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刘洪岩 《政法论丛》2012,(1):95-102
近年来,生态安全作为一种全新的国家安全观日益受到国际社会的广泛关注。俄罗斯是较早进行生态安全立法实践的国家,在生态安全理论研究、生态安全立法体系化以及生态安全保障制度构建等方面都有可圈可点之处。俄罗斯生态安全立法理论及实践的经验可以为我国立法发展及应对生态安全问题提供学理上的参考和可借鉴的实证路径和范式。  相似文献   

在欧美国家的高校安保制度当中,以美国、英国、加拿大、瑞典最具代表性。英国的高校安保制度主要由驻校警察模式、法令特别授权警察模式和安保外包模式这几种类型构成;美国则是典型的校园警察模式为主导;加拿大的高校安保系统采用校园社区警务模式;而瑞典的高校安保模式则呈现出"行政化"和"社会化"的特征。在亚洲邻国的高校安保制度当中,以日本、新加坡最具代表性。这当中,日本以"青少年警察"的安保模式为主,而新加坡的高校的安保主要由安全、健康和环境办公室和校园保卫办公室以及外包保安公司三者构成。借鉴国外高等教育发达国家的高校安保制度对我国新时期的高校安保制度意义重大。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the global anti-money laundering (AML) regime from the perspective of security governance, examining the creation of a transnational security space by the FATF. Security is often mentioned as relevant context for AML measures, and the Financial Action Taskforce (FATF) as its central institution. Yet, most analyses – implicitly or explicitly – present the FATF as an important banking regulator. Arguing that this perspective on the FATF is too limited, the article outlines the changing security context in which AML emerged as an important tool for governance. Unlike traditional ideas of international security, the idea of security governance emphasizes new forms of cooperation to ensure safety and security across multiple levels. Based on International Relations (IR) and criminological research, the article develops a framework with five dimensions of security governance: a comprehensive security concept, multi-purpose rationalization, public-private cooperation, multi-nodal governance, and transnational security spaces as a result. Unlike other efforts of global crime governance, the global AML regime provides a prime example of security governance in all of these dimensions. At the same time, the link to security also explains why the global AML regime expanded in some areas more than in others: AML is still a weak governance instrument for regulating financial crimes such as tax evasion or corruption, but it is a strong one for security-related crimes. While the FATF remains a special case in global governance, the creation of transnational security spaces in AML – caused by FATF activities – is likely to be a model for future security governance in other fields.  相似文献   

论广州亚运安保警务情报机制的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丘志馨 《政法学刊》2010,27(5):112-116
情报信息是亚运安保部门最重要的安全资源和工作基础,公安机关作为亚运安保工作的主力军,在亚运会的安全保卫工作中必须进行科学的社情评估,建立高效的警务情报机制,精心组织实施安保工作,力争实现"和谐亚运"的工作目标。  相似文献   

程序安全:程序价值的新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡亚球 《中国法学》2004,(5):120-127
程序安全作为程序价值的必然组成部分,是人权保障和人道主义精神在程序运作中的体现。它具有坚实的法哲学基础和国际人权法依据。程序安全价值包括程序基本结构的安全度、程序张力的内敛度和程序安全信赖的满足度等三方面内涵。该价值的实现涉及程序自身的安全构架、程序权力的安全性配置、程序权力受体的安全维护权利和必须的安全维护机制等因素。当前,加强程序安全价值的构建,对我国的法治国家建设和法律改革,提高程序文明程度和保障程序人权具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The premise of discourse theory in environmental policy is that realities are shaped by language. One discourse that is gaining popularity is the concept of environmental security, a discourse that presupposes environmental threats as urgent. The attempt to cast environmental issues as security issues has resulted in the common use of security jargon, idioms, and metaphors in policymakers’ and politicians’ statements. Various analyses attempt to identify why natural resources are discussed in terms and language of security. However, far fewer studies have attempted to identify differences in the manner in which different types of resources are incorporated into such a discourse by different actors and what variables contribute to this process. This study examines the construction of the security references, security arguments, and language in the statements of the Commission on Sustainable Development dealing with energy and water. We found that international organizations and Non-governmental Organizations were somewhat more likely than state actors to use security references to discuss sustainability issues. The issues securitized are not the traditional high political ones such as regime stability and conflicts, but rather issues more associated with human security, such as access to renewable energy, affordable food, and clean water. The fact that in many statements examined the use of security references was not associated with any existential threat and hence did not comply with the conditions of the Copenhagen School raises some doubts as to whether security language in these statements implies a true securitization move. We also examined whether the use of the term “security” by states was correlated with greater resource scarcity or vulnerability. In the case of water-related sessions, the evidence was mixed, depending on the choice of dependent variable. The results from energy security regressions, however, were inconsistent with the hypothesis that greater scarcity or vulnerability induces more use of security language.  相似文献   

