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党建目标管理的科学方法,就是对党建工作实施现代化科学管理——目标管理。所谓目标管理,就是一定时期的所有党建工作抽象为定性、定量的总目标和具体目标,再把制定出的目标分解,形成层层展开、层层保证并相互配合的目标体系和组织体系。建立党建工作的科学管理方法,有利于进一步加强基层党的建设,从而使各级党组织充满生机和活力。  相似文献   

大数据时代政府智慧治理面临的挑战及对策研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
杨冬梅 《理论探讨》2015,(2):163-166
党的十八届三中全会提出了"完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化"全面深化改革的总目标。而"有效的政府治理"不仅是实现"推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化"的关键所在,也是对时代发展和政府面临诸多挑战的现实回应,更是主动顺应世界政府改革趋势和潮流的一种选择。而此轮改革正处在一个新的社会背景中,不得不引起我们的关注,那就是"大数据"时代。如果说政府治理是实现总目标的基本保障,那么大数据就是实现这一目标的技术路径,它具有催生管理革命和服务模式创新的效果。在大数据时代政府要实现有效的治理,就必须应对大数据时代给政府治理理念、治理方式、制度体系和基础设施等方面带来的冲击及新的变革需求。  相似文献   

本文所讲的目标有着特定的含义,是指通过各种创建活动最终达到符合标准的并由上级正式命名的文明单位.而目标管理则是围绕为建成文明单位这个总目标,该单位对创建过程的计划、组织、协调、检查、考核、奖励等  相似文献   

刘宓 《学理论》2010,(16):233-234
大学英语课程的总目标是进一步明确英语学习的目的,发展自主学习和合作学习的能力,形成有效的英语学习策略,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。为了实现上述目标,课程标准明确指出"教师应该避免单纯传授语言知识的教学方法,尽量采用‘任务型’的教学途径",那么什么是任务型教学法?它的特征是什么?以及怎样才能有效地实施任务型教学法?文中将一一解答。  相似文献   

谢志芳  许兴梅 《学理论》2011,(1):256-257
在我国高等教育实现大众化的进程中,高校的学生管理工作日趋独立、规范,需要有专门组织和专业人员进行统一管理,高校辅导员队伍"三化"建设逐渐成为必然。而继续教育是辅导员队伍"三化"建设中的关键环节,因此要从整体效益最佳化的目标着眼选择继续教育的内容,建立和完善继续教育的各项制度办法,进行多形式的继续教育。  相似文献   

<正>目标引领方向,目标凝聚共识。党的十八届三中全会,党内外、国内外高度关注,特别是高度关注全会提出的全面深化改革的总目标。这是因为,总目标不但关乎全面深化改革的前进方向,也是打赢这场攻坚战的决定性因素。全会确立的全面深化改革的总目标,就是"完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化"。它凝结实践经验、着眼未来发展,阐明了改革的鲜明  相似文献   

分析了目标质量管理在建筑施工中运用的科学性、先进性和可行性,提出了实施建筑施工质量目标管理的具体措施、途径、办法等。  相似文献   

郑浩 《学理论》2012,(21):250-252
独立学院学生的就业问题不仅影响到学生发展,更影响到独立学院的生存,关系到社会的稳定。独立学院学生的就业存在哪些问题,造成这些问题的原因有哪些,有何有效的办法来解决,本文尝试通过对以上问题的研究,寻找一些有效促进适合独立学院学生就业的办法。  相似文献   

谭镜 《学理论》2013,(24):29-30
廉洁政治总目标要通过实现三个子目标来达到:清正的公职人员、清廉的政府机构、清明的政治运作过程。干部清正、政府清廉、政治清明,是廉洁政治总目标的基本组成部分,三者的结合,构成了廉洁政治的完整系统。建设廉洁政治,围绕"干部清正"做文章,以"干部清正"为抓手,以道德自律,用制度约束,以文化熏染是有效的途径。  相似文献   

正党的十八届三中全会提出国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的全面深化改革总目标,党的十九大确定了"治理有效"的乡村振兴战略。乡村治理现代化是国家治理现代化的有机组成部分。当前正在发生的乡村治理转型,受国家能力、乡村体制和基层社会三重因素的影响。乡村治理现代化目标的实现,取决于上述三重因素的匹配程度。一、乡村治理现代化的总目标长期以来,我国乡村治理保持着"简约治理"  相似文献   

管理创新是一种独特的能力,一种激发创造力的组织方式。铁道警官高等专科学校教学发展的内在原因是坚持实践教育管理创新的理念,在实践过程中,教育管理创新在管理理念、管理技术、管理内容、管理重点等教学管理的各个环节中都得到细化。管理创新思想在教学环节上的细化是铁警发展的不竭动力。  相似文献   

Public policymakers and regulators worldwide are grappling with the desire to improve environmental quality through appropriate regulation of business, while also streamlining government. Concurrently, environmentally conscience consumers are calling for improved environmental performance by industry. As a result of these pressures, regulators and lawmakers worldwide are attempting to craft effective policies that create adequate incentives for environmental protection on the part of firms, in the face of decreasing budgets and an increased demand for the use of market‐based incentives. To aid decision makers as they struggle with these concerns, this study provides a detailed case examination of the dilemmas and responses of national‐level regulators as they try to develop appropriate responses to the rise of international and “voluntary” management regimes. To accomplish these goals, this article compares the public policy responses of governments around the world to one such voluntary international environmental regime: ISO 14001. ISO 14001 is a form of industry self‐regulation in response to market forces calling for harmonization in environmental management and as a result of consumer and trade‐partner demands. This study examines the relationships between regulators and the regulated in order to understand if ISO 14001 certified firms are receiving regulatory relief or other forms of public policy/regulatory benefits as a result of their certification. It will also examine the impact that government incentives (or their absence) are having on the certification decisions of firms around the world. This information helps us to begin to understand how the trends toward smaller government and voluntary environmental regimes are affecting one another.  相似文献   

