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When it comes to child sex trafficking, health care clinics have become spaces of duality. While these facilities provide medical care to child victims, many argue that this facilitates traffickers in concealing evidence of child sex trafficking. This Note proposes an amendment to New York's Safe Harbor Act and various sections of the Social Services Law to cure legislative ambiguity with respect to health care clinics. The amendment will mandate that all state‐run health care clinics implement a uniform process, utilizing mental health professionals and a standardized interview process, to identify and report instances of potential child sex trafficking.  相似文献   

近年来,美国在版权问题上遭遇了前所未有的严峻局面。层出不穷的盗版DVD和P2P网络上免费电影的流行严重影响了电影票房和正版DVD 的销量。据调查,仅销售盗版DVD一项,每年就使电影版权人蒙受高达35亿美元的损失。这促使视知识产权为“知识经济和信息时代新型货币”的美国政府着手加强对电影版权的保护力度。另一方面,具有强大复制和编辑  相似文献   

Discharge planning is increasingly prioritized by correctional systems in order to prepare prisoners for their reintegration into society. A goal of discharge planning is to link prisoners with appropriate service providers in the community to meet their needs. A successful discharge plan requires that an optimal level of services exist and work in a coordinated and collaborative way in order to ensure a continuum of care and treatment during the reentry process (Queralt & Witte, 1999). This study utilized Geographic Information System (GIS) to assess the size, demographic characteristics, and needs of the Newark, New Jersey parolee population with the availability, location, and characteristics of health and human service agencies servicing their needs. A random sample of parolees (N = 800) released in 2006 was selected for this study. Social service agency data were obtained from an on-line service agency data base. Results of the analysis include the degree of spatial distribution, accessibility, and availability of services to where the parolees live and the degree of spatial overlap of specific services in an area.  相似文献   

相较于其他的网络服务提供者,云计算平台在技术特征上具有服务的糅合性。云平台需要遵循"回避用户内容"的伦理要求,同时具有"糅合服务层级"的实践样态,导致其在适用避风港规则时在主体适格性和对策可能性等方面存在局限。我国应当坚持避风港规则在平台知识产权治理中的原有地位,作为回应,建议将以云平台为代表的新型网络服务提供者在立法中加以明确,强化避风港规则的包容性。必要措施上,秉承比例原则的思路,对于一般侵权行为,云平台可以采取相对缓和的"三振出局"结合合同责任的"分段式措施";只有对于重复侵权、恶意侵权等情节严重的行为,方能采取"釜底抽薪"式的制裁手段。  相似文献   

安全港原则是美国破产法创设的对金融合约的特殊保护规则。当金融合约一方破产时,其对手方可以突破破产机制的一般限定,继续行使金融合约项下履行、终止、抵消、结算抵押品等一系列权利。安全港原则自诞生以来,其保护范围经历了一系列的扩张,这种扩张始终被用于为安全港原则达成防止金融市场系统性风险的目的正名。但是由于其保护范围过于宽泛,又生发了新的问题,近年来也多被学者和实务界人士所诟病。我国正处于新兴加转轨的阶段,金融合约的发展方兴未艾,相应的法律和监管制度还未健全,怎样结合中国金融市场自身的特点并借鉴发达国家制度的兴衰变迁来形成一套本土的金融合约安全港原则,是近几年来专家学者们一直在探索的问题。之前的研究多倾向于对美国安全港原则发展历史和现实批判的介绍,以及对中国引入安全港原则的必要性之探讨,并没有对我国应在何种程度上界定安全港原则的保护边界问题进行分析,本文旨在这个层面上提出一些观点。  相似文献   

我国《电子商务法》和《侵权责任法》忽略中立要件,使所有的网络服务提供者均受到避风港规则中知道要件的检验,过度加重了网络服务提供者的责任,影响电子商务的繁荣和科技的进步。欧盟和美国均规定了中立作为责任承担的前置要件,对两者立法、司法的比较研究可提炼出技术中立和地位中立的明确标准。该标准结合我国《信息网络传播权保护条例》的规定,可解释现有知道规则,鼓励网络服务提供者保持中立,承担合理的责任。中立前置要件的设立一方面可以遏制网络侵权的商业化泛滥,另一方面可以促进新商业模式的发展和新技术的应用。  相似文献   

在数字化时代网络侵权日益严重的今天,网络服务商援引避风港规则用以免除自己侵权责任的频率越来越高.从某些程度上讲,避风港原则已成为认定网络侵权的唯一准则,至于避风港规则的例外——红旗原则,则完全被网络服务商选择性地忽视.事实上,红旗原则应当优先于避风港规则.避风港规则的适用只不过是网络侵权的一种例外规定,只适合网络服务商在“不明知,不应知”的情况下发生的侵权行为的免责.而当侵权行为明显到如同鲜艳的红旗一样,连非专业人士也能轻易辨别时,则网络服务商就应当承担相应的侵权责任.  相似文献   

