政策措施,转变政府治理理念,改进治理模式,全面理顺政府与社区关系,为居民参与社区治理创造有利条件,大力构建和谐有效的社区治理体系乃是当务之急。  相似文献   

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