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The Urban Best Practices Area (UBPA) of the World Expo in Shanghai aims to introduce various ongoing practices designed to improve the quality of urban life as global urbanization increases,and provide a platform for all the cities of the world to share and exchange experiences in urban management and development.  相似文献   

Manhattan's Conde Nast Building is a 48-story skyscraper whose solar cells and gas-powered solid fuel cells supply 10 percent of its annual power needs. The 53-story Commerzbank Head- quarters in Frankfurt is a spike-shaped tower with a number of sky gardens, which provides a communal space for its employees and customers. A structure with no definable shape, the City Hall of London, designed by Foster & Partners, requires merely 25 percent of the energy used in compa- rable modern office …  相似文献   

AUSTRALIAN Chantelle Newbery, the 10-meter platform diving gold medal winner at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, was very excited when she received the medal and let a reporter in on a secret. "I would not have won this gold medal had I not been trained by my coach Wang Tongxiang over the past nine years. Diving is not an advantageous event for Australia, and it is all because of my coach Wang's hard work that I'm able to win this gold medal. I am very grateful to him. Thank God that I was given the opportunity to be trained by such an excellent and outstanding coach," she said.  相似文献   

Around Nanjing     
Suzhou: One of the most famous tourist cities in Jiangsu Province, 219 kilometers from Nanjing. The classic gardens enjoy great renown at home and abroad. The largest among them is Zhuozhengyuan (Humble Administrator's Garden), which is atthe same time a World Cultural Heritage site.  相似文献   

中共中央对外联络部和中共新疆维吾尔自治区委员会22日在乌鲁木齐市共同举办“中国共产党的故事”新疆专题宣介会。会议召开之际,80多个国家的190多个政党或组织,包括来自伊斯兰国家的100多个政党或组织,共310多名政党政要和知名人士,围绕“为了人民的美好生活”这一主题,进行了深入交流沟通并达成广泛共识。各方一致认为,为了最广大民众过上更加美好的生活,是各国政党的共同目标和责任。各国政党应以增进人民福祉为使命,努力提升民众的获得感、幸福感、安全感。  相似文献   

What Goes Around     
<正>The West caught in contradiction as it turns up pressure on Iranian nuclear program it once supported Claims from Western countries that Iran would become a nuclear-armed state have been around since 2004. In the meantime, there have been constant predictions of a military  相似文献   

正An impoverished autonomous prefecture in northwest China fights to eradicate poverty In Guanghe,a county in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province in northwest China,piles of silage-what local people call the bread for cattle and sheepare scattered in the fields.The silage is made by smashing and mixing corn and cornstalks that have been preserved through acidification and fermentation.  相似文献   

银行业发展的出路:金融控股公司化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国加入WTO,我国银行业的开放被提到了议事日程,虽然有5年向外资银行开放在华业务的“缓冲期”,但伴随着近期南京爱立信“倒戈”,将贷款从中资银行转到花旗银行,更是将这种来自外资银行冲击的影响提前了。从实际情况看,我国的银行业将很难抵挡外国同行的挑战与竞争,将会以独资或合资的形式出现在我们面前的大批外资银行大多是“全能型”的企业,其业务范围涉及银行、保险、证券和信托投资等多个方面,这种“全能型”经营模式通过一体化经营,可以实现降低成本、提高效率和优化资源配置等规模经济和范围经济效应。事实上,我…  相似文献   

<正>Banking regulator keeps a watchful eye on Chinese banks to fend off threats as their credit ratings come into question Intermational credit rating agency Fitch Ratings warned 16 Chinese banks of  相似文献   

正A debate is heating up about the windfall profits of China’s banking industry.A number of commercial banks including China Minsheng Banking Corp.Ltd.and the Huaxia Bank Co. Ltd.recently released their financial results for 2011,and most of them reported year-onyear profit growth ofaround 50 percent.  相似文献   

THE number of motor vehicles in Beijing hit 3.2 million in February this year - almost double the figure of late 2001. Despite the municipal government having spent some RMB 110 billion on improving traffic systems since Beijing was announced as the host city for the 2008 Olympics, an average day still sees chronic congestion in the capital. In August, hundreds of thousands of athletes, coaches, sports officials, media personnel and tourists will flood into Beijing, placing even more pressure on the city and potentially creating a major headache for residents as well as the government.  相似文献   

银行作为企业生产经营活动的资金提供者,在对贷款进行监管的过程中有条件获悉企业的环境状况,在这种情况下,银行是否能在向企业提供贷款的过程中承担起一定的环境审查义务,以减少甚至杜绝企业污染事故的发生呢?如果这样的环境审查义务可以确立,那么,如何适用这一义务才能既达到避免污染、保护环境的目的,又不至于给银行造成过重的负担呢?对这些问题的思考,即构成了写作本文的动因.  相似文献   

周世兴  马桂琴 《理论月刊》2003,42(12):28-30
促进人的全面发展是马克思主义关于建设社会主义新社会的本质要求,也是全面建设小康社会的本质要求。全面建设小康社会是促进人的全面发展的根本途径,不仅为人的全面发展创造充分条件和开辟广阔道路,还赋予人的全面发展以崭新内容。要在全面建设小康社会的历史进程中促进人的全面发展,并在实践中把握、处理好几个重要关系。  相似文献   

The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission(CBIRC)'s nod to the Jiangxi Yumin Bank makes it the first private bank in eastern Jiangxi Province and the 18th private bank in China.  相似文献   

林兢 《中国发展》2002,(1):25-27
本文分析了现行的国民经济核算体系存在的缺陷,介绍了世界银行的改革方案,在此基础上提出建立银行环境会计的设想.  相似文献   

体育传播与国家形象塑造   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
国家形象是国家最重要的无形资产,是国家最为宝贵的精神资源。国家形象是国家文化上的自我整合和精神上的自我肯定。国家形象是国家现实与国家愿望的有效综合,是对国家愿望的有力回应。如今,体育传播与国家形象有着密切的联系。体育作为一种“世界语言”,借助它的影响,可以全方位、立体化地展示国家的精神与形象。2008年北京奥运会将成为展示中华民族悠久传统文化、良好精神风貌和道德水准的契机,是展示我国国家形象的大好机会。  相似文献   

<正>Chinese models still have a long way to go A Chinese debutante garnered most of the limelight at the annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show in New York in November last year. He Sui, a newcomer to the modeling world, was the focus of many photographers as the dark haired beauty walked down the runway in a mermaid inspired ensemble.He was followed by another Chinese  相似文献   

UN peacekeeping operations are indispensible to world peace and stability The UN, primar- ily a collective security tool for mankind, can be distinguished from  相似文献   

随着中国经济逐渐融入世界,我国的银行业也具备了走向世界的必要性,我国银行业发展的历史和现实趋势使之具有走向世界的可能性.在新的历史条件下,我国银行业应克服发展中的缺陷,发挥自身的优势,在国际竞争中发展壮大自己,为世界经济发展服务.  相似文献   

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