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New members of the CPPCC,China's top advisory body,are submitting thousands of proposals for the government to consider  相似文献   

A 6-year-old girl recently died due to the bite of a Tibetan mastiff in Dalian, in northeast China’s Liaoning Province. One month before, an elderly man was also bitten to death by two fierce dogs while he was doing morning exercises in Zunyi, southwest China’s Guizhou Province. In May, five people were attacked by Tibetan mastiffs in Beijing. In response to a series of recent dog-related incidents, Beijing police have launched a citywide crackdown on large and dangerous dogs. A rule by the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau bans dogs 35 cm in height or taller and 41 breeds identified as violent. Dog owners who breach the rule will be fined 5,000 yuan ($813), while  相似文献   

正As always,the essay topics in the Chinese language test in this year's national college entrance examination soon became a hot topic for discussion after the two-day exam,commonly known as gaokao,finished in early June.This time,however,debates have been more heated than in the past,largely because this year marks the 40th anniver-  相似文献   

Authorities in Beijing began imposing fines on non-motor vehicles and pedestrians that defy red lights on May 6.The first to run red lights,particularly those who do not cooperate with traffic policemen,will be fined 10 yuan($1.54).  相似文献   

Imagining a future beyond the superpower paradigm Since the end of the Cold War in the late 1980s and early 1990s, it is widely accepted that the United States has been the world’s sole superpower. This is based on two indisputable facts.The first is the size of its economy, which has been utterly dominant over this period and constitutes approximately a quarter of global GDP. The second is the size  相似文献   

<正>The Ministry of Commerce(MOFCOM)issued on January 9 the 13th Five-Year Plan(2016-20)for the Development of Foreign Trade,which requires the vigorous fostering of transnational corporations.In recent years, cases such as Geely purchasing Volvo,Midea purchasing Kuka and Wanda purchasing Legendary Pictures indicate Chinese businesses’rising enthusiasm for outbound investment,and crossborder mergers have become one of the  相似文献   

正In June 2011,a social welfare institute of Shijiazhuang,capital city of north China's Hebei Province,built a special room,named safety island, outside the gate of the institute to receive abandoned babies.By doing so,the organization hopes to protect abandoned babies and save their lives.According to the institute,the special room is equipped with incubators and exhaust  相似文献   

<正>Responding to the recent frenetic rise in house prices,the Central Government in January announced eight new regulations  相似文献   

正Beginning in July,the Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce will take tough measures against shops that continue to sell substandard non-motor electric vehicles,and in serious cases,distributors will have their licenses taken away.This came after local quality watchdogs,  相似文献   

THEThreeGorgesProjectontheYangtzeRiveristhelargestwaterconservancyprojectintheworld.Whenitiscompletedin2009,thereservoirwil...  相似文献   

In March 2012, the Capital Library Alliance was established in Beijing. Since its foundation, 34 university libraries, including the prestigious Peking University and Tsinghua University, will be gradually open to the public. Readers in Beijing will need just one simple library card to borrow books from over 60 libraries, which will soon be expanded to around 100.  相似文献   

PEOPLE all over the world love their homes anddesire a happy family life.Chinese people are no dif-ferent, but have the enviable capacity to place and arrange their homes in a manner that guarantees auspiciousness for the whole family. This know-how is based on the art or science of fengshui.Fengshui became a generally known term in the West around 20 years ago. Today it is a source of fascination to thousands, as may be  相似文献   

正Online voting through We Chat or QQ is nothing new in China,but these social media platforms are being increasingly used by parents to solicit votes for their children in various contests.The educational authorities in southeast China’s Zhejiang Province recently issued a notice to discourage the use of chat groups by schools to solicit votes.All online voting related to  相似文献   

正Given that a large number of people who go to bookstores do not buy books,but only go to read books and use bookstores as free libraries,some Chinese bookstores have begun to charge an admission fee.A bookstore in Shijiazhuang,north China's Hebei Province,began to charge a 20-yuan($2.89)admission fee as of September 18.If a customer ends up buying a book,the 20-yuan ticket can be used as a coupon.In addition,once a ticket is bought,  相似文献   

Two days after the earthquake that devastated Sichuan Province,Beijing Review reporter Li Li interviewed Shi Peijun,a member of the expert panel of the National Disaster Reduction Committee under the State Council,which is China's top government think tank on disaster relief, about post-earthquake relief efforts  相似文献   

The full development of socialist democ- racy is a major issue in China’s moderniza- tion, and its continuous improvement is the fundamental task of the ruling party. As the building of political democracy progresses, elections do not equate to democracy…  相似文献   

During rush hour, urban residents, especially those in a metropolis, all face the same problem—taking a cab. In bad weather, the problem escalates. To name but two, some taxi drivers refuse to carry passengers when the traffic is heavy or in extreme weather. Numerous complaints on the issue have sprung up recently.  相似文献   

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