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Little guidance exists about how to tailor empowerment and resistance sexual assault programming to be responsive to varying groups of women. Using an investigation of 415 college women who completed a self-administered survey about a range of sexually aggressive experiences by a known male assailant, this investigation tested for distinct multivariate profiles of contextual factors among sexually assaulted women to discern how these factors may differentially combine to influence women's vulnerability to sexual assault. We applied latent profile analysis (LPA) to determine meaningful subgroups of women based on interrelationships among factors that contextualize women's vulnerability to sexual assault, including prior victimization, alcohol consumption, relationship expectancies of the assailant, and assertive precautionary habits. LPA established four significantly distinct multivariate profiles of substantively different groups of women. Group difference tests reinforced the findings and aided in group profile interpretations. Implications for the development of tailored resistance and empowerment programs are discussed.  相似文献   

This study's goal is to identify differences in background, assault, and postassault factors according to the victim-offender relationship. A mail survey is conducted with more than 1,000 female sexual assault survivors (response rate 90%) recruited from college, community, and mental health agency sources. Stranger assailants are associated with a greater victim perceived life threat, more severe sexual assaults, and ethnic minority victims. Positive social reactions do not vary according to the victim-offender relationship, but stranger victims report more negative social reactions from others than do victims of acquaintances or romantic partners. Assaults by strangers and relatives are associated with more posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms than assaults by acquaintances and romantic partners. As expected, survivors' social cognitive responses to rape and social reactions from support providers are stronger correlates of PTSD symptoms than demographic or assault characteristics in general, but correlates vary across victim-offender relationship groups.  相似文献   

Although research has shown that undergraduate women are at high risk for experiencing sexual assault, little research has been conducted with undergraduate women who are attending a historically Black college or university (HBCU). The purpose of this research is to document the prevalence of different types of sexual assault among undergraduate women at HBCUs and make comparisons to data collected from undergraduate women at non-HBCUs. Data on sexual assault victimization were collected from 3,951 undergraduate women at HBCUs using a cross-sectional, web-based survey. These data are compared to data collected from 5,446 undergraduate women at non-HBCUs using the same research methods. Findings indicate that approximately 9.7% of undergraduate women at HBCUs report experiencing a completed sexual assault since entering college. This rate is considerably lower than the comparable rate obtained from undergraduate women at non-HBCUs (13.7%). This difference seems to be associated with differences in alcohol-use frequency. Perhaps undergraduate women at HBCUs drink alcohol much less frequently and are thus less likely to be sexually assaulted when they are incapacitated and unable to provide consent. Alcohol use frequency, while controlling for other factors, seems to have an independent association with the likelihood of an undergraduate woman being sexually assaulted. Implications for the creation and delivery of sexual assault risk reduction and prevention policies and programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Recently, sexual assaults have included the use of benzodiazepines to impair the victim. Our aim was to examine the physiological, cognitive, and behavioral effects of flunitrazepam (FN) and clonazepam (CLO). In the first study, ten healthy volunteers received a single oral dose of 2 mg of FN. Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), behavioral reports and staff observations were then collected. In the second study, ten healthy volunteers received a single oral dose of 3 mg of CLO. Vital signs, performance on the MMSE and Digit Symbol Substitution Test, and behavioral changes were examined. FN significantly decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressure 4 h post drug ingestion with diastolic remaining low at 6 h. CLO was associated with changes in temperature and decreased systolic pressure. FN affected memory and attention 4 h following ingestion. CLO affected memory and attention throughout the study (6 h), and psychomotor performance was decreased 2 h post ingestion. In both studies, subjects were disinhibited and did not perceive their own impairment.  相似文献   

1. One day after a sexual assault the male suspect was investigated by a physician who found yellow textile fibres on his penis. 2. The police secured yellow fibres from the bed-cover, the socks and the panties of the victim. 3. At the laboratory the four kinds of fibres were analyzed. The fibres from the bed and the penis gave identical results by six different methods.  相似文献   

