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This article reviews Norway's policy during the Suez crisis in 1956, how the policy was formed and how it can be explained. Emphasis is put on the decision-making process and on the role of the powerful Norwegian Shipowners' Association. It also discusses Norway's most important interests and considerations in policy formation, and how they were balanced. Norway's Suez policy is seen in connection with the close relations with Israel, which could be viewed as in conflict with the protection of Norway's NATO membership and vital economic interests, represented by the powerful shipowners. In the end, Norway's Suez policy is put in the context of the change in Norwegian foreign and security policy in general, a shift in emphasis from being Britain's close ally and friend to being under the protective umbrella of the US, the new superpower.  相似文献   

美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机对世界各国影响巨大。鉴于此,对金融危机进行有效治理显得尤为重要。作为发展中大国的中国,更有责任对其进行认真研究,探寻危机治理的合理且有效的策略和方式,以此为其他国家应对和治理危机提供经验借鉴和策略支持,从而展现自身价值和角色作用。  相似文献   

语言影响人们的思维和认知,是人与人、国与国之间交流和沟通的媒介,也是安全研究的重要维度。特定的话语可塑造威胁身份,叙述危机故事,对言语对象制造话语障碍,形成话语压力,建构话语危机,影响相关政策,使特定问题安全化,并影响安全程度的高低,导致不同的安全政策,甚至助推战争。中国在近三十年来一直面临来自西方世界的话语压力,在国际舆论场中经常陷入不利境地,有时由于某个话题成为舆论焦点,遭遇话语危机,如“中国威胁论”“中国强硬论”“中国威胁南海航行自由”“中国威胁世界秩序”以及中美“修昔底德陷阱”等。中国成为世界第二大经济体后日益成为世界关注的焦点,中国亟须研究和应对话语压力和话语危机。中国需要加大世界发声力度,提高话语主动性和自觉性;加大中国文化理念的国际宣传,重塑中国话语的国际语境;努力提升国际话语权;避免话语与行为的盲目自大,避免不必要的话语攻击和误解、有针对性地做好美国关于中国话语的改善工作。只有这样,才能够减少话语障碍和话语压力,有效缓解和化解话语危机。这是为中国塑造良好外部环境、提升中国国际形象、使中国与世界的互动更加顺畅的重要条件。  相似文献   

对于当前金融危机的成因及其对美国经济霸权的影响,国际、国内意见纷呈.本文试图以历史和政治视角,从解剖实力与霸权这对概念入手,分析美经济霸权的现状和前景.文章从时空条件、发展空间、国际信誉、支配渠道、军事拉动等五方面进行论证,认为此次金融危机是冷战后美各种矛盾累积并发的结果,美经济霸权陷入某种"结构性衰弱".但因其经济实力尤其是综合国力依然强劲,断言美从此走向衰落还为时尚早,美未来命运很大程度上取决于奥巴马变革.  相似文献   

Beliefs about the origin and nature of the universe and the place of humanity within it have seldom been considered of relevance for economic theory and practice. Yet, for the large majority of the world's people, a bedrock of strong ethical principles, based on their religious faith, is an essential prerequisite for long-term economic progress. The World Faiths Development Dialogue is exploring the possibility of bridging the apparent chasm which separates the secular development agencies, such as the World Bank, from the world's religions. What visions have the faith communities to offer? Is there a genuine convergence of interests?  相似文献   

This piece examines the relationship of Muslim communities to the UK mainstream between 2005 and 2010. Using the dual backdrop of the country's embedded multiculturalism policy and its counter-terrorism strategy implemented through the Prevent agenda, the authors brush a picture of a tense yet ultimately resilient relationship. While Prevent was often accused of leading to a securitisation of community policy, it is arguable that tensions have led to increased visibility and leadership capacity from the Muslim community, and a recognition of their role and diversity on behalf of the public and the government.  相似文献   

长期以来,台湾问题一直是影响中美关系正常发展的关键问题之一。然而,美国对华政策的基本取向始终是将台湾视为不享有主权国家之名的独立的“政治实体”。美国为了其亚太战略乃至全球战略利益考虑,不遗余力地为台湾“拓展国际空间”和制造“双重承认”创造有利的外部环境。正是由于美国的支持和纵容,台湾当局在处理两岸关系上,已经逐渐背离了“一个中国”的基本原则,其“台独”的反动嘴脸昭然若揭。  相似文献   

