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高圣平  王思源 《法律科学》2013,31(1):160-169
融资租赁交易是以出租人和承租人为当事人的两方交易,三方结构安排不利于厘清交易当事人之间的权利义务,也与合同的相对性原则有违.融资租赁交易的权利构造可以设计成“所有权+用益物权”模式,也可以设计成“所有权+租赁权”模式.这两种模式都体现了所有与利用的分离,但就承租人对租赁物的利用而言,前者属于物权性利用,后者属于债权性利用.两种建构均须公示租赁物之上的权利负担和物权变动,只不过“所有权+用益物权”模式中,公示的是租赁物上的他物权,间接公示租赁物上的所有权;“所有权+租赁权”模式中,公示的是租赁物的所有权.但这一公示又不同于不动产权利的公示,仅具对抗效力,相关制度应在“声明登记”模式之下去设计.  相似文献   

Environmental risks have two basic components: the policyholder's obligation to clean up contaminated property and the policyholder's potential liability to third parties, including the government, resulting from environmental damage. The environmental risks for which policyholders seek coverage include environmental cleanup costs, third-party bodily injury claims, third-party property damage or devaluation claims, fines/penalties for noncompliance, or loss of market share due to lack of environmental stewardship. To be certain that all aspects of potential environmental liability are covered, an expert insurance consultant or broker should be retained to plan the program, analyze policy language and execute the purchase in the most cost effective way.  相似文献   

保险契约信息不对称的法律规制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
投保人与保险人对风险信息占有的不对称会导致逆向选择、道德风险问题 ,因此需要法律制度激励真实信息披露 ,以实现契约最优。这主要包括立法规制和司法规制 :前者如说明义务、告知义务和通知义务、特别约定条款的拟定和解除权的行使等 ;后者如司法审判中不利解释原则的适用。  相似文献   

Environmental risks have earned a reputation for undermining a wide range of business activities. Given the tremendous potential for unanticipated environmental losses, multitiered claims and high-priced litigation, environmental risks have prompted organizations to seek protection through a variety of risk transfer methods. The insurance community has in turn responded with the creation of a progressive menu of project-specific and entity-specific environmental insurance products that can help provide financial security to those organizations exposed to real or perceived environmental risks. What are these products and how do they work? The following mock claim analysis (MCA) highlights some of the risk issues and the insurance solutions.  相似文献   

不动产登记簿的公信力和善意取得制度是两种构造迥异的物之交易信赖保护机制。善意取得制度以占有不足以充分表征动产所有权为构造前提,以竭力衡量所有权人与善意第三人的利益关系为轴心;不动产登记簿的公信力制度以不动产登记簿可以作为权利外观为构造前提,以完备的不动产登记制度为根基。善意取得制度的效果只能是第三人由无权利人取得物权;不动产登记簿的公信力所具有的效果不但有积极信赖保护与消极信赖保护之分,且其积极信赖保护的内容除由无权利人取得物权外,还包括由有权利人取得物权、受领给付、获得权利顺位等。因此,以善意取得制度保护不动产交易的便捷与安全,其局限非常明显。物权法第106条应限缩解释为主要适用于动产,不动产交易的信赖保护可通过解释物权法第16条来实现。  相似文献   

While environmental incidents tend to occur infrequently, they are often serious enough to disrupt the operations of the entities that experience releases of hazardous materials. The consequences of such events may include third-party claims for bodily injury and property damage, orders to clean up contamination, and regulatory actions against responsible parties. Fortunately, environmental insurance is available to provide protection against the financial consequences of a wide variety of pollution events. This article looks at the role of the broker in assisting clients to identify, analyze, and insure against environmental liability. With properly drafted policies and active participation in the claims management process, the broker can play a significant role in assuring that an environmental insurance policy responds as anticipated when an unexpected incident threatens a client's operations.  相似文献   

General confusion about what is or could be an excluded-pollutant in property and liability insurance policies has created a situation where insurance agents and brokers cannot accurately advise their customers on how to insure environmental risks. Pollution exclusions are intended to exclude pollution-related claims. Over one hundred different environmental insurances have been designed to fill the coverage gaps created by pollution exclusions. By ignoring the fundamental purpose of pollution exclusions and the broad range of environmental insurance policies that are available, many environmental damage claims are needlessly uninsured today.  相似文献   