Among a sample of college students, roughly 30% of the women and 12% of the men reported having been the victim of a sexual assault sometime in their lives. Of the assault victims, approximately 23% of both sexes stated that they had sexual intercourse with their assaulters on at least one subsequent occasion. Female victims of a completed sexual assault were significantly more likely to continue being sexually active with their assailants than were female victims who managed to block the assault, while no such difference was found for male victims. This would imply that some men are using assaultive tactics to secure sex partners beyond a single sexual episode, thereby enhancing their potential reproductive success in evolutionary terms. Also, men who committed sexual assault reported having had more lifetime sex partners than did sexually experienced men with no sexual assault history. Overall, the idea that sexual assault is part of an evolved reproductive strategy is consistent with findings from this study.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to evaluate the actual use of serological/DNA analyses in the investigations carried out on adult sexual violence victims in Italy during the years 2006–2015.The victims were assisted in the largest Italian rape center, in Milan (Soccorso Violenza Sessuale e Domestica – SVSeD - Service for Sexual and Domestic Violence).The total number of sexual violence victims examined during the years 2006–2015 (adults and minors) was 3521, in 1697 of cases, biological evidence had been collected, while the number of adult victims (>18 y.o.) examined was 2300, in 1211 of cases biological evidence had been collected.Biological evidence was collected from the victims’ bodies using two swabs in five anogenital areas (labia maiora, labia minora, perineum, perianal and anal/rectum regions) and two swabs in all other skin areas suggested by the victims as areas of possible contact (double swab technique). Clothes were also collected on a case by case basis for the search of biological stains. Despite the proper collection, handling and chain of custody for all the swabs/items collected, serological/DNA analyses were requested in 86 cases out of 1211 only (710%). This percentage dropped to 190% when considering adolescent victims (13–19 y.o.).The reason why Italian Magistrates make little use of the powerful tool of DNA analyses in sexual assault cases, still remains unclear. Legal and procedural aspects are therefore also discussed.  相似文献   

Wang B  Li BH  Hu JM 《法医学杂志》2007,23(2):110-113
目的探讨社会功能水平在精神发育迟滞患者性自我防卫能力评定中的作用。方法对性侵害案中125例符合CCMD-3精神发育迟滞诊断标准的性受害者采用自编法医精神病学鉴定案例登记表收集一般资料,使用韦氏智力测试量表(WAIS-RC)、成人智残评定量表和功能大体量表(GAF)进行评定。结果不同等级的性自我防卫能力的患者在职业、婚姻、文化程度、性知识及生育史等方面有显著差异。成人智残评定量表、大体功能评定量表(GAF)、智商(IQ)和鉴定诊断的一致性(Kappa值)分为0.710、0.661、0.494,三者和性自我防卫能力的一致率分为0.538、0.472、0.316。结论不能仅用智商来确定精神发育迟滞患者的性自我防卫能力的水平,应充分重视社会功能在性自我防卫能力评定中的作用。  相似文献   

Rape-homicide represents one of the most heinous crimes, but which are also the hardest to solve due to the high occurrence of stranger-to-stranger interaction. This is the first case of obtaining P30 and Y-STR typing from a simulated postmortem sexual assault. 2, 3.5 and 6 microl of liquid semen was added to a liver substrate and Lucilia (Phaenicia) sericata (Meigen) eggs added. The larvae fed upon the semen coated substrate and were removed for testing after 48 and 145h after initial liquid semen deposition. P30 was recorded from whole postfeeding larvae after 145h, with correct Y-STR profiles obtained from the crop of actively feeding second instar larvae after 48h of initial semen deposition. The ability to obtain P30 and Y-STR profiles from larvae infesting a cadaver, with the suspicion of sexual assault having occurred prior to death, provides a new avenue to aid in the solving of such crimes.  相似文献   

In response to the negative and inefficient treatment of rape victims by emergency room personnel, the first Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) programs began in the late 1970s. While SANEs, doctors, rape victim advocates, police officers and prosecutors work together to ensure the most comprehensive and sensitive care of rape victims, they all have very different roles and objectives. This research explores SANEs' perceptions of their relationships with other professionals who treat or interact with rape victims. Data from interviews with 39 Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners from four East Coast states indicate positive relationships are marked by open communication, respect shown towards SANEs as well as rape victims, and a sense of appreciation among SANEs. On the contrary, negative relationships result when SANEs believe police treat victims poorly, when advocates overstep boundaries and question SANEs about evidence collection or the exam, and when prosecutors fail to properly prepare them to testify during a trial.  相似文献   

Ecstasy is a psychostimulative drug (ab)used mostly by teenagers and young adults in discotheques and on the “rave” parties. Older adults ecstasy abusing cases are very rare. Among four cases of ecstasy abuse with fatal outcome noticed and examined in Slovenia, two were examined at our Institute of Forensic Medicine in Ljubljana. The first case was the accidental intoxication with 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on “rave” party, the second case was suicidal intoxication with combination of insulin and MDMA. Because of the increasing popularity of MDMA, it is important for all emergency physicians to be well educated in prompt recognition of MDMA intoxication symptoms. It is important that emergency physician carefully examines the death scene.  相似文献   

