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How does the national identity problem affect the process of democratization? Is consensus on national identity a prerequisite for democratization? Alan Wachman writes about the most intractable problem in Taiwan and its implications for understanding democratization in general. He contends that previous studies suggesting the importance of a consensus on national identity for building a democratic system are inapplicable to Taiwan. From 1991 to 1993 Wachman interviewed prominent political figures and scholars of various backgrounds in Taiwan regarding five general questions: (I) Is it possible to distinguish between Chinese culture and Taiwanese culture? What are the sources of cultural identity for Taiwanese and Mainlanders? (2) How should we regard China in the present era? Is it a culture, a people, or a place? (3) To what degree is democracy compatible with Chinese culture? (4) How should the matter of Taiwan's political status be resolved? Is democracy a means or an end? (5) To what degree does the inability to resolve the matter of national identity impede the development of democracy in Taiwan?  相似文献   

中美台"两岸三边"关系,实际上是两岸关系中的美国因素和中美关系中的台湾问题.台独问题既是危害和冲击"两岸三边"关系架构的"破坏性"因素,也是台海两岸关系中最敏感的问题.而在2004年台湾"总统"选举中的"台独公投",既是陈水扁激化岛内族群对立和危害两岸关系的直接根源,也是中美台"两岸三边"关系的角力焦点.  相似文献   

Rong-I Wu 《East Asia》1996,15(3):70-76
Integrating China and Taiwan into the world economy through accession to the World Trade Organization should contribute to stability in the Asia-Pacific region as well as promote further economic development in the two economies. Taiwan’s export-oriented growth has made it a major trader in the world economy, the fourteenth largest by 1995, and it has shifted from being a net receiver of foreign direct investment to being a net exporter of private capital. Strong trading and investment relationships among overseas Chinese have made a significant difference in the economies of South and East Asia and are now contributing to China’s development. There is a need though for an institutional structure in which to address the bilateral and multilateral dimensions of growing economic relations between China and Taiwan.  相似文献   


Since the New China News Agency's release on March 15, 1949, of an editorial entitled “The Chinese People Are Determined to Liberate Taiwan,” that theme has been a cardinal principle of Peking's national policy. To appreciate fully the Chinese position, one must recognize not only Peking's claim that Taiwan is legally, ethnically, and historically an integral part of China, but also modern China's yeaming for national reunification and territorial integrity. On the ethnic question, China points to the fact that except for an extremely small number of aborigines, the inhabitants on the island today, including the so-called “native Taiwanese,” are of Chinese ancestry. They speak southeastern Chinese dialects and share with their compatriots on the mainland all the other basic Chinese cultural traits. Historically, as a Chinese spokesman once put it, “long before Christopher Columbus discovered America, the Chinese people were already in Taiwan. Long before the United States achieved its own independence, Taiwan had already become an inseparable part of the territory of China.” Although imperialist Japan occupied the island from 1895 to 1945, the island was returned to China in 1945 after Japan's surrender at the end of the Pacific War.  相似文献   

台湾发展场外交易市场的经验及其对大陆的启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
过文俊 《当代亚太》2005,(12):30-37
本文把台湾场外交易市场50多年进化与创新的历史划分为三个阶段,并总结出其六大成功经验:即"适足造履"、"宽严适度"、"疏堵结合"、"因柜制宜"、"夯实基础"、"支持创业".以台湾为鉴,笔者指出大陆场外交易市场的改革取向是:不断适应民间资本和中小企业的投、融资需要,把低层次场外交易市场打造成资本市场体系的基础,坚持制度先行与统一监管的原则,推进相关政策和措施的配套联动.  相似文献   

两岸经贸关系的发展与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过 2 0多年的发展 ,海峡两岸的经贸往来在各方面都取得了令人瞩目的成就 ,但由于台湾当局的限制 ,两岸经贸关系存在着明显的间接性、单向性和不平衡性。加入 WTO后 ,两岸在开放市场、减少限制上都做出了相应的努力 ,使两岸经贸关系呈现出范围扩大、程度加深和规模增加的趋势 ,同时也出现了诸如贸易争端浮现、人才争夺加剧等问题 ,并面临经济区域化加速的挑战。为了趋利避害 ,促使两岸经贸健康持续地发展 ,两岸有必要建立经济合作机制 ,实现由“功能性合作”向“机制性合作”的转变。  相似文献   

本文介绍并分析了台湾民进党政府在新世纪的“军事安全战略” ;从理论的角度论述了台湾谋求独立的“军事安全战略”虽对和平统一前景造成了危害、但美国协防台湾的可信性在受到恐怖袭击后更加值得怀疑 ;作者认为台湾与大陆未来统一趋势不会改变。  相似文献   

