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Although there is considerable research on Caucasian sexual offenders, there has been much less research on sex offenders of Asian heritage. The current study compared East Asian (e.g., Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) sex offenders in British Columbia (B.C.), Canada, and other B.C. sex offenders on items and total score of Static-99R. This study included all provincially sentenced adult male sexual offenders (n = 4580) supervised in the community by B. C. Corrections (including 122 East Asian sex offenders). Sexual, violent, any crime, and any recidivism (including technical violations) data were collected with an average follow-up 4.3 years. The total scores of Static-99R were similar between East Asian sex offenders and other ethnic groups (M = 2.0 vs. M = 2.4). East Asian offenders scored significantly lower than other ethnic offenders on several items measuring general criminality (e.g., prior non-sexual violence, prior sentencing dates, and any prior sex offenses). In contrast, Asian offenders appeared to be more paraphilic (e.g., any convictions for non-contact sex offenses). Lastly, Static-99R significantly predicts sexual, violent, and criminal among sex offenders of East Asian heritage.  相似文献   

We report on findings from a study into differences in personality and background characteristics between juvenile sex offenders who commit their sex offenses on their own and those who do so in a group. Solo offenders were found to score significantly higher on neuroticism, impulsivity and sensation seeking, but scored lower on sociability. In addition, the solo offenders in the sample were more often recidivists for sexual offenses, and were more often themselves a victim of a sexual offense. Solo offenders were significantly older than juveniles who had committed a sexual offense with a group. On the basis of these results we recommend differential treatment for the two types of offenders.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study into the potential which offenders have for entrepreneurial activity, and discusses some policy implications for the training of prisoners and ex-offenders in small business skills. The study had a number of elements; firstly a survey of current small business training and support within prisons and the probation services in the UK; secondly, a survey of prisoners and probationers to establish their potential for entrepreneurial activity, experience of working in their own businesses and intentions of doing so in the future. The questionnaire included a psychometric test which assessed individuals across five well- established entrepreneurial traits; and finally case studies of three ex-prisoners who were intending to start up their own businesses once they left prison.  相似文献   

《Women & Criminal Justice》2013,23(2-3):137-160

Recent corrections research indicates that programs and community services providing assistance and training for women offenders are lacking. Using a sample of 402 female felony offenders, women's needs, including those thought to be criminogenic (i.e., characteristics and circumstances that heighten an individual's recidivism risk), are examined to determine whether certain groups of women possess similar sets of needs. Cluster analysis is used to identify combinations of needs shared within subgroups of female felons. Identification of common and co-occurring needs, particularly those associated with high risk for recidivism, can assist program staff, advocates for women offenders, and correctional administrators in determining what combination of program elements should be available to women, and the degree to which programming must address multiple domains.  相似文献   

Citizenship is a birthright generally afforded to all members of society. Upon reentry to the community from prison, offenders are expected to assume a citizenship role; however, existing structural barriers, as well as the actions and behaviors of law enforcement and community agencies, may reinforce the outcast persona. The offender needs social and psychological support to sustain a citizenship role, and the conditions of the current criminal justice environment may serve to undermine this support. Borrowing from procedural justice theories, this paper presents some of the sociopolitical challenges to the citizenship goal for offenders and provides some options to create an environment in which the offender can thrive and maintain a role as citizen. This paper also focuses on reducing the churning of offenders and select communities and identifies mechanisms to embrace the citizenship role such as building the self‐efficacy of offenders, employment programs that assist offenders in becoming economically and psychologically independent, and systemic processes to promote fairness and equity.  相似文献   

National studies suggest that our college students do not have sufficient awareness or knowledge of international affairs, and this appears to be true of criminal justice students as well. A survey of programs in criminology-criminal justice indicates that we have not been giving sufficient attention to the international field in our curricula. This paper discusses the need for international courses in criminal justice, citing the vast increase in international crime and criminal activity, the increasing internationalization of crime, and the recent, rapid development of international agencies of crime control and prevention. The paper also suggests an outline and sketch of what should be covered in international courses of the field, and indicates suitable reference sources.  相似文献   

This study builds on existing research (Hughes and Kadleck 2008; Mustaine et al. 2006a; Tewksbury and Mustaine 2006) that shows registered sex offenders are more likely to live in undesirable and socially disorganized communities. We extend such analyses to a geographically and demographically different community and employ more sophisticated measures of social disorganization concepts to assess the validity of the claim that registered sex offenders are relegated to socially disorganized communities. Data from Orange County, Florida, including measures of violent crime and the social disorganization concepts of concentrated disadvantage, residential instability and immigrant concentration are used to examine the distribution of residential locations for registered sex offenders. Results show that higher concentrations of sex offenders are found in communities with more concentrated economic disadvantage, more residential instability and higher rates of robbery and child sexual abuse. Implications of these findings for public policy are discussed.  相似文献   

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