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A number of recent studies have demonstrated that sex can be estimated with a high degree of expected accuracy through the analysis of anthropometric measurements of the hand. Presently, however, the majority of previous related research has been focused on a limited range of global populations. The aim of the present study, therefore, is to evaluate the accuracy of using anthropometric hand measurements for the estimation of sex in a contemporary adult Western Australian population; we also assess if sex can be accurately estimated from the measurement of handprints. The study sample comprises a total of 91 male and 110 female individuals; documented mean age for the males is 38 years (range 19-68) and for the female sample it is 36 years (range 18-63). A total of six linear measurements are taken from each hand and its corresponding print. Measurement data is analysed using basic univariate statistics and a series of direct and stepwise discriminant function analyses are performed to assess the sex classification potential of the hand and handprint variables. All six hand and handprint measurements are sexually dimorphic and sex explains 28.4-61.7% of the sample variance. The breadth and length of the hand contribute most significantly to sex discrimination; cross-validated sex classification accuracies range between 82.6 and 96.5% with a sex bias of ≤5%. We conclude that anthropometric measurements of the hand and handprint can be used to classify sex with a high degree of expected accuracy in a Western Australian population.  相似文献   

As part of the formulation of a biological profile, the estimation of stature is an important element that provides useful data towards narrowing the pool of potentially matching identities. Recent literature has demonstrated that anthropometry of the hand has considerable promise for the accurate estimation of stature; although the technique has only been tested in a relatively limited range of populations. The aim of the present study, therefore, is to assess the reliability and accuracy of using anthropometric hand measurements for the estimation of stature in a contemporary Western Australian population; we also evaluate whether stature can be accurately estimated from the measurement of handprints. The study sample comprises 91 male and 110 female adult individuals. Following the measurement of stature, seven measurements are taken on each hand and its corresponding print. To establish the reliability of acquiring these measurements, a precision study was performed prior to primary data collection. Measurements data are analysed using basic univariate statistics and simple and multiple regression analyses. Our results show that the degree of measurement error and reliability are well within accepted standards. Stature prediction accuracy using hand and handprint measurements ranges from ±4.74 to 6.53cm, which is comparable to established skeletal standards for the hand. This study provides new forensic standards for the estimation of stature in a Western Australian population and also demonstrates that the measurement and analysis of handprints affords a novel source of profiling data that is statistically quantified.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to estimate the age of cadavers by histomorphometry of the femur. Seventy-two Japanese males ranged from 43 days to 92 years old and 26 females ranged from 2 to 88 years old were used. The thickness of sections was adjusted at 50 to 70 microns by grinding with sand paper. The sections were not decalcificated. They were stained with Villanueva's bone staining powder and with thionin dye. Microradiographs of the sections were obtained by the soft X-ray apparatus. The area, maximum and minimum diameter, and perimeter of the perfect osteon and Haversian canal were measured. In addition, the type II osteon number, osteon fragment number, and area of triangle were also determined. All these parameters were examined by an image analyzer. The parameters of the osteon showed high correlation coefficient with age (magnitude of r > 0.77), while those of the Haversian canal were low (magnitude of r < 0.11). All parameters were subjected to multiple regression analysis for producing a multiple regression equation of age estimation. For the stepwise selecting method, the perimeter of osteon, maximum length of the Haversian canal and osteon fragment number were selected for the equation. Their multiple r2 and standard error of estimation were 0.8874 and 6.39, respectively. For the forward selection method, in addition to the above items, three parameters, the maximum length of Haversian canal, triangle area, osteon fragment number were selected. Their multiple r2 and standard error of estimation were 0.9484 and 4.884, respectively. Bone staining was useful to clarify the demarcation between osteon and fragment, leading to an increase in the accuracy of age estimation. However, the entire range from birth to 90 years was difficult to cover for precise age estimation.  相似文献   

Estimation of individual's stature is an important parameter in forensic examinations. Examination of footprints provides important evidence in a crime scene investigation and helps in estimation of stature of a criminal. Analysis of bare footprints is often carried out in developing countries like India where the footprints are frequently recovered at the scene of crime. The present study attempts to reconstruct stature in a sample of 2080 bilateral footprints and foot outlines collected from 1040 adult male Gujjars of North India ranging in age from 18 to 30 years. Bilateral footprints and foot outlines of each individual were measured for ten and eight measurements, respectively. The results indicate that T-2 length (length of the footprint from heel to 2nd toe) and T-5 length in footprint and T-1 length, T-4 length and breadth at ball in foot outline show statistically significant bilateral asymmetry. Significant and positive correlation coefficients exist between stature and various measurements of footprint and foot outline (P<0.001 and 0.01) except toe 1-5 angle of declination which shows insignificant correlation coefficient. The highest correlation coefficients were shown by the toe length measurements (0.82-0.87) indicating a close relationship between the stature and these measurements. Regression analysis presents smaller mean errors (2.12-3.92cm) in estimation of stature than those of division factor method (3.29-4.66cm), thus, gives better reliability of estimate than the latter. The regression equations were also checked for their accuracy by comparing the actual stature with estimated stature.  相似文献   

