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垃圾卫生填埋与北京市垃圾处理构想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市用卫生填埋方式处理生活垃圾是适宜的。文章介绍北京市垃圾处理状况 ,分析了目前卫生填埋处理垃圾建设经验及存在的一些问题 ,并提出了在北京建设超大规模垃圾卫生填埋场的构想  相似文献   

北京垃圾填埋场严重威胁地下水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市垃圾污染及填埋处置 当前社会正面临着自然资源垃圾化和垃圾危害化的严重威胁,对危险废物的处置更是当务之急.如何采取可靠而有效的措施处理城市生活垃圾尤其是危险废物,已成为我们亟待解决的重大环境问题之一.  相似文献   

通过对城市生活垃圾组分变化和各组分理化性质的分析 ,建立了垃圾理化指标的计算方法 ;并经过对长期试验检测所得数据的研究 ,找出了影响垃圾失水率的主要原因和垃圾失水率的变化规律  相似文献   

施晓兰 《江西政报》2008,(13):46-48
2007年12月18日,南昌市麦园垃圾处理场填埋气发电厂胜利竣工并一次性发电并网成功,这个项目的建成填补了我省生活垃圾填埋气资源化利用的空白,为节能减排,促进循环经济起到了示范作用。本文就垃圾填埋气的资源化利用作些分析和探讨。  相似文献   

固体废物有多种分类方法 ,我国从固体废物管理的需要出发 ,将其分为工矿业固体废物、有害固体废物和城市垃圾三类。城市垃圾主要由生活垃圾组成 ,生活垃圾主要由居民生活垃圾、街道保洁垃圾和集团垃圾三大类组成。一般来说 ,工业、商业及机构所产生的有害及特殊垃圾不包括在城市垃圾中。本文主要探讨青岛市四方区城市垃圾现行处理技术存在的问题及综合管理对策。1 青岛市四方区城市垃圾现状1.1 垃圾产量及构成特点  青岛市四方区城市垃圾人均年产量 4 40kg左右。其构成特点为无机物含量高于有机物含量 ,不可燃成分高于可燃成分。有机…  相似文献   

近年来,随着改革开放进一步深入,武汉市城市化进程加快,垃圾产量在迅速增加,1999年全市生活垃圾日清运量达到4700吨。生活垃圾处理水平反映了一个城市的综合实力,过去,由于缺乏城建资金,垃圾处理技术落后,武汉市生活垃圾主要是进行简易卫生填埋,不仅浪费了垃圾  相似文献   

清华大学环境系固体废物污染控制及资源化研究所的统计数据表明,中国城市每年产生餐厨垃圾不低于6000万吨[1]。餐厨垃圾已经成为垃圾收集、运输和填埋处理的主要污染源,严重影响市容市貌、居民身体健康及环境质量。餐厨垃圾处理产业与人民生活和社会经济发展存在着极为密切的关系[2]。与生活垃圾混合填埋和焚烧的传统处理方式随着餐厨垃圾数量的增加  相似文献   

餐厨垃圾是垃圾管理中的重点及难点,如管理不当,会造成环境污染,影响城市公共卫生安全。实现餐厨垃圾的规范管理,不仅可以减少垃圾填埋量。节约土地资源。而且可以进行资源再利用,提高垃圾资源化水平。  相似文献   

"垃圾围城",是当今城市发展进程中面临的一道坎。据报道,全国现有2/3的大中城市正遭遇"垃圾围城"之困,1/4的城市已无处可堆垃圾。为了破解"垃圾围城"之困,杭州市人大常委会展开了持续有力的监督。杭州主城区日产垃圾2000余吨,并始终保持高位增长态势,2010年主城区垃圾增长率达10.2%;杭州59%的垃圾仍使用填埋方式处置,每6年的垃圾就能填满一个西湖;作为杭州最主要的垃圾填埋场,天子岭的使用寿命仅剩8年,一旦其丧失填埋功能,  相似文献   

几十年的经验教训是:生活垃圾填埋却埋出了"祸水祸根",焚烧又烧出了"雾霾梦魇"!基于此,填埋也好,焚烧也罢,将都不是最佳途径。我们认为,未来检验我们是否解决好了城乡生活垃圾问题的标准,是能否实现其  相似文献   

对机械炉排焚烧炉和循环流化床焚烧炉这两种主要技术的工艺过程和应用于焚烧处理我国混合收集的原生垃圾时的技术、经济和环境(特别是遏制二(啞心)英生成的能力)特点进行了比较,以期为技术选择提供参考.  相似文献   

介绍了北京市生活垃圾处理设施环境监测现状,通过分析定期环境监测存在监测数据时效性低、代表性差等不足,结合在线环境监测技术发展及应用情况,提出目前已经具备将在线环境监测技术应用于生活垃圾处理设施环境监测应用的条件;应奥运会整体规划要求,就北京市生活垃圾处理设施在线监测系统项目建设,重点论述了生活垃圾处理设施作为相对开放的污染物排放源,在线监测系统建设过程中监测项目选择、监测仪器选择及监测采样点的设置;并对在线环境监测与定期监测的关系、在线监测系统日常运行管理及质量监控提出建议.  相似文献   