A survey of 89 random rape cases including 166 semen traces, according to the prostate-specific-antigen test, showed the need for a more efficient method of DNA-profiling. No male autosomal STR-profile could be detected, after differential lysis, in 35% of the 84 samples usually containing high amounts of the victim's cells, i.e. vaginal/anal washings and knickers. A Y-STR-pentaplex was applied to the stored sperm fraction of 50 unsolved semen traces, with success in 48% of them. The chance of success depends of the amount of total DNA available and of the quality of the extracted DNA.  相似文献   


Previous research suggests that delivering treatment for sexual offenders can have both positive and negative effects on therapists. We know less about the specific impact of conducting such work in different ways; for example, individually rather than in groups. This study aimed to explore the experiences of sexual offender therapists delivering a one-to-one programme with clients. Eleven therapists delivering an individual intervention with high-risk sexual offenders in English prisons took part in interviews and focus groups about the impact this work has had upon them. One participant also completed a diary charting their experiences while delivering the intervention. Content analysis identified that participants felt they experienced changes in how they viewed themselves, others and the therapeutic relationship, in both positive and negative ways. They also described experiencing intrusive thinking and feeling overly responsible for the outcome of treatment. However, positive effects were also identified. Findings suggest that the provision of structured supervisory support was particularly key in mitigating the impact of treatment delivery.  相似文献   

An ultra-performance liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-TOF-MS) method for simultaneous screening of 46 medicinal drugs and drugs of abuse in whole blood was developed and validated. The method includes most of the commonly used and abused drugs such as amphetamines, cocaine, benzodiazepines, and opioids. Chromatographic separation of the targeted drugs was achieved using a Waters ACQUITY UPLC coupled to a Waters Micromass LCT Premier XE time-of-flight mass spectrometer. The total chromatographic run time was 13.5min injection to injection. The estimated method LOQ is in the range of 0.06-27ng/g, which is below the therapeutic levels for each of the drugs analyzed but LSD. The extraction recovery ranged from 6% to 197% with median value 95% and mean value 82%. Matrix effect ranged from 81% suppression to 29% enhancement of the signals compared to signals obtained in the absence of biological matrix. The method was tested on 55 authentic forensic toxicology samples confirming the same positive results as found using the routine analytical procedures as well as some additional compounds. Recently there has been considerable attention paid to drug-facilitated sexual assault and the toxicological findings in these cases. As part of a pilot study to investigate the prevalence of medicinal drugs, drugs of abuse, and alcohol in victims of alleged sexual assault, biological specimens were obtained from 167 victims being examined at the Sexual Assault Center in Aarhus, Denmark. The obtained blood samples were analyzed using the novel screening method supported by additional analyses for e.g. THC and alcohol. 124 victims reported they have been drinking alcohol prior to the assault (74%). Alcohol analyses revealed 59 positive findings (48%). 35 of the cases were found positive for one or more drugs excluding alcohol (21%). 20 of the victims reported they have been subject to a drug-facilitated sexual assault (12%). For the victims suspecting drug-facilitated sexual assault, the toxicological analyses revealed four positive for alcohol and nine victims were positive for one or more drugs, with six of the victims found positive for benzodiazepines or other drugs with sedative effects. It was notable that victims tested positive for medicinal drugs and drugs of abuse as well as victims of alleged drug-facilitated sexual assault in average underwent medical examination later than the whole study population.  相似文献   

The present study examined psychiatric, physical, and quality-of-life functioning in a sample of 270 women veterans receiving outpatient treatment at a Veterans Affairs medical center. Participants were interviewed regarding their civilian (CSA) and military sexual assault (MSA) histories, and data regarding quality of life and health outcomes were obtained through structured interviews and questionnaires. Women veterans with CSA histories reported significantly poorer physical, psychiatric, and quality-of-life functioning compared to those without a history of sexual assault. Furthermore, women veterans with an MSA history demonstrated additional negative consequences above and beyond the effects of CSA. The study sample was comparable to a national random sample of women veterans who access care in the Veterans Affairs healthcare system, increasing the generalizibility of the results.  相似文献   

This article describes one model from a variety of therapy methods used in the Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Aggression Among Children. The model combines family and individual therapy for children with sexual behavior problems. The frequency is of two successive individual sessions followed by one family session. The family sessions include the child and both parents, and in some cases siblings are also invited. The article specifies the importance of family therapy for this population and describes the context for appropriate interventions. It gives the characteristics of families whose children are having sexual behavior problems and who are suitable for therapy according to this model. The article deals, among other issues, with the importance of marking boundaries, talking about the fear, restructuring the family and changing behavioral patterns, and recreating communication channels.  相似文献   

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