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社会管理创新的法理探源与中国特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李龙 《中国法学》2012,(2):20-27
社会管理创新是马克思主义法学中国化、时代化、大众化的重大成果:一、社会管理创新是马克思主义关于国家职能理论的新发展;二、社会管理创新是马克思主义关于法的规范作用理论的新贡献;三、社会管理创新是马克思主义关于人的学说的新境界;四、社会管理创新是马克思主义关于规则与秩序论断的新高度。  相似文献   

实现大众化是马克思主义的内在要求以及马克思主义永葆生机的重要源泉,是中国革命和社会主义建设事业不断走向胜利的不竭动力,是新时期开创中国特色社会主义崭新道路的重要法宝。在新起点上推动当代中国马克思主义大众化是坚持和发展我国社会主流意识形态的必然要求,是构建社会主义和谐社会并不断开拓中国特色社会主义发展道路的战略选择,是加强马克思主义学习型政党建设进而不断提升我们党执政能力和水平的客观需要。推进当代中国马克思主义大众化,必须明确中国化、时代化、大众化这三化的辨证关系,以三化的互动发展推动马克思主义大众化;把握重要的基础手段和方法,以理论的发展创新推动马克思主义大众化;探索理论传播普及的基本路径,以思想理论的日益通俗化推动马克思主义大众化。  相似文献   

党的十八届四中全会在理论上的重大贡献之一,就是科学提出与阐明依法治国的总目标——中国特色社会主义法治体系。作者认为,其首要问题就是要明确其理论基础与指导思想。理论基础是以唯物史观为理论武器的马克思主义法学;指导思想是马克思主义法学中国化、时代化、大众化的里程碑式成果。在当前和今后一段时期,主要是学习和运用习近平关于依法治国的科学论述。  相似文献   

宁俊社 《法制与社会》2013,(29):216-217
马克思主义哲学中国化,就是把马克思主义哲学的基本原理同中国的实际相结合,运用马克思主义哲学解决中国的实际问题。在马克思主义哲学教学过程中,根据教学内容的需要,联系我国社会实践和学生的实际,借鉴中华民族优秀的传统文化,使用通俗化的语言,进行马克思主义哲学的教学,从而充分体现马克思主义哲学大众化、现实化、民族化的特色。  相似文献   

贾茜 《法制与社会》2013,(20):136-137
中国共产党第十八次代表大会确立了我国到2020年全面建成小康社会的宏伟目标。新时期、新形势下,马克思主义能否继续作为我们的行动指南,指引我们取得建设社会主义现代化事业的全面胜利,关键在于我们能否不断地推进马克思主义的中国化、时代化、大众化。结合社会实践的发展和时代主题的转变,科学地认识当今中国国情,是推进马克思主义与中国国情融合并使之发挥重大指导作用的关键。本文旨在解读马克思主义思想在十八大报告中的体现及其指导作用、以及我们该如何学习掌握马克思主义要义使其成为我们学习、工作、生活的行动指南等三个方面来审视马克思主义在新时期的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

吴笛 《法制与社会》2016,(6):274-275
习近平总书记的中国化群众观中蕴含着较为深刻的马克思主义理性内涵,它强调要将群众观点与路线作为党的根本观点与工作路线,习近平总书记提出的马克思主义群众观也是当前其群众观中国化、大众化与时代化的最新的理论研究成果。其观点不仅可以呈现习近平总书记的使命与担当,同时也展现出了历史眼光、时代理念,以及人民立场等,其大众话语的表述也具有独特的风格。本文主要是对习近平总书记对中国化马克思主义群众观的思想创新及表述风格进行了研究与探讨。  相似文献   

非学无以立党兴党,非学无以治国安邦。对于一个严肃的马克思主义政党来说.树立正确的学风。认真总结党成立90年来学风建设的历史经验,对于努力推进马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化,全面建设马克思主义学习型政党,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

无论从党和国家的最高决策,党和国家的重大文件,还是从国家的根本性质与国家结构形式,国家的宪法和特别行政区基本法,以及一国两制与特别行政区制度的实际运转状况来看,都无可辩驳地证明了,我国现行的特别行政区制度是国家的一项基本政治制度。这项制度是马克思主义国家学说理论中国化、时代化和实践化的重大成果,是马克思主义同中国具体实践相结合的最新产物,是中国特色社会主义理论与实践的一个重大组成部分和一个重要发展。  相似文献   

“法治中国”命题是中国法治建设的最新理论命题,亦是马克思主义法学理论中国化、时代化、大众化的最新理论成果,还是社会管理创新研究最新的问题域之一。法治重庆建设必须接受“法治中国”语境的“规训”,并贡献出重庆关于“法治”的“地方性知识”。以长江经济带建设为契机,国家主导型区域法治建设是社会管理创新研究新的“理论试验田”。  相似文献   

李叔龙 《法制与社会》2013,(18):178-179
毛泽东同志在领导中国革命和进行社会变革的伟大社会实践中,坚持把马克思主义基本原理与中国社会具体实际相结合,对马克思主义大众化进行了深入的探讨和研究,取得了重大的成就,为当代中国进一步推进马克思主义大众化奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Matej Avbelj 《Ratio juris》2023,36(3):242-258
For more than a decade now a profound rule-of-law crisis has gripped the European Union, and while the fight for the rule of law has topped not only the academic but also the judicial and political agenda, the results have been disappointingly meagre. This article argues that the main reason for that should be sought in a political strategic move of justifying the assaults on the rule of law by resorting to an “illiberal democracy.” This premeditated political narrative shift has unleashed onto the political sphere and onto public discourse at large comprehensive doctrines which had hitherto been left dormant thanks to an overlapping consensus on the rule of law as a central building block of the political conception of justice à la Rawls. Once this overlapping consensus was broken, the rule of law itself lost its neutral character as a referee on the right among the many conceptions of the good, itself becoming part of the highly politicized power play for dominance among irreconcilable—liberal and illiberal—comprehensive doctrines. The overlapping consensus in the EU is thus broken, but there are no conceptual reasons inherent to the rule of law itself for which it could not be rebuilt in the future.  相似文献   