添附是物权法上确定所有权取得的一项重要规则,同时也与债法中的不当得利、违约责任、损害赔偿等制度密切相关.房屋租赁中的添附主要表现为不动产与动产的附合,它虽以租赁合同为基础,但相对独立于合同关系.实践中有必要区分承租人添附的善意与恶意、添附产生的合同内部关系与外部效力、添附形成物的价值大小和功能差异等因素确定添附物的归属.而对于租赁房屋添附利益的返还及损害赔偿,应当区别于租赁双方的合同责任,适用不当得利、侵权损害赔偿等规则予以解决.  相似文献   

Property owners are subject to potential environmental liability from a number of sources including strict statutory liability for remediation of contamination on their properties as well as liability for conditions within their buildings. These latent environmental risks are often exposed in the context of a transaction, redevelopment, or change of use. Commonly used due diligence protocols can avoid or mitigate many risks but owners need to be aware of the limitations and pitfalls of due diligence. In many circumstances, environmental insurance should also be considered as part of the overall environmental risk management strategy.  相似文献   

李冬锴 《行政与法》2012,(4):103-109
产权式酒店是投资者购买酒店客房产权,依分时度假方式与酒店管理者签订委托管理协议,获得限定的使用权限和经营收益的旅游房地产经营模式。产权式酒店之产权是一种弱化所有权属性的有期产权,在运营中存在"经济上"的所有权与"法律上"的所有权的分离,具有信托制度上的转换权能,本质上是一种不动产使用信托受益权。因此,应当完善信托登记制度,将产权式酒店的委托经营合同定性为信托合同,构建和完善产权式酒店的典型信托制度。  相似文献   

马宁 《环球法律评论》2011,33(1):119-130
保证制度本是英国立法者为帮助保险人评估与控制风险水平而创设的,但保险人却通过任意扩大保证事项的范围,特别是引入合同基础条款,将保证演绎为帮助其逃脱保险责任的工具.故而英国正在修订法律,尝试通过否定合同基础条款的效力,废除肯定保证制度,限制特约保证适用的方式来消除保证的负面效应.借鉴前述立法经验,我国应将实践中当事人约定的肯定保证条款与投保人的告知不加区分,违反肯定保证一概适用违反如实告知义务的规定.同时,有鉴于特约保证具有难以替代的独特价值,因而我国<保险法>有必要赋予保险人通过规定特约(保证)条款的方式控制风险水平的权利,或至少应承认实践中此类条款的合法性.但为限制保险人通过滥用特约条款,逃避应尽保险责任情形的出现,应仅在被保险人违反特约条款的行为与保险事故发生存在因果关系,且被保险人具有主观可归责性时,方可允许保险人藉此免除其保险责任.  相似文献   

Legal cannabis appears here to stay, whether for medical or recreational purposes. With California facing very serious drought conditions and millions of people seeking legitimate medical relief, effectively managing cannabis-industry risks becomes even more urgent. This article provides an overview of the risks and insurance coverage issues facing this nascent industry, with an emphasis on environmental risks. Many of the identifiable risks are common to virtually all businesses. However, some risks to the environment, including impacts on water quality, energy use, and waste management and disposal, are more specific to the industry. There are unique risks as well, including those posed by the dichotomy between state approval and continuing federal regulation and the resulting impact on obtaining financing or payment of insurance claims. All of these issues require further analysis for purposes of effective risk management, insurance underwriting, and government regulation.  相似文献   

郭丹 《北方法学》2009,3(6):71-79
天然信息不对称的保险市场中,由于对交易内容认识差距的存在,使保险消费者与保险服务者之间的利益冲突日趋激烈。严重的信息不对称带来的利益失衡使更多的焦点集中于保险服务者义务的履行——尤其是说明义务的强化与关注。在保险服务者与保险消费者利益的博弈中,应以利益衡平原则为指导,寻找各方利益的平衡点,缓和信息不对称之下保险合同当事人之间的矛盾,界定保险服务者义务的边界,以保证保险市场健康有序地发展。  相似文献   

股权变动制度既不同于传统动产物权变动制度,又不同于传统的不动产物权变动制度。由于我国公司法在有限公司股权变动登记制度方面存在法律制度的缺失,导致经济活动中的股权变动常常存在潜在的法律风险,一个良好的股权变动登记制度不仅要维护股权变动的安全,同时必须兼顾股权变动的效率,而不同制度学说的确立对交易的安全与效率以及当事人的利益均有较大影响。  相似文献   

