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Childhood experiences can have long-term effects. Research shows that children who undergo adverse childhood experiences (ACE) often have negative health and mental health outcomes later in life. Children of adolescent parents with high ACE Scores are at greater risk of ACE. As such, an intergenerational approach to preventing ACE is proposed in this article, addressing the needs of both the adolescent parent and their children. A review of the literature indicates that a public health perspective can guide the development of a prevention model aimed at reducing the effects of ACE. The current article proposes a universal, multifaceted, and interdisciplinary prevention science model that has two targets: adolescent parents and their children. Schools and early childhood programs can be mobilized to offer community prevention strategies across realms to include the individual, community, provider, coalitions/networks, organizational practices, and policy/legislation.  相似文献   

This study examined whether social support tied to relocation efforts and neighborhood social climate may mediate the effects of stressful life events on mental health outcomes following Hurricane Katrina. Participants were 108 adult persons made homeless by Hurricane Katrina and evacuated to Columbia, South Carolina. Civic leaders developed an intervention model that emphasized (a) a one-stop point of entry, (b) living in hotels and apartments rather than shelters, and (c) matching hotels with volunteer “hosts” to assist in relocation efforts. Results revealed that perceived neighborhood factors and satisfaction with host relationship were related to several mental health outcomes. Neighborhood social climate partially mediated several mental health outcomes. Implications of this intervention model and the utility of social ecological perspectives on homelessness interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

Community capacity for organization and collaboration has been shown to be a powerful tool for improving the health and well-being of communities. Since 1994 the Washington State Family Policy Council has supported the development of community capacity in 42 community public health and safety networks. Community networks bring local communities together to restructure natural supports and local resources to meet the needs of families and children, and increase cross-system coordination and flexible funding streams to improve local services and policy. In this study, researchers sought to demonstrate the strong impact of the community networks' capacity to interrupt health and social problems. Findings suggest that community networks reduce health and safety problems for the entire community population. Further, community networks with high community capacity reduced adverse childhood experiences (ACE) in young adults ages 18-34.  相似文献   


The current study examined the hypotheses that (1) parental self-efficacy partially mediates the relationships between social support and both parental warmth and control, and (2) these parenting variables relate positively to children's socioemotional adjustment. First-generation, Mexican immigrant mothers were interviewed regarding social support, parental self-efficacy, parenting practices, and their child's socioemotional adjustment. Overall, results from path analyses suggest that, for Mexican immigrant families, social support relates to parenting practices partly because those with greater social support feel more efficacious as parents. Findings also showed that parenting characterized by warmth or control is associated with greater socioemotional adjustment among children. This research supports the idea that, for programs designed to influence parenting practices, simply providing social support may be less important than taking steps to enhance parental self-efficacy.  相似文献   

This study identified factors associated with emotional distress in 109 African American women with HIV. The relationship of personal factors (demographic, social conflict, social support, and spirituality), health-related factors (perception of health, physical and mental health problems, and years diagnosed), and cognitive/coping responses (stigma, worry, and emotion focused coping) on depressive symptoms and mood state was examined. Younger age, more social conflict, less social support, lower perception of health, and more HIV worry were associated with higher depressive symptom scores. Variables most often affecting various mood states included personal factors (public housing, unemployment, and social conflict) and worry about having HIV worry.  相似文献   

On June 15, 2011, Washington became the first state in the United States to enact legislation aimed at preventing adverse childhood experiences (ACE), reducing their prevalence, and mitigating their effects. House Bill 1965 (HB 1965) was established on the understanding among legislators and Washington communities of the need for policies aimed at preventing child abuse, promoting healthy development of children, and building community capacity to improve public health. Empirical examples of integrating ACE-related research with public policy and programmatic design are chronicled. The legislators who developed HB 1965 lay out questions that, if answered, would further improve policymakers' ability to craft public policy and programs that prevent ACE, reduce their effects, and promote a healthier, safer future.  相似文献   

Men who were sexually abused during childhood represent a highly stigmatized, marginalized, and under-researched population at risk for a variety of problems across the lifespan. The purpose of the current study was to (a) describe characteristics of child sexual abuse (CSA) and adverse child experiences (ACE), and (b) examine the relationships among CSA characteristics, ACE, and stressors in adulthood. Using a cross-sectional design, the researcher collected data on 487 adult men through an anonymous, online survey. Bivariate analyses revealed that five CSA characteristics-age at first abuse (r?=?-.164), number of abusers (r?=?.231), use of physical force, penetration, and physical injury-were related to the number of ACE. Three CSA characteristics (use of physical force, penetration, and physical injury) and the number of ACE (r?=?.162) were positively related to the number of stressors in adulthood. Preliminary recommendations for prevention, intervention, and future research are provided.  相似文献   


