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The substantive area of criminology has increasingly become politicized with new paradigms arising to challenge the traditional perspectives. For the purpose of this analysis the voluminous amount of criminological research and writing is placed within three major paradigms: (1) kinds of people, (2) kinds of environments, and (3) power/conflict. The increasing articulation of the power/conflict paradigm has brought about an intensification of conflict in society and among criminologists. The future of criminology and subsequently of criminologists will be determined by the interplay of these and emerging other paradigms among academic criminologists and their competing expression among the public at large.  相似文献   

Social disorganization theory argues that racial/ethnic heterogeneity is a key neighborhood characteristic leading to social disorganization and, consequently, higher levels of crime. Heterogeneity's effect is argued to be a result of its fragmentation of social ties along racial/ethnic lines, which creates racially homophilous social networks with few ties bridging racial/ethnic groups. Most studies of social ties in social disorganization models, however, have examined their quantity and left unaddressed the extent to which ties are within or across different racial groups. This study goes beyond previous studies by examining the effects of both racially homophilous and interracial friendship networks on informal social control. Using multilevel models and data from 66 neighborhoods with approximately 2,300 respondents, we found that heterogeneity actually increased the average percentage of residents with interracial friendship networks, but the percentage of residents with interracial networks decreased the likelihood of informal social control. In contrast, the percentage of residents with White racially homophilous networks increased the likelihood of informal social control. Examining the microcontext of individuals’ networks, however, we found residents with interracial ties reported higher likelihoods of informal social control and that this effect was enhanced in neighborhoods with higher percentages of non‐White racially homophilous networks.  相似文献   

Clinical examples of misapplications of social science research are reviewed with an emphasis on what can be learned with regard to dealing with and preventing such misuse of this type of knowledge. The differences in language and culture that characterize scientific research as separate from advocacy and social policy are also examined, with recommendations for improved cross‐cultural communication.  相似文献   

Social control and social learning models of delinquent behavior are reviewed and compared. The data analysis shows that predictions from the social learning model ficrther specify the control perspective. Thus, attachments are an important influence on delinquent behavior only when the source of attachment is taken into consideration, Further, the data presented suggest that observational learning has an influence on delinquent acts as suggested by social learning theory. Particular parental behaviors which influence the reinforcing value of the home appear to have the primary influence on delinquent behavior in the parent/child bond. From this study, it is concluded that a combination of the social “bonding” notion from control theory along with specific principles of social learning lay the groundwork for a more comprehensive theory of delinquent behavior than either perspective alone.  相似文献   

The relationship between social class and four measures of deviance was examined within the context of schools with predominantly upper-middleclass. middle-class, and working-class populations. The hypothesis that there would be significant inverse relationships between social class and rates of deviant behavior within working-class but not upper-middle- or middle-class schools was not supported by our data. There also was no consistent support found for the hypothesis that working-class schools should have higher rates of deviance. The fact that even when we contextualize the social class/delinquency relationship we fail to find a significant inverse relationship, further confirms the conclusion that social class does not appear to be an important predictor of delinquency.  相似文献   

论CSR-企业社会责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
前言在2006年1月13至14日的一个由北京大学劳动法与社会保障法研究所主办的“企业社会责任国际研讨会”中,我们提出了有关跨国企业为何一下子变为“劳工权利的维护者及推动者”的诡论。它们一向被视为导致劳工权利被侵犯的始作踊者,尤其是在全球经济一体化下,利用资金外流威胁各地政府降低劳工标准,以及造成工资与劳工福利“向下竞争”的现象。但在近几年来兴起的企业社会责任运动中,他们却反过来变成“好人好事的样板”,变成多方面  相似文献   

This study is a theoretical exploration of the impact of public social control on the functioning of local social controls. Set within the framework of social disorganization and systemic theory, the study argues that an overreliance on incarceration as a formal control may hinder the ability of some communities to foster other forms of control because they weaken family and community structures. At the ecological level, the side effects of policies intended to fight crime by controlling individual behavior may exacerbate the problems they are intended to address. Thus, these communities may experience more, not less, social disorganization.  相似文献   

When government policy decisions affect the general public, people may or may not comply. How and why compliance occurs is not well understood. Current research on compliance has several weaknesses: (1) it tends to focus on the behavior of public officials rather than on the general public; (2) it relies on static rather than dynamic models; and (3) it underestimates the impact of social groups on individual choices. The present analysis treats compliance as a dynamic process incorporating both social influence and individual calculation. We assume that primary groups (family, peers), social status, and a society's culture all play important roles in changing compliance over time.  相似文献   