美援与战后台湾的经济改造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛可 《美国研究》2002,16(3):66-87
本文意在对1950年后十多年间美国因素在政策和制度层面上对台湾发展的影响进行深入考察.本文发现,美国对台湾施加影响的一个重要的和基层的途径,是美国驻台机构与台湾经济官僚集团之间形成的"跨政府关系".这种关系有其特有的组织载体和制度机制,并成为战后前期台湾经济发展的重要制度基础和政策、战略形成的关键因素.文章进而叙述了在跨政府关系的架构下,美国驻台机构和台湾经济官僚是如何共同导演了台湾的进口替代工业化和发展战略的转型.本文认为,虽然美国因素对战后台湾经济发展模式的形成有重大而深刻的影响,但并没有在台湾复制出符合"自由发展主义"理念的美式经济模式.  相似文献   

两岸互涉性经济立法:演进路径、框架构成及待遇问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代后期,两岸关系在经济交流领域找到突破口,发展迅猛,两岸互涉性经济立法由此展开,并日渐成为双方法制建构中不可忽视的重要内容之一。20余年来,两岸互涉性经济立法伴随着两岸经济关系的跌宕起伏而发展,取得了一定的成效,但也存在诸多有待完善的地方。本文从演进路径、框架构成及经贸待遇等角度进行了分析。  相似文献   

Joel Wuthnow 《East Asia》2006,23(3):22-45
In the past half-decade, China has developed a careful balance of cooptative and coercive power in its attempts to dampen the Taiwan independence movement and pursue political unification. In essence, attempts to curry favor with politically relevant constituencies on Taiwan have been paired with attempts to diplomatically isolate and militarily threaten the island's top policymakers. This balance is risky because of the possibility that it may appear too lenient to PRC nationalists, and too provocative to ROC residents. Nevertheless, the current structure of carrots and sticks has emerged for three reasons. First, the institutional coherence of Chinese decision-making and implementation has allowed for the viability of an adaptive, long-term approach. Second, the constraints on both unreinforced cooptation and coercive diplomacy have mediated toward a posture in which the former is enhanced and the latter downplayed. Third, expanded external opportunities in recent years have made it possible to exploit this middle ground.  相似文献   

李建人 《美国研究》2012,(3):91-106,4,5
美国政府信息公开事务中,涉及情报机关信息公开的诉讼最为敏感和引人关注。2005年6月30日,史蒂文·阿福特古德就国家侦监局拒不公开"2006财年国会预算说明书"而起诉了该机构。双方立足于《信息自由法》和《情报授权法》的关键条文展开了激烈争辩。在庭审过程中,上至国会参议员,下到美国民间机构纷纷参与其中,充分展现了美国情报机关信息公开诉讼的复杂博弈特点。虽然,庭审的最终结果是原告胜诉,但透过本案可以发现,美国现行法律制度中客观存在着偏袒情报机关不公开政府信息的特殊程序规定,这不但与《信息自由法》的精神相悖,也给司法机关维护公民知情权设置了巨大的法律障碍。  相似文献   

1949年至今台湾地区出版或发表了近500种/篇有关南海问题的文献。笔者通过对文献产生的时间、数量变化趋势、主题分布、载文期刊、责任者、文献类型等方面进行统计分析,提出两岸应共建共享相关信息资源,构建台湾南海文献信息数据库,从而打造南海问题研究文献智库等设想。  相似文献   

美国绕过联合国不顾国际社会的普遍反对而发动对伊战争,不但严重损害了联合国权威和现行国际秩序,而且对中、美、台“两岸三边”关系也将产生明显影响。  相似文献   

Since Tiananmen in June of 1989 when U.S.-Chinese relations hit rock-bottom, the United States and China have gradually expanded and improved their relationship on the basis of reality, not wishful thinking and hype. At the same time, U.S. and Taiwan relations have substantially improved while China and Taiwan themselves have created a new atmosphere of economic cooperation. The new U.S.-China relationship based on human rights, nonproliferation, and trade reciprocity could bring greater stability but the United States must be on top of the emerging regional economic powerhouse of Taiwan-South China-Hong Kong and not be distracted by peripheral issues such as conditional MFN.  相似文献   

Taiwan is making headway in its campaign to improve its international position. After years of publicly ignoring Taiwan, many foreign governments are willing to upgrade relations with Taipei. This article outlines the background of Taiwan’s new “pragmatic” approach to foreign policy and explores various considerations that are helping the island break out of its diplomatic isolation. In conclusion, the author suggests that the United States should support Taiwan in its bid to rejoin the international community.  相似文献   

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