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在法律上承认和规范劳动者的罢工权,防止非法罢工,不仅有利于劳动者劳动权益的维护,也有利于社会的稳定。罢工权不是孤立的,劳动法领域中的罢工权,是劳动者的一项劳动权利,是劳动者集体劳动权的重要组成部分,与劳动者组织工会的权利(团结权)、集体谈判的权利密不可分。劳动者享有法律所保护的合法罢工权。罢工基于维护劳动者的合法权益,局限于劳动关系领域,并要符合法律规定的程序。在法律上确立劳动者享有合法的罢工权后,如何保护依法罢工的劳动者的利益是法律必须面对和解决的重要问题,也是关系到劳动者罢工权是否能真正享有的保障。为了维护劳动者的权益,法律应当赋予劳动者罢工权,但当罢工影响到社会公共秩序的时候,罢工权就应该受到限制。  相似文献   

金日出 《行政与法》2010,(10):61-63
农民的健康问题关系到保护农村生产力、振兴农村经济、维护农村社会和谐发展和稳定的大局,对提高全民族素质具有重大意义。吉林省新型农村合作医疗(简称新农合)基本解决了农村居民因病致贫、因病返贫问题,广大农民主动就诊意识明显提高,"小病拖,大病扛"的现象得到了缓解,但还存在一些问题需要尽快采取措施加以解决。一是要加大宣传力度,让广大农民充分了解新农合的好处;二是要加强对新农合基金的管理;三是要科学调整补偿方案,提高补偿比例;四是要加快信息化建设,提高管理效率和水平;五是要大力加强农村卫生服务体系建设;六是要健全农村医疗保险制度。  相似文献   

论农村土地承包经营权的可继承性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地承包经营权性质为用益物权,多个承包人是准共有的关系。《继承法》的规定为纳入新的遗产种类预留了制度空间,土地承包经营权也符合遗产特征,具备作为遗产的可能性。从顺应遗产范围不断扩大的发展趋势、避免法律体系冲突、维护农民利益等角度出发,应当承认土地承包经营权可以继承。在土地承包经营权继承的实施上,不应对继承人作身份条件限定,遗产的分割应遵循继承法的通常方法。  相似文献   

审判公开的限度——以未成年人刑事审判为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了保护未成年人利益,对未成年人刑事案件不公开审判,这是审判公开原则的例外.其基本含义是审判过程不公开,其衍生规则包括:诉讼材料不公开、判决不公开、对其媒体报道要进行限制.但是,未成年人刑事案件不公开也是有限度的,必须在与正当程序、被告人利益、新闻自由等利益平衡后确定是否公开审判,以确保未成年人利益与公众知情权的合理平衡.  相似文献   

Australian community pharmacy ownership restrictions have been in place for many years. However, it is timely to review these structures in terms of the Commonwealth Government's proposed changes to the health care system and the need for flexibility to ensure access of vital medicines to the community. Careful consideration has to be given to the advantages and disadvantages of regulatory structures that limit ownership to pharmacists, compared to non-pharmacist ownership. Other ownership aspects that need to be evaluated include the number of pharmacies one pharmacist should be allowed to own or co-own and the extent of control required on the location of pharmacies.  相似文献   

为了探讨精神病人合同能力鉴定的相关理论 ,解决合同能力鉴定中鉴定标准混乱的问题 ,对合同能力鉴定的法律基础、标准、民事行为能力与民事权利能力的区别 ,民事行为能力的广义、狭义区分进行了论述。提出合同能力鉴定的核心问题是意思表示的真实性 ,主张将合同能力分为有、无两级 ,强调合同能力的分级与民事行为能力的等级存在区别。并提出合同能力鉴定的程式为 :首先判定其行为能力 ,有行为能力相应具有合同能力 ,无行为能力即无合同能力 ,限制民事行为者 ,应根据年龄、智力、精神健康状况、生活关联度 ,再分为有合同能力、无合同能力。  相似文献   

论问题引导型法学教学模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李健男 《时代法学》2010,8(1):109-113
法学知识不仅可以而且应该在“问题”的引导下进行传授。所以,我国的法学教育必须实现从“知识灌输模式”向“问题引导模式”的转变。“问题引导模式”的内核在于问题意识和创新精神的培养。在教师自身具备问题意识和创新精神的前提下,“问题引导模式”的实施还应该把握以下几个方面:要求学生预习教材;引导学生关注实际问题;因地制宜选择教学方法;掌握提问技巧;消除权威意识。  相似文献   

