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开发性移民就是在水库移民搬迁安置过程中,既要保护好生态环境,又要合理开发资源,进行结构调整,解放和发展生产力,使移民“搬得出、稳得住、逐步能致富”。1999年5月,国家对开发性移民政策实行“两个调整”。一个是农村移民安置政策的调整,另一个是工矿企业迁建政策的调整。农村移民安置政策由就近后靠安置,二、三产业安置,自谋职业安置调整为:实行以多种方式安置农村移民的方针,因地制宜,把本地安置与异地安置、集中安置与分散安置、政府安置与自找门路安置结合起来,鼓励和引导更多的农村移民外迁安置。工矿企业迁建政策由结合技术改造进行…  相似文献   

水库移民安置方式多种多样,选择的安置模式是否得当直接影响着移民工作的实施效果。水利工程的建设大都远离城市,涉及农村人口较多,因此不得不考虑工程建设引起的农村移民安置问题。本文首先对传统水库移民安置模式存在的不足进行了分析,进而以安置效果较好的丽江市为例,对丽江移民安置的具体做法进行了深入探讨,并基于对丽江市农村水库移民安置经验的总结,提出了农村移民安置,应采用在坚持长效补偿的前提下,因地制宜,多渠道、多产业、多方式安置的模式,以期为我国农村水库移民安置工作提供参考。  相似文献   

浙江省东源镇是我县滩坑电站移民的主要安置地乡镇,全镇共有五星、武陵、红光、项村等四个移民安置村,安置移民400余户、1500多人,为促进移民和谐融入,推进移民安置村民主法治建设,东源镇推出了“四项举措”:  相似文献   

陈攀 《法律与监督》2008,(12):23-26
“库区的搬迁任务重点在开县,完成搬迁任务就是最大的讲政治。”这是温家宝总理在三峡移民工程情况汇报上的专门批示。开县作为库区最大的淹没县和四期移民搬迁安置的唯一重点县,四期移民占全市总数的60%,移民搬迁安置已成为全县工作的重中之重。在这项重大的政治任务中,开县人民检察院一手抓检察业务不动摇,  相似文献   

移民安置,一直是大型水利建设工程中政策性强,迁涉面广,耗时多的重要环节,处理稍有不当,就会造成一系列纠纷和矛盾,甚至酿成社会问题,严重影响工程如期进行。因此认真做好移民安置工作,是保证水利建设工程顺利进行的关键问题。近几年来,司法实践证明办理移民安置协议公证,为移民安置工作提供法律保障,不失为解决这一问题的好办法,尤其是长江三峡工程这一项举世瞩目的宏伟工程,其涉及移民地域和范围之广,人数之多,周期之长,情况之复杂都可称得上世界水利史上之冠。因而,三峡工程移民安置的经验,对指导大型水利项目解决移民…  相似文献   

移民资金是国家为安置移民、确保三峡工程顺利完成的专项资金,能否安士有效地使用好移民资金,关系重大。为此,国家制定了一系列使用、管理、监督移民资金的规章制度,中央领导也一再强调移民资金是条谁也不能碰的“高压线”,贪污挪用移民资金是要“杀头”的。但不可思议的是,小小的一个丰都县国土局长竟然贪污、挪用了1500多万!更为严重的是,在最近审计部门对三峡移民资金和移民建镇资金进行的审计中,已查出挤占挪用移民资金5亿元,约占中央政府拨出的 40亿安置费的 12%!这是多么令人震惊的数字! 国以民为本,党以民为…  相似文献   

伴随社会经济发展,因水利水电工程建设而引起的移民安置难以避免,尤其是大中型水利水电工程建设,占地、淹地之广,移民数量之多,搬迁安置任务之重等问题都不容忽视。70年代作为湘西水利水电工程建设的重要时期,库区移民问题具有相当的代表性且影响长远,它不仅关系到移民的生产生活,且直接影响到库区乃至自治州当前的经济社会发展。  相似文献   

云阳县地处三峡腹地,是移民大县。在县城整体搬迁、移民迁建、工程建设领域里的行贿受贿现象时有发生.影响恶劣。为维护社会稳定、促进经济发展,保障三峡工程的顺利进行和移民安置工作的顺利完成,云阳县院将国家工作人员在移民安置,工程发包领域内的受贿犯罪纳入重点侦控对象。  相似文献   