周茜蓉 《政法学刊》2006,23(2):85-93
实现广东公安工作现代化必须研究广东公安工作的基本问题。广东公安工作现代化转型的基本问题可以概括为两个基本问题:第一问题是,广东公安工作开展所处的环境所是,即公安治理对象或公安客体问题。它确立社会治安治理的对象,使公安工作有的放矢。第二问题是,公安工作得以开展的主体条件,即公安主体问题。它确立社会治安治理主体的职能、结构、运行模式、管理模式和观念支持。二者相互联系,相互推进,共同促成公安工作现代化的达成。  相似文献   

王春晨 《行政与法》2006,(4):122-124
社会保障基金是社会保障制度的经济基础,要保证社会保障制度的顺利实施,就必须要有充足社会保障资金。我国近年来发展起来的社会保障事业,突出面临着基金筹措难等弊端,现行的行政性缴费制的筹资手段是无法解决这一问题的。因此必须要从根本上改革现行社会保障筹资方式,其切实可行的办法就是开征社会保障税,才能更好地为发展我国的社会保障事业及时足额地提供资金来源。  相似文献   

赵宇 《政法学刊》2006,23(4):119-124
冷战后,中国提出以“互信、互利、平等、协作”为核心的新安全观,努力营造长期稳定、安全可靠的国际安全环境。新安全观需要新思维。在以合作求安全、以协商求安全,建立新的安全机制维护安全和坚持反霸反恐并重的思维。新安全观强调重视非传统安全威胁的因素,而国际警务合作是对付恐怖主义和跨国犯罪的有力武器之一,因此,应该用新安全观的视角来看加强国际警务合作的必要。  相似文献   

This paper examines security networks in a context where security is increasingly regarded as a problem of intelligence. Data are derived from interviews with officers in criminal intelligence units in Ontario, Canada. A conceptual framework is developed to understand the limits of security intelligence within an emerging security network paradigm, focussing on the normative dimensions governing security networking, and the mechanisms and technologies limiting information deployment among public security agencies. Despite efforts to address security through the sharing of actionable information, security intelligence maintains an exclusive value. Technologies of control promoting this exclusivity also function to prevent intelligence from becoming common knowledge. Because of its limited value, intelligence is ill-suited for export into security governance writ large.  相似文献   

Abstract. The author analyses the concept of legal security from its historical evolution to its main structural aspects. In the first part he argues that legal security is a historical and cultural concept of the modern world. He considers a series of factors which lead from the general concept of security generated by an ideological monism and the social rigidity characterizing the Middle Ages to the concept of legal security protected by the legal monism of the modern state, where legal security, understood as formal or procedural justice, has become a principle inspiring the entire legal system. Then he considers legal security in the social state as the expression of the relationship between man and his social needs. In the second part the author makes a structural analysis of the concept of legal security in a modern legal order, identifying the different spheres in which it can be found: state,—focusing on procedural guarantees as limits to power—, law—considering the internal functioning of the legal system—, society—stressing the effects of the action of the social state on the idea of legal security.  相似文献   

中国粮食安全国内法保障研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
乔兴旺 《河北法学》2008,26(1):42-48
粮食安全不仅是国家安全的重要组成部分,而且是发展国民经济与构建和谐社会的根本物质基础。为维护粮食安全,中国必须采取、完善包括技术、经济、行政、法律等多方面的保障手段和措施。基于此,中国必须针对粮食安全国内法保障目前所存缺陷,采取切实有效措施建立健全粮食安全国内法保障。第一,高度重视粮食安全及粮食安全国内法保障工作,加强粮食安全国内法保障理论研究,切实把建立健全粮食安全国内法保障作为当前重要任务来抓;第二,重新定位粮食安全国内法保障指导思想,将科学发展观与粮食安全观彻底贯彻于粮食安全国内法保障中;第三,恰当确定粮食安全国内法保障目标,合理界定粮食安全国内法保障原则,优化粮食安全国内法保障框架;第四,抓紧制定与完善粮食安全立法规划,集合中央与地方力量建立健全粮食安全国内法保障;第五,严格粮食安全行政执法,加强粮食安全行政执法监督,确保粮食安全法律制度得以正确实施。  相似文献   

券商融资行为通常有直接为客户提供资金透支、充当贷款人为客户提供贷款、以融券的形式融资、居间为客户融资、名为居间实为借贷等几种形式。关于客户损失的民事责任应区分融资之后对交易的操作情况,在客户正常操作的情况下券商无需承担赔偿损失的责任;而在券商平仓行为下,券商负有因侵犯客户股票所有权产生的赔偿责任和赔偿买卖股票产生的佣金损失的责任。在券商充当居间人为客户融资的情形,券商应承担相应法律责任,但无需承担因该贷款行为引发的民事责任。  相似文献   

