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当前及未来一段时间,新生代农民工政治参与空间能否得到有效拓展,是我国社会主义政治文明发展的重要体现。内外兼修、创新驱动,应在经济地位、政治体制、自身素质三个维度,进一步扩大新生代农民工的政治参与的现实空间。  相似文献   

韩铁铮 《工友》2011,(5):64-64
傻柱在城里一个工地干活,不慎从三层楼上失足落下,摔伤了左腿。出院以后给老爸打电话。傻柱:"爸,俺出院了。"爸:"儿啊,出院好,  相似文献   

上海市杨浦区在历史上是产业工人集中的一个区。上世纪80年代,杨浦区域内有国有大中型企业1200多家,产业工人60万,工业总产值占到上海的四分之一。随着产业结构的调整,区域内国有大中型企业锐减到200多家,产业工人仅剩6万人,大量新兴产业和服务经济不断涌现。“传统工业杨浦”向“知识创新杨浦”的转型给工会工作带来了挑战和机遇。  相似文献   

沈岳明 《工友》2009,(10):60-60
一个农夫去一个哲学家家里做客。 农夫不解地问哲学家:“您每天不是读书,就是伏案写作,难道不觉得辛苦吗?”哲学家说:“因为我有事业心,所以不觉得辛苦。”  相似文献   

常靖 《中国工运》2012,(2):38-39
北京化工集团公司提出了在“十二五”打造百亿级集团的奋斗目标。为配合集团的发展战略,集团公司工会合理地整合开发利用工会的可用资源,在新的历史时期主动创新,勇于尝试,不断调整工作方法,用有效的手段拓宽工会工作领域和活动空间,促进了集团公司的发展和职工合法权益的维护。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,随着新的产业革命进程的蓬勃发展,信息化、全球化的时代到来了。在新的历史条件下,如何通过提高公共行政的质量,增强国家竞争力,是发达国家的首要战略任务;正是在这样的历史条件下,在西方兴起了公共治理的浪潮。社会对话,正是公共治理理念在劳动关系领域的体现,是欧盟实现劳动关系现代化的重要途径。  相似文献   

论提高劳动法学科地位的必要性和基本思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动法学有其独立的调整对象和独立的法律部门地位.劳动法对劳动关系的调整在我国现阶段具有非常重要的意义,而我国劳动法律体系的建立和实施也亟需提升劳动法学研究和教育水平.现行劳动法学的学科设置难以满足社会对劳动法学研究和人才教育的需求,因此需要适时提高和调整劳动法的学科地位和学科设置.  相似文献   

自主性是学科体系和知识体系的内在特性,强化学科自主性是贯穿于改革开放以来中国工会理 论研究的基本线索,是工会学作为独立学科的本质性规定。工会学的研究对象、学科基础和知识疆域有其自身 的独特性,这种独特性是由中国工会的历史传统、价值内核、指导思想、组织原则、结构特征和制度精神等因 素共同决定的,这是设置工会学学科的基本依据。在马克思主义理论一级学科下设置工会学学科,是中国工运 事业和工会工作的一件大事,这对于开辟马克思主义工会学说中国化时代化新境界,推进中国特色社会主义工 会发展道路守正创新,构建中国工会自主知识体系具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   

丁思成 《农村青年》2010,(11):46-47
有一种声音,经过长长的岁月,仍然有响亮的回声; 有一些故事,讲过一遍又一遍,依然令人回肠荡气; 有一种精神,经得起人情冷暖,总打动善良的灵魂; 有一些话语,讲出来平平淡淡,听起来却历久弥新……  相似文献   

守望者对麦田说——麦田啊,你可知道: 走进蒲纺,总有一种力量让我们感动; 走进蒲纺,总有一种精神让我们鼓舞;  相似文献   

Using a dialogic format this conversation between two authors uses political theorist Paolo Virno's conception of the “multitude” to examine and compare two different arenas of black feminist protest that took place on social media in the latter half of 2013. As a performative article, it offers historical and theoretical background to the terms “multitude,” “public intellect,” and “virtuosic labor” in racialized capitalist formations, situating them to provide an alternative to the power of the State – an alternative that unlike the State does not claim to confer rights. The article looks at the Facebook response to a call from the Crunk Feminist Collective to white feminists to speak out on the verdict exonerating Trayvon Martin’s killer and offer counter images to those that describe Martin's killing as justified. It then looks at the public dialogue around the applicability of the term “feminism” to Beyoncé's self-titled “visual album.” Through aesthetic inquiry, the authors look at the form these examples of protest take to situate and propose the active viewing of these aesthetic forms by others on social media, as well as by the authors of this article, as a kind of virtuosic labor. The article concludes with a series of poems created using the “cut-up” technique designed to transmit feeling through subjective action and a task manifesto for white feminists to use as a guide.  相似文献   

This essay addresses how Oprah's book choices are inevitably affective but not necessarily feminist. By reading Oprah's book choices as highly individualistic, I analyze how her choices might be more aggressive and more complex, thereby offering a sense of community rather than the power of individuality to her huge audiences. My argument is based on a belief in Oprah's communicative power, and especially if her book choices were invested with more complications than individual resolutions.  相似文献   

Gays and lesbians are full-fledged members of the great Quebec family, and it is perhaps time to reinvent and enlarge our family. The research on which this article is based was undertaken while I was a visitor at the Faculty of Law, McGill University, Montreal, in 1996. I would like to thank the University and colleagues in the Faculty of Law for their collegiality during my stay. An earlier version of this article was presented at the Critical Legal Conference, University of East London, 6 September 1996. My thanks to the participants for their insightful questions and comments, and thanks also to Didi Herman and Davina Cooper for their help on a previous draft.  相似文献   

This contribution to the ongoing process of questioning the sex/gender distinction in feminist research sets out from two different points of departure. First, from an anthropological perspective, examples are given to help us “rethink” sex as a universal “given”. Second, it is examined how the distinction, when used in feminist analyses, has confused rather than clarified our understanding of sex/gender. Finally, the implications of the breakdown of the sex/gender distinction for feminist research are discussed in brief.  相似文献   

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