What does it mean to say that a prison has a “culture?” Scholars have long emphasized the presence of a “prison code” and, more recently, a “racial code” as salient cultural domains in men's prisons. Yet, even though most people intuitively understand what is meant by “prison culture,” little progress has been made regarding the conceptualization and operationalization of culture as an analytical construct in prison scholarship. The current study makes two primary contributions to this literature. First, drawing on advances in anthropology, cultural sociology, and cognitive science, we incorporate the concept of cultural schema to provide a concrete analytical construct. Second, we test varying conceptualizations of cultural schema as either characterized by consensus or as overlapping relational structures. Using cultural consensus and correlational class analyses among a sample of 266 incarcerated men, we find little evidence of a culture of consensus for either the prison code or the racial code. Furthermore, we show evidence of heterogenous schema among these cultural domains. Our study is relevant to wider disciplinary work on culture as the problem of analytical precision we address is characteristic of much of the work in criminology and criminal justice that evokes culture as an explanatory device.  相似文献   

当下中国的法学理论研究与具体法律制度建构之间存在着断裂与分离,不仅法学理论研究脱离于具体的法律制度建构,而且具体法律制度的建构也并不依赖于中国的法学理论,这种断裂和分离状况不仅源于当下中国既存的法学理论研究忽略了法学作用于社会的方式,而且更是由于中国法学理论研究始终未能摆脱其他场域的控制作用。因此,应当在关注具体法律制度建构的同时,努力建立中国法学的自主性。只有以这种方式进行研究才有可能就何种法制现代化更为可欲这一问题作出实质性的贡献,从而可能进一步在诸多研究者的共同智性努力下最终达成一种关于可欲法制现代化图景的"重叠共识"。  相似文献   

Although most research and policy in the mental health and criminal justice arenas have operated independently of one another, there is a growing consensus suggesting the need for an integration of these two disparate, yet complementary systems. Furthermore, in light of the adverse mental health consequences that often accompany victimization experiences, it is apparent that these two systems should develop and foster overlapping services for crime victims. The research reviewed herein provides an examination of issues such as these, identifies some of the barriers that stand in the way of a successful integration of the two systems, and attempts to provide some guidance and direction for future integrated mental health and criminal justice system approaches. An outline of research gaps and directions for future study are offered for the integration of criminal justice and mental health systems, as such collaborations are likely to alleviate some of the deleterious mental health outcomes evident among crime victims and at the same time reduce the occurrence of repeat victimization.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper the nature and the role of Rawls's idea of a “free public reason” are examined with an emphasis on the divide between the private and the public spheres, a divide which is the hallmark of a liberal democracy. Criticisms from both the so-called Continental tradition and the Communitarian opponents to liberalism insist on the ineffectiveness of such a conception, on its inability to establish a political consensus on democracy. But it would be a mistake to see a contractarian theory of justice, such as Rawls's justice as fairness, as grounding the social contract in a public use of reason. Such a contract would indeed be susceptible to endless conflicts and renegotiations and would never achieve consensus. Therefore, a distinction must be made between the values of justice that are present in and through the “original” contractual position and the that regulate the public sphere and guarantee its stability.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the ideational consensus that has taken shape in contemporary Russian politics, including its key components, and factors both of stability and of potential erosion. Noting the extraordinary durability of this consensus, which is supported by factors including the duration of the regime itself, its support among elites and the bureaucracy, effective mobilizational propaganda and conservative orientations among the middle classes and dominant public opinion, the author draws attention to several factors – as yet less evident – that may in the future change the situation. Among these are the volatility of public opinion, potential intra-elite dynamics, and the internal contradictions of the neo-conservative idea itself.  相似文献   

论程序对刑事审判权的制约——基于程序自身特性的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
施亚芬 《法学杂志》2012,33(4):157-161
程序具有限制权力恣意运行的效用已成为一种共识。刑事审判权作为一种国家权力,也受到来自程序的制约。这种制约与程序的角色分化性、交涉性、安定性、自治性等程序自身的一些特性有重要关系。  相似文献   

This paper reinterprets a child’s right to an open future as justified by authenticity rather than autonomy. It argues that authenticity can be recognized as valuable by people whose conceptions of the good do not value autonomy. As a running example, the paper considers ultra-Orthodox Jews who lead separatist lives and who deny their sons secular education beyond an elementary school level. If their adult sons want to have careers and participate in life outside the religious enclave, they cannot easily do so. The parents see no reason to protect their child’s autonomy (which they do not value) or to prepare their child for a life that conflicts with their values. This paper provides one response to their concerns. Following a political-liberal project of seeking overlapping consensus, it tries to base demands that children be prepared for varied futures on values that reasonable religious people can embrace.  相似文献   

季卫东 《中国法律》2009,(4):12-14,68-71
中国的传统文化注重“安身”与“安心”,并以信任为社会稳定的基石。但是,追求“信任之治”走到极端,就会反过来,变成对一切都不相信或者在客观上制造对一切的不相信。为什麽这麽说?因为人与人之间的实质性信任需要以情投意合或价值共识以及话语共同体为前提,具有排除异质的一元化倾向。为此,在组织和制度的运作上必须采取“用人不疑,疑人不用”的方针,即为了确保信任不被辜负,首先必须把不可信任的因素剔除,这样才能获得彻底的安心。  相似文献   

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