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白慧林 《前沿》2011,(23):111-114
我国法律确立了国有资产监督管理机构代表国家出资人对国有控股公司行使控制权的模式。该模式在解决公司治理和利益冲突问题上还存在瓶颈,实践中采取的任免与考核等行政手段,与公司法律制度也不能有效衔接。本文在介绍我国国有控股公司组建模式及控制权行使规范的基础上,着重提出几点建议:一是从实际控制权规制的角度,解决公司治理瓶颈;二是建立补偿制解决利益冲突下的两难选择;三是从私法角度解释任命制的含义,建立考核的法律基础和控制权行使的依据。  相似文献   

监狱集团企业在承担和不断强化相关法律和社会职能的前提下,如何有效摆脱若干体制障碍和功能束缚,以完全企业的组织形式和运行方式来适应社会主义市场经济体制,促进监狱可持续经济发展,是监狱管理体制改革的一个重点也是难点问题。从国有资产管理体制创新的角度分析,国有控股公司理应成为未来监狱集团企业管理体制的一种主流模式,同时,未来监狱集团企业将由国有独资模式逐步向投资主体多元化方向发展。对此,本文提出了监狱集团企业改制的现实路径和实施方案。  相似文献   

叶祥松 《桂海论丛》2002,18(3):49-51
我国国有公司的产权关系包括国有独资公司和国有控股公司的产权关系。在经济转轨中 ,国有公司产权关系尚未理顺 ,既有一般市场经济国家存在的共性问题 ,也有我国特定政治经济制度和转轨时期产生的特殊问题。  相似文献   

王忠伟 《福建通讯》2000,(10):41-42
随着我国政府机构改革的.逐步深入和社会主义市场经济体制的建立与逐步完善,作为专业经济管理部门及国有大中型企业改革的产物,国有集团公司和控股公司应运而生。福建省人民政府就组建电子信息集团、石油化工集团、机电控股公司等10家直属国有独资的集团公司和控股公司。面对世界经济、科技全球化的的挑战,以及在更高的层次上参与我国“入世”后的更加激烈的市场竞争,在带动我国产业升级过程中;  相似文献   

实施MBO是明晰企业权,优化企业治理结构的一条新途径。在振兴东北老工业基地的过程中,借助MBO的实施,对国有中小企业的产权结构、治理结构进行重新架构,以最大限度的提升对经营管理层的激励水平、减少代理成本,这无论是对企业还是对方国有资产管理机构来说,都是提高市场竞争力的重大机遇。  相似文献   

国外青春期性教育模式及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青少年性教育模式是在一定的性教育思想、理论的指导下,在某种环境中建立起来的相对稳定的青少年教育活动程序及方法的策略体系.国外尤其是发达国家的青春期性教育起步较早,逐渐形成了安全性教育模式、纯洁性教育模式、家庭性教育模式、同伴性教育模式、ABC性教育模式等青春期性教育模式.这些模式,对于改变我国内地的"隐晦式性教育模式"、构建中国特色青春期性教育模式具有启发意义.  相似文献   

规范的义务教育财政转移支付制度,是解决一国义务教育经费总量不足和地区发展不平衡问题的主要措施。一个多世纪以来,西方主要发达国家经过不断探索和实践,各自建立起了适应本国国情的义务教育财政转移支付制度,较好地解决了这两个问题,值得我国借鉴。  相似文献   

国外治理青年失业的政策及其启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文基于国际视角,分析了青年失业的特征及成因,并重点评析了国外在治理青年 失业问题上的政策及其效果。在借鉴国外经验的基础上,本文提出了治理我国青年 失业问题的政策建议。  相似文献   

国外青少年道德教育的走向及其启示   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
重视和加强青少年道德教育已经成为当今世界各国教育改革的共同特征。本文从分析当代青少年存在的“道德危机”入手,探讨了西方发达国家改进青少年道德教育的基本走向,并提出了学习借鉴国外有益经验,深化我国青少年道德教育改革的三点建议。  相似文献   

