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我国高职院校创新创业教育发展迅速,但创新创业教育质量评价研究相对滞后。以高职院校学生为调查对象,在31个省市共收集有效问卷28232份,通过学生自我认知来评价创新创业教育过程要素和教育成效,并分析教育过程要素对教育成效的影响。结果表明:高职院校创新创业教育质量评价总体上处于中等偏上水平,且以培养学生创业精神、激发学生创业意愿为主,对提升学生创业技能相对不足;不同背景的学生对创新创业教育质量评价存在显著差异;教育过程要素对创新创业教育成效具有显著影响,影响大小依次为政府支持、师生共创、创业竞赛、创业实践、课堂教学、个人资源。建议通过确立创业型技术技能人才培养目标、校企共同构建理实一体化课程体系、扩大师生共创项目制度供给、完善政府和社会的功能定位等措施,深化创新创业教育改革。  相似文献   

胡月芬 《法制与社会》2011,(22):243-244
近年来,随着大学生就业难的问题越来越突出,很多的人开始把关注的焦点转向大学生创业教育。虽然近些年中国各高校的创业教育取得了一定的成就,但是目前还存在不少问题,主要体现在对创业教育的认识不到位、没有形成系统的学科体系,家庭和社会对大学创业支持力度不够、创业教育没有系统的社会保障等。本文就温州大学生的创业教育问题进行分析,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

在我国高校,创业教育气氛日益浓厚,但效果并不十分理想.其中一个重要的因素是大学生创业教育中法律教育的缺失.加强创业法律教育,能够使创业者了解创业法律环境,增强守法意识和用法能力.可以从创业法律教育教学体系的建立、师资队伍的培养、诊所式教学方式的引入等方面,提高大学生创业法律教育的成效.  相似文献   

大学生创业教育中的法律教育初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
大学生创业教育中法律教育的缺失是目前我国大学生创业败多成少的重要原因之一,加强法律教育有利于增强大学生创业中的守法意识和用法能力,而法律教育的基本内容应包括市场组织法、市场行为法、市场规制法、知识产权法、诉讼法等。  相似文献   

创业教育——提高大学生自主创业能力的战略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,连续几年的扩招给高校就业带来了巨大的压力,而从我国劳动力市场需求看,人员已趋饱和。面对就业困难局面,应对大学生开展创业教育。创业教育,就是培养创业者的创业意识、创业思维、创业技能等素质,使创业者具备事业心和进取心,具备独立工作的能力,将事业发展壮大。开展创业教育对于大学生转变就业观念,提高大学生的综合素质以及拓宽就业生的就业渠道具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

我国大学创业教育起步于上个世纪80年代,因理论研究滞后,定位不清,致使我国大学生创业教育普遍存在的功利性、精英化倾向以及与专业教育脱节等误区。如果能对我国大学创业教育的理念、关系、目标、内容和模式等方面提出明确的定位,一定能推动我国大学创业教育的全面发展。  相似文献   

罗科萍 《法制与社会》2012,(14):241-242
在人类现代化进程中,大学与城市的发展存在密切的互动关系,大学发展为城市经济和社会发展提供知识储备和人才支撑.城市的发展为大学发展提供基础和需求.如今,在大学城市互动的过程中,“创业教育”成为新时代的发展潮流,本文以大学和城市这两个载体为切入点,研究大学与城市互动对创业教育的影响,并且提出在市场经济发展背景下大学与城市互动推进创业教育发展的路径,从而将大学,城市,创业教育三者有机结合起来,相互促进,共同发展.  相似文献   

翟艳 《法制与社会》2011,(28):232-233
开展地方高校实践型创业教育,培养创业人才,不仅是我国高等教育改革的必然要求,也是地方经济发展的要求。本文以地方高校实践型创业教育课程体系为研究对象,比较分析国内外创业教育课程现状,在定位地方高校创业教育目标体系后,构建教学形式多元化和目标型的地方高校实践型创业教育课程体系。  相似文献   

课程开发与实施是高等学校创立特色、保持核心竞争力和可持续发展能力,争取更大发展空间的重要途径之一。本文从财经类院校创业教育课程开发与实施存在的主要问题出发,分析了创业教育的内涵和创业教育课程开发的价值取向,在此基础上确立创业教育的课程体系,并分析广西财经学院创业教育课程开发与实施的经验与实效。  相似文献   

黄茂 《法制与经济》2009,(18):126-127,129
大学生创业动力系统包括内部动力系统和外部动力系统,对大学生的创业具有引导和调节的功能。影响我国大学生创业动力的负面因素有传统文化障碍、创业教育欠缺、心理准备不足、资本筹措困难、市场环境制约等。要从构建多元化的创业培训教育体系、税费减免体系、资金扶持体系、创业平台服务体系等策略着手,激活我国大学生的创业动力。  相似文献   

