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晋文 《今日山西》2004,(1):14-15
In 2004, cultural workers of the whole province are determined to further study,publicize and carry out the spirit of the 16th Party congress and its third plenary session under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the “Three Represents” important thought; to create more works to inspire people; stay close to reality, dose to real life and close to the masses; to construct a culture-strong province; to strengthen the power of social influence in propaganda and ideological work; to demonstrate social competitiveness of cultural industries and undertakings; and to offer more spiritual food and cultural materials for the realization of an overall well-off society in Shanxi.  相似文献   

<正>Nowadays,many people turn to the Internet to solve a multitude of medical quandaries,extending even to the matters of how to find a doctor and access medical treatment.With the prevalence of online health care services in China,more and more cases have come to light concerning patients being defrauded of money and sometimes having their condition worsen  相似文献   

<正>The Chinese version of Broadway’s musical sensation set to run for six months The Chinese version of Mamma Mia!,one of the most popular musicals in the world,has come to China,to demonstrate the charm of the musical to Chinese citizens in three major cities in 2011.  相似文献   

Search engine giant's path to China is proving to be a bumpy ride You have to hand it to Google; it knows how to make a big splash. When the doyen of search engines came to town to reinvent itself, no expense was spared. Booking the banquet hall of Beijing's most famous five-star hotel, cramming it full of the cream of the IT world and a gaggle of journalists from 170 news agencies,  相似文献   

<正>Human rights is one of themajor issues of commonconcern to contemporaryinternational society,andis also one of the basic values indis-pensable to China’s cause of rulingby law."The Communist Party ofChina leads the people in undertak-ing revolution,construction andreform in order to achieve a widerange of freedom,democracy andhuman rights for all Chinese people...China focuses on economic de-velopment,promotes comprehensivesocial progress,adheres to the devel-opment of socialist democracy,andis building a socialist country underthe rule of law.All of this is to pro-mote the human rights cause of theChinese people."More and more at-  相似文献   

<正>April 20 marked the fifth anniversary of Mercure Beijing Downtown,a member of the Accor Group.Our hotel has always attached great significance to the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility as a way to express our gratitude to our supporters by giving back to society.As a company grows,it needs to contribute more to charity.Therefore,on April 18,a group of 17 managers,led by Ma Xiaojun,General Manager of Mercure Beijing Downtown,visited a care center for disabled  相似文献   

Near ISIS threat     
<正>Islamic State of Irap and al-Sham seeks to extend its presence to Central Asia and beyond the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham(ISIS),although currently limited to fighting in north Iraq and east Syria,has managed to gain the support of Muslim extremists from across the world—igniting a trend that threatens to expand their jihad outside the confines of the war-torn Middle East.  相似文献   

<正>In order to gradually build a theoretical system of human rights with Chinese characteristics that conforms to the development of the times through rigorous academic research,researchers need to break through the basic thinking tendency of"from idea to idea"step by step and finally establish the fundamental research orientation of"specifying human rights stud-  相似文献   

赵树坤  余庆  CHANG Guohua 《人权》2023,(2):422-443
To defend the explanatory power of the choice theory of rights, choice theorists have put forward the impossibility theorem,the proposition of moral priority, and the redundancy theory of rights to deny the existence of inalienable rights. However, the impossibility theorem confuses power and privilege and breaks through basic legal relations; the proposition of moral priority shifts from the importance of rights to the absoluteness of rights by refusing to recognize the “threshold” of rights; t...  相似文献   

Desert Groove     
<正>From the far southern reaches of the Sahara,a musical trio brings Tuareg culture to China Born to a family of blacksmiths in the city of Agadez,on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert in Niger,nothing predestined Goumour Omar Adam to become a musician.In fact,his journey into music was  相似文献   

<正>China plans to increase resource tax to curb waste,but the plans raise fears of inflation After a year of experimental reform on the resource tax ratio in China’s western Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,the State Council announced on September 21 to add the method of levying the resource tax ratio by value to the existing practice of levying the ratio by volume only.  相似文献   

<正>China's economic growth has undergone significant change,shifting from one primarily dependent on investments and exports to one of consumption.According to figures from the National Bureau of Statistics,of the 7.7-percent GDP growth registered in the first quarter,more than half—or 55.5 percent—was due to consumption,while investment contributed 30.3 percent to growth.Net exports of goodsandservicesonlyaccountedfor14.2percent.  相似文献   

About Romania     
Geography, population and climateRomania is located in the geographic center of Europe. It neighbors to the East on the Republic of Moldova, the Ukraine, and the Black Sea; to the South on Bulgaria; to the South and South-East on Yugoslavia; to the West on Hungary; and to the North on the Ukraine.It stretches over 236,391 sq km, which ranks it 12th in Europe. 31% of Romania's surface is covered by mountains, 33% by hills and tablelands, and the rest of 36% by plains.The largest plain lies in the South,  相似文献   

<正>Consumption Boost The General Office of the State Council on April 25 unveiled guidelines to further tap into the country’s consumption potentiaL As part of measures to tackle short-term bottlenecks,large and medium-sized cities will build warehouses in their suburban areas to ensure the supply of daily necessities in case of emergencies.  相似文献   

<正>Li Daoyu,former Ambassador to the United States from 1993 to 1998,witnessed dramatic change in the aftermath of the end of Cold War,as well as ups and downs of China-U.S.relations.Li shared some memories of his ambassadorial posting with Beijing Review to shed light on the development of China-U.S.ties during his tenure.  相似文献   

<正>China’s Central Archives aspires to improve public access to information China is blessed with a long history,and for millenniums the people of China have used history as a mirror to learn from the past. An important part of the country’s history, all the archives of the Communist Party of China (CPC)  相似文献   

<正>In terms of craftsmanship and design of silver ornaments,silverwork in China reached maturity in the Ming Dynasty.The flourishing of the industry was due in large measure to the transfer of the Ming capital from Nanjing in the south to Beijing in the north,the move providing an opportunity for craftsmen from around China to exchange skills and give full rein to their talents.Furthermore,the wearing of silver ornaments became an important factor in everyday life,serving aesthetic and practical functions,and also as a reflection of the different beliefs of China's various ethnic groups.  相似文献   

bai quanmin 《人权》2006,5(5):28-29
China protects human rights of detainees in the entire process of the judicial system, from the making of law, to the administration of justice, law enforcement and legal supervision. According to China's Constitution, detainees enjoy the following political rights: 1. All the rights that have not been deprived of just like ordinary citizens, including the right of voting, the right to speech and publication; the right to human dignity and non-humili-  相似文献   

<正>Representatives from nearly 200 countries and regions have gathered in Durban,South Africa,for the 17th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 7th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.The meeting is the follow-up conference to tacklin  相似文献   

<正>Four previously closed-off sections of the Palace Museum were opened to the public on October 11,bringing the total accessible area of the emperor’s previous residence up to 65percent from 52 percent.Baoyunlou,or the Hall of Embodied Treasures,was built to store cultural relics.Its  相似文献   

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