RUS-CHN图谱骨龄评价法用于推侧青少年年龄   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨RUS-CHN(RC)图谱评价法用于13~18岁青少年年龄推侧的应用价值。方法4 424名(男2 272,女2 152)13~18岁正常城市汉族青少年,以简化RUS-CHN法建立手腕骨发育等级图谱。另以1 048名(男530,女518)13~18岁青少年为检验样本,比较不同方法骨龄与生活年龄的差异。结果RUS-CHN图谱法可仅评价桡骨、尺骨远端和第III指的4块掌指骨骺。检验样本中男14~17岁、女13~16岁年龄组,RC图谱法骨龄与生活年龄之间的差异均无统计学显著性(W ilcoxon符号秩和检验,P>0.05),对男18岁、女17岁组出现显著性差异的可能原因进行了讨论。结论RUS-CHN图谱法骨龄适用于男13~18岁、女13~17岁青少年的年龄推测。  相似文献   

OBJECT: The aim of this study was the examination of relationship between the age and the ossification of medial epiphysis of the clavicle referred to CT examination. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Concerning the epiphyseal ossification of the clavicle CT's of 100 patients (50 male and 50 female) between 16 and 25 years (10 patients for each year) were analyzed by three viewers. RESULTS: In the legal relevant age segment (16-25a) we saw a turnover from stage 3 to stage 4 at the age of 21 years. The calculated empiric distribution function showed 95% of stage 4 over 21 years while 75% of the patients with stage 3 were under 21 years. A reconstruction kernel suitable for osseous structures should be used, images should be viewed or presented in a bone window. CONCLUSION: According to these results it can be concluded that a person with stage 4 is probably 21 years or older, while a stage 3 leads to an estimated age under 21 years. On the other hand, a confidence level of 99.67% is not reached. Therefore, CT of the medial epiphysis of the clavicle will only be suitable for age estimation around the age of 21 years, if this relevant statistic obstacle is defeated. Bearing this in mind, further studies are needed to evaluate slice thickness as the most critical parameter.  相似文献   

第三磨牙萌出情况调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的为满足应用牙齿萌出时间推测年龄的需要。方法采用帕尔曼牙位标志法记录,对1582名16-23岁学生进行调查。结果随着年龄的增加,4枚第三磨牙均末萌出的呈递减状态,而4枚均萌出的则呈递增状态。萌出1枚的为10.11%,萌出2枚的为13.27%,萌出3枚的为7.96%,萌出4枚为18.90%,4枚均未萌出的为49.75%。结论本组调查数据填补了有关资料的不足,为法医学推测年龄提供参考资料。  相似文献   

Estimation of age in adolescents --the basilar synchondrosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The state of fusion of the basilar synchondrosis as a biological age indicator was assessed in a sample of 91 cadavers of both sexes whose ages ranged between 8 and 26 years. The correlation between the degree of closure and chronological age was investigated. Although the female population sample was very small (n = 21), the data indicate a tendency of differences in age between the "open" and "closed" groups. In the male population (n = 70), no significant differences were detected between the "open" and "closed" categories; in fact, the mean age of the two groups was the same (p = 0.9). These findings indicate that the stage of fusion of the basilar synchondrosis is not a good indicator of age in male cadavers, while in females the feature could be useful when estimating age of unknown human remains, although further investigation on a larger sample is advocated.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in forensic sciences about forensic age estimation in living subjects by means of radiological methods. This research was conducted on digital thorax X-rays to test the usefulness of some radiological changes in the clavicle and first rib. The sample consisted in a total of 123 subjects of Spanish origin (61 men and 62 women; age range: 5-75 years). From all subjects, a thorax posterior-anterior radiograph was obtained in digital format. Scoring for fusion of medial epiphyses of the clavicle was carried out by Schmeling's system and ossification of the costal cartilage of the first rib by Michelson's system. Degree of ossification and epiphyseal fusion were analyzed in relation with known age and sex of these subjects. The results give a minimum age of >20 years for full fusion of the medial epiphysis of the clavicle (Stages 4 and 5). Concerning the first rib, all subjects with the final Stage 3 of ossification were above 25 years of age. These results suggest that the first rib ossification might become an additional method to the ones so far recommended for forensic age estimation in subjects around 21. New research would be desirable to confirm this suggestion.  相似文献   

