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Community capacity for organization and collaboration has been shown to be a powerful tool for improving the health and well-being of communities. Since 1994 the Washington State Family Policy Council has supported the development of community capacity in 42 community public health and safety networks. Community networks bring local communities together to restructure natural supports and local resources to meet the needs of families and children, and increase cross-system coordination and flexible funding streams to improve local services and policy. In this study, researchers sought to demonstrate the strong impact of the community networks' capacity to interrupt health and social problems. Findings suggest that community networks reduce health and safety problems for the entire community population. Further, community networks with high community capacity reduced adverse childhood experiences (ACE) in young adults ages 18-34.  相似文献   

The Restorative Integral Support (RIS) model is a comprehensive, whole person approach to addressing adversity and trauma. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Kaiser Permanente reveals a relationship between childhood trauma and adult health and social problems. The current empirical case study presents the Committee on the Shelterless (COTS), in Petaluma, CA, as an example of one social service agency employing RIS to break cycles of homelessness. By applying RIS, research-based programming is offered within a culture of recovery that mobilizes resilience through social affiliations. The authors recommend RIS model implementation and research in programs serving populations with ACE backgrounds.  相似文献   

Childhood experiences can have long-term effects. Research shows that children who undergo adverse childhood experiences (ACE) often have negative health and mental health outcomes later in life. Children of adolescent parents with high ACE Scores are at greater risk of ACE. As such, an intergenerational approach to preventing ACE is proposed in this article, addressing the needs of both the adolescent parent and their children. A review of the literature indicates that a public health perspective can guide the development of a prevention model aimed at reducing the effects of ACE. The current article proposes a universal, multifaceted, and interdisciplinary prevention science model that has two targets: adolescent parents and their children. Schools and early childhood programs can be mobilized to offer community prevention strategies across realms to include the individual, community, provider, coalitions/networks, organizational practices, and policy/legislation.  相似文献   

Men who were sexually abused during childhood represent a highly stigmatized, marginalized, and under-researched population at risk for a variety of problems across the lifespan. The purpose of the current study was to (a) describe characteristics of child sexual abuse (CSA) and adverse child experiences (ACE), and (b) examine the relationships among CSA characteristics, ACE, and stressors in adulthood. Using a cross-sectional design, the researcher collected data on 487 adult men through an anonymous, online survey. Bivariate analyses revealed that five CSA characteristics-age at first abuse (r?=?-.164), number of abusers (r?=?.231), use of physical force, penetration, and physical injury-were related to the number of ACE. Three CSA characteristics (use of physical force, penetration, and physical injury) and the number of ACE (r?=?.162) were positively related to the number of stressors in adulthood. Preliminary recommendations for prevention, intervention, and future research are provided.  相似文献   

This introduction to the themed issue overviews of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study and discusses prevention and intervention with ACE and their consequences in communities. A commentary by Dr. Robert Anda, an ACE Study Co-Principal Investigator, is incorporated within this introduction. Implications of articles within the issue are addressed, and next steps are explored.  相似文献   

The deleterious impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) may be confounded with frequently co-occurring social disadvantage. In this analysis we test the effects of ACE on adult mental health within a social disadvantage framework, using a population-based survey (n?=?7,444; mean age?=?55.2 years) from Washington State. We also examined the protective effects of socioemotional support, and the distinct and combined contribution of the measured ACE factors. Results demonstrated sustained impact of ACE on mental health many decades later, even net of social disadvantage and demographic contributors. Protective factors provided both direct and moderating influences, potentially masking the elevated effects of ACE for those with few resources. Toxicity examination of ACE items evinced differential effects of ACE experiences on mental health. These results demonstrate that interventions ameliorating the effects of ACE and bolstering protective resources such as socioemotional support may be effective toward augmenting mental health even late in life.  相似文献   

近三十年来,宏观管理国债规模的研究,呈现出行政学和公共经济学交融的新趋势。本研究将重点关注政府宏观管理体制下,国债规模管理与预算赤字、国家税收和政府支出等关键变量的联系。文章梳理了宏观管理国债规模的主要研究进展,并分析了既有研究的内在联系及可能存在的研究空间。研究认为,在目前我国政府行政体制改革全面推进和经济高速发展的大环境下,政府运用好国债工具是保证经济持续稳定增长、促进社会和谐发展的主要经济手段,同时也是政府经济执政能力提高的重要标志。  相似文献   