中央政府下拨的行蓄洪受灾地区移民建房补助资金被称为灾民的救命钱,是国家明令禁止虚报和挪用的。然而,记者在安徽省凤台县采访时却发现,该县刘集乡山口村利用欺骗手段大肆虚报骗取移民建房补助资金,而按国务院和省市文件规定“确保在2004年3月底全部完成搬迁任务”的130多户“集中安置户”至今没被集中安置,他们的每户1.5万元建房补助款还在县移民办“存”着,2005年9月,这些“集中安置户”再次被洪水围困在危旧房子里……  相似文献   

《大中型水利水电工程建设征地补偿和移民安置条例》已经2006年3月29日国务院第130次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2006年9月1日起施行。总理温家宝二○○六年七月七日第一章总则第一条为了做好大中型水利水电工程建设征地补偿和移民安置工作,维护移民合法权益,保障工程建设的顺利进行,根据《中华人民共和国土地管理法》和《中华人民共和国水法》,制定本条例。第二条大中型水利水电工程的征地补偿和移民安置,适用本条例。第三条国家实行开发性移民方针,采取前期补偿、补助与后期扶持相结合的办法,使移民生活达到或者超过原有水平。第四条大中型…  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(5):745-774
A considerable body of research focuses on racial and ethnic minorities’ perceptions of police, yet non-Black, non-Hispanic minority groups, Asians in particular, are largely overlooked. Meanwhile, despite a fast growing immigrant population and the increasing demand on local police to enforce immigration law, research on police–immigrant relations remains limited. Using data from over 400 Chinese immigrants, this study examines the issues of race/ethnicity, immigration, and policing with a focal concern on Chinese immigrants’ attitudes toward police. Results indicate that the majority of Chinese immigrants rate police positively in overall performance and specific areas of effectiveness, integrity, and demeanor. Both universal and immigrant-specific factors are important predictors of immigrants’ attitudes. Chinese immigrants’ evaluations of police are not only affected by exposure to media coverage of police misconduct, neighborhood conditions, and city context, but also are intertwined with their opinions of their home country police and perceptions of US immigration authorities.  相似文献   

Abstract: Very little genetic data exist on Haitians, an estimated 1.2 million of whom, not including illegal immigrants, reside in the United States. The absence of genetic data on a population of this size reduces the discriminatory power of criminal and missing‐person DNA databases in the United States and Caribbean. We present a forensic population study that provides the first genetic data set for Haiti. This study uses hypervariable segment one (HVS‐1) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) nucleotide sequences from 291 subjects primarily from rural areas of northern and southern Haiti, where admixture would be minimal. Our results showed that the African maternal genetic component of Haitians had slightly higher West‐Central African admixture than African‐Americans and Dominicans, but considerably less than Afro‐Brazilians. These results lay the foundation for further forensic genetics studies in the Haitian population and serve as a model for forensic mtDNA identification of individuals in other isolated or rural communities.  相似文献   

Jize Jiang  Kai Kuang 《Law & policy》2018,40(2):196-215
While the disparate legal treatment of immigrants in Western jurisdictions has been well documented in sociolegal scholarship, the potential legal inequality experienced by rural‐to‐urban migrants in China, who have become China's largest disadvantaged social group, has not garnered much attention. To fill the gap, this article empirically examines sentencing disparities related to the Hukou status of criminal offenders by employing quantitative data on criminal case processing in China. The results of our analysis reveal that rural‐to‐urban migrant defendants are more likely to be sentenced to prison than their urban counterparts. In addition, the penalty effect of being a rural‐to‐urban migrant is further magnified in jurisdictions with a larger concentration of migrants. Our findings suggest that discrimination against rural‐to‐urban migrants has become an emerging, significant form of legal inequality in China's criminal justice system, refracting and reinforcing the deep‐seated structural inequality associated with Hukou status in China. The research and policy implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

高娜 《行政与法》2010,(9):35-37
居民消费状况是反映经济发展水平的重要指标,健康科学的消费是发展农村经济的重要途径。吉林省是农业大省,要保持吉林省经济持续快速健康的发展,离不开对农村市场的开拓。可以说,扩大内需潜力最大的是农村,但扩大农村内需并不等于单纯地刺激农民多消费,而是要使政策与投资向农村倾斜,急农民之所急,想农民之所想,使农民有保障感,这样,才能促进农村内需的进一步扩大。  相似文献   