绿化废弃物资源化利用与前景展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
绿化废弃物的高效、经济、资源化利用是现代城市发展的重要内容之一,针对中国绿化废弃物总量不断增加而处理比较困难的现实,该文介绍了国内绿化废弃物资源化处理与利用现状,重点综述了国外绿化废弃物资源化利用的生态途径包括有机覆盖物、堆肥、生物质能源等,以及具体应用情况,最后对国内绿化废弃物资源化利用的前景进行了展望,指出与发达国家相比,中国废弃物资源化利用仍处于起步阶段,没有形成产业化、规模化、无害化,面临着许多问题,因此需要解决现存问题来实现绿化废弃物的可持续发展。  相似文献   

分析了北京市生活垃圾卫生填埋场渗沥液的特点,并对回灌堆体、场内建渗沥液处理设施和送城市污水厂三种渗沥液治理路线进行分析.同时,从经济、技术、环境效益和社会效益等几个方面对渗沥液再生回用可行性进行分析.最后对不同建设规模的卫生填埋场渗沥液治理方式提出了建议.  相似文献   


This study employs a mixed methods analysis of exit survey data gathered from public child welfare employees at their completion of a Title IV-E funded MSW program, distinct because it was initiated during a period of major reform and permitted students to continue employment during their studies. Findings suggest that opportunities for growth and manageable levels of stress were associated with intentions to stay and engagement with the work, reflected in respondents’ positive perceptions of their roles in the work environment and their retrospective assessments of the impact of their social work education.  相似文献   

王军  邱少男 《中国发展》2013,13(1):7-10
垃圾的正确处置是建设生态城市和发展循环经济的重要组成部分。该文分析了中国垃圾分类收集处置存在的主要问题并以日本名古屋市为例,分析了垃圾处理政策的转变对城市可持续发展的影响效果,提出了中国垃圾分类收集处置工作的相关对策。  相似文献   


Preparing social workers for child welfare practice with the complexly traumatized children now in the system has created the need for schools of social work to integrate trauma content into the curriculum. This article presents findings of an evaluation of a child welfare course designed to prepare MSW level trauma-informed child welfare practitioners. Findings indicate that students in 29 schools of social work not only significantly increased their confidence in working with traumatized children and families but also are significantly more prepared to work toward these three child welfare goals of safety, permanency, and well-being.  相似文献   

结合多年来在生活垃圾管理特别是堆肥厂的日常运行管理方面的经验,总结了目前我国生活垃圾堆肥处理技术应用现状和堆肥厂实际运行过程中存在的问题,并对今后堆肥技术的发展提出几点看法.综合评价垃圾堆肥技术、给予垃圾堆肥技术正确定位、选择合理堆肥工艺、充分发挥垃圾堆肥的优势、提高堆肥质量和开拓堆肥产品市场是今后垃圾堆肥技术发展的关键因素.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to examine how public child welfare employees perceive their graduate social work education, whether they use the knowledge and skills gained, their work satisfaction, and their future plans. It was designed to examine the experiences of the New York City Administration on Children's Services (ACS) employees who were participants in the Professional Development Program and received support to study for their master's degrees in social work. The total number of respondents surveyed was 153, the vast majority of whom were people of color. In considering their motives for attending graduate school, 96 percent emphasized their desire to serve children and families better. These graduates were very positive about their academic and field experiences, with almost all saying they would recommend MSW training to others. There was a constant progression in their perceived knowledge and skill level over time. They expressed a mid-level of satisfaction with their current jobs, but higher satisfaction with the nature of the work itself. It was striking to note the respondents' attitudes about remaining employed at ACS. Only 13 percent of those who responded said they planned to leave within the next two years Almost a third (32.6%) said they thought they'd stay at least 5-9 years, and 39.8 percent said they would probably stay 10 years or longer. Satisfaction with the nature of the work and pay were the two strongest predictors of the length of time respondents planned to stay at ACS. These are important findings because they demonstrate that public investment in MSW education can have significant pay-off by increasing the knowledge and skills of public child welfare workers and encouraging long-term commitment to the work.  相似文献   

A two-station (scenario) Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) was developed and tested for validity and reliability for assessing social work engagement skills in public child welfare. The simulated scenario was designed to allow for demonstration of skill with an involuntary adolescent and parent presenting as resistant. Independent raters assessed participants comprised of BSW students, MSW students, and experienced public child protection social workers (= 17, station one, n = 16 station two). Scales demonstrated high internal consistency, inter-rater reliability, and initial discriminate groups validity. Findings suggest a promising approach for directly assessing social worker skill in engagement of clients. Implications for use of OSCE in child welfare are discussed.  相似文献   

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