Both the product and the process of city planning have been shown to have an influence on mental health. This paper presents a model of the process through which community design characteristics influence mental health. The model emphasizes the importance of local social interaction and physical stimulation, as well as adjustment mechanisms used to dampen stress resulting from undesirable levels of interaction and stimulation. The research on the relationship between four community design characteristics and social interaction, stimulation and mental health is then reviewed. An argument for the importance of citizen participation is also presented, stressing the influence of participation on both sense of control and the development of social support. Commonly employed participation techniques, however, differ in their ability to affect support and control. Neighborhood council programs are identified as having the greatest potential for influencing sense of control and social support. Finally the obstacles to improving community design and specific recommendations for the prevention of environmentally induced mental health problems are presented.  相似文献   

This article presents a longitudinal examination of the association between children's experiences of child maltreatment (CM) and intimate partner violence (IPV), alone and in combination, with children's academic performance. Integrated, administrative data from the Minnesota Departments of Education and Human Services were used to obtain a sample of 2,914 children. Data provided an opportunity to study comparisons of single (CM or IPV) and combined experiences (CM-IPV), longitudinally observe the impact of these experiences on academic functioning, and make comparisons to the general population. Results revealed significant differences in school attendance and math and reading performance by adverse experience. Children exposed to CM and IPV, individually or in combination, underperformed at school. IPV-exposed children had the poorest outcomes. Findings highlight the need for dedicated screening for adverse childhood experiences, particularly IPV exposure, and devoting greater educational and social service resources as a means of promoting future school achievement and adult functioning.  相似文献   

Depression and anxiety are common in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Depending on the time and method of assessment, depression occurs in 9-27% of patients, and anxiety is nearly universal in patients who have had an acute myocardial infarction (MI), at least during hospitalization. Depression has a major impact on mortality, morbidity and functional recovery and there is evidence that treating depression may improve outcome. While few studies have examined risk factors for depression in patients with CVD, the risk factors for depression identified in other clinical populations, such as previous history of depression, are undoubtedly relevant to CVD patients. Our data suggest that women are much more likely to be depressed than men, and to remain so in the course of recovery. Few strategies have been evaluated for primary prevention of depression or anxiety, even in the general population, and no studies have been undertaken in patients with CVD. While primary prevention of depression in postMI patients may not be possible, early recognition and treatment of depression is likely to reduce both the emotional and physical impact of the disorder. Exercise and social support are also likely to minimize the effects of depression. Patients with severe phobic avoidance and CVD may be at increased risk for sudden death. Such patients need to be identified, monitored and treated as appropriate. Much of the anxiety surrounding CVD can be prevented or minimized through careful patient education and feedback.  相似文献   

School resource officers (SROs) are being increasingly employed in schools to respond to incidents of school violence and to help address safety concerns among students and staff. While previous research on school safety and crisis teams has examined the role of school mental health professionals’ and administrators, fewer studies have evaluated the role of the SRO. The current study examined differences between SROs, school administrators, and school mental health professionals (i.e., school psychologists, school counselors, social workers) regarding experiences with crisis events, as well as perceived effectiveness of crisis prevention and response strategies. The most common crisis events across professionals included student assaults, drug offenses, and mandated child abuse and neglect reporting. While SROs and school mental health professionals had similar ratings of school safety strategies, school administrators had less effective appraisals of crisis response plans and crisis postvention activities. Implications for practice and future directions for research are reviewed.  相似文献   

This study explores perspectives on mental health treatment experiences and expectations for youth in foster care and their foster parents. In-depth interviews were conducted and identified for major themes: (1) the dual stigma of foster care and mental health care; (2) the lack of engagement in mental health therapy; (3) trust issues with the therapist and other individuals; and (4) the desire to integrate mental health services with primary care services. These results have implications for mental health service delivery and suggest opportunities to improve mental health treatment through an integrated care approach.  相似文献   

