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执法权与行政权辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
执法权与行政权是国家权力体系中非常重要的两种权力,它们既有共性与部分的重合,又有各自的特点与运作范围,它们运作的科学性、公正性与否,与每个公民的切身利益密切相关.随着我国政治体制改革的逐渐深化,执法体制与行政体制的改革已势在必行,有必要首先在理论上廓清两者的界限,对两种权力的性质、特点及其概念的使用进行系统分析,为执法体制、行政体制的改革作好充分的理论铺垫.  相似文献   

无论在理论视角,还是在实践层面,权力制约和权力监督普遍存在混同混用的现象,明显制约了理论创新和制度供给,当然也凸显了简要区分二者的必要性。二者皆出于控制权力的需要,在词源上已存在双向性和单向性、主体间性和主客间性的差异,自然能够衍生出以下区别:在主体构成上,制约主体具有体制内的确定性和稳定性,监督主体在体制内外皆有明显的易变性;在作用机制上,权力制约主要由体制内力量通过制度设计发挥相互制衡的作用,而权力监督则是多元主体在批判和查处中规范权力运行;在作用时效上,权力制约主要在前车之鉴中创新制度设计,防患未然,具有明显的前瞻性,权力监督则以批评或查处减少或挽回损失,具有相应的滞后性。当然,只有对二者的差异性秉持相对化而非绝对化的理解,才能精准发挥各自特长,共同发掘其规范权力运行的潜能。  相似文献   

W. W. Rostow 《Society》1981,18(4):10-15

《The Political quarterly》1996,67(4):287-289

James Doyle 《政治学》1998,18(1):49-56
In a recent article in this journal ( Politics Vol. 17 No. 1), Colin Hay rethinks the radical conception of power developed by Steven Lukes. Hay argues that the failure to keep analytical and normative questions distinct means that Lukes mistakenly conflates the identification and critique of power relations. To circumvent this problem, Hay redefines the concept in terms which remove normative questions from the analysis of power. In this article, the contention is that the definition proposed by Hay does not meet his objective. It is argued that, contrary to Hay and other critics, the radical conception of power can be made to work within the terms originally articulated by Lukes.  相似文献   

刘江 《行政论坛》2011,18(3):13-17
由于互联网等新媒体传播技术的迅猛发展,开创了信息大众传播时代,民众得以参与信息的传播和制造。由此,在公共领域也形成了一种以"大众"为主体,通过大流量信息的传播和发酵而支配事件的结局,通过众多人群的集体关注和议论形成强大势力而强制相关方服从的势力,这种势力可称为"大众权力"。而"大众权力"具有无法定性、无组织性、无代表性和不受限性等特点,可能会出现"虚假民意"或产生"多数人暴力"等负面效应。基于权力制衡的原则,面对严重异化的公权力,大众权力的崛起可以视作是对权力的有效监督和制衡。  相似文献   

司法权是法官在个案中行使的以裁判权为重心的权力,法律解释权是法官在个案中行使的对所适用的法律和所要处理的案件事实进行解释的权力,法律解释权属于司法权的一部分。司法权与法律解释权是同一种性质的权力,二者有许多相同之处。但法律解释权是一种相对独立存在的权力,它与司法权有一定的区别。厘清二者的关系,才能正确适用法律,保证司法公正。  相似文献   

McGarry, J. and O'Leary, B. (2004) The Northern Ireland Conflict: Consociational Engagements . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Roeder, P. G. and Rothchild, D. (2005) Sustainable Peace: Power and Democracy after Civil Wars . Ithaca NY and London: Cornell University Press.
O'Leary, B., McGarry, J. and Salih, K. (2005) The Future of Kurdistan in Iraq . Philadelphia PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.  相似文献   

The article focuses on Lukes' treatment of the relation between power and responsibility. By attempting to draw a sharp distinction between power and structural constraint, I argue, Lukes unnecessarily excludes from his analysis a wide range of significant and inegalitarian social constraints on freedom. The article defends a more structural approach to the study of power, one that employs democratic evaluative standards. Power relations are more or less legitimate, by this view, depending on the extent to which they enable the people they affect to help shape and reshape them. Contra Lukes' claim that structural approaches are incapable of accounting for the relationship between power and responsibility, I argue that they are fully compatible with theories of political responsibility. Even if no identifiable agent or agents can be held morally responsible for creating a given relation of domination, those actors whose actions helped produce that relationship are obligated to attempt to understand and to change it.  相似文献   

现代法治的核心是制约国家权力,保障公民权利。建立在市场经济基础之上的法治政府必然要求规范、限制警察权,从而最大限度地保障公民权。随着传统体制向社会主义市场经济的转型,我国当前警察权力结构体系中与建设法治政府目标不协调的方面日益凸显。因此,从对警察权的规制入手,探讨以建立社会主义民主法治为目的、以市场经济要求为导向的警察权的重新构建就显得非常重要。  相似文献   

This paper is an initial attempt to link the concepts of human rights and power from a social constructionist perspective. It looks at aspects of the social history of natural and human rights and the relationship of this history to extant power relations. It suggests that conceptions of human rights have both challenged and sustained particular forms of power, thus playing a highly ambivalent role. The paper also examines and criticises the philosophical underpinnings of liberal and marxist approaches to the concept of human rights. In a concluding section it considers the possibility of constructing a power analysis which might provide a way of anchoring the concept of human rights in social practices.  相似文献   

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