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Consistent strengthening of stock market regulation and order is making Chinese investment behavior less speculative and more rational.By October 2007,the stock market index had skyrocketed to 19,000 points from its early 1996 low of 924.33 points.China's sustained 9 percent or more annual economic growth is an acknowledged factor in this huge rise.  相似文献   

I T was the night Woodstock came to Beijing. Well, a very mild version of it anyhow. But the music fans that sat, squat- ting and sleeping on the gentle slopes of Chaoyang Park could have been lapping up a summer festival in New York's Central Park or on the grassy hills of Glastonbury in England. Local Beijingers mingled with expats and hawkers selling ice cream and ice tea at TransMusicales en Chine, a two- day festival of French alternative music. Aside from electronic pop meister St…  相似文献   

Ten years may not seem that long in terms of world history, but to some countries they can make all the difference. Indeed,China and South Africa have undergone a dramatic transformation since they established diplomatic relations on January 1,1998.In an exclusive interview with Beijing Review reporter Ni Yanshuo,Dave Malcomson,Minister Plenipotentiary of the South African Embassy to China,spoke about the evolution of bilateral ties between the two nations.  相似文献   

Having undergone seven readings in 13 years,there has been longer deliberation of this civil law than of any other in the history of NPC legislation.  相似文献   

National investment fair—the CIFIT—is expected to play a more important role in the next 10 years  相似文献   

CAI YI 《人权》2007,6(5):13-15
Talking about changes in the Muslim-inhabited Niu Jie Street of Beijing,every mem- ber of the community would be all smiles."Everything has changed;the mosque,the streetscape and the people,too"they would say. Niu Jie or Ox Street is situated in the Xuanwu District in the southern part of Beijing.The 1.44 square kilometer area is inhabited by 54,000 people,mostly of Muslims.  相似文献   

An Era of Change     
Supported by new technologies,new media forms are changing the way people get access to informationWatching IPTV on her computer, shopping online and maintaining a column on sina.com, one of China's largest Internet portals, Cheng Chan, 24, a freelance magazine columnist,represents the community of people who are using new technologies to access information and lead their lives. Cheng has only her name, telephone  相似文献   

China and ASEAN’s ambitious plans to bolster their economic ties could turn the Asia-Pacific into the world’s largest free trade area Imagine this:A free trade area spanning China to Japan,across to India down to New Zealand,a region covering a hulk of the AsiaPacific,its diversity of nations,political systems,languages,religions and cultures.Given that  相似文献   

Blogs empower ordinary people by letting them disseminate information via the Internet The Canadian science fiction writer William Gibson predicted in 1996 that everyone would one day express his or her ideas via the Internet. In reality the real vitality of Internet expression today exists at the grass- roots level, and professional Internet writers sprout from ordinary netizens. At the center of it all the blog serves a haven for this new and growing online culture.  相似文献   

TEN years are like a blink of an eye in China’s 5,000-year-long history. But in the past 10 years huge and unprecedented changes have taken place in China that have impressed the entire world and will determine the country’s future.  相似文献   

现代国家(modern nation-state)是广大后发国家政治发展的目标指向。社会转型时期,如何通过“国家政权建设(State—making)”,构建现代国家对于当代中国具有重要意义。杜赞奇的《文化、权力与国家:1900-1942年的东北农村》(江苏人民出版社,1996年版)一书对这一问题作出了有益的探索。本文以杜赞奇的解说为观察点,通过对“权力的文化网络”这一诠释“国家政权建设”新范式的分析,试图把握当代中国现代国家成长的些许条件。  相似文献   

CHINESE President Hu Jin-tao traveled to Japan on May 6 for a five-day visit, the first state visit by a Chinese president to Japan in 10 years, signaling a historic warming of relations between the two countries. During the trip President Hu held discussions with Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, was welcomed by Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, and also met separately with leaders and representatives of Japan's major political parties.  相似文献   

理性与信仰之间的争辩一直贯穿于西方基督教神学的发展历程中。从形式上看,强调理性之光明察上帝与信仰天启奉信上帝之恩召势成对反。但是,表面上的冲突掩盖不了二者均在确证一种有意义的生存方式的实质,也正是在这个层面上,宗教的现实意义得以彰显。  相似文献   

急遽规模化、盲目多元化和脆弱的危机防范能力是明星民营企业轰然倒塌、迅速化作流星的三大肇因。明饶三大肇因,以其内在的逻辑进行企业成长战略的科学选择,成为明星民营企业可持续成长的关键。为此.要把企业发展的速度、自有资源的支撑力度和对危机的惊悚度有机的统一起来,方可为明星民营企业持续、健康和快速的成长提供坚实、宽广的发展平台。  相似文献   

THE dawn of a new millennium augurs both hopes and challenges. Since the start of the 21st century, most particularly since the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) 10 years ago, China has covered an uneven path of development. Devastating natural disasters, along with grim challenges of the international financial crisis, prompted and led to the CPC’s formulation of effective international and domestic policies. Having surmounted difficulties and advanced under the CPC leadership, the country has maintained a steady momentum of rapid development towards its objective of becoming an all-round moderately prosperous society.  相似文献   

布莱尔担任英国首相的十年间,在经济、社会、政治等方面取得了显著成绩,但也因深陷伊战泥潭而最终被迫下台。他为继任者留下了三年时间以备下届大选,相信后布莱尔时代工党的内政外交的轮廓不会有太大改变。  相似文献   

1922年5月列宁中风,由于担心致残失语,无法继续工作,要求提供毒药,以备不时之需.列宁的要求表现了一个革命家的生命价值观--活着就要为革命工作.列宁不止一次地向斯大林、克鲁普斯卡娅、乌里扬诺娃、秘书福季耶娃等人提出过索取毒药的要求,被直接要求执行这一任务的是斯大林.政治局委员们都反对这样做,要求未被执行.列宁在病中仍然做了大量的工作,为我们留下宝贵的遗产.  相似文献   

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