台湾金融控股公司的监管   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
台湾在“金融监督管理委员会组织法”实施以前,其金融监管体制采行的是多元监 管模式。相应地,对金控公司实行的是多元监管和机构监管。由于这种监管体制存在明显的制度缺 陷,难以适应金融自由化以及金融控股公司成立和金融集团增加后的监管需要,为此进行了循序渐 进的金融改革。而台湾完善其金控公司监管机制所走的路径和美国大体是一致的。改革后,台湾在 金控公司的监管方面逐渐构建起具有自身特色的监管模式。该模式的主要特点是一元化监管、准功 能性监管和以风险为基础的监管。至于其对金控公司的监管内容主要包括金控公司的市场准入条 件、资本充足率、风险集中度等方面;此外,台湾还借鉴了美国的加重责任制度以补充监管的不足。 尽管其监管体制还面临诸多不足,但成效渐显。  相似文献   

Lessons Learned     
正Experts push for cooperation between world's two largest economies in post-COVID-19 world With the international community now facing the dual challenges of containing the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19) pandemic and restoring the economy and social activities, international cooperation is needed more than ever to strike a balance between the two goals.  相似文献   

Lessons Learned     
Amonth before the PRC 60th anniversary celebrations in Beijing, I traveled back to the US as part of a group fromthe Chinese media to meet with former American president George H.W. Bush, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Sino-U.S. diplomatic ties. The interview he granted us was for Chinese television and part of a larger series featuring various individuals recounting developments in New China that took place on their watch. Mr. Bush and the PRC have done more than just cross paths over the last 60 years. His particular story began back in the early 1970s when then President Nixon took notice of a young congressman from the State of Texas.  相似文献   

As the Wall Street chaos of 2008 swept the globe,China-with little exposure to subprime mortgages-was one of the only calm ports in the growing financial storm.Ifone lesson can be learned from the crisis,it is this: maintain a constant state of financial vigilance against risks even in boom times.China now faces the task of ensuring its financial health as it further opens to the world amid a global financial landscape reshaped by deep recessions.Economists and finance professors discussed these challenges at the Asia-Pacific Economic and Financial Forum recently held in Beijing.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

正DEVELOPMENTS since the launch last year of Shanghai’s Free Trade Zone(FTZ)illustrate once more that certain Western media still fail to grasp that China’s economic policy has achieved more than three decades of rapid economic growth.The signifi cance of the FTZ and the lessons to be drawn from it,therefore,merit an analysis of its development.China has famously developed its economic policy  相似文献   

Child welfare agencies implement practice models to guide their processes and practices, clarify expectations, and enhance service delivery to improve outcomes for children, youth, and families. Changing child welfare practices is a tremendous undertaking requiring assimilation of new concepts, policies, skills, and behaviors. The integration of a new practice model can be facilitated through tailored training and technical assistance (T/TA) grounded in implementation science. Based on qualitative analysis from a cross-site evaluation of Child Welfare Implementation Centers, this article provides an overview and lessons learned from 14 practice model implementation projects and the use of T/TA to support them.  相似文献   

"A crack team of locals has a strong cultural bond andso can better understand, serve and stimulate theneeds of Chinese consumers," says Mr Liu, ChiefRepresentative of Bertelsmann China.  相似文献   

正China recently announced that it will further lower the market access thresholds in areas like banking and the securities industry to attract more foreign investment.The aim is to promote the steady growth of foreign investment in China’s pursuit of a better business environment.Market entry barriers will be relaxed in specif ic areas  相似文献   


The Internet has provided an expansive environment that enhances many existing teaching and learning approaches while facilitating new activities that are free of traditional constraints. As a result of the potential for instantaneous interaction without regard for geographic, political, racial, social, and gendered borders, an increased amount of activity is taking place online. In school settings, the need to regulate behaviors in cyberspace and minimize potential and actual risks to children has necessitated some governance over harmful interactions. Two recent cases in the United States will illustrate the emerging struggles of school systems to ensure the safety of youth online.  相似文献   

放眼世界,不同民族、不同地区间的不平衡发展,是许多国家面临的共同问题。如何从政府行为即政策措施倾斜的角度,扶贫济弱,加大贫困地区的开发力度,使其迅速摆脱贫困落后的面貌,尽快走上致富之路,进而缩小差别,协调发展,实现共同富裕,是许多国家长期以来所追求的理想目标。为此,本文分别介绍了发展中国家印度和巴西、发达国家美国和日本的经验并进行了国际社会反贫困的经验比较,旨在强调我国在实施西部大开发中应该从中学习其有益的经验。  相似文献   

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