Policies to protect Antarctic and Patagonian Toothfish in theSouthern Ocean are failing. Contests over sovereignty, the needfor international decisions to be approved by consensus, inabilityto physically patrol the Southern Ocean, and the political vacuumcreated by the designation of the ‘high seas’ haveeach contributed to an overfishing crisis in the Southern Oceanand Antarctica. After documenting the contours of this fishingcrisis and explaining how international law is unable to preventit, this article proposes a fundamental shift in strategy awayfrom supply-side controls that require a presence in Antarcticawhere the overfishing occurs. Lawmakers must utilise more rigorousdemand-side measures if Toothfish stocks are to be preservedand allowed to recover.  相似文献   

The New Jersey Appellate Division has held that in long-tail allocation cases, the policyholder remains responsible for amounts allocable to insurers who became insolvent before December, 2004, and that the rule announced in Farmers Mutual Fire Ins. Company of Salem v. N.J.P.L.G.A. does not apply to such insolvencies because the Legislature specifically provided that the statutory amendments that formed the basis for the Farmers Mutual decision applied prospectively from their effective date. The decision confirms that for insolvencies that took place before the amendments' effective date, New Jersey's common law rule that the policyholder bears the risk of insolvencies and is responsible for shares allocable to them still applies. The Court's decision strengthens insurers' arguments that Farmers Mutual did not alter the common law rule for policies that are not subject to the 2004 amendments to New Jersey's Property-Liability Insurance Guaranty Association Act or Surplus Lines Insurance Guaranty Fund Act.  相似文献   

The New Jersey all-payer prospective payment system compensates hospitals for charity care and bad debts. This study examines its impact on the provision of care to self-pay patients. Self-pay patients include two types of uninsured individuals: (1) patients who cannot afford to pay their bill and (2) more affluent patients who can afford to pay but who evade collection. Using data for the period 1979-85, the study employed a sample of seventy-nine New Jersey hospitals that entered the all-payer system during the years 1980-82. A regression equation, which included independent variables to control for the community's pool of uninsured residents and the hospital's share of this pool, was estimated for the number of self-pay discharges. The results indicate that the volume of care provided to self-pay patients increased when the New Jersey all-payer system was introduced. The results also show that teaching hospitals and facilities in urban areas discharge a disproportionately large number of self-pay patients. Analysis of the operating margin ratio suggests that the all-payer system helped to restore the financial viability of hospitals that tend to provide larger amounts of services to the uninsured.  相似文献   

周瑾 《科技与法律》2005,(3):125-125
从普遍意义上看,知识产权的本质是为了激励有用的知识创造而设置的一项租金,以及为保障实现这项租金,降低交易成本而建立的权利初始分配结构、标准及转让规则,是一束权利的总称。这种权利往往以技术的初始创造人为利益的归属者,但是对于生命科学这样的边缘学科,由于基因技术的迅速发展和应用,人类可以在分子水平上对现有生命结构进行前所未有的认识和再组合,并由此出现了原始资源所属国和技术所属国不一致的情况,这种知识产权的界定比普通技术要复杂的多,也正因为如此,生命形式知识产权所得利益的分配成为了一个发达国家和发展中国家难以达…  相似文献   

This study has shown that the combination of simple techniques with the use of multivariate statistics offers the potential for the comparative analysis of soil samples. Five samples were obtained from each of twelve state parks across New Jersey in both the summer and fall seasons. Each sample was examined using particle‐size distribution, pH analysis in both water and 1 M CaCl2, and a loss on ignition technique. Data from each of the techniques were combined, and principal component analysis (PCA) and canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) were used for multivariate data transformation. Samples from different locations could be visually differentiated from one another using these multivariate plots. Hold‐one‐out cross‐validation analysis showed error rates as low as 3.33%. Ten blind study samples were analyzed resulting in no misclassifications using Mahalanobis distance calculations and visual examinations of multivariate plots. Seasonal variation was minimal between corresponding samples, suggesting potential success in forensic applications.  相似文献   

拾得信用卡使用行为的犯罪问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张小虎 《犯罪研究》2008,(5):10-18,28
行为人拾得信用卡,在不同场合分别具有并非占有钱款与视作占有钱款的性质;而视作占有钱款与实际占有钱款毕竟有所差异,进而并不排除虽有视作占有钱款的前提,而对实际占有钱款的行为仍可予以否定评价。行为人输入正确密码、模仿持卡人签名而使用他人信用卡的行为,实质上属于掩盖自己不是持卡人的事实真相,致使支付方误认行为人为持卡人的欺骗。行为人以非法占有为目的,输入密码、模仿签名而使用拾得的信用卡,获取钱财数额较大,完全符合《刑法》第196条第1款“冒用他人信用卡”“进行信用卡诈骗活动,数额较大”的规定,构成信用卡诈骗罪。基于刑法理论根基与我国刑法具体规定,类似的案件即使发生在ATM机上也应成立信用卡诈骗罪,而不构成盗窃罪。随着社会的发展、科技的进步,ATM机可以被骗并不违背实际事理逻辑;许多国家的刑法典并未否定针对智能机器的欺骗行为。  相似文献   

根据现行刑法,证券公司营销员伪造公司印章并利用公司已废止业务诱使客户投资后使用客户资金的行为只能认定为伪造公司印章罪.但是,将此类行为规定为犯罪,并不违背刑法谦抑性的精神,故应当在刑法中加以规定,以充分发挥刑法预防犯罪的作用.  相似文献   

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