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人类对幸福生活的孜孜追求使人类创造出了宪法,民生幸福因此成为宪法产生的逻辑起点和永恒的价值取向.我国宪法是人民实现幸福生活的根本保障,现阶段我们仍然需要以民生幸福为价值指南进一步完善宪法,特别是要保证宪法的有效实施,这对于贯彻落实党的十八大精神,依法保障民生幸福具有重要意义.  相似文献   

论幸福本性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙英 《思想战线》2002,28(2):26-29
快乐的心理体验是幸福的主观形式 ,是幸福的主观本性 ;人的需求之满足和生存发展之完满则是幸福的客观内容。如果一个人感到快乐而幸福 ,是因为他的需要、欲望、目的得到了真实的实现 ,那么 ,他的快乐的心理体验之幸福的主观形式与他的需要得到实现和生存发展达到完满之幸福的客观内容便都是真实的。幸福的真实性是主观形式与客观内容相一致的本性。反之 ,如果一个人因为他的重大的需要、欲望、目的得到了虚幻的实现 ,那么 ,他的快乐的心理体验之幸福的主观形式与他的重大需要得到实现和生存发展达到完满之幸福的客观内容便是不一致的。因主体不同而不同的幸福是相对的幸福 ;不依主体而转移的幸福是绝对幸福  相似文献   

公安幸福文化是公安文化的重要组成部分,对于提升人民警察职业幸福感,提高民警战斗力具有十分重要的作用。其包括物质文化和精神文化两方面的内容。建设公安幸福文化,完善警察激励机制,需要树立公安幸福文化理念,激发公安民警工作热情;建设幸福美满警察家庭,解决公安民警后顾之忧;完善警营各项设施建设,营造温馨幸福警营环境;完善警察晋升奖励机制,实现公安民警自我价值;建立警察权益保障机制,依法保障民警各项权益。  相似文献   

The concept of happiness differs from person to person and country to country. Beijing Review asked two people—Zhao Xingzhou,a doctor at a hospital in Baoding,north China’s Hebei Province,and Niu Fenglei,a white-collar worker at an IT corporation in Beijing—to share their ideas about happiness.  相似文献   

In his letter to the symposium commemorating the 70~(th)anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward that "people's happy life is the greatest human right ".The academic implication of this important exposition is that it puts forward a major concept,the right to a happy life as a human right,in the field of hum an rights.The right to a happy life is the right that people pursue,enjoy and realize a happy life,which belongs to the general right,that is,the "bundle of rights".Teleological interpretation provides a strong defense for the right to a happy life.However,teleological interpretation may bring many risks,which may get the right to a happy life into many dilemmas,such as the loss of dignity due to the degradation of "human" as a tool,the loss ofjustice due to the damage to the human rights of a few individuals or groups,the possible violation of human rights due to the promotion of the expansion of government power,and the difficulty of universal recognition due to differences in the pursuit of happiness and the happiness itself.Therefore,we must adhere to the "people-centered" principle and justice to enhance the government's serious handling of human rights and reach an overlapping consensus in the pursuit of happiness,so as to restrict the teleological interpretation of the right to a happy life in a rational manner and promote the development of China's human rights cause.  相似文献   

市场化和现代化不断在全球渗透、扩张,工具理性主义、世俗功利主义和极端个人主义严重挤压着幸福生活的空间。我国幸福度的提升遭遇了很多隐忧,越来越陷于物化和利益私我化泥潭的民众,享受着几何级数递增的丰硕物质财富,幸福感却没有随之增加。挖掘和坚守儒学幸福思想,有利于构建一种超越物欲、物役、“GDP崇拜”的当前幸福观,形成和谐社会的价值共识理念。引领人们实现更美好、更尊严的可持续性幸福生活。  相似文献   

China's foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows dropped by about 20 percent year on year in the first quarter,raising questions about the country's attractiveness to foreign investors. Edgar G. Hotard,Chairman of the Monitor Group (China),sat down with Beijing Review reporter Hu Yue on the sidelines of the Boao Forum for Asia on April 17-19,to discuss this issue. The Monitor Group is a global provider of strategy consulting services,headquartered in the United States and with offices in China.  相似文献   

崇尚民生幸福是善治政府的价值追求   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政府善治与民生幸福有着本质的内在关联性。发展好民生幸福是真正落实"以人为本"善治理念的必要前提和最终目的,是检验善治政府行政能力的试金石,是善治政府的价值追求和现实基础。构建社会主义和谐社会是造福全体人民的伟大事业,其根本目的就是让人民群众在共享经济和社会发展的成果中实现最大幸福。因此,建设善治政府,发展好民生幸福是我们今后相当长的时期内的主要任务和基本国策,"为民谋福"应成为善治政府的基本理念。  相似文献   

中国古代虽无“悲剧”的概念,却产生了大量的悲剧作品。尽管与西方悲剧迥然有异,但诞生于中国社会文化土壤的古典悲剧有着属于自己民族的特有的艺术风格和审美心理。悲剧人物以善良柔弱的女性为主;悲剧情感呈现悲喜交集的中和之美;“善有善报,恶有恶报”的双重结局体现出“团圆之趣”。  相似文献   