WTO多边贸易体制与国家经济安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李文涛 《政法学刊》2004,21(1):22-25
WTO多边贸易体制的建立,标志着以规则和制度为基础、以经济实力作为支撑力量的新型国际安全格局的确立。在这种国际安全格局中,国家经济安全在维护国家利益和国家安全中发挥基础性作用。WTO多边贸易体制对国家经济安全造成宏观和微观方面的影响,放大了国家经济安全原有的风险因素,并增加了新的风险因素。在WTO多边贸易体制下,国家经济安全的最大风险来自于因制度冲突而产生的制度风险。能够在多种程度上减少乃至避免这种制度冲突和制度风险,决定了主权国家、尤其是发展中国家和经济转型国家能够从WTO多边贸易体制中得到效益的程度,进而决定了其在维护本国国家经济安全中的能力。  相似文献   

张永林 《行政与法》2020,(5):121-128,F0003
随着全面依法治国和全面深化改革的深入推进,为实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的目标,应完善包括地方公安立法在内的公安工作制度体系。目前,各地公安立法还存在体系不健全、可操作性不强、欠缺特色性规定、不能适应社会治安防范现实需要等问题。提高地方公安立法质量,有利于完善公安机关参与社会治理的制度体系,有利于建设法治公安,有利于促进公安机关执法规范化建设,有利于规范警务运行机制。为有效提高地方公安立法质量,必须树立社会治安治理立法理念,准确评估地方公安立法需求与效果,完善和规范地方公安立法程序,推进地方公安立法精细化。  相似文献   

This paper presents work conducted as part the ‘Shades of Grey’ (EP/H02302X/1) research project that aims to develop scientific interventions for the detection of suspicious behaviors in public spaces. To provide an understanding of security and counter-terrorism work in different contexts the project adopted a human factors approach as part of a program of user requirements gathering exercises. These activities focussed on the needs of different end-users and stakeholders, ranging from frontline security personnel, managers and strategic security policy makers. By taking a user-centred approach, the discipline of human factors can be integrated into the security/counter-terrorism domain to support the design of practical security solutions. This paper presents a case study investigation using data collected from three security agencies. Common themes are explored, ranging from ‘the importance of temporal measures’ to ‘enhancing positive user experiences’. These factors are discussed in relation to the practical application of human factors methods within security research.  相似文献   

我国以户籍为身份标志的城乡二元社会保障制度剥夺了农村居民平等享有社会保障资源的权利,拉大了城乡差距,加剧了城乡对立和社会分化,背离了社会保障制度的普惠和公平目标。笔者认为,充分认识社会保障城乡一体化的必要性,强化社会保障城乡一体化的制度保障,制定符合中国社会类型和社会结构的社会保障城乡一体化实施规划,做到初期重点突破,中期整合衔接和终期城乡并轨,是构建我国城乡一体化社会保障体系的可行选择。  相似文献   

我国金融业正在实行史无前例的全市场开放,金融安全成为关系国家经济安全以至国家主权安全的重要关注点。在国家安全审查机制与金融开放现实不匹配、金融安全审查机制缺位的现实中,我们必须创新性地将金融开放的政策逻辑转化为系统性立法模式,通过金融安全法律制度体系建设,增强制度竞争能力;通过紧实"防护网"与筑实"防护墙"的"靶向"定位与"点域"安全防范措施,抵御金融外部风险和系统性风险的侵蚀;通过双机制的职权定位与监管衔接,保障金融安全审查机制的有效运行,以确保金融开放背景下的国家金融安全。  相似文献   

构建新型校园安全防控体系的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学校安全是公共安全的重要组成部分,学校安全保卫工作事关师生人身安全和学校的财产安全,事关教育改革、发展、稳定大局。由于校园由封闭型向半封闭型、开放型的发展,校园人数的增多,保卫组织不健全,管理制度不落实等原因,造成校园的暴力型犯罪、火灾、爆炸、中毒等安全问题呈上升蔓延趋势。构建新型的校园安全防控系统,建立校园安全工作的长效机制是当前各级政府、学校亟待研究和解决的新课题。  相似文献   

国家义务是实现社会保障权的法定义务。探讨社会保障权的可诉性,对全面把握和评判社会保障权之国家义务履行状况,具有决定性意义。以《人民法院案例选》(1992-2010)为参照系,当前中国对社会保障权的维护主要体现在社会保险权之工伤保险领域,在内容上主要表现为国家的尊重和保护义务。在明显具有给付性质或特征的社会保险权之养老保险、社会救助权、社会福利权等领域,国家对其法定义务的履行还任重而道远。在工伤认定案件中,法院对劳动者权利诉求的支持;以及在社会优抚权案件中,法院对《行政诉讼法》的扩张性解释,这些人性化举措都将如星星之火,可以燎原。  相似文献   

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