本文以1997年7月~2001年12月和2008年4月~2009年7月的月度哦计数据②为基础,运用定量比较的方法,从对外贸易、股市、GDP、利率、货币供应量、财政支出等角度,对东南亚金融危机与美国次贷危机给中国经济造成的影响和危机期间的宏观经济政策作了详细的研究。结果表明,美国次贷危机对于我国经济的影响要大于东南亚金融危机,但是由于及时调整了宏观经济政策,采取了更加积极的财政政策和宽松的货币政策,当前我国GDP的季度增长没有太大的波动。  相似文献   

日本对能源危机的应急管理——以第一次石油危机为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本面对战后第一次国家危机,先是组建应急管理机构,以此为基础,从行政号召、政府指导和法律管制等层面制定了诸多措施,并很快形成了具有"防火墙"作用的应急管理体系。该体系为调整危机状态下的国家权力、公民权利以及国家权力与公民权利之间的各种能源经济关系,充分发挥行政、法律对社会无序状态、紧急状态的防范和矫正功能起到了关键性的作用。在应急危机管理中,日本政府所发挥的6大能效,也为日本从无预防性的应急管理向未雨绸缪的预防管理转型提供了极为宝贵的心理储备、经验借鉴和制度遗产。  相似文献   

能源危机:神话与现实   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
历史上的能源危机主要由供应中断或短缺而非资源性枯竭引发,近年来石油价格高企由需求主导,但尚未引发全球性能源危机。导致诸多全球性或区域性能源危机的因素更多来自政策和管理层面,高油价对消费国经济的负面影响也小于政策失误。对资源国而言,丰富的能源资源是促进经济增长还是成为"资源的诅咒"同样主要取决于其能源和经济发展战略。  相似文献   

This article assesses the importance of economic factors for the development of British Middle Eastern policy during the 1967 Arab-Israeli crisis, based on newly declassified government documents. Policy shifted from threatening unilateral action against Nasser to multilateralism and neutraliry shortly before the June war. Economic considerations will be put in the context of anti-interventionist voices in the cabinet, in the defence establishment and within US policy. The article concludes that important reasons for the shift were economic, namely threats of an oil embargo, reserve withdrawals, and Suez Canal closure at a time of fiscal difficulties in Britain. In addition, an ideological shift in cabinet from 'imperial hangover' to anti-interventionism underlay the policy change.  相似文献   

2009年11月25日,迪拜财政部宣布,由政府持有的“迪拜世界”公司及其旗下的房地产分支棕榈岛集团①将推迟偿付数十亿美元的债务,以便进行债务重组。据《纽约时报》估算,“迪拜世界”公司的对外债务高达590亿美元,占迪拜总债务的74%。由于外界担心迪拜延迟偿还债务将成为自2001年阿根廷违约以来全球最大的主权基金违约事件,从而引发了新一轮的世界金融恐慌,对本已脆弱的经济复苏造成严重冲击。  相似文献   

Despite the revival of UN peacekeeping after the Cold War, many questions regarding peacekeeping operations remain unanswered. Some of the most complex questions involve the extent to which peacekeeping should be applied, who should pay, and with what privileges, if any. These questions are not new, but also surfaced during the 1960 UN budget crisis ever peacekeeping between the United States and the Soviet Union. President Johnson decided to uphold Kennedy's promise to apply Article 19 and deprive a state of its General Assembly vote if it did not pay its assessed peacekeeping dues. In the end, however, Johnson retreated on Article 19 in the face of Soviet refusal to pay anything toward peacekeeping. The crisis subsided along with a missed opportunity to deal more conclusively with some of the questions surrounding peacekeeping.  相似文献   

论后冷战时期的国际危机与危机管理   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
国际危机与危机管理是后冷战时期国际政治中的重要问题。本文在界定国际危机这一概念的基础上 ,探讨后冷战时期国际危机的成因与后冷战时期危机管理中的新特性。  相似文献   

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