The apparent refutation by self-report studies of social class-related theories of juvenile delinquency is critically reviewed. Improper conceptualization and operationalization of “social class” are considered to be primary causes of inconsistent findings. A more appropriate “underclasslearning class” model of stratification is suggested. Although no empirical support is found for a relationship between self-reported delinquent behavior and socioeconomic status of father's occupation. indications are that social class is somewhat more related to self-reported delinquency using the underclass/earning class model. However, there is no reason to expect social class to emerge as a major correlate of delinquent behavior no matter how it is measured.  相似文献   

Drawing on the theoretical statements of Braithwaite (1989), Cullen (1994), Messner and Rosenfeld (1994), this research examines the influence of social altruism on the level of crime for a sample of U.S. cities. The multivariate analyses clearly indicate that the ratio of contributions to the United Way to aggregate city income, a behavioral approximation of the cultural value of altruism, is inversely related to property and violent crime rates. The implications of these findings for the reduction of crime are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop and test a new approach to explain the link between social factors and individual offending. We argue that seemingly disparate family, peer, and community conditions lead to crime because the lessons communicated by these events are similar and promote social schemas involving a hostile view of people and relationships, a preference for immediate rewards, and a cynical view of conventional norms. Furthermore, we posit that these three schemas are interconnected and combine to form a criminogenic knowledge structure that results in situational interpretations legitimating criminal behavior. Structural equation modeling with a sample of roughly 700 African American teens provided strong support for the model. The findings indicated that persistent exposure to adverse conditions such as community crime, discrimination, harsh parenting, deviant peers, and low neighborhood collective efficacy increased commitment to the three social schemas. The three schemas were highly intercorrelated and combined to form a latent construct that strongly predicted increases in crime. Furthermore, in large measure, the effect of the various adverse conditions on increases in crime was indirect through their impact on this latent construct. We discuss the extent to which the social‐schematic model presented in this article might be used to integrate concepts and findings from several major theories of criminal behavior.  相似文献   

ECFORD VOIT 《犯罪学》1975,13(2):255-270
Based on the views expressed in the preceding article, this paper critically examines the “case” for a social work contribution to the field of corrections. It argues that social work as a discipline, largely attributable to a characteristic neglect of empirical assessment, has tended disproportionately to emphasize altruistic intentions over practice consequences, and has focused both conceptually and practically on the empirically questionable enterprise of individual treatment to the relative exclusion of the greater potentials for change associated with correctional administration and social policy. It is suggested that social work must begin to take a more flexible and open posture with respect to its theories and methods in an effort to strengthen its clinical practice skills and to facilitate its contribution to the structure and values of correctional programs.  相似文献   

<正>企业社会责任(CSR)是世界经济的一个重要方面,它联合消费者的力量和对社会负责的商业领导,来改善人权状况、劳工权利和工作场所的劳动标准。这些商业领导力量不仅有设于俄勒冈的耐克(Nike)总公司和位于加利福利亚的李维·斯特劳斯(Levi Strauss)总公司,还有总部设在台湾和香港的商社,以及东莞和深圳的工厂。若在10年前,我可不会这么说。那时,我认为企业社会责任和企业行为守则不过是用来  相似文献   

公司社会责任的定位   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
刘诚 《中外法学》2006,(5):530-540
<正>企业应该承担一定的社会责任,亚当·斯密200多年前就对此问题进行过论证。但企业应当承担哪些社会责任,却一直众说纷纭。当前,在经济全球化的背景下,关于公司社会责任的争论更加激烈,不同利益群体及其代言人的看法、不同学科的看法存在很大差异。因此,有必要认真考察其历史与现状、综合分析现有观点,从而统一定义,给公司社会责任一个恰当的定位。首先需要进行两个方面的考察,一是公司社会责任的历史与现状,包括起源、演变与  相似文献   

DAVID BROWNFIELD 《犯罪学》1986,24(3):421-438
This paper examines the relationship between violent behavior and a variety of measures of social class. Police records from one study and questionnaire data from two studies are analyzed. The strength of the relationship between class and violence varies significantly, depending primarily on the measure of class used. The implications of these findings are potentially profound for class-based theories of crime and delinquency. Methodological implications of the findings are significant for sampling issues as well as for conceptualizations of class.  相似文献   

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