公共政策实验室:21世纪的综合政策分析环境   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用公共政策理论、系统方法论和现代信息技术 ,建构公共政策实验室 ,能够有效地弥补我国现实公共政策制定中社会参与的组织化程度低、各种利益的表达和沟通不充分等体制与机制性缺陷。本文以北京交通拥堵问题为例 ,提出了公共政策实验室的概念 ,对公共政策实验室的人员构成和政策实验过程进行了初步探讨 ,最后分析了其作用和价值。  相似文献   

政府公共事业管理方式经历了集中管理、放权管理与代建管理三个阶段。历经管理方式的不断创新,初步形成了多元主体合办公共事业的态势,打破了公共事业管理分割封锁的格局,确立了公共事业财政经费分类供给制度,构建了公共事业分配激励机制。取得这些成绩,其主要经验是在政府公共事业管理方式创新的过程中,要以解放思想为先导,正确处理范式移植与范式创新的关系,采取渐进创新的方式,并把宏观启动、中观互动与微观治理有机结合起来。  相似文献   

目前,法律事务(经济法方向)专业高职教育的发展遭遇瓶颈:相对于法学本科教育,缺乏竞争力;毕业生从事法律职业,没有基本的入门资格.法律事务(经济法方向)专业高职教育究竟何去何从?这是高职法律类院校所共同面临和亟待研究的一个课题.因此,以就业为导向,以职业能力训练为基础,建立针对国家有关职业资格考试的适应性课程体系,不仅是破解我院法学(经济法方向)专业发展遭遇瓶颈的有效方案,也为高职法学专业发展提供了可供选择的方向.  相似文献   

在风险社会中,以利益为核心的公共政策分析面临协调性、前瞻性和易变性困境,究其原因在于无法包容利益分配与风险分担之间的匹配关系。为应对风险社会的挑战,有必要强化公共政策分析中的平衡思维,在利益分析中引入风险意识的矫正作用,建构促进利益认定与风险识别之间双向反思的双轨式公共政策分析模式。"利益-风险"双轨分析强调政策社群之间围绕利益需求和风险负担的表达、权利主张与风险责任的识别,以协商形成共识性的政策知识,从而促进社会管理中公共责任的落实。  相似文献   

英国公用事业改制的历史经验与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国城市公用事业,从19世纪的私营开始,经过19世纪中下叶的市营,再到20世纪40年代的国有化进程,逐渐把英国的公用事业与纯粹追求利润的一般工业区分开来,照顾到其公益性目标。80年代的私有化浪潮则再度把城市公用事业出售给了私人。在这个看似圆圈形的发展进程中,涉及公用事业的两次转型。这几次转型中的公正性主要是通过三个原则来保证的:一是依据法律来实行公用事业的转型;二是设立有效的监督机制;三是照顾私人的利益,防止侵犯私有财产的权益。由此基本上做到了既保护了公众的利益,保障了私有财产不受侵犯的原则,又大体保护了国有资产,防止其贬值或无端流失。当然,其中的不足之处也是不容忽视的。  相似文献   

我国治安学存在的理论问题与学科发展的基本思路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前治安学研究中存在的基础理论问题有三个方面:1.学科发展的历史局限性,包括理论体系的制约、部门办学的制约和学科体系的制约。2.学科基础理论建设不足:研究视角比较狭窄.研究对象模糊,研究内容和学科性质不确定,治安主体比较单一。3.理论建设严重脱离实际:没有随着社会环境的变化做出适当的调整;没有充分吸纳学术领域中的新理论。研究视角对于引导学科发展和社会实际治安工作都具有重要意义。治安学的研究视角应具有“大治安”的特点,即具有较大的理论包容性。从社会系统出发探讨社会秩序运行机制的发生、发展、影响及结果。在此视角之下,治安学学科体系应确立社会秩序概念在其研究对象中的核心地位;加强对“非政府组织”的研究;靠近社会学,呈现综合性和学科交叉的特点,走实证化的研究道路。  相似文献   

