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Salholz E 《Newsweek》1983,102(20):84

Liebschutz  Sarah F. 《Publius》1995,25(3):117-132
Assisting communities to stimulate investment and to createjobs as part of a federal-state-local government and private-sectorpartnership is a key intergovernmental objective of the Clintonadministration, consistent with its agenda of reinventing government.The Empowerment Zones/Enterprise Cities (EZ/EC) Program, enactedby the Congress as part of the Omnibus Budget ReconciliationAct of 1993, reflects other federalism themes as well, themesthat predate the Clinton administration. A shift in federalpolicy during the 1980s, away from places and toward persons,set the stage for the long and difficult path of the EZ/EC programthrough the Congress. During that same decade, many states enactedtheir own enterprise-zone statutes; these initiatives were partof a second federalism trend—the general resurgence ofstates. The EZ/EC program also demonstrates the persistenceof partisanship in intergovernmental programs; empowerment-zoneand enterprise-community choices announced by the presidentin December 1994 reflected Clinton's need to satisfy his traditionalDemocratic constituencies.  相似文献   

社区党建是以街道党 (工 )委和居民区党支部为主体的 ,由街道辖区内各机关、企事业单位基层党组织共同参与的区域性党建工作 ,是街道党建工作的延伸和拓展。一、加强社区党的建设 ,是推进新时期城市基层党组织建设的迫切要求1 城市改革要求加强社区党建工作长期以来 ,我国城市实行的是与计划经济体制相适应的单位管理模式。一个单位就是一个小社会 ,每个职工及其家属的生老病死等社会责任都由单位承担着。党和国家对城市居民的管理 ,主渠道就是一个个的机关、企业、事业单位。在这种情况下 ,把党的基层组织建在这些机关、企业、事业单位当中…  相似文献   

Dave Toke 《政治学》1999,19(2):97-102
This article contests the view that environmental groups act mainly as megaphones for scientists. It asserts that environmental groups have an independent, often dominant role, in shaping norms that govern environmental policy.
The theory of epistemic communities, as advanced by Haas, is analysed in the context of the whaling and CFC/ozone depletion issues. It is found that the alleged role of epistemic communities as legitimate bearers of truth has been exaggerated and that we need to develop environmental policy in a context of 'post positivism'.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(1):29-50

This essay argues that Kant's explanation of the purposiveness-without-a-purpose of beauty (in the third Critique) can help to make sense of Nancy's theory of the inoperative community.  相似文献   

在我国城市社区治理的理论和实践探索过程中,理性选择范武和新制度主义范式等都未能完全地诠释城市社区治理绩效.而社会资本的解释范武为我国城市社区治理探索提供了一个全新的视角.作为社会资本核心要义的信任、规范和网络与城市社区治理存在密切的内在逻辑关系.因此,培育城市社区中的信任和互惠规范、建立公民参与网络成为生产我国城市社区社会资本的重要目标和手段.  相似文献   

社区居委会直接选举作为扩大基层民主的有效形式,已经成为全面推进城市基层民主的突破口,受到社会各界越来越多的关注。本文选取社区居委会直接选举中的两个环节进行分析,梳理了社区选举过程中的程序规范及存在问题,以期进一步推进城市社区居委会直接选举的程序化、公平化。  相似文献   

农村社区是新城乡一体化建设的产物,是中国实现和谐发展的有效平台.农村社区应把外来人口纳入社区统一管理,以包客协调为基础、以规范管理为要求、以教育提高为手段、适当考虑区域特点,发挥外来人口在农村社区建设中的作用.  相似文献   

社会转型时期各种矛盾和问题的碰撞和震荡使城市居民的生活状况发生了巨大变化 ,经济成分和经济利益多样比、社会生活方式多样化、社会组织形式多样化、就业岗位和就业形式多样化 ,竞争方式和个性追求多样化日趋明显。这些多样化导致了城市社区思想政治工作客体、内容、载体、方法、策略等也相应发生变化 ,研究这些变化 ,探索社区思想政治工作行之有效的新方法是社区精神文明建设的重要任务。一、新时期社区思想政治工作的特征1 社区思想政治工作客体多样化。思想政治工作的客体主要指受教育的个体或群体。随着社会主义市场经济的深入发展 ,…  相似文献   

Collaborative partnerships can be an effective strategy for crime prevention, especially in disorganized communities. Using ordinary least squares regression with 414 American cities, this article finds that police departments with many collaborative partnerships are able to promote informal social control within their communities and capitalize on the resources available to them with the help of other groups. This contention is supported by the effects of collaborative partnerships on crime rates in disorganized communities in comparison to well‐organized communities. Thus, collaborative partnerships of public organizations with other groups may insulate disorganized communities from the effects of community disorganization on levels of crime.  相似文献   

Claire Dunlop 《政治学》2000,20(3):137-144
This article contests the understanding of Peter M. Haas's 'epistemic communities' approach, forwarded by David Toke in his article in Politics of May 1999. It is argued that while Toke diagnoses the approach's failing correctly, the cause he identifies is off the mark. This particularly concerns his assertion of a positivist dogma underscoring the thesis, which is rejected as a misinterpretation of Haas. Rather, it is contended that the framework's inability to engage with the real world of politics, and the other groups therein, is a product of its lack of theoretical refinement and rigorous empirical examination.  相似文献   

Reeder  Richard J. 《Publius》1989,19(2):143-160
Recent rural economic problems have prompted some states totarget economic development assistance to distressed rural areas.The most common way to target these programs has been to allocateaid based on unemployment rates. This may be a questionablepractice, however, because the unemployment rate is a poor indicatorof economic difficulty in many rural areas. This article assessesthe strengths and weaknesses of alternative economic, social,and fiscal indicators that are available for allocating aidto distressed rural communities. It concludes with some specificsuggestions for improving the effectiveness of state aid fordistressed rural areas. Background information is provided concerningrural economic and fiscal difficulties in the 1980s and recentstate initiatives.  相似文献   

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