刘生荣 《中国法学》2001,(3):108-116
惩治危害社会治安的犯罪 ,是维护社会稳定、保障改革开放深入进行的必要之举 ,也是依法治国的重要内容。当前严重危害社会治安犯罪的主要特征是 :突发性、暴力性、有组织性和内外勾结型。为了有效打击严重危害社会治安的犯罪 ,促进社会治安的根本好转 ,在总结以往经验和不足的基础上 ,确立科学的惩治与预防严重危害社会治安犯罪的对策是非常必要的。这些对策应包括 :坚持依法、公正和效率原则 ,注重保护犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的合法权利 ;明确打击重点 ,针对不同性质的犯罪采取不同的措施 ;打击与反腐败相结合 ;化解民事矛盾 ,消除诱发因素 ;打击与预防相结合 ,完善综合治理体系  相似文献   

独立董事制度特有的价值目标使独立董事必须具备独立性、客观公正性、公司整体利益的代表性。在我国引入独立董事制度,除了要确保独立董事的独立性外,必须建立完善的独立董事激励机制和责任机制,充分调动独立董事的积极性,督促其尽职尽责,更好地行使监督权。  相似文献   

Learning legal reasoning is a central part of any undergraduate law degree and remains a threshold concept: one which is vital for any law student to grasp, but which is often difficult to explain. It is a form of reasoning which is very distinctive to the discipline. This article explores the applicability of learning theories typically used to ground pedagogy in higher education to the specific task of teaching legal reasoning. Constructivist or experiential theories of learning are widely used in higher education, but they need to be used with a clear focus on the specific nature of legal reasoning, which does not fit neatly within the assumptions about learning which underpin many constructivist approaches. Situated learning theories, which place emphasis on the role of the community in constructing knowledge, can also be of value. However, steps need to be taken to avoid replicating the hierarchy of the legal community within educational communities. Overall, the pedagogy of legal reasoning needs to pay attention to the specific nature of legal reasoning, to enable students to access the discourse of the legal community to use as a model, and to take students seriously as members of that community.  相似文献   

基因信息对健康状况具有强烈的预测性,出于诸种原因当事人未必想知晓基因信息.为充分尊重自我决定权,比较法上承认权利人享有基因信息不知情权.基因信息不知情权指权利人有权预先决定是否接受基因信息的披露,其核心要义为“知情拒绝权”.基因信息不知情权旨在保障权利人对基因信息的自主控制,在我国隐私权与个人信息区分规制的立法模式下,...  相似文献   

修改《政府信息公开条例》要处理好《政府信息公开条例》与其他行政公开立法的分工,重大行政决策过程公开、行政执法公开等为行政行为中的公开机制,可在行政程序立法中予以规定。修法应当回归《政府信息公开条例》作为权利法的法律属性,实现知情权法定,确立公开原则,扩展公开范围,取消限制公民知情权实现的相关机制。修法还应回应互联网时代对开放政府数据提出的立法需求,完善政府数据开放的内部与外部机制。  相似文献   

This paper analyses elements of the legal process of consent to the donation of 'spare' embryos to research, including stem-cell research, and makes a recommendation intended to enhance the quality of that process, including on occasion by guarding against the invalidity of such consent. This is important in its own right and also so as to maximise the reproductive treatment options of couples engaged in in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment and to avoid possible harms to them. In Part 1, with reference to qualitative data from three UK IVF clinics, we explore the often delicate and contingent nature of what comes to be, for legal purposes, a 'spare' embryo. The way in which an embryo becomes 'spare', with its implications for the process of consent to donation to research, is not addressed in the relevant reports relating to or codes of practice governing the donation of embryos to research, which assume an unproblematic notion of the 'spare' embryo. Significantly, our analysis demonstrates that there is an important and previously unrecognised first stage in the donation of a 'spare' embryo to research, namely: consent to an embryo being 'spare' and so, at the same time, to its disuse in treatment. This is not explicitly covered by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology (HFE) Act 1990, as amended by the HFE Act 2008. Having identified this important initial stage in the process of consent to the donation of a 'spare' embryo to research in conclusion to Part 1, in Part 2 we analyse the idea of consent to an embryo's disuse in treatment on the basis that it is 'spare' with reference to the legal elements of consent, namely information as to nature and purpose, capacity, and voluntariness. We argue that there are in fact three related consent processes in play, of which the principal one concerns consent to an embryo's disuse in treatment. If the quality of this first consent is compromised, in turn this will impact on the quality of the consent to the donation of that 'spare' embryo to research, followed by the quality of consent to future cycles of assisted reproduction treatment in the event that these are needed as a result of a donation decision. The analysis overall is of central relevance to the debate as to whether, and if so when, it should be permissible to request the donation of fresh embryos for research, as opposed to those that have been frozen and, for instance, have reached the end of their statutory storage term. This has a particular bearing on the donation of embryos to stem-cell research since there is a debate as to whether fresh embryos are most useful for this.  相似文献   