本文介绍了赋权的理念,阐述了赋权性别政策的概念及其特点,通过对中韩推动性别平等,治理出生性别比偏高的公共政策进行赋权性分析以及国家层面执行机制的比较,指出,增强政策的赋权性是值得中国重视的政策创新点。作者认为,应基于中国国情深刻理解赋权妇女的理念,并将其融入法律政策及实施过程之中,探索适合中国国情的赋权途径,并提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

政策工具是政策的构成要素之一,政策工具选择正确与否对政策能否达到预期目标至关重要。一直以来,公安政策工具倾向于使用传统强制性工具,主要包括管制、直接提供、强制性措施。这些强制性公安政策尽管有许多优点,但也有缺乏灵活性、抑制社会活力,容易引发社会抵触情绪,产生官(警)民冲突以及容易滋生特权及权力寻租现象等弊端。因此,在新的历史条件下,创新公安政策工具,在公安改革的过程中积极采用自愿性的公安政策工具不仅有助于提高公安政策的执行力,而且是完善与推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的客观需要。自愿性公安政策工具主要有家庭与社区、志愿者服务、签约外包、公私伙伴关系、市场。选择和适用这些公安政策工具,必须以有利于实现公安政策目标为基本标准,注意政策工具自身的特征及其适用的环境,遵循政策工具选择及适用的合理程序。  相似文献   

乐华 《公安学刊》2009,(2):73-78
在经济全球化背景下,我国无法规避金融危机所造成的影响。按照经济学家预测,中国经济将在2009年下半年开始走出世界经济衰退的阴影,国际金融危机则要在2010年末方能见底。在这经济“寒冬”的特殊时期,浙江省杭州市公安局萧山区分局在正确评估形势的基础上,坚持以科学发展观为指导,更加自觉地把公安工作置于党和国家工作的大局中来审视,来谋划,敏锐地捕捉社会经济问题给社会治安工作带来的新挑战,及时制定并采取了《全区公安机关维护经济社会稳定,帮助企业克难解困八项工作措施》,全力维护区域经济社会稳定,为公安机关应对金融危机提供了范例。  相似文献   


Recently, states have enacted teacher-carry laws. While controversial, little scholarship has tapped public attitudes toward such reforms. Because public opinion shapes policy, the public is an important stakeholder in this debate. Thus, we investigated three questions. First, how supportive is the public of arming teachers? Second, what demographic and social divides exist, if any, for reform approval? Finally, do crime-related perceptions, concerning views about public safety, and criminogenic influences shape policy preferences? We test these questions using a 2018 poll of Virginia residents (N = 521). Overall, approval for teacher-carry is split. Crime-related perceptions mediate some of the initial social and demographic divides in opinion but other correlates, such as parental status, remain salient predictors of views. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

协同是区域公共治理的重要理念之一。区域公共治理的效果与治理契机的选择相关,也与政策供给的模式相关。协同视角下区域公共治理的契机可分为设定契机和选定契机两种。设定契机对应铲雪式治理模式,选定契机对应拔草式治理模式。借鉴欧盟治理的五种政策模式框架,在协同视角下,区域公共治理政策供给模式可分为相互影响、政府协商、等级压力、共同决策和多速整合五种类型。  相似文献   

在当前动态社会治安环境下,情报信息主导警务对于精确打击、防范、控制违法犯罪日益显现其重要地位。如何以新的理念为指导来探索新的作战方式,建立集约化情报信息网络不失为一个重要选择。建立集约化情报信息网络是现实斗争的需要,是信息自身价值的内在需求。集约化情报信息网络使民警采集信息的意识进一步增强;整体工作效能得到提升;快速反应功效得到充分显现;合成作战威力得到发挥。  相似文献   

本文尝试对公共决策过程中的理性,尤其是工具理性的含义、内容及其与价值的关系进行探讨,并提出理性面对不同层面的价值时有不同的反应、诉求和精神体现。工具理性在对待价值问题时所暴露出来的局限是其自身无法克服的,而且也给决策实践带来了诸多问题。  相似文献   

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