杨杨 《学理论》2012,(7):147-148
普通高校网络教育学籍管理工作的好坏直接影响学生是否能如期毕业,其管理过程贯穿于学生入学、日常教学管理、毕业环节等,是学校最终"产品"的出口。旨在通过对普通高校网络教育学籍管理现状及存在的问题进行归纳分析,提出对现阶段学籍管理工作的对策和建议,进而加强学籍管理制度规范化,提高学籍管理工作效率,以达到促成教学管理过程质量的提高。  相似文献   

郭啸 《学理论》2012,(12):53-55
组织总是不断面对各种矛盾与冲突。组织的沟通不畅、架构不合理、成员的差异和组织资源的不足,都可造成冲突。组织冲突的管理水平关系着组织内部的和谐与稳定。冲突问题处理不当,直接影响组织目标的实现甚至威胁组织的生存和发展。必须认识到冲突具有正反两方面的作用,管理者应运用合理的管理策略将破坏性冲突转化为建设性冲突,使组织能够不断自我反省,不断创新与进步。文章通过分析、探讨组织冲突的类型和原因以及相关管理对策,为组织冲突管理的研究探索新的思路。  相似文献   

人力资源管理中提高人员激励有效性的几点对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本从期望理论、激励理论和系统论的角度出发,结合人力资源管理实践中遇到的一些问题,对如何做好人员激励进行了新的探讨,提出工作挑战和个人成长远比高薪更有吸引力,认为人员激励应将个人目标与组织目标结合起来,发现和体现差别,综合考虑,系统设计和运用多种手段,最大程度地挖掘员工潜力,激发员工的工作积极性和创造性。  相似文献   

冯丽丽 《学理论》2012,(27):93-94
随着机关事业单位部门管理体制的不断改革发展,目前很多部门内部仍在施行的文书工作与档案工作分设运行的制度暴露出许多弊端,已然跟不上时代发展的潮流.现行的文书工作与档案工作内容有关联但相互有矛盾或不统一的规范要修改,使两方面的内容协调起来,文书工作与档案工作分别管理的体制迫切需要进行制度变革和技术创新,要实行有效整合、统一管理.因此,机关事业单位实行文档一体化管理十分必要,且已成为了一种必然趋势.  相似文献   

The concept of expectancy on which many of the theories of workplace incentive programmes are based, claims that when employees are given a particular level of motivation, it will result in some level of performance. The general perception in Ghana is that public sector employees do not perform as efficiently as private sector workers because they lack incentives to do so. However, few studies have compared the incentive structures of the two sectors. Using empirical evidence from four telecom companies in Ghana, this article shows that the gaps between ‘state’ and ‘private’ have narrowed. Also, while incentive structures such as salary, fringe benefits and job (in)security are converging, critical performance management processes like employees' participation in decision‐making, performance appraisal, monitoring and credibility of sanctions are drifting apart. This article concludes that differences in performance between state and private companies may be explained by performance management processes and not incentive structures. It cautions that improved salaries and other office perquisites may not by themselves achieve organisational performance. Rather, incentives should be embedded in a broader approach through effective performance management processes. The information in the article is relevant to the ‘borderline’ part of the public sector under a deregulated environment. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many governmental results-based management systems have not produced the expected positive effects. This article analyzes the reasons for this common disappointment by looking at three components of results-based management—results-specific information, capacities, and incentives—and concludes that incentives are often the least developed. It then synthesizes a simple framework for evaluating the efficacy of results-oriented incentives. To be successful, results-specific incentives must be tailored to fit four program characteristics: timeliness, political environment, clarity of the cause-and-effect chain, and tightness of focus. This framework suggests that some systems put too exclusive an emphasis on budgetary incentives and could be strengthened by emphasizing personnel-system rewards, especially those that look beyond business models.  相似文献   

This study examines the extent to which staff in local welfare systems have embraced new welfare reform goals and, if so, the extent to which local management practices contribute to the alignment of staff priorities with policy objectives. It looks at agency structure and several aspects of public management from a microperspective that prior research has linked to agency performance including training, performance monitoring, staff resources, leadership characteristics, and personnel characteristics. The research indicates that front-line workers in welfare offices continue to believe that traditional eligibility determination concerns are the most important goals at their agencies. It also finds that management practices and the structuring of agency responsibilities matter: To the extent that public managers want to redirect local staff to focus their attention on the new goals associated with welfare reform, they can create the conditions under which staff have clear signals about what is expected and could provide them with the resources and incentives to realign their priorities.  相似文献   

Contract incentives are designed to motivate contractor performance and to provide public managers with a powerful tool to achieve contract accountability. Our knowledge of contract incentives is rooted in contract design, yet as we move beyond contract specification and further into the contract lifecycle, we know little about why and how managers implement incentives. This study assesses public managers’ use of contract incentives in practice and advances theory development. A typology of contract incentives is constructed to capture a comprehensive range of formal and informal incentives, and the factors that influence managerial use of incentives are identified. The findings shed light on the complexities of maintaining accountability in third‐party governance structures and the management techniques aimed at improving the performance of public agencies.  相似文献   

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