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The financial crisis is having a great impact on the worldeconomic and political structure. At the same time, it has brought important opportunities to China, a country in a crucial stage of development. The crisis has demonstrated China's importance and positive role in international economy, and provided it with favorable conditions to enhance its international influence and status.  相似文献   

Three basic elements stand out in the international pattern:global power distribution,the system of international norms,and the transnational value systems,all of which are of vital importance in the interaction between China's rise and the future international pattern.  相似文献   

International responsibility falls upon the shoulders of every country. China's growing contributions to world peace and development have surpassed the view of her as a "threat. "Instead, it was, among world mainstream opinion, expected to shoulder a still-bigger burden. Such external expectations, together with internal yearnings for a higher profile abroad, urge a response in terms of Chinese diplomacy. What is to be done? This paper explores the answer.  相似文献   

At different stages of historical development in the past 60 years of its foreign relations, China came up with fresh strategic thoughts and concepts of great significance to the international community, such as the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, the Three Worlds Theory, the New International Economic and Political Order, and the Concept of Harmonious World. In today's world, the international balance of power has experienced great changes, the prospect of multi-polar system is increasingly clear,  相似文献   

Africa plays an important role in China's rise. Sino-African ties bolsters up Chinese influence. African enthusiasm for taking a leaf from China's experience to shake off poverty has boosted China's soft power. Africa defends China as a responsible partner against Western slander of practicing neocolonialism. Africa provides China with the driving force for sustainable development. Africa supports China's national unification and demonstrates political solidarity with China. In recent years Africa's success in enhancing collective strength through deepening solidarity has won admiration and respect. Its strategic status is on a steady rise. It is our sincere hope that Africa will walk on the road of prosperity as soon as possible.  相似文献   

The substantial change in the international system since the end of the World War Ⅱ has been a boon to non-Western nations,which make up three-quarters of all the countries today.Most nationalities,populations and countries that had little freedom and almost no voice have representation today in the United Nations and G20,and they benefit from more international investment.Enterprising BRICS countries hold a competitive position in manufacturing,infrastructure construction,and international trade.  相似文献   

At present, the international financial and economic crisis is spreading in depth. This centennial crisis has exerted profound impacts on the world economy, political pattern and international relationships. China has been playing a unique irreplaceable role in addressing this crisis.  相似文献   

China's focus on peaceful development in its international strategies in the coming decade has been elaborated upon in a recently releasedWhite Paper. Its goals and tasks can be succinctly summarized a...  相似文献   

A heated debate over the rise of China has been going on unabated in the international community for nearly two decades. However, with the elapse of time, the initial divergence of views in the mainstream opinion has gradually diminished and the gap in China policy among nations has likewise narrowed down. Instead, reason and a realistic approach have eventually taken center stare.  相似文献   

<正>I. Features of the post-crisis global security situation 1. Non-traditional threats become more urgent and cooperation for security remains to be the mainstream trend. The international financial crisis has deepened interdependence between  相似文献   

What impact does a shift in the global distribution of power have on the international order? According to the views of traditional realists, power transitions in the international order are usually accompanied by major wars, the best example being the two world wars of the twentieth century. China's peaceful rise is conducive to the peace and stability of Asia and Pacific regions. The steady rise of China's position and its role in dealing with international and regional problems have proved China's success in "cooperative security". This paper analyzes the security order in the Asia-Pacific region1 that China wants to construct to provide important guarantees to its peaceful rise. Firstly, I review and compare key arguments about the transition of international systems and China's Asia-Pacific strategy, Secondly, I investigate the dynamics between China's peaceful rise and the "cooperative security" which I think are the collective embodiments of modem transformation and the restructuring of China's traditional strategic culture. Thirdly, I examine how to construct a mechanism of cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region to guarantee China's peaceful rise on both political and economic levels. Economic cooperation and free trade in Asia-Pacific region is an important route to regional economic integrity which will guarantee China's role in maintaining the political and economic security in the region.  相似文献   

Since the second half of 2012, the security situation in China's surrounding areas has become increasingly serious. On the sea frontiers,following the Sino-Philippine conflict over Huangyan Island, the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands has escalated due to the Japanese government's illegal "purchase" of the islands. Since 2013,  相似文献   

The British government initiated the concept of low-carboneconomy in its 2003 White Paper on energy, which constituted an economic model for higher economic output with low natural resource consumption and low environmental pollution. Since then, this concept of low-carbon economy as well as the economicmodel have been widely acknowledged and accepted by the world community.  相似文献   

In constructing China's strategic diplomatic configuration, we often stress -that "major power relations are critical, the surrounding areas are the policy priorities, developing countries are the foundation, and the multilateral relations are important arena". After the CPC 18th National Congress, "public diplomacy" and "global governance" were also defined as the new orientation in China's diplomatic efforts. In designing China's diplomatic strategy, we have always considered the major powers and surrounding areas to be our diplomatic priority. The reality is the same.  相似文献   

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