高校创新创业教育是经济新常态下高等教育系统支撑国家创新驱动战略的重要任务之一。在回顾历史和总结国内外研究成果的基础上,阐述经济新常态下深化高校创新创业教育改革的经济意义;基于培养创新创业人才的时代要求,探讨实现高校创新创业教育改革的行动条件。这些行动条件包括:大学生需要自我唤醒,崇尚并追求企业家精神,成为创新创业教育行动及受益主体,内修"双创"人才特质;高校及教师必须发挥好实施主体的作用,大力营造创新创业文化,强力支持大学生创新创业;创新创业教育课程体系必须适应大学生成长和成才的需要,由具有创新创业实践经历或经验的教师来指点和引领;政府、企业、社会组织以及家庭联动起来,共同为大学生营造一个健康宽松的创新创业外部环境。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study into the potential which offenders have for entrepreneurial activity, and discusses some policy implications for the training of prisoners and ex-offenders in small business skills. The study had a number of elements; firstly a survey of current small business training and support within prisons and the probation services in the UK; secondly, a survey of prisoners and probationers to establish their potential for entrepreneurial activity, experience of working in their own businesses and intentions of doing so in the future. The questionnaire included a psychometric test which assessed individuals across five well- established entrepreneurial traits; and finally case studies of three ex-prisoners who were intending to start up their own businesses once they left prison.  相似文献   

金融多样性会提高个体创业获取资金的可能性,对创业活动具有关键作用。以2006年、2008年和2010年中国社会综合调查(CGSS)经验数据为样本,实证考察金融多样性对于个人创业活动的影响,可以发现中国金融多样性的上升显著提升了个人创业的概率。同时,金融规模扩张对个人创业概率的影响则呈现先上升后下降的倒"U"型。进一步分地区研究还发现,金融结构的优化可能远比金融规模的扩张更为重要。  相似文献   

Outside invention has gained in importance as universities are actively seeking commercialization of their inventions since the passage of the Bayh-Dole Act. The paper analyzes the incentives to invent for outside and inside inventors. It is shown that outside inventors have greater incentives to invent than incumbents. Outside inventors can always fully appropriate the gains from invention irrespective of market structures and firm behaviour. Moreover, outside invention prompts incumbents to commercialize an invention in contrast to inside invention. Embryonic inventions could best be commercialized by new enterprises due to the uncertainty of their outcomes. Cooperative invention could boost consumer welfare but constitutes a lackluster incentive to invent.  相似文献   

European Journal of Law and Economics - Commercial and social entrepreneurs are likely to help communities combat public health crises. Research on responses to pandemics has underappreciated the...  相似文献   

This paper argues that it is important to devote greater attention to the study of entrepreneurship in technology transfer in the light of greater government attention, the growth in the phenomenon, the need to identify how wealth can be created from spin-outs, changes in the cultures of universities and differences with technological entrepreneurship in general. The paper summarizes the contributions made by the papers presented in the special issue in terms of their levels of analysis. At the spin-out level, issues are raised concerning identification of typologies of spin-out firms, the evolution of spin-outs and external resources. At the university level, issues concerning policies, internal resources and processes are discussed. An agenda for further research is elaborated which relates to the need to examine further levels of analysis: the academic entrepreneurs themselves and how they recognize opportunities and shape their ideas to meet the market; the nature of internal university environments, processes and resources; and the nature of the scientific discipline which may have implications for the process of creation and development of spin-out ventures.  相似文献   

The field of law and strategy (LAS) has advanced our understanding of the law's role in competitive advantage. To date, however, LAS has neglected low rule of law environments—countries characterized by expansive degrees of legal uncertainty. LAS should account for these settings, too, since environmental uncertainty is a strategically significant factor for any company. This article situates the strategic relevance of legal uncertainty in the Chinese context and fills an important gap by illustrating how LAS principles apply in low rule of law jurisdictions. Specifically, this article develops the construct of legal entrepreneurship—the notion that attorneys may apply an entrepreneurial mind-set and skill set to position the client favorably and legitimately within the uncertainties of the legal landscape, thereby creating legal competitive advantages for the client. Drawing upon interviews with expert attorneys and executives, this article presents a typology of legal strategies available to U.S. companies in China, uniquely modeling these approaches along the two fundamental dimensions of legal strategy. Additionally, this article identifies two basic types of legal uncertainty in the cross-border context and offers guidelines for the exercise of legal entrepreneurship. Together, these arguments demonstrate that legal entrepreneurship is an empirically viable construct within the LAS project. In low rule of law jurisdictions that have embraced foreign enterprise, legal entrepreneurship will generally optimize the American company's pursuit of both legal value creation and legal risk management.  相似文献   

For many years the Soviet Union and the Eastern block countries (member countries of the former Warsaw pact) had been considered as the main military competitors of the western countries buttressed in their struggle against the West by their economic and scientific resources. The Warsaw pact countries had high levels of R&D investments, a large number of researchers and engineers, and diverse research facilities. On the other hand, output indicators (patent applications, number of papers, scientific citations, etc.), and especially the rates of technological innovation were not so impressive. This paper analyzes the sources of these differences with special attention to the functions played by science and technology (S&T) programs in the formerly communist societies of Europe and Russia. The dynamics of changes in the R&D potential in these countries are considered along with ways and possible scenarios of convergence towards the national systems of innovation of developed western economies. Special emphasis is assigned to the constructive role that technology transfer and commercialization processes along with the use of a network of virtual incubators and the promotion of technological entrepreneurship, can play in fostering a socio-economic renaissance in Eastern Europe and Russia.  相似文献   

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