未成年犯社区矫正分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区矫正在预防和控制未成年人犯罪方面具有十分重要的地位和作用,符合未成年犯的心理特征,有利于克服监禁刑的弊端,有利于和发达国家的刑罚模式接轨。我国社会主义的刑事政策、社会主义的法律体系以及日趋完善的社区和健全的司法行政体系资源为未成年犯罪人适用社区矫正提供了现实可能性。针对我国未成年犯社区矫正工作中存在的问题,笔者认为,更新行刑观念、对社区矫正进行科学定位、建立专门的社区矫正机构、配备专业的矫正人员、建立适合未成年人特点的社区矫正项目以及建立未成年犯社区矫正制度的评估体系是对未成年犯社区矫正制度完善的重要举措。  相似文献   

王衡 《现代法学》2012,(2):138-151
各国日益重视采用服务贸易措施应对气候变化,我国WTO服务承诺亦与气候变化相关。因措施通常视成员是否承担减排义务而给予不同待遇,容易违反非歧视原则,一般例外是判断措施合法性的关键。一般例外适用于气候变化时将面临措施性质认定、必要性测试、发展中成员可否利用引言获得特殊待遇等诸多难题。为确保一般例外适用的可预见性并妥善平衡贸易与气候变化,需强化贸易与气候变化的相互支持,解决一般例外法理的连贯性不足等缺陷,避免僵化解释,力争规则更新修改。  相似文献   

个人发展权探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
个人发展权的实现以生存权与自由权利为保障、以个人能力的扩展与个性的充分发挥为导向,平等地参与发展及公平地分享发展成果是实现个人发展权的主要手段。发展权的个体性特征既有其理论基础也有其现实意义,个人发展权的实现以集体发展权实现为基础,但集体发展权并不必然带来个人发展权的实现。  相似文献   

The Safe Start demonstration projects, funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) under the first phase of the Safe Start initiative, are primarily designed to influence change at the systems or macrolevels to reduce the incidence of and impact of exposure to violence for children aged birth to 6 years; direct services are also provided to young children and their families who were exposed to violence. The data presented in this article come from 10 communities that submitted data regarding the characteristics of young children exposed to violence to OJJDP. These data represent families who are typically not represented in the databases of state child protective services programs but instead have been identified by domestic violence advocates, early care and education providers, family members, court personnel, police, and other social service personnel as families with young children in need of intervention due to violence exposure.The purpose of this article is to describe the characteristics of young children and their parents who seek help for psychosocial problems related to exposure to family and community violence. Results indicate that one quarter of the children and nearly half of their parents evidenced clinical levels of stress, suggesting the need to intervene at the family level as well as at the individual level when working with young children exposed to violence. The information presented, including the extent of exposure to violence, the multiple types of violence to which children are exposed, the impact of this exposure on young children and their families, and the multiple ways in which families exposed to violence come to the attention of service providers is useful for policy makers and service providers who are interested in breaking the cycle of violence by meeting the needs of the children exposed to violence and their families.  相似文献   

隐私权是近年来发展较快的一项人格权,受到各国以及国际社会的普遍重视,但我国对隐私权的关注和研究起步较晚,在理论与实践中有许多问题亟需澄清。有必要从比较的视野研究域外隐私权的保障依据、保障界限以及保障模式,目的是在比较和借鉴中为中国隐私权保障的制度建构提供理论基础,并结合中国的国情提出完善的建议。  相似文献   

朱冬 《知识产权》2012,(2):52-58
按照目前学界主流观点,商号权的效力受到地域限制。这种将商号取得中的问题扩展至商号权效力全部的做法缺乏理论依据。商号权的效力取决于对其性质的认定,而不取决于其登记管理制度。作为知识产权的商号权,是一种不同于传统名称权的商业标识权的商号权,反不正当竞争法关于禁止混淆的规定即是商号禁止权的内容。无论从商号使用权还是从商号禁止权的角度,均应得出商号权的效力不受地域限制的结论。  相似文献   

《治安管理处罚法》修改了《治安管理处罚条例》关于复议前置的作法,给被处罚人创造了直接向人民法院提起行政诉讼的机会,也将加大了公安机关在治安处罚案件中被告的压力,加强公安机关应诉策略研究,有助于指导公安机关应对即将大幅增加的治安处罚行政诉讼,提高胜诉质量,维护公安机关的合法权益。  相似文献   

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