顾浔 《政法论丛》2014,(1):135-144
随着中国企业对非洲的投资日益增长,在非洲购买不动产发展实业的案例也越来越多。由于殖民地历史和当地习惯法的双重影响,非洲国家规制不动产交易的法律呈现出多种样态并存的现象。巨额的交易价格和资产的不可移动性致使在非洲投资不动产存在各种风险。如何从法律层面控制和防范风险成为中国企业海外投资不动产的重要课题。,以中国企业在尼日利亚购买土地为实例④,探讨尼日利亚的土地市场、契据交付、产权登记、土地法律渊源、产权移转流程、合同规则等理论及操作实践,旨在为在尼日利亚投资的中国企业和个人提供法律指引,降低在当地投资的法律风险。  相似文献   

公私法交织中的不动产登记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不动产登记制度体现了公权力对私权利的介入和渗透,不动产登记行为是具有私法效果的行政行为,既具备行政行为的各项要素和效力内容,又有明确的"界定产权,便利交易"的私权效用。为切实体现不动产登记制度的私权保障功能,对有关公权力的行使应予以限制。登记机构因错误登记产生的赔偿责任虽是行政责任,但又常常与当事人之间的民事责任相交织,导致赔偿请求人资格、因果关系、责任的划分、求偿程序等问题错综复杂。在具体的制度安排上,真权利人和善意第三人均可以成为赔偿请求人;应采用相当因果关系理论分析错误登记行为与当事人损害间的因果关系;在混合侵权场合,司法求偿时不能适用行政附带民事诉讼,只能分别进行两种诉讼方式,并由登记机构承担补充赔偿责任。  相似文献   

姜南 《行政与法》2021,(2):73-81
除外责任具体内容的设计应考虑公益和私益的平衡,确保其在及时、有效分散与移转风险,削减社会管理成本的同时兼顾承保人、投保人、受害人三方的私益.《环境污染强制责任保险管理办法(草案)》中将"不可抗拒的自然灾害""环境污染犯罪"的除外责任限定于"致使第三者遭受的损害"不妥,保险公司不应为生态环境损害承担保险责任;将"环境污染...  相似文献   

What kind of insurance claims might arise out of clean-energy initiatives and the associated risks? This article examines these issues, including those associated with construction or conversion of so-called green buildings, e-waste, carbon sequestration, alternative fuels, and other environmental matters that continue to raise a host of novel issues. In addition to more traditional risks, e.g., changing and potentially contradictory energy-efficiency rules have become a litigation issue in Albuquerque and elsewhere. There are simple, practical ways to manage these various environmental risks and many insurance companies are responding with new coverage products. The elements and structure of these programs also provide insight into what kind of claims (and disputes) may arise.  相似文献   

网络交易平台提供商是指为网络购物交易方提供网络交易平台服务的人。网络交易平台提供商的交易安全保障义务是指网络交易平台提供商负有的采取直接或间接措施避免或减少网络交易风险,保护交易方财产利益不受损害的法律义务。该义务防范的交易风险主要是交易方实质性的虚假陈述及不归因于交易方的重要信息错误、延误、丢失或不能辨认,而不包括一般的违约行为及产品责任风险。该义务应该由法律直接规定最低标准,但并不排除当事方之间进行更高水平的约定。最低标准可参照侵权法上的安全保障义务的要求设定,并融合限制网络服务提供商损害赔偿责任的"安全港"制度。  相似文献   

During the 1990's and early 2000's, guaranteed fixed price remediation (GFPR)/Cost Cap insurance contracts offered by national environmental engineering firms and supplemented with environmental cost cap insurance policies offered by the major insurance providers was in its heyday. Engineering and insurance firms formed alliances that secured hundreds of millions of dollars in GFPR/Cost Cap contracts that enabled owners of legacy industrial properties and developers to define and secure the fixed dollar amounts for remediation of known environmental conditions at their properties enabling more accurate estimations of return on investment and facilitating real estate transactions. However, the impact of the “Great Recession”, dollar losses due to unforeseen site conditions, convoluted project management and regulatory factors caused firms providing these services to exit the marketplace. The demand for environmental risk transfers has not diminished and continue afford many benefits to the environment and to a growing local and national economy.  相似文献   

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