监狱劳教人民警察工作任务重、岗位责任大、危险程度高的职业特征,决定了他们是职业枯竭的高发人群。长期持续的职业压力是引发警察职业枯竭产生的最主要的原因。除此之外,社会环境、组织内部因素等也会导致职业枯竭的产生。监狱劳教人民警察的职业枯竭问题不容忽视,它不仅影响着警察的身体健康,而且严重影响着警察的心理健康.导致警察队伍不稳定、战斗力下降等问题的产生。因此,应当创建针对监狱劳教警察职业压力的疏导调适机制.建立为监狱劳教人民警察提供服务的帮助系统,以帮助干警解决心理问题.预防和降低职业枯竭。  相似文献   

Literacy is a significant challenge in the U.S. and its territories, especially in low income communities where use of English language is non-standard. Wedeveloped the Actual Community Empowerment (ACE) Reading program for students at risk in such communities. ACE is a small-group tutoring program to support fluency, word recognition and decoding, and comprehension at the best pace of learning for individual, struggling readers. It has several variations (e.g., for different ages, different uses of technology), depending on local needs and resources. The program has been successfully implemented in 40 locations from Philadelphia to Pohnpei, with a 95% success rate for significant reading improvement. ACE tutors are community paraprofessionals or school students with backgrounds similar to the children who receive tutoring. In the first major section of this paper, the ACE Reading Program is described and empirical research demonstrating the benefits of the program for students' literacy is reviewed. The second major section presents preliminary qualitative research evidence that paraprofessional tutors progress through recognizable stages toward increased professionalism. Recommendations for future research are provided.  相似文献   

The Restorative Integral Support (RIS) model is a comprehensive, whole person approach to addressing adversity and trauma. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Kaiser Permanente reveals a relationship between childhood trauma and adult health and social problems. The current empirical case study presents the Committee on the Shelterless (COTS), in Petaluma, CA, as an example of one social service agency employing RIS to break cycles of homelessness. By applying RIS, research-based programming is offered within a culture of recovery that mobilizes resilience through social affiliations. The authors recommend RIS model implementation and research in programs serving populations with ACE backgrounds.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的飞速发展,人们生活工作节奏相应加快,激烈的社会竞争和各种生活应急事件使人们的心理压力日益加重,长期精神压力容易导致心身疾病、人格扭曲。文章通过对一个杀人犯罪嫌疑人的心理健康状况测试,剖析说明精神健康问题就发生在人们生活中,生活因素、家庭因素、个人因素是引发精神疾病的重要原因,对生活中的压力人们要学会预防和排遣。采用客观的测量手段甄别轻型精神疾患,对研究变态犯罪具有理论指导意义。  相似文献   

贵州黔东南州少数民族大学生心理健康调查与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究采用心理健康测查表(PHI)对黔东南地区凯里学院513名少数民族大学生进行测试,结果表明:黔东南地区少数民族大学生的心理健康水平从总体上有较大问题,心理问题的检出率较高,男生和女生均出现比较一致的情况;性别因素对少数民族大学生心理健康水平的影响不大,男女生没有显著差异。引起少数民族大学生心理问题的原因是复杂的、多方面的,既有个人的因素,也有社会、学校和家庭以及民族文化和环境等方面的因素,建议民族地区高校应重视和加强心理健康教育的指导。  相似文献   

卡斯特罗非常重视社会主义社会建设,希望全体国民能公平、公正、有尊严地共享社会建设成果。卡斯特罗在古巴社会建设上的突出贡献主要体现在教育、医疗卫生和社会保障事业三方面。古巴的社会建设成就在发展中国家甚至发达国家中都居于前列并受到国际社会的高度评价。在领导古巴50多年的社会主义建设实践中,卡斯特罗积累了许多宝贵的社会建设实践经验,值得关注。  相似文献   

解释婚姻暴力时资源正功能论和资源负功能论并存,现实中女性拥有较多资源也可能长期遭受婚姻暴力,构成本文所谓"资源失灵"现象。本文通过对资源概念进行界定及分类,厘清问题本质,考察农村家庭中妻子面对婚姻暴力时经济资源失灵的过程与机理,揭示家庭背景、社区文化等结构资源对个体经济资源的主导作用,从阻抗力的角度思考相关对策。女性具有的男权中心性别观念会扭曲其对经济资源的主观认知,抑制其资源利用能力,导致资源失灵。家庭因素、社区环境等结构资源通过社会化过程影响个体的观念系统,也会以社会支持方式促进或压制经济资源的作用。婚姻暴力阻抗力能减少受暴女性对施暴者或者婚姻关系的依赖性,其产生需激活相应的外部结构资源,并激发个体的意愿与决心。  相似文献   

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