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社会资本理论以嵌入性关系为核心,提供了研究制度与文化互动关系的整合视角,新制度主义对制度概念的扩展与此呼应。从信任资本、规范资本和网络资本的制度发展助力与阻滞机理审思出发,重点考量社会资本影响制度发展表现的作用特征,透析其中的社会网络的制度空间压制、社会规范的累积性迟滞以及社会结构的失衡弱化制度创新动能等根源性牵制。因此,若想充分发挥社会资本的制度发展功能,需要积极培育社会资本运行环境,以为社会资本整体助推公共制度现代化构建丰富资源。  相似文献   

This article addresses an international dimension in the politics of climate change by scrutinising the objective of sustainable development in the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Through the example of Finland, which has been one of the world's pioneering countries in utilising the CDM, this article analyses the degree to which the current mainstream eco-modernist policy discourse is reflected in national policy documents and what kinds of implications this has for the CDM's objective of sustainable development. The results point to ambiguities in Finnish policies, especially in terms of balancing national interests and broader developmental objectives.  相似文献   

新制度主义与制度变迁研究虽然在某种程度上存在张力,但同时也为理解制度变迁的发生机理提供了有益而丰富的理论资源,制度变迁研究理应成为新制度主义的重要内容。新制度主义各流派对于制度变迁的关注点不同、对于相关问题的阐释各有侧重。然而,基于制度主义视角分析制度变迁的发生机理,基本上可以从初始动力、运作机制、路径形成等三个方面予以考察。其中,外生变迁与内生变迁是对制度变迁根源的两种不同解读,自发演进与人为设计揭示的是制度变迁的持久动力与运作过程,而制度变迁的轨迹则由既有制度、权力、观念等因素所塑造。  相似文献   

在改革开放进入"不惑之年"前后,推动中国特色社会主义制度更加成熟更加定型的历史任务悄然提到执政党的议事日程。从制度机理来说,制度定型与制度改革如影随形,只要是制度改革,自然会提出制度定型问题。就二者关系而言,制度改革是制度定型的前提条件,制度定型是制度改革的重要目标。因此,在中国改革开放的后半程,必须准确把握制度改革与制度定型的关系,既不能因为制度改革是制度发展的主旋律而忽视制度定型,也不能因为推动制度定型而搁置制度改革,而要按照制度发展的内在要求推进制度改革与制度定型的双重合奏。而且,还应明确,无论是制度定型还是制度改革,都只是制度发展的过程,而不是制度发展的最终目标,制度改革和制度定型的终极目标是要提升制度秉赋,推进中国特色社会主义制度的自我完善和发展。  相似文献   

加强警察道德建设,一方面我们要为提升警察道德水平提供合理正当公正的制度安排;另一方面我们要进一步完善警察道德规范体系,使之进一步制度化。  相似文献   

Kathleen Thelen is one of the leading scholars studying incremental institutional change. In her early works from the 1990s, she introduced the conceptualization of different modes of incremental change. These modes have central attention in her recent co-edited book with James Mahoney, Explaining Institutional Change (2010). Compared with Thelen's earlier work, this book provides clearer definitions, addresses the explanatory factors of institutional change, and discusses the patterns and sequences of gradual institutional change. The theory presented by Mahoney and Thelen, however, seems overambitious and subject to a need to be overly crisp and clear.  相似文献   

本文从经济增长的源泉出发,从生产力和生产关系两个方面探讨了微观经济个体相互作用以形成整体经济发展的过程,并就经济发展的未来趋势作了展望.  相似文献   

Helen Wallace 《管理》2002,15(3):325-344
Council reform is a topic that has become a key issue in the wider discussion about reshaping the institutions of the European Union. This article explores five different images of the Council: as a partner of the Commission; as a club of governments; as a venue for competition and bargaining between governments and other political actors; as an arena for networked governance; and as a consortium for developing "transgovernmental" collaboration. It is conventional to examine the Council as both executive and legislative in character. More interesting, perhaps, is its evolving practice as a forum for experimentation.  相似文献   

The Italian budgetary process requires constant interaction between executive and legislature. As a result budgetary policy is a reflection of Italian legislative activity in general. Time‐consuming negotiations and compromises are required between a wide range of political interests. Coherent and consistent economic policy‐making is, in these circumstances, difficult to achieve.  相似文献   

柴奕 《理论与改革》2020,(3):182-188
党的十九届四中全会标志着中国特色社会主义制度进入了体系建构的发展阶段。党领导推进国家治理现代化的进程体现着从制度建设到体系建构的发展,制度一项项建立起来是体系建构的先决条件,体系建构着眼于制度间的衔接和整合,是制度的整体效能得以彰显的必然要求。中国特色社会主义制度建设伴随新中国的成立而开启,伴随改革开放创新实践而开展,伴随进入新时代而完善。推进国家治理现代化的新时代实践,对中国特色社会主义制度提出了体系建构的新任务。以习近平同志为核心的党中央深刻认识制度体系建构的极端重要性,党的十九届四中全会形成新的思想认识,作出了新的战略部署。全会通过的《决定》从多个方面体现了中国特色社会主义制度体系建构的重大战略思想。  相似文献   

Abstract. The development of political science was closely connected to the democratic changes and the restoration of statehood at the end of the 1980s in Lithuania. This paper examines the historical and contemporary social and academic roots of political science in the country. The other issue investigated in detail is the institutionalisation of political studies, which required the development of new academic curricula. Major vehicles for the institutionalization of political science were the decentralisation of academic activities and the establishment of new institutions, such as the Institute of Political Science and International Relations (University of Vilnius) and the Lithuanian Political Science Association, and intensive cooperation withWestern universities and funding organizations. Nonetheless, the growth and efficiency of political studies and research depend very much on their successful integration into the environment of the existing universities. The research output of Lithuanian political science is characterised by a widening of research interests and the further introduction of statistical and computer methods of investigation, with problems of Lithuania's foreign and security policy and issues of democratisation as topics of continuing popularity.  相似文献   

At this point, little is known about local government responses to the economic crisis caused by COVID-19. This crisis is happening on Main Streets around the nation. This article examines how some local governments are taking collective action in partnership with other governments as well as with organizations at the local and regional levels. What is unique is that collective action is rare as it relates to traditional economic development practices, yet it is occurring and leading to offerings of multi-institutional grants and low-interest loans. However, some newer supply- and demand-side actions are the result of a lack of resources and need for expediency. Practitioners can learn about the collaborative economic development actions that governments are taking and how these partnerships can stabilize their local economies.  相似文献   

KEMPE RONALD HOPE  SR 《管理》2005,18(2):283-311
To accomplish the objectives and the outcomes of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), African leaders have agreed, among other things, to subject their countries to peer review through the use of a unique and innovative African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). This paper analytically describes and assesses the APRM. It contends that peer review represents a sea of change in the thinking of African leaders as they seek to reverse the trend of lack of accountability, political authoritarianism, state failure, and corruption to embrace and consolidate democracy as well as effect sound and transparent economic management. It is further argued that peer review would provide a number of benefits to those countries that subject themselves to it and that, in turn, would have positive multiplier effects on Africa's development performance.  相似文献   

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