This paper argues that legal frameworks to manage immigrationand refugee rights need to be understood from below, namely,how they are interpreted and used locally by the immigrantsaffected and by the host communities, in their specific historicalcontext. Using the case of Mozambican refugees in South Africa(1985–2006), the paper outlines why many of the policiestargeted at or affecting this group of immigrants have had counterproductiveeffects (from the perspective of policy makers) because of thedisjuncture between the goals and assumptions of the legal frameworkand the reality experienced and desired by the refugees. Thesituation of Mozambican refugees in South Africa over the pasttwenty years has been shaped by a radically changing legal context.These changes are charted and matched with how Mozambican refugees,especially those settled in the rural border areas, have adaptedto, made use of and subverted the various legal constraintsand opportunities provided by the South African state and itslocal representatives.  相似文献   

This study examines demographic growth and change in Tilleur in the valley of Meuse in Belgium during 1807-80 during the process of industrialization and urbanization. The proportion of immigrants (foreigners and Flemings) increased from 15% in 1807 to 65% in 1856. After 1856, population and industrial growth stabilized. During 1856-66 the proportion of natives stabilized, and the proportion of Flemings increased. It is argued that in Tilleur there were two phases: a foundation phase of industrial and population growth and a phase of maturation with decreased non-native population and greater similarity between groups. Immigrants contributed to the birth rate in greater proportions than their proportion in the population of Tilleur. During 1847-66 native population increased annually from 2.4% to 3.8%. Migrants' annual increases were diminished by the effects of mortality but expanded by the influence of in-migration. During 1857-66 the proportion of foreigners declined and marked the transition to a new phase. During 1830-66 the sex ratio grew from 93 to 119. During the Industrial Revolution in Tilleur, women shifted from outnumbering to undernumbering men. The iron and coal in the region attracted men. The sex ratio among the Flemish was 214 in 1866. In 1830 the proportion of fertile women was higher among immigrants and declined thereafter. Age at marriage rose for natives and declined for immigrants. The native population structure by sex, age, and marriage did not favor the birth rate. During 1866-80 the birth rate of foreign immigrants and rural natives declined, the birth rate of natives doubled, and the gap between these two groups narrowed. The changes among immigrants during the foundation phase led to fertility decline in the maturation phase. Marriage and migration interactions linked the industrial revolution with the demographic transition.  相似文献   

In the rural areas of Spain the aging population trend is particularly acute, and these regions are also characterized by high sex ratios. These are the demographic consequences of an intense rural exodus that started in 1950. This paper addresses the strategies that families from these areas have put in place to guarantee care for the elderly in these limited demographic contexts. It quantifies the demographic change from 1910 to 2010 and analyzes current mechanisms for organizing social care. The methodology includes semi-structured interviews and secondary information obtained from censuses. The results show the emergence of new care strategies, the diversification of social agents involved in care, and the transformation of traditional gender relations. All these changes are conceptualized as social adaptation strategies that increase resilience in rural areas.  相似文献   

加强我国农村养老服务机构建设的对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的农村人口基数较大,随着人口老龄化速度的加快,传统的家庭养老功能不断弱化,农村养老服务业发展滞后的问题愈加突出,因此,急需大力发展农村养老服务业,以促进农村稳定及社会和谐。本文分析了农村养老服务机构存在的主要问题,并提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

现实生活中,农村集体土地所有权的流转并不少见。然而,除土地征收外,其它形式的流转并未得到立法的肯认。通过对农村集体土地所有权流转的必要性、形式、原则、程序以及土地征收、征购等问题的探讨,认为未来的物权立法应正视现实,对农村集体土地所有权的流转予以规定。  相似文献   

对于具有典型"二元经济"特征的我国西部地区而言,在技术落后、人力资本匮乏的制约下发展农村经济,资金要素至关重要。良好的农村投融资体制能够将农村资金高效地转化为农村生产资本,进而促进农村产出的提高。然而,西部地区农村投融资体制并不能适应"三农"发展的现实需要,造成西部农村发展面临资金短缺与资金配置效率低下的双重"瓶颈"。从法经济学视角可以发现,我国西部地区农村投融资体制的变迁轨有着特殊的演化逻辑与规律,为此,应有针对性地大力推进社会主义新农村建设,并实现以加快城乡统筹发展为目标的西部地区农村投融资体制的路径创新。  相似文献   

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