China's afforestation drive,started to reduce wind speed and fight desertification,is geared up for anotherrole—carbon sequestration Using a laptop for an hour-13 grams.Watching television for an hour-96grams.Taking a bus for a km-8grams.This is the list Hu Jing makes each day when calculating the carbon dioxide emissions of her daily activities.  相似文献   

幸福指数:和谐社会的新追求   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗新阳 《桂海论丛》2006,22(6):21-24
在经济发展的同时提高社会成员的幸福指数,是构建和谐社会过程中需要关注的一个特别重要的问题。文章通过对国内外学术界有关幸福指数研究的考察,分析了幸福指数的价值意义,在此基础上设计出了幸福指数的指标体系并提出了相应的研究对策。  相似文献   

Based on an original survey conducted in the summer of 2012 in Beijing, we examine how China's America watchers—IR scholars who work on US-China relations—have viewed China's power status in the international system, US-China relations and some specific US policies in Asia. Our survey shows that almost half of the survey participants thought that America would remain the global hegemon in the next ten years. Meanwhile, a large majority was also optimistic that China is a rising great power, especially in the economic sense, in the world. More than half of the respondents saw Asian military issues, such as the South China Sea issue, as the most difficult problem between China and the US.  相似文献   

追求幸福,世人共识。而幸福感是具体的、历史的,更是多元的。如何清醒地认识和把握在当代中国谋求幸福,需要在实践中不断探索和感悟。只有坚持马克思主义唯物史观,沿着中国特色社会主义道路,进行系统的思考和谋划,夯实幸福的物质基础、政治基础和思想基础,调动积极因素,化解消极因素,幸福才能持续稳健地实现。  相似文献   

A Plan Is Born     
China is one of the few countries that formulate a plan pertaining to economic and social development every five years.From ideas to implementation,creating a five-year plan involves many great minds.It's a complicated,sometimes drawn out process with thorough procedures—and it should be,since each plan plots the course China will take in its social and economic development over the next five years.Professor Hu Angang,Director of the Center for China Study of Tsinghua University,who took part in drawing up ...  相似文献   

This research is a survey study of the opinions of one group of China scholars in the U.S.—scholars teaching Chinese politics in American universities—on issues concerning the People's Republic of China. Our findings suggest that despite some new developments in the Sinologist community in the U.S., China scholars continue to favor more generous and more pragmatic approaches toward China. They are more concerned with practical issues such as regional stability and economic ties with China and do not want the U.S. to be highly moralistic in dealing with China.  相似文献   

Jinghan Zeng 《当代中国》2016,25(100):547-562
Ideological campaigns in post-Deng China have a strategic function of discerning loyalties of local leaders. Previous empirical studies have found that Jiang Zemin’s followers are more likely to echo Jiang’s ideological campaigns. Through a content analysis of provincial newspapers between 2005 and 2012, this study suggests that the manner of displaying loyalties has completely changed. By employing a panel-corrected standard errors (PCSE) estimation, this study finds that protégés of both Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin are less likely to echo their patron’s ideological campaigns, suggesting the shifting function of ideological campaigns from monitoring identified followers’ loyalties to recruiting new followers. This article argues that this is a result of changing elite politics and—more importantly—the different strategic use of ideological campaigns.  相似文献   

IT is a well-known fact that buying guns is much easier than purchasing antibiotics in the United States. In China, however, the situation is different. According to a recent WHO survey, about 80 percent of Chinese inpatients take antibiotic medicines, and 58 percent of them are prescribed multifunctional antibiotics, which compares alarmingly with the international average of 30 percent. Every year, about 200,000 Chinese patients die from medicinal side effects, 80,000 of these deaths resulting from misuse of antibiotics. A staggering 20 million people in China suffer from hearing impairments, and between 60 and 80 percent of these cases are attributable to antibiotic overuse. Zhang Yongxin, president of the Antibiotics Research Institute affiliated with the Huashan Hospital in  相似文献   

Brazil,Russia,India,and China—otherwise known as the BRIC nations—are enjoying a new and,in ways,unprecedented role on the international stage. The four emerging markets maintained anaverage growth rate of 10.7 percent from 2006 to 2008,according to the International Monetary Fund.With this outstanding performance,they are creating a new economic miracle.In an article recently published in the Beijing-based newspaper Guangming Daily,experts in aresearch team of the Hunan Provincial Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science pointed to atrend known as the "big country effect" as a determining factor in their rapid,sustainable growth.Excerpts from this article follow  相似文献   

TO THE POINT:The release of economic figures for April stoked inflation fears again.The CPI rose 2.8 percent in April,challenging the government's goal of keeping inflation below 3 percent.Bank lending in April brought new loans in the first four months to half of the designated loan target cap for the whole year.  相似文献   

Affected by the novel coronavirus pandemic,Hu Shuangquan,a Chinese agricultural specialist who had planned to wind up his mission in Africa in mid-March 2020,is still staying in Burundi.  相似文献   

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