Various studies conducted in and outside India for estimation of age from long bone joints revealed that unlike other vital parameters no uniform pattern exists for epiphyseal union of long bones in different countries of the world and also in different parts of the same country. A radiological study was conducted in 180 boys and girls of the capital city of India, Delhi, between the age group of 14-20 years to find out the age at which epiphyseal union at wrist and ankle joint takes place. The result of the study showed that the wrist joint epiphyseal union is completed in all cases in the age group of 19-20 years in males and 18-19 years in females. In the ankle joint, 17-18 years was the age group in males and 16-17 years the age group in females which showed complete epiphyseal union in all cases.  相似文献   

We discuss here the estimation of age at death from two indicators (pubic symphysis and the sacro-pelvic surface of the ilium) based on four different osteological series from Portugal, Great-Britain, South Africa or USA (European origin). These samples and the scoring system of the two indicators were used by Schmitt et al. (2002), applying the methodology proposed by Lucy et al. (1996). In the present work, the same data was processed using a modification of the empirical method proposed by Lucy et al. (2002). The various probability distributions are estimated from training data by using kernel density procedures and Jackknife methodology. Bayes's theorem is then used to produce the posterior distribution from which point and interval estimates may be made. This statistical approach reduces the bias of the estimates to less than 70% of what was obtained by the initial method. This reduction going up to 52% if knowledge of sex of the individual is available, and produces an age for all the individuals that improves age at death assessment.  相似文献   

In a study of age estimation from teeth by means of measuring racemization of aspartic acid (Asp), a representative amino acid, the accuracy of data from enamel and dentin in the same tooth was compared. The correlation of D/L ratio of aspartic acid with actual age gave the following parameters: r = 0.928, sigma = +/- 5.2, k = 4.47 x 10(-4) yr-1 in enamel and r = 0.995, sigma = +/- 1.4, k = 5.75 x 10(-4) yr-1. The difference in ages between one estimated by the D/L ratio and the actual one was within +/- 3 years in dentin, while in enamel an error of from 2 to 11 years was observed. Reaction rate constants of the racemization in a dry postmortem state (15 degrees C) were calculated as k = 9.70 x 10(-8) yr-1 in enamel, and k = 1.33 x 10(-7) yr-1 in dentin. Compared to rates determined from teeth recently extracted from living subjects, the rate was higher in dentin than in enamel. These data reconfirmed that dentin is superior to enamel in making exact age estimations from teeth.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2014,54(6):447-450
The increased number of adolescents and young adults with unknown or inaccurately given date of birth is a current issue in justice and legal medicine. The objective of this study was to determine the extent to which third molar calcification stages assessed on panoramic X-rays could be useful as additional criteria for forensic age estimation in living individuals, focusing on the legally important ages 17 and 18.In a retrospective multi-center study, the developmental stage of each individual's third molar was analyzed using Demirjian's scale in 2360 cases. Additionally, sex, age and ancestry were assessed.Individuals with the lowest calcification stage of all present molars in stage H were ≥ 18 years with a likelihood of ≥ 99.05% in the female (n = 388), and ≥ 99.24% in the male (n = 482) population.The lowest calcification stage of all present third molars proved to be useful as an additional reliable criterion for the determination of an age ≥ 18 years.  相似文献   

We monitored the immunohistochemically determined amount of surfactant-producing alveolar type II cells in human fetal lung using polyclonal antibodies against apoprotein B and C of human pulmonary surfactant. Lungs of 30 dead-born fetuses without lung affection aged between 15 and 38 weeks of gestation were evaluated and the surface density of surfactant-producing alveolar type II cells was determined by morphometry. In lungs of fetuses with a gestational age less than 22 weeks no relevant number of positively reacting cells could be found. Between the 22nd and 29th week a progressive increase with considerable inter-individual variability was observed. From the 30th week on the number of the type II pneumocytes appeared rather constant without further significant increase. We provide evidence that the immunohistochemical detection of surfactant-producing alveolar type II cells is useful for the determination of the age of unknown and especially fragmented fetuses: The lack of surfactant-producing alveolar type II cells in fetal lungs before the 22nd week allows a rather safe distinction between fetal lungs of higher age from those of lesser age. Between the 22nd and 29th week an age-dependent increase in the number of these cells occurs with wide inter-individual variability allowing only an approximate age determination. In particular, this may be an important piece of information in fragmented fetal corpses. Furthermore, the number of surfactant-producing alveolar type II cells provides additional information on pulmonary maturation and may thus be helpful in the estimation of a